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Re: The Demonic Enns

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2017 1:11 pm
by User1265455
Amaranthlovecharm wrote:Very nice, thank you! But do you have to sound it out aloud? It has to be chanted? I would rather much say it in my head ^^
Ok, so there's something about sound, when it's vibrated, that affects our brain waves. Sound, I'm sure you've experienced at some point, in the right way, can put you into an elevated state, can trance you, make you more receptive. Sound affects us emotionally, and affects us CHEMICALLY.

However - that being said... if you are already in that state, or if you can mimic the sounds mentally, there's no reason not to.

Brain scans of people imagining running, and people actually running, show no difference - you use the same muscles and the same parts of your brain...

The problem with visualization (and remembering a sound is a form of visualization, just with sound instead of sight) is that very few people have perfect recall. You can't just remember the sound. You have to visualize how it makes you feel, because sound is a vibration, so it will make you feel. You'll feel it in your muscles, skin, bones... but you will also feel the emotional impact of it. Always. So if you can visualize that perfectly, you're good to go.

One of the visualizations I teach my students, so that they UNDERSTAND what visualization is, is that I ask them to recall their shower. I ask them to relive it. What the tub feels like under their feet. What the water smells like. The feeling of the water as it trickles over their shoulders and down their front, the heat on their scalps. The smell of soap. The taste of water and soap, because scents have flavor, and honestly, sometimes you end up getting shampoo in your mouth, and water up your nose. Not every shower is perfect. I ask them to recall what they see when they close their eyes, and what they see with their eyes open. I ask them to remember the sound of the water, the shampoo bottles, the sound of the scrubby against their skin. I ask them what they're aware of, beyond sight, smell, taste, and touch.

In other words... I ask them to relive their shower. THAT is what visualization is supposed to be... and when you can do that, the power you are able to access, and what you can change with that power, is extraordinary.

So... there's no reason not to do the Enns in your head... BUT... you're going to want to have a reference for that. One that allows you to feel emotionally and physically, one that you can hear, one that you can truly experience. If you have that, you're good to go. :)


Re: The Demonic Enns

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2017 1:17 pm
by user1876
everybody is different ' I Would say when it comes to making Contact with Dark lords even chanting their Enn's ' I No longer have to chant their Enn's to make Contact , with them its possible to make Contact with them with out Chanting their Enn's are having them in ' The Same room with you just to Talk with them ' I Have done it this just ,My take on it

Re: The Demonic Enns

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2017 2:19 pm
by User1265455
velle wrote:everybody is different ' I Would say when it comes to making Contact with Dark lords even chanting their Enn's ' I No longer have to chant their Enn's to make Contact , with them its possible to make Contact with them with out Chanting their Enn's are having them in ' The Same room with you just to Talk with them ' I Have done it this just ,My take on it
I think the Enns are... guide posts. They help someone tune into the frequency of the demon they are trying to contact.

But... once you know that frequency, there's probably no need for them outside of ritual.

There is a difference between just having a conversation with someone, and formally inviting them into your space for the purpose of working together. I look at the Enns as a way to introduce yourselves to one another, but after that introduction, I look at the Enns as... a formal invitation to dinner, rather than an everyday phone chat or text message.

That's my take on them. YMMV - as with all things. :)

Re: The Demonic Enns

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2017 2:29 pm
by user1876
Nyctophilia Raven wrote:
velle wrote:everybody is different ' I Would say when it comes to making Contact with Dark lords even chanting their Enn's ' I No longer have to chant their Enn's to make Contact , with them its possible to make Contact with them with out Chanting their Enn's are having them in ' The Same room with you just to Talk with them ' I Have done it this just ,My take on it
I think the Enns are... guide posts. They help someone tune into the frequency of the demon they are trying to contact.

But... once you know that frequency, there's probably no need for them outside of ritual.

There is a difference between just having a conversation with someone, and formally inviting them into your space for the purpose of working together. I look at the Enns as a way to introduce yourselves to one another, but after that introduction, I look at the Enns as... a formal invitation to dinner, rather than an everyday phone chat or text message.

That's my take on them. YMMV - as with all things. :)' I Agree with you that it is a invitation to dinner its that important my point for bringing up making contact with DLs with out having them in . The room with you is because its Something that ' I Have done with a few Dark lords once you make a connection with them you

Don't always have to do a invocation of that DL You can talk with them by Telepathically that' how ' I Make contact with a few DLs after working with them long enough to have a Great Working relationship with them so again ' I agree with your Teaching on ENNS all ' I am saying is that saying their Enns is not Something that, I Do all the Time :D

Re: The Demonic Enns

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2017 4:26 pm
by Amaranth Rose
velle wrote:everybody is different ' I Would say when it comes to making Contact with Dark lords even chanting their Enn's ' I No longer have to chant their Enn's to make Contact , with them its possible to make Contact with them with out Chanting their Enn's are having them in ' The Same room with you just to Talk with them ' I Have done it this just ,My take on it
Nyctophilia Raven wrote:
Amaranthlovecharm wrote:Very nice, thank you! But do you have to sound it out aloud? It has to be chanted? I would rather much say it in my head ^^
Ok, so there's something about sound, when it's vibrated, that affects our brain waves. Sound, I'm sure you've experienced at some point, in the right way, can put you into an elevated state, can trance you, make you more receptive. Sound affects us emotionally, and affects us CHEMICALLY.

