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Re: Dark and lights Spirits

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2017 5:31 pm
by user1876
Some time tomorrow . I Will Continue my Bonding Ritual with my Baby Gargoyle I . He's talking now things are going great with this little guy he's very Active now more then he was since We started working with . The 21 day bonding Ritual witch is a good thing because feeling his energy hearing his Voice is

Something that . I wanted and this Ritual has helped him to open up more to me not just with talking but he's taking part in Sending me images of Read Roses he knows that's what . I Love roses they have always been something that is just my joy having anything that's connected to roses so my Gargoyle has been having

Fun sending me images . I Have also asked him to connect his energy to mines witch he's happy to do while We are working with the bonding Ritual he has told me what Colors he likes what foods even because . I Have been talking with him over these past few days about different things that he enjoys and he's been talking

away to me that's awesome >:) because he's been with me now Over a year and never has said a word now he can't Stop talking My Other much Older Gargoyle has taking it upon himself to look out for . I that was really Sweet of him to do that because of him being so young ' I Was worried about that but now with things

going Well now with our 21 day bonding and he's active now . I only see things improving for him even more because he's enjoying this Ritual that has helped him out a lot so Tomorrow . I Will call him to me and work with him again with this Ritual then he's off doing what every he does when he's not with me :P but he likes it

Re: Dark and lights Spirits

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2017 6:25 pm
by User3246
velle wrote: Some time tomorrow . I Will Continue my Bonding Ritual with my Baby Gargoyle I . He's talking now things are going great with this little guy he's very Active now more then he was since We started working with . The 21 day bonding Ritual witch is a good thing because feeling his energy hearing his Voice is

Something that . I wanted and this Ritual has helped him to open up more to me not just with talking but he's taking part in Sending me images of Read Roses he knows that's what . I Love roses they have always been something that is just my joy having anything that's connected to roses so my Gargoyle has been having

Fun sending me images . I Have also asked him to connect his energy to mines witch he's happy to do while We are working with the bonding Ritual he has told me what Colors he likes what foods even because . I Have been talking with him over these past few days about different things that he enjoys and he's been talking

away to me that's awesome >:) because he's been with me now Over a year and never has said a word now he can't Stop talking My Other much Older Gargoyle has taking it upon himself to look out for . I that was really Sweet of him to do that because of him being so
young ' I Was worried about that but now with things going Well now with our 21 day bonding and he's active now . I only see things improving for him even more because he's enjoying this Ritual that has helped him out a lot so Tomorrow . I Will call him to me and work with him again with this Ritual then he's off doing what every he does when he's not with me :P but he likes it
I love to hear that the baby gargoyle is doing so well and has been talking your ear off! XD I have decided to complete the full ritual for all of my Demon and Imps with a few additions after hearing how well you are doing with it. No way I could ever do it with ALL of my spirits. They have actually been talking to me a lot now, I just need to adjust for the energy changes. I have decided to work with each one though, and with the spells. My demons will help me and it will be fun. I think probably you are growing just as much as your baby gargoyle. :D. I know that I am!

Re: Dark and lights Spirits

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2017 6:31 pm
by user1876
Satan's Hellcat wrote:
velle wrote: Some time tomorrow . I Will Continue my Bonding Ritual with my Baby Gargoyle I . He's talking now things are going great with this little guy he's very Active now more then he was since We started working with . The 21 day bonding Ritual witch is a good thing because feeling his energy hearing his Voice is

Something that . I wanted and this Ritual has helped him to open up more to me not just with talking but he's taking part in Sending me images of Read Roses he knows that's what . I Love roses they have always been something that is just my joy having anything that's connected to roses so my Gargoyle has been having

Fun sending me images . I Have also asked him to connect his energy to mines witch he's happy to do while We are working with the bonding Ritual he has told me what Colors he likes what foods even because . I Have been talking with him over these past few days about different things that he enjoys and he's been talking

away to me that's awesome >:) because he's been with me now Over a year and never has said a word now he can't Stop talking My Other much Older Gargoyle has taking it upon himself to look out for . I that was really Sweet of him to do that because of him being so
young ' I Was worried about that but now with things going Well now with our 21 day bonding and he's active now . I only see things improving for him even more because he's enjoying this Ritual that has helped him out a lot so Tomorrow . I Will call him to me and work with him again with this Ritual then he's off doing what every he does when he's not with me :P but he likes it
I love to hear that the baby gargoyle is doing so well and has been talking your ear off! XD I have decided to complete the full ritual for all of my Demon and Imps with a few additions after hearing how well you are doing with it. No way I could ever do it with ALL of my spirits. They have actually been talking to me a lot now, I just need to adjust for the energy changes. I have decided to work with each one though, and with the spells. My demons will help me and it will be fun. I think probably you are growing just as much as your baby gargoyle. :D. I know that I am!
' HellCat I am happy to hear things are going well with you and your demons that your hearing them more they are talking to you more that's a Great feeling when you know that . all your hard work is paying off you have a lot of demons so your Going to be busy for Sometime :lol: but again its worth it being with awesome powerful beings that love you just as much as you love them . I am

Also happy that things are going well with my Gargoyle he's come along away things improve for him more each day ' thank you for your kind wards about my little guy :D

Re: Dark and lights Spirits

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 11:34 am
by user1876
My Were Tiger O Has been helping me block some energies that's going Really nice over . The past few Days he's not as powerful as some demons are but .He can hold his own when it comes to using his energy ,blocking harmful energies is Something that O . Has a lot of passion for this is Not Our first time

