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Re: Offerings: Music

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 4:42 am
by User5191
Kharybdis wrote:One of my favorite things to do with music and my companions is to turn on my entire library of music on my computer and set it on shuffle, then invite them to be the "DJ" for the bonding time! I have a huge variety of songs from a huge variety of genres, so it's something different every time... though I have noticed certain songs pop up more frequently than others, which is bizarre for my 2000+ item library. "Ghosts N Stuff" by DeadMau5 is a favorite when I ask generally if anyone is there with me and interested in being the "DJ" :devilgrin:

At any rate, it's a lot of fun, and sometimes you can glean some very interesting messages if you ask particular companions to choose songs. Sometimes it's in the title, sometimes it's in the sound, sometimes it's in the lyrics--even if just a few scattered here and there. I really enjoy doing it, and they seem to like it, as well.
Wow! That's a really cool,and unique approach! I've never thought of doing it that way, but it makes sense. If I'm ever in doubt about what any of my demons likes going forward, I'm going to try this out and see what happens! Thanks for sharing. It's posts like these that give us all ideas to try out that are amongst the most educational. Thank you again!

Re: Offerings: Music

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 8:14 am
by Kharybdis
Bathosias wrote:
Kharybdis wrote:One of my favorite things to do with music and my companions is to turn on my entire library of music on my computer and set it on shuffle, then invite them to be the "DJ" for the bonding time! I have a huge variety of songs from a huge variety of genres, so it's something different every time... though I have noticed certain songs pop up more frequently than others, which is bizarre for my 2000+ item library. "Ghosts N Stuff" by DeadMau5 is a favorite when I ask generally if anyone is there with me and interested in being the "DJ" :devilgrin:

At any rate, it's a lot of fun, and sometimes you can glean some very interesting messages if you ask particular companions to choose songs. Sometimes it's in the title, sometimes it's in the sound, sometimes it's in the lyrics--even if just a few scattered here and there. I really enjoy doing it, and they seem to like it, as well.
Wow! That's a really cool,and unique approach! I've never thought of doing it that way, but it makes sense. If I'm ever in doubt about what any of my demons likes going forward, I'm going to try this out and see what happens! Thanks for sharing. It's posts like these that give us all ideas to try out that are amongst the most educational. Thank you again!
Oh, my, you're very welcome! I'm glad the idea resonated with you, and I hope you get some wonderful interactions out of it. I've certainly had some really great experiences (and, even in the times I didn't, I still got to listen to some of my music, so there's literally no downside) :p

Re: Offerings: Music

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 5:31 am
by Akelta
Awesome post! Music and offering Music I find is one of the most profound ways to connect with demons. There is such an amazing element of intimate connection when you are just relaxed and listening to the vibrations flood your senses. It is amazing connecting through music with them. Demons are a very musical culture and it is a huge part of their societies. Many play their own musical instruments, some are composers, and they all have their own preferences.

I have found so many incredible sounds and bands from them guiding me. They also find songs which can reveal messages and images. I have found at times listening to music that they have lead me to brings up images or thoughts and sometimes connects me to a story or memory they want to share. Connecting through Music is incredibly deep and incredibly powerful!
Kharybdis wrote:One of my favorite things to do with music and my companions is to turn on my entire library of music on my computer and set it on shuffle, then invite them to be the "DJ" for the bonding time! I have a huge variety of songs from a huge variety of genres, so it's something different every time... though I have noticed certain songs pop up more frequently than others, which is bizarre for my 2000+ item library. "Ghosts N Stuff" by DeadMau5 is a favorite when I ask generally if anyone is there with me and interested in being the "DJ" :devilgrin:

At any rate, it's a lot of fun, and sometimes you can glean some very interesting messages if you ask particular companions to choose songs. Sometimes it's in the title, sometimes it's in the sound, sometimes it's in the lyrics--even if just a few scattered here and there. I really enjoy doing it, and they seem to like it, as well.
I do this too! It is so much fun because they really do take over and play songs that they love. It is really funny to when two of them try to dominate the songs LOL and you get an interesting mix. I also find that if I leave my playlist running they will sometimes use it to let me know they want to talk to me. I will hear a song that reminds me of one of them and usually it is them wanting to get my attention. I have over 10 000 songs on my hard-drive of all genre's!

Re: Offerings: Music

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 3:10 pm
by user1876
I have learned that Music Offerings are Great for all of your Companions ' they Really enjoy having Their Favorite Songs playing it Shows them that Your Willing ' To take The time to learn what they like ' One of My Crypt Demons likes to hear Dark Ambient Music he enjoys ' The Really Dark Stuff Some of it Makes Me Wonder What is He Thinking about when Its playing :lol: its Dark but its Fun also because He enjoys it a lot Crypt Demons like a lot of Dark Arts :cloud:

Re: Offerings: Music

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 4:23 pm
by Chad
Thank you for that insight Anatel. I'm still awaiting the arrival of my companion. And it could be any day now. (Hoping hoping) And going over all the things I'm told she loves, I know that she loves music and loves to sing. And your post just kinda confirmed something I've always thought. That music....the right kind of music, would make the perfect offering. So thank you again for your wonderful post. I can't wait to finally meet her and begin our bonding. And I'll definitely keep you all posted on that. Thank you again.

Re: Offerings: Music

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2017 3:46 pm
by alikat13
Anatel wrote:As our resident musician Phlan can tell you, music is a GREAT way to bond and connect with our Demons and Dark Lords. What they like can vary as much as what we like.

Different music contains different vibrational energy. Im not going to get all technical about vibrations and soundwaves.. what it does to our own energy...blah blah blah. Just short and sweet: music is awesome and demons love it.
When deciding what to offer a companion or a DL with regards to music, the best way is to ask them what they like. This however, is not always doable as many of us do not have the "hearing" skills fully developed yet. Thats ok, dont worry, Im going to tell you how to figure it out without hearing.

Offering Music to a Companion
Think about your companion. What are their personalities like? The scrolls you get from S&S priestesses are usually very detailed as to their likes, suggested offerings, personalities etc. Read this over and spend some time meditating with them. You may just find that you get impressions, hear lyrics, get actual songs or bands. you can write down any impressions you may have.

Next , take yourself to your music player or youtube. start experimenting with different music. You'll know when you hit paydirt. You will feel an energy shift, a temperature change, a sudden peace, chills, or even an upswing in mood. This is your companion telling you "yes, this one!" Your Companion will LOVE the effort you are putting in to finding them something nice to listen to and it can strengthen the bond between you.

My Hellborn DC D likes hard, heavy balls to the wall metal. He loves the black metal sounds of Behemoth, Belial and Dimmu Borgir. I have to say this would not have been my first choice to listen to but when I offered something in my comfort zone- Metallica, he laughed and told me to get some taste in music :lol: I started listening to them... well not so much listening, more feeling. The vibrations of what he was trying to get me to "get" . This music allows him to get in touch with his primal, angry, ass kicking side, which as a Hellborn, is a must.

Offering Music to Dark Lords
The way you find out what a particular DL likes is very similar to finding out how you did with your companion. Read as much as you can on the dark lord. Whether it be through forums, personal experiences of others, groups that discuss that DL or dare i say it- a book. You can get a "profile" of that DL in this manner. You wouldnt offer Unsere, the gentle motherly Dark Lady who specializes in nurturing, fertility and comfort something like Behemoth or Dimmu Borgir now would you? lol No, she is much softer, less aggressive so you would naturally look in that direction. For Her, strange as it may sound, I find acapella is something She enjoys. She loves the fact that the "music" is made with just voices. the energies of the ones singing it, in harmony with one another allows the positive, musical energy to flow and she feels uplifted listening to it. Again, I was never a huge fan of Acapella myself but through Her, I learned to appreciate and enjoy the marvels of the human voice, what it is capable of, and how those energies can translate over into a magickal working during ritual.

However you explore with your music, just make sure that you keep yourself open, even to genres you wouldnt normally even look at. The journey is half the fun, but the reward of finding something your companion or DL loves is where the real reward is at!
This is an amazing post. I for one am a music lover of all types of genres there's no genre that I will ever discriminate against and I love finding new types of music and songs.... when I got my first spirits last year in January I was trying offer them songs and because all three of them were WA and my alyas had such a gentleness towards them that I knew I shouldn't play them anything like heavy metal or rap so I put in some instrumental and some Eurille (well I didn't actually know about Eurille until this year). I played some of the same types of music for my Hippogriff, I even have a playlist of some songs he likes (I need to update most of them though.)

My incubi may prefer more sexual songs. My spirit family is pretty big therefore I have such a huge range of music for each individual. I also resonate with many types of music, whatever chooses to dance with my soul is definitely worth listening to.

Re: Offerings: Music

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2017 3:51 pm
by alikat13
I can't wait to discover new songs and music with my demon companions and I might play music while connecting with a dark lord but I'm not sure what type they'll like I suppose I'll have to find some songs they'll enjoy, I'm sure I know some...