However - that being said... if you are already in that state, or if you can mimic the sounds mentally, there's no reason not to.

Brain scans of people imagining running, and people actually running, show no difference - you use the same muscles and the same parts of your brain...

The problem with visualization (and remembering a sound is a form of visualization, just with sound instead of sight) is that very few people have perfect recall. You can't just remember the sound. You have to visualize how it makes you feel, because sound is a vibration, so it will make you feel. You'll feel it in your muscles, skin, bones... but you will also feel the emotional impact of it. Always. So if you can visualize that perfectly, you're good to go.

One of the visualizations I teach my students, so that they UNDERSTAND what visualization is, is that I ask them to recall their shower. I ask them to relive it. What the tub feels like under their feet. What the water smells like. The feeling of the water as it trickles over their shoulders and down their front, the heat on their scalps. The smell of soap. The taste of water and soap, because scents have flavor, and honestly, sometimes you end up getting shampoo in your mouth, and water up your nose. Not every shower is perfect. I ask them to recall what they see when they close their eyes, and what they see with their eyes open. I ask them to remember the sound of the water, the shampoo bottles, the sound of the scrubby against their skin. I ask them what they're aware of, beyond sight, smell, taste, and touch.

In other words... I ask them to relive their shower. THAT is what visualization is supposed to be... and when you can do that, the power you are able to access, and what you can change with that power, is extraordinary.

So... there's no reason not to do the Enns in your head... BUT... you're going to want to have a reference for that. One that allows you to feel emotionally and physically, one that you can hear, one that you can truly experience. If you have that, you're good to go. :)

I see! Thanks Raven and Velle!! I'll keep that in mind. My problem is remembering chants and spells so I end up making things up on the fly. I would like to use the enns to properly and formally ask them out for dinner as you would say, but don't want anyone to hear me if there happens to be someone else in the house. ^^;; I live alone right now so there shouldn't be a problem, but years later when I start a family... You get the gist xD I practice in secret...

Thank you for the incredibly detailed explanation as always!

Re: The Demonic Enns

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2017 2:46 pm
by User1265455
velle wrote:I Agree with you that it is a invitation to dinner its that important my point for bringing up making contact with DLs with out having them in . The room with you is because its Something that ' I Have done with a few Dark lords once you make a connection with them you

Don't always have to do a invocation of that DL You can talk with them by Telepathically that' how ' I Make contact with a few DLs after working with them long enough to have a Great Working relationship with them so again ' I agree with your Teaching on ENNS all ' I am saying is that saying their Enns is not Something that, I Do all the Time :D
I don't use the Enns all the time, either. I mostly just reach out to them by name, once, as you say, I've made the connection and have developed a good working relationship with them. :)
Amaranthlovecharm wrote:I see! Thanks Raven and Velle!! I'll keep that in mind. My problem is remembering chants and spells so I end up making things up on the fly. I would like to use the enns to properly and formally ask them out for dinner as you would say, but don't want anyone to hear me if there happens to be someone else in the house. ^^;; I live alone right now so there shouldn't be a problem, but years later when I start a family... You get the gist xD I practice in secret...

Thank you for the incredibly detailed explanation as always!
If you're having trouble with memorizing the chants, that's ok. Making things up on the fly that tune your consciousness in to them is just as good as using an Enn that's been used by families for many generations - Enns are useful because of the power that's built up from repetitive use, and the fact that the demons themselves helped to write them... but making your own is powerful because it's purely you - your thoughts, your energies, focused on your needs with the demon, and your perceptions of that demon. It's no less powerful, simply because it's way more personal.

If this way works for you, go with it. :) Try the enns - you can write them down on your palm or a slip of paper and repeat them like a mantra during your ritual. If you make your own chant and do the same thing the next ritual for that being, see what differences you experience with your connection to them. Experiment. Figure out what works best for you - and include your memory problems as part of that equation. When you find what works best... go that direction... and keep expanding. :)


Re: The Demonic Enns

Posted: Thu May 23, 2019 7:51 am
by Gauche
I understand the concepts of sound and chanting the demon enns to,for lack of better words,vibrate more on their levels,but my question would there a way to find out what my enn would be? A way to find out how to vibrate and connect more to myself-- i feel as though being more in tune with myself would make it easier to match outside vibrations.