Working on different blocks that he can also Remove any blocks around ,My third eye that's one of the first things that . I Had him assist me with removing blocks from around, my third eye when he first came to me he's Great at keeping your third Eye Open also mines Was ' already open when he came along but he still will

Work on keeping ,my eye Open if asked by me he loves Working with Energies it don't matter what kind their are Since ' I Have started Warding more since Akelta helped me to see this should be done daily it Don't matter how many Companions you have its ' to keep unwanted energies out it helps your companions out also

by keeping out un Welcome sprits and people away from your Home so My Tiger O . Likes to hang out around my front Door that's were he's going to be doing what . I asked of him also working with me are energy blocking that is going well its not much he has to do being how ' I Have done the biggest part in this blocking >:)

Re: Dark and lights Spirits

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 10:39 am
by user1876
My 21 day bonding Ritual with my Baby Gargoyle I . Is competed He has done really well with all of . The Rituals that he's been asked by me to take part in working with me Has helped me to Feel his energy Better Baby I . Even Started talking last Month that felt Great to hear his Little Voice for ' The first

Time he's been talking every Since Sending images to me sharing his energy . I am learning more about this amazing little Companion of mines more each time that We work Together he enjoyed . The bonding Ritual a lot because he told me because It helped me to Connect with him on a much Deeper level then before we

Started working Together with . The Bonding Ritual before Baby I . Would come in to0 my Room at Night because he enjoyed being under me so staying near me was his thing but also being how ' I Had other much Older darker beings that's were most of my time Was spent working with them witch we all . enjoyed but that

Didn't leave much Time for working with ,my Youngest Companion spending Much needed Time with him He's such a Sweet loving Gargoyle that having him apart of my path has been awesome for me we are closer now after doing . The 21 day Bonding Ritual then We were before so that worked Great for both over us he also

Wants to do more Outings with me and .My Other companions he feels more connected that way he is saying witch is Something that . I Don't have any problems with being how Baby I . Is my little Sweet heart having him around has been wonderful We both agreed that He would be dong more outings with me going places

taking part in Other things that . I Do with my Other Companions its like now he's more Sure of himself then before he don't have to worry about being around my other Companions Because . I Have let every body know not to bother my Baby my Demons just look at him now they know not bother my Baby so he's more relax

now witch is a good thing :D because he is loved and wanted by me so making sure he knows it from now on Spending more time with him is my goal from this point on :D but Today again our 21 day Bonding is Competed We will still be working Together on other Rituals that would work great with him that we both agree on >:)

Re: Dark and lights Spirits

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 7:31 am
by Sapphire
That's great that you completed the 21 day bonding ritual with your baby gargoyle, and aww you got to hear his voice for the first time. I'm glad that he's more sure of himself now and more comfortable being around the others and wants to go on more outings.

Re: Dark and lights Spirits

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 7:57 am
by user1876
Sapphire wrote:That's great that you completed the 21 day bonding ritual with your baby gargoyle, and aww you got to hear his voice for the first time. I'm glad that he's more sure of himself now and more comfortable being around the others and wants to go on more outings.
Thank you Sapphire yes It felt great to hear his Voice baby. I. Has been talking away none Stop for Weeks now he enjoyed taking part in .. The 21 day bonding Ritual with me its brought us much closer

Together We competed ,The 21 day Ritual last Week and now after that Went so well now ' I am looking at Other Rituals that Akelta has We can Do Together its been Fun spending so much Time with . The youngest Family member of my Spiritual family he is even coming out more when my Demons come around at first he

Would hide when Some of my Demons would come over now Baby I . Will stand next to me when they come over because he knows that ' I Have told all my Demons not to bother my Baby so he's more sure of himself now >:) and will come stand next to me when my Demons are Over with no problems now :D

Re: Dark and lights Spirits

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 9:17 am
by Sapphire
That's great that he is more sure of himself and stays by you even when your demons are around now. That definitely is improvement. He sounds so cute.

Re: Dark and lights Spirits

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 9:32 am
by user1876
Sapphire wrote:That's great that he is more sure of himself and stays by you even when your demons are around now. That definitely is improvement. He sounds so cute.
' Thank you [YES] its a improvement on his part things are working out Well couldn't be more happy about it :twisted:

Re: Dark and lights Spirits

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 4:34 am
by user1876
My Little Guy will also be out with me for Halloween Night this will be his first Halloween with me he's Very happy about Going out to a graveyard With me because ' I Wanted him to take part in My Group Spell that me and Some of my friends are doing on that Night he was Happy to Say YES] He would like to

be apart of ,My Halloween outing He would like to Stand next to me because He says that My DC EJ Looks at him funny so ' I Told him not to Worry my Demons know, not to bother my Baby you have nothing to Worry about also if they say anything to you Come back and Tell me ' I Will have a talk with them about my baby

S0 that made Him Happy because . I New Something was wrong Baby I Would try to hide behind me when EJ Would come over so that tells me Right there my baby is Scared so . I Said to him its all going to be alright no body is going to hurt you are bother you if Somebody should you come tell me ' They know not to

bother ,My baby When . I Told him that he smiled and said that He will Tell on them if they bother him 8-) He will come right to me so after We got that out , The way He kind of stayed under me for ' The rest of the Night watching my Demons as they come and go for the most part he just stayed with me that is not a problem

for me with him hanging under me ' I Worked with him Some then We watched ,I Love Lucy Together until it was time for me to Work with EJ Then baby I ' Went in my Bedroom and stayed until my Session with EJ was over then :mrgreen: he came back out of My room and right back under me he went EJ Left then but anyways

wanted to update things are still going well with Baby I ' He will be going out with me for Halloween for my Group spell that ' I Can't wait to take part in :pumpkin: