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Re: Sombre Carnivàle Démoniaque June 8th ~ Meditation 3

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 6:42 pm
by wanderer
As great as the hellborn contortionist sounds I think others would appreciate him more so I ask not to be in the drawing.

So I got on the carousel and on a pretty typical looking lion. When it started going faster I was hugging the pole not even on the lion anymore. Then when everything stopped it was just me in total darkness. Until my guide, a giant red creature that looked like a tiger-lion-dog mixed with a I don't know showed up. Oh and he was on fire. And passively breathed fire. I asked "where is my carnival?" He replied "it died" then the void became a dead gray forest. There were malevolent little gray things who I sensed wanted to attack but ran in fear when my guardian sent fire in their direction. He took me to what looked like the remains of a carnival. It looked like their was a slide their and a few other things I couldn't make out. I asked to go home and popped back into my body.

Re: Sombre Carnivàle Démoniaque June 8th ~ Meditation 3

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 8:30 pm
by RyderXIV
The ride was dizzying fast like I was in a tornado but I didn't feel sick adrenaline rush. The Demon was dark skinned with Cernunno like horns handsome strong but a little sinister. The place had a lighthouse at a distance but with a red light instead of white. My guide looked like a Mad Max like person with an eye patch, sort of rockstarish, lots of fur clothing like an English sheepdog long fur cape. Weird rides one was a ferris wheel shaped like bullets people would get in and randomely it would stop with one of the carts drilling into the ground so as if you were buried then you would scream and then it would come out of the hole close itself back up and continue turning until random the next person would get buried. No dirt would get into the cage just the experience of feeling going into the earth and turning. Another ride or sorts was a tunnel but it was in a shape of a centipede with many teeth inside with torch lights to light the way it looked very long. A ride with huge wooden dolls that actually had souls trapped in each of them like a teacup ride but with dolls you would sit in their lap and they would twist and turn and move like a teacup ride but they would talk to you about you and your problems.
I did see a drink with some type of alcohol in it looked sweet like a Pina Colada except sometype of sparkles for foam like fairy lights. Attractions one was of Aliens from another planet that could transform themselves into strange forms that looked like quicksilver. There were clowns everywhere performing with fire and knives and some children looked zombieish. It was not a small carnival I would have to go back to see what else was down there but it was very interesting.

Re: Sombre Carnivàle Démoniaque June 8th ~ Meditation 3

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 9:08 pm
by laalbieglna
There is so much, I'm not sure how much I can remember and I just did this. As soon as I started the meditation, someone started their car outside my window with some kind of crazy Mexican calliope-sounding music on their radio, and then a food truck stopped out their with dinging bells and carnival music. I was my younger fetch this time, a girl with red eyes and a tattered, dirty white shift, bare, dirty feet and wild hair. I ran to the Carousel, I've been hearing it's music leaking through my daily life whenever I turn my attention to the Carnivale-time. The beast I mount is a black pegasus with something like toothed mouths on its sides. When I disembark, the guide who meets me is ill-defined, sort of a cartoonish, two-dimensional Gumby-ish figure (which may be because my kids were banging around for almost two hours after bedtime and only now went to sleep enough that I could shut my door and play this and I am So Tired). I don't think I saw him for long... there are performers lining the midway I'm walking down. The first ones that catch my eyes are acrobats miming with white masks. One engages me in her performance. She at one point takes of her mask to reveal ... nothing. Invisibility where her face should be. I am delighted. She places her mask back on and hands me a red flower, like a snapdragon with orange inside of it. I walk further, meet a performer like a very, very tall man on stilts. He snatches my flower, does something to it, I think eats it, then exhales flame with a little dragon-like creature. The creature lays an egg. He catches it, hands it to me, flicks it. The shell disintegrates into shards, and there is my flower. There are other acts, blood that changes into butterflies in iridescent reds and purples that change into something else, dancers that switch body parts, bone intermingling, folding back into orifices, winking out of sight, folding out of existence, reappearing in new configurations. Siamese twins who dance and change into something else entirely, a dance with dogs who become birds who become something else... the last act I saw seems important and I can't remember it now. As I was watching, I note that my own body here in normal reality acted out some of the movements, especially the acrobat mime with the white mask, the invisible face, and the flower.

Re: Sombre Carnivàle Démoniaque June 8th ~ Meditation 3

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 9:16 pm
by laalbieglna
Oh, the last performers' show/illusion/part I saw had something with many little creatures, I think, something violent, like they dissolved in a spray of blood but the blood is revealed to be the walls of a large, multi-colored tent and the words "you have arrived" sound, and i pop back awake and home without asking. I wanted to lie down and just keep exploring, but every time I give into that temptation I just end up falling asleep, and not lucid-dreaming, journeying sleep, either - exhausted parent of a toddler and school kid sleep.

