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Open Tea Chat: What is Evil?

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 3:41 pm
by windyjune
January 22nd- Open chat: What is Evil?

This discussion was initially an open tea chat which turned into a more focused discussion on evil and what it is after the first few topics. The part that begins discussing evil during the tea chat is marked for anyone that wants to skip it. Since it has possible triggers, I would caution anyone who is uncomfortable with this topic to be aware that it may delve into areas that may be unnerving.

World Shattering Moments and Growth

There can be moments in our lives where everything is cracking and shattering around us and although it may seem horrible; these times can also prove to be a period of incredible growth. Akelta thought after the first one the second time would be easier, but that wasn’t the case. If anything, it makes sense that it still is just as intense otherwise it wouldn’t be considered the second time. Akelta ended up having a moment of clarity and truth that when these things happen, she just has to let go. In this second time of shattering she learned to trust that everything she needs will be there once she gets to the other side. As the more into the darkness you push the greater the transformation and the greater the potential to rise from that will be.

When you’re moving through life and you want changes or changes need to happen to your pattern of beliefs and energies to move towards the life you want to lead these moments of shattering can occur. As these moments of breaking allow us to go down a new path and, in a way, helps direct our choices and outcomes as we’ll experience many things since the energies are taking and guiding us. Often times if you’re walking down a destructive path what ends up happening is, you’ll reach a critical point where that reality shatters. Now sometimes you’re going down a path and you might not even know you’re reaching a critical point because everything may seem great. Sometimes since it all seems so wonderful you start stagnating and are not growing additionally if you’re on self-destructive path and want to enter a path of growth you’re going to reach this point. These critical points aren’t only limited to self-destructive paths, but as mentioned life could seem great and it all gets destroyed. This happens because your intentions of where you want to go versus where you’re going are misaligned.

Even if you think you’re going in the right direction you might not be. Thus, in order to get on back on track you have to have everything destroyed. If you had everything you wanted, you wouldn’t try to manifest it. These corrections need to take place and crack your world for you to get on the right path for those desires and the growth needed. The worst things that could happen can lead to profound moments of growth and getting on the right track. When it first happened to Akelta she resisted it for months and that was why it took so long for her to make the shift. With this second time she simply let go and said alright here we go, and it’s been eye opening for her. She let go and by trusting it’ll all turn out okay it turned into a different experience from the first time where she resisted. It’s been a journey and a time of growth for her.

ISW vs. OSW Growth

When comparing the inner spiritual world (ISW) and the outer spiritual world (OSW) experiences it’s another interesting distinction. In the ISW all bad things can lead to growth while in the OSW the energies are different, so some things don’t lead to growth. Some things just lead to ruin. That’s why the consequences are so high out there in the OSW, as there also isn’t the interconnectedness that exists in the ISW for the growth to happen. We can use all our negative experiences here to grow while over there, there are many places where you may find yourself that can lead you to horrible places.

King Belial and the beings we work with can be very good in helping initiate these types of experiences. In our lives here there is the element of growth and learning lessons. One of the aspects of the ISW is we come here to learn lessons, experience things and rise from it all from the challenges. Every opportunity thrown our way we have the chance to rise from it. We all have the chance to embrace the energies and allow them to transform, alter and harden us. It’s all these different paths and journeys into our own soul that can initiate these things that allow us to get in touch with who we are and awaken the diverse energies. We can step into our power and rise from it. We can embrace the core power inside of us and use it to push us to where we want to go. It’s interesting how the world is set up in that way.

Sacred Geometry

Sacred geometry is a massive topic. It’s geometry that’s connected to the universe, to the sacred trees that is encoded in all of us. The vibrational frequencies that move through the universe. It’s how it all works together, the mathematical frequency of the universe and how we interact with different energies and particles. It’s how the spiritual world is structured in comparison to the physical. There is so much there to explore.

To begin working and exploring within this field you can meditate on the different symbols of sacred geometry. Each symbol unlocks different aspects within the universe, and we can use them to unlock different regions of energy as well. It opens us up to energy and to different information that contains knowledge that we can unlock and integrate into our life. Doing this can help alter our energies and teach us to navigate the astral world, to teach us to ascend to different planes, or how to navigate energy pockets within the spiritual world- there’s a huge educational component. You can use sacred geometry to fill your chakras, charge your energies, open up to different healing energies, and more as there are so many different ways. It’s a huge topic that will need time to fully delve into it.

*** TRIGGER WARNING *** the next section focuses on the topic of evil so it may bring out uncomfortable feelings or triggers so please be aware if you choose to read ahead.

What is Evil?

What is evil? Well that depends on your definition of evil. To say there is no evil, there is one. In order to accept that everything is there you have to accept that there are concepts of good and evil. They move throughout society and things. If you look at society and how we move through this world we inherently know there are things we shouldn’t do, things that are inherently wrong and things that can damage other people. A narcissistic parent for example that tells their child is scum throughout their life that can be seen as an act of evil as it’s a terrible thing to do to a child.

We have an innate aspect within us (we know), there’s a difference where we can go into sophisticated evilness and more simplistic primal darkness. For instance, there are things that people do from instinct. Assigning awareness to actions like when someone is aware of what they do and choose to do it anyway when they know of what it will cause. When someone is acting on instinct like if we were to look at animals, sea otters specifically are considered rapists of the sea they are acting on their innate instinct. However, when you have someone who is a pedophile or someone who hurts children for pleasure there is a consciousness to that. When Akelta grew up she knew hackers and people who understood the dark web and when you know what’s on there some of it is so horrific it’ll turn your blood cold.

If you have seen women that were in the sex trade since they were children, they are often so broken and conditioned, it’s absolutely horrific. They’ve been so beaten down. The people doing this to others are often doing it because they want to. When you start to look deeper into these aspects of the world there is so much hurt and suffering, torture and torment and it goes deeper and doesn’t stop. It’s an endless well and that’s part of it, it just keeps going.

We are shielded from evil energies and protected by our society yet there are evils committed that are so unimaginable that it disturbs the soul when it hits you on that level. There are many different layers to it. Exploring evil is a fascinating thing but there is an evil. If there wasn’t, we wouldn’t have an understanding of darkness because we wouldn’t have anything to bounce what the different frequencies are. It gets into different mindsets and perspectives. There are things that damage us and things that will maliciously damage us. When you expose yourself for instance to the essence of the dark web that’s a completely different layer and it sinks you into the energy into an eternal well where one keeps going down and down. You start to understand the concept of evil and why it’s evil.

Evil can be quite sophisticated and layered. There are paths that can push someone into the realm of evil and into evil intention where someone pushes themselves into more and more evil. As someone does this it alters and changes them; they become more destructive, more sinister and twisted. There are paths designed for it. When someone is acting out in instinct that is primal and not evil it is a different distinction. Evil is when you have the skill and knowledge of what you intend to do and you choose to explore it deeper and push into these areas becoming more sinister and extracting more harm onto others. That power is driven by the pain and suffering of others even more so the deeper they go into it. As they go further into this place, they become more sophisticated in knowledge of what they’re doing.

Further Explanation on Evil in History

Josef Mengele also known as the Angel of Death knew what he was doing for instance and he took delight in what he was doing to others and in their pain. He pushed deeper and deeper into it. Akelta is going to say some names and says to notice your reaction to it. Look at names like Josef Mengele, Donald Trump, Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein what do all these names evoke within you? She picked these names as many people will refer to these names as evil however what do you take from them?

To commit an evil act is to continue doing it and explore it as Mengele did. There are people that get aroused and get a rise from the destruction of others. To say they are not evil already means you have judgement towards evil being a moral wrong. Instead of a non-judgmental perspective of this is evil and this is dark, and this is evil in darkness when you look at something as a spectrum why shy away from the idea that evil exists? Because it means there is judgement that something is wrong.

When you look at the period when Stalin entered Berlin they raped and murdered the women. It becomes interesting at that level because when you start having to justify one evil with another then you get an interesting place. What they did wasn’t good and was unbalanced. Akelta had family members that went through it and knows it was bloody and brutal. Why is it that when some people have power, they choose to do good things and others choose to do bad? These are the questions to explore.

Another member brought up if Genghis Khan and whether he can be seen as a monster since despite cruel acts he also brought stability and peace as well as “upgrades”. Regarding that Akelta says it’s up for interpretation. If you want to get technical Hitler also accelerated our technologies and our animal rights laws by centuries, however Akelta will still say that everything that happened to the people in the concentration camps was a form of evil. This becomes a question of do the ends justify the means, which becomes dangerous grounds if you say it does.

It becomes different when you become the victim and you were the one that was hurt and being subjected to these things. That’s when you can truly start to have a perspective on it, to just sit here and go that wasn’t so bad is different entirely. Genghis Khan is also much more removed historically than Hitler is in time. So, would people closer to that timeline say the same thing? As we can say Hitler was a monster who killed a lot of people but are we having the debate on Genghis Khan because it was many centuries ago?

Regarding ancient warriors training Akelta thinks it was more cultural in what they did, it was what they were trained to do. That is what she means when she says understanding you are doing wrong versus not knowing. If you know that you’re doing wrong, and you do it anyway because you get a rise from it that’s different. It can change depending on the culture. For instance, looking back at Mengele he enjoyed what he was doing and enjoyed watching the suffering. Ancient warriors on the other hand more likely were in a survival state and wanted to defend themselves and their homeland.

When you are met with that mindset of survival it’s different than a conscious evolved awareness of committing an atrocious act this is where the different perspectives come in. If you are an ancient warrior if you have people coming to your house to destroy you and your kids yea you will rise up and defend them. When you’re taught to be on guard and defend you are doing it to protect your family. An interesting component of war in the past is the concept of men that would go to war and would rape and pillage only to return home and warn their daughters and wives of other men who rape and pillage. If you’re in a battle how many times has someone slain someone and then after mourned saying “I’m sorry I had to kill you” and wonder if they had a family, but they were doing it to survive. There are so many different angles to look at it.

People going crazy to protect their kids?

Defense is different than a sadistic act. It’s different than seeking sadistic acts for the satisfaction of doing it. There was a doctor Akelta read about that was a psychopath and would kill his patients and get aroused by telling parents that they were dead- these sorts of acts. He was under the guise of being a doctor and helping but actually killed his patients and got aroused from watching others breakdown and suffer in emotion. This is where you get into the layers of evil. It’s very layered.

When you have children and exposed to it your perspective changes. A lot of people don’t have that perspective because they haven’t done it and to do these things is completely different than pondering the philosophy of it. That’s one thing that changed for Akelta is the knowing that her kids could die; she cannot begin to describe how it changed her. It woke something up within her and gave her an incredible perspective on this world. There were moments in her life of awakening and clarity, and this was one of them. When you are younger you don’t think about death as old age feels far away and then you start to realize your own mortality as well as those close to you like your child. That is what changed her perspective a lot.

Akelta can understand it more by looking at the different layers of things, she heard stories from her grandparents as they fought for Germany in World War II but they had no idea what was being done to the Jewish people and they would have been horrified. This topic isn’t so black and white yet there are things that are evil because the path of evil is real. It’s one of the paths of darkness.

OSW and Suffering

Especially when you get to the OSW you start to push into layers where the damage, destruction and malicious intent is so profound and intense we can’t even imagine it here. Akelta has tried to put it into perspective but our 3D minds don’t have the capacity to understand it on that level. She has to do what she calls her separation technique into a higher plane to begin to comprehend it and from there she downloads the information and begins to explore it. We are in the 3rd dimension and 4th dimension time however Akelta counts that there are 13 dimensions if you count the swirls within the universe. However out there are more dimensions and consequences, and more experiences and paths one can walk in comparison to here. It’s a more complex version in the OSW than what we have here.

Within the OSW you can get into areas were the energies become very corrosive and toxic. There are things that also survive and thrive there. The same act with different intentions like animal instinct versus evil is what can be argued to set it apart. If an animal rips a baby to shreds that’s an instinct in feeding, but if someone does it maliciously with intent and enjoys the suffering of the individual and gets pleasure from it there’s an evil essence there.

The work that Akelta has done with Lord Svengali is that he knows what he is doing, and he gets great delight in dismembering and destruction. That is part of the fun for him, the mindset is about falling into ruin and destruction. The Lord Svengali that Akelta has worked with doesn’t want to help anyone at all and it doesn’t make him happy. What makes him happy is seeing people fall and suffer, it’s the suffering that is most pleasurable and it’s not the type of suffering that is helpful.

The OSW suffering is pure suffering which is what Akelta thinks that Mengele was trying to create here. If you look at interviews of people who talk about him, he was so twisted and engrossed in his acts as he saw them as nothing more than objects. In the ISW there are layers so any negative experience can lead you to growth but within the OSW there are paths where you shatter and that’s it. There are paths where you become subservient and a slave where you don’t even want to talk.

There are different aspects of Svengali; there is the OSW one, one under Svengali that is part of the Qliphoth and there’s the demonic divine essence version of him. The one in the OSW doesn’t like woman at all and that’s another component when there is a complete dislike of members of other genders. There are so many different layers. Akelta thinks that Lord Svengali is worse than Mengele because he has the capacity to do worse crimes and he could push things further and go deeper into it.

Can evil warp you?

From here in our world no, we can redeem ourselves but, in the OSW, yes. In the OSW you can go so far you won’t come back from it but in this world with reincarnation and with our other lives there is a chance. You can push yourself into redemption and can push forward in paths of redemption. In the ISW there is always that possibility. For instance, there were also Nazi hunters who hunted those that were not put to justice. Thus, they took it on themselves to do so to make sure they were brought to justice. Some people that guarded the concentration camps however had absolutely no remorse. Akelta watched one documentary where one Nazi guard said he thought they were wasting bullets on the Jewish people and they should of just laid them all down and ran them over with the tanks. For someone to get to that level, to remove themselves and see all those people as nothing you get to a point.

Education and experience being the best defense?

Sometimes you have to actually live it. Fear cannot be read or prepared for in a book. This is why many of the soldiers that come back from war have PTSD because it changes your brain when you experience and live it. When it isn’t happening to us, we often try to debate it intellectually but having the experiences is a different story. There is a depth you can push into in these experiences to understand it. A lot of things Akelta went through she initially thought she could handle but when she did experience it, it was completely different.

In the OSW there are consequences and it has more of a spectrum than here. There are different layers of PTSD out there. They also have a different training system for their military. Ours are broken to follow orders and theirs have a different way of doing it as it would be so easy to fall to PTSD there especially if they were trained how they are here. They need to take strict precautions and it’s not just PTSD it’s many other things too. Everything we have here it’s more extreme out there, there’s a larger spectrum.

Spiritual vs physical experiences?

There’s a huge difference between them. It’s not the same as experiencing things physically. Akelta knows this because even how she thought about things as a teenager versus when she gave birth changed so much. She couldn’t even fathom it. The dangerous or terrifying moments in her life changed her in a way that even when she experienced them spiritually it was entirely different than when she experienced them in real life. Akelta has had traumatic things happen to her friends and she recreated them spiritually to see how it altered things but it’s still different from experiencing it with the physical body.

Spiritually and astrally you can come back to your body if you are experiencing these things while physically you can die. There is a reality but there is also where you don’t have to experience the same consequences from the spiritual to physical. Since our focal point is our physical body while we here so when we go into the spiritual world because we are not in a state where we are experiencing the consequences of what it’s like to be in a physical body we aren’t getting the full spectrum of consequences of what it’s like to be in our astral or spiritual bodies. There is consequence in the spiritual world and there are worse consequences in the OSW than here but because of where we are our perspective is different towards this.

When you experience trauma in the flesh it’s on another level as well as when you push into these areas. Many people have fantasies but when you start pushing them into reality that’s when it becomes dangerous. For instance, how many people can even imagine and understand what Mengele did, or to even be in the same room and doing it. Akelta wanted to protect her child simply when he had blood taken and he cried, but to truly go through with what he was doing is a whole other story. That’s why this path of evil- the dark web, and dark side of humanity and experiencing and seeing the reality and how it influences and destroys people is different. Understanding the perspective of people who do it to them is another completely different journey. It’s a journey that warps and changes the mind. It twists things and changes your perspective.

You can heal from these experiences and come back. The people that have these things happen to them even if they experience a transformation of the self and heal, they haven’t changed back to who they were before it all occurred. These experiences can impact people on such a profound and horrific way that it changes them. You can rise and heal from trauma, but it doesn’t mean it didn’t affect you nor does it mean that the person who did it was right.

Mob Mentality

We are a social species, so we try to stay within our social groups and mob mentality does form among humans. If a group you are part of does something the impulse of others is to go with the group. Akelta never fully had that because she was more of a loner and an outcast however many people will follow what is trendy in the moment for example. We can also observe that there is an innate hatred that can be seen going through people towards other groups. Many people don’t think for themselves but rather go with what’s popular then.

A memory Akelta has of mob mentality was when she was at camp around 12-13 years old and during that time a girl came out as a lesbian. By doing so she became bullied and an outcast; Akelta was the only one who would still be her friend. One of the cabin girls who condemned Akelta’s friend and bullied her for coming out years later posted herself as an LGBTQ ally on the internet yet when she had the chance, she didn’t stand up for the girl that came out. That is Akelta’s issue with so many things are that people follow it because of a trend rather than truly believe in it. People’s desire to fit in will sometimes override all sense of reason or rationality or what’s right and some will even hurt others to fit in like what happened to Akelta’s friend at camp. It went from everyone as a group being friends until the girl came out and all the other girls condemned her and so it was just Akelta and her because no one else wanted to be her partner in activities. It was an eye-opening experience for Akelta.

Mob mentality is an interesting topic as are these people also considered evil or are they going on instinct or with the group? How many of the guards in Auschwitz were truly evil? How many would go home at night to their own family, and that was their impulse to not want to question anything they saw. Akelta doesn’t think these people are truly evil but that they are debilitated by fear. Fear can make people do acts that are evil. What constitutes a person to get so sadistic and go evil is from a place where they are enjoying it and not out of fear.

There is definitely evil that exists, because it’s part of the layers of darkness and there are so paths of darkness it is one of them. There are so many different angles to look at with this topic.

The End.