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A very weird one..... dream? Nightmare?

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 6:20 pm
by WanhedaOfSanctum17
So.... I had a dream/nightmare the other night. I was running from this woman.... she was quite estranged. In the sense of like her hair was disheveled, and she had... really... really long fingernails. In reference, she looked like the witch from Left 4 Dead. Long fingernails, disheveled hair, and she was chasing after me. It was quite frightening, and intense.... very intense. I was running but it seemed like I couldn’t get away.

Re: A very weird one..... dream? Nightmare?

Posted: Mon May 17, 2021 12:02 pm
by SerenitySpells
ooooo I love dreams like this. To me that are a real insight into the mind, like the witch represents a part of you that feels out of sorts and not how it should be. It bothers you and torments you that you cannot runaway from it. So I say turn and face this issue head on and make that change.

Any ways thats my take on it. And I know you never actually asked for an interpretation etc. I just love analysing dreams.