Re: Sombre Carnivàle Démoniaque June 8th ~ Meditation 3

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 9:53 pm
by Heretique
I'll have to go back and go more in depth with the world again. But the creature i chose to ride looked like an iridescent purple blue jelly fish with wings. What i remember was when i got off the ride everything was dark like black smoke and the usual blue purple darkness I find in my inner journeys. My guide looked like cthulhu and was in shadows most of the time. It was night at my carnival lots of glowing iridescent beings moving around, fungi and moss very wet and cave like. the games were like playing at creating universes and stars like ping pong only using universes instead. there were bloody toys impaled on stakes and we moved through very quickly to the main tent which held a kind of 5 dimensional light artwork and beings dancing in between it all. it wasn't very clear so i'll have to go deeper later. My guide then gave me a tattoo on my right arm to access the place again it's glowing and blue. I'd love to go back again and discover more.

Re: Sombre Carnivàle Démoniaque June 8th ~ Meditation 3

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 5:26 am
by User3246
I remember walking up ghostly steps in a golden-black dried and arid dead landscape. I saw tents and games and rides. Suddenly, I was going up some ghostly steps into the sky. I went up and up and up, until I thought maybe I should go back down now, this doesn't seem to end. Just as I thought that, the bottom dropped out and I was sliding down a ghostly invisible slide, all the way back to earth. There was a winged demon at the bottom at a small gate who said "I hope you enjoyed the Fallen Angel ride." I smiled and nodded as I went through, and thanked him.

Re: Sombre Carnivàle Démoniaque June 8th ~ Meditation 3

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 6:38 am
by darkstarfyre
Tried it :devilchain: but cannot go deep enough to enjoy the fun

Re: Sombre Carnivàle Démoniaque June 8th ~ Meditation 3

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 1:22 pm
by Saber
I went to the ride and got on a lion beast. Looked demonic in nature, gaping mouth curly mane that looked out of control. When I got to my darkness realm, my guide was a very tall demon with yellow eyes big black horns and leathery skin. It made me think he was old. My carnival was empty. The tents were empty there were no signs and no people. It was a complete ghost town. It was on a dusty desert floor and the wind was blowing the tent flaps around. I tried to go in a tent but it also seemed empty and abandoned.

I might try again later at night and see if I get a different response.

Re: Sombre Carnivàle Démoniaque June 8th ~ Meditation 3

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 3:30 pm
by guesswho
This meditation was amazing. The first two were wonderful, too. But this third meditation went to a whole different level, for me, at least. With each successive meditation I am blown away with the thought and care with which they have been created. I am in awe of the dedication and commitment to their community here, that all involved with the inner workings of Satan and Sons/Suns are showing with what has been released so far in this ten-day event.

Recap of my ride on the Infernal Carousel of Sublime Descent. My monster that I rode on the Carousel was a large, beautiful Black Dragon.

My guide was a minotaur. Easily 8 foot tall. He was massive. With large black horns. He had a long mane of black hair, and mane is the best way to describe it. His skin was light brown.

It took some time for my eyes to adjust to my own dark carnivale. The first thing I saw was a ride that mimicked a Kraken rising out of the water, holding pods for people to ride in on the end of long chains. A swing-ride and a water ride combined.
Next was another ride, it resembled - but was not - a venus fly trap. Too neatly organized to be real - the traps were the pods for people to ride. The tilt-a-whirl / tea-cups type of ride.
Another ride was the ship-ride you see at midways, that swings back and forth. It had a skeleton theme.
Next there was an illusionist out in the open, with a small crowd around them.
Lastly, I saw two shows. One was an ornate Punch and Judy show. And the other was also a puppetry show, with dancing skeletons.
There was more to see but not this time. I will definitely return to see what I missed the first visit.
Thank you!

Re: Sombre Carnivàle Démoniaque June 8th ~ Meditation 3

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2018 5:10 pm
by Passemoon
I was already drawn to the carousell previously while on the way to Mdm. Orna’s. I may have taken a peek then before being pulled back and the first time I saw a red devil with magnificent horns on the carousell ride grinning at me and I was thinking strange back then that the carousell does not seem to be like ur typical ride. This time when I approached the ride, I was ready and gunning for that red devil I saw on the ride. At the same time an image of a chimera nearby did popped in and I was deciding which “Monster” to pick. Devil or chimera? In the end the devil won and as the ride spinned faster and faster, I seemed entranced in the embrace of my devil. Cacooned in his arms and his grin seem to be ever widening while his eyes held me in place. And then the ride stopped suddenly and I lurched forward. His arms “caught” me and I re-oriented my self. Saw myself in a desert like place with strange architecture all round. My guide was a grim reaper like entity. Hood and Scythe and all. At first glance, my inner carnivale seem devoid of any activities. Just miles and miles of desert sand, the heat and those architecture like structures with no one occupying them and columns casting shadows on the desert ground. But then I noticed strange hues of lights interspersed in the desert heat under the sun. Shimmering and flickering with various colours. Curious I ventured toward them and put my hand through. Then I walked through one of these lights and ended in an entirely new surrounding. Dark and ominous with a haunted house looming ahead with thunder and lightning in the atmosphere around.. “Wow pocket dimensions in my own inner carnivale, wicked!” I grinned and head back out the lights. There were several other shimmering lights, all portals to different worlds. I rubbed my hands in glee. Time for some exploration. :wink: