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Re: Just because they are unknown

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 5:40 pm
by Red6joker
Another beautifully worded post.

Re: Just because they are unknown

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 10:19 pm
by PhoenixRising
I'm late again... And yes she always knows how to get your attention !!!

Re: Just because they are unknown

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2017 2:14 pm
by alikat13
Akelta wrote:We know the Dark Lords Lucifer, and Lucifuge Rofocale, but do you know Lord Savetial of the Solar Realms, and Lord Aftagaurier of the Lowborn realm, both Powerful Royal Dark Lords and incredible important known demons who sit on Various councils and make decisions based on the core Demon Structure, yet unknown to us.

The Fact is that the Demons of the Outer Spiritual world are vast in numbers (The inner spiritual world too!). There are billions of them, existing in many realm from the Devotion Realms to the Crypt realms (two demonic species and realms discovered and labeled by the priestess’s of Satan and Sons) and everything in between.

Many of the demons in the outer spiritual realms exist in unity, they work together with the core group and though each realm is ruled independently, they still collaborate and work together co-operatively. There are certain demon species and sects that are independent of the core group but we work with the ones who are the Dark Lords, the ones in that core group, who are unified in working together under the ruling houses like Lord Satan’s house.

Each of the Demonic Realms has ruling families, and ruling demonic houses with a Matron or Patron who oversees the family. Demons are very family orientated beings and their families are often large and interconnected.

Many of the demons in these ruling houses and these families are unknown. An Example is, the House that Lord Belial belong to, a Noble demonic house that is massive, most of the members of his family are unknown here, even his parents.

The Sons and Daughters of Satan, who many are Dark Lords themselves and incredibly powerful, but unknown.. They are demons Who are Royal Demon Commanders (A phrase coined by Satan and Suns/Sons Priestess’s) and Demonic Royalty to name a few titles, they have incredible skills that in some cases are matched with or more powerful then the known demons, but they unknown on this plane.

The Demons here are known because they were discovered by conjurers, and those who delved into the demonic realms and sought them out. They are known because someone uncovered them, and brought knowledge of them to the world.

If you look at these known demons they themselves range from everything from Non Ranked demon who have a particular skill, to Royal Demon Commanders and Dark Lords like Lord Lucifer and Lord Paimon. Dark Lords who are of the Highest like Lord Mammon, Healers who understand the subtitles of energy like Marbas and Lord Uphir. The knowns demons come from all different ranks and realms. Lucifer is a Fallen Angel, Paimon is a Fallen Angel, Mammon is a Noble Demon, Lucifuge Rofocale is a Lowborn Demon, Rosier is a Divinity demon, different ranks, different families, different realms.

Yet…There is still so little that we know about them, many people in the past worked with the demons to gain from them. They wanted to know enough how to call them, and get things from them. My approach has always been to learn about them, and work together through mutual benefit to demon and human. This is why I am a Demonosopher.

There is a beauty to walking your life with a demon, as they have profound insights to share and there is a mutual exchange to working with them. They get to see your grow and benefit from your perspective, and you get to learn from them and see things in a whole new light. Energy exchanges between humans and demons can be beneficial for them as well.

They are divine beings, though dark, still divine beings, and the call of any divine being is to assist those under them to grow and thrive. Some demons enjoys working with us, and yes they make us work for our knowledge and what we want, but the are the most generous of gift givers, and the most passionate of mentors, and it is a gift to walk with them and learn from them.Some of the most incredible gifts I have been given have come from working with my Demon Companions.

The most powerful workings and profound experiences I have had, have been with the demons, known and unknown, that I have developed personal relationships with, learned about, embraced them as friends and family, and worked together with them. Demons are about unity and working in a partnership, and your companions have come forth to work with you, they are unknown in many cases, but they are not anything less, in some ways they can be more powerful and impactful because they have agreed to work with you exclusively, to commit themselves to helping you personally, and they want to walk with you on your journey here. They take the time to understand you and your individual situation.

So Remember… just because a demon is unknown to the world and the occult literature, doesn’t mean they are any less powerful. It all depends on the demon. Sometimes you don’t need the corporate capitalist nature of Lord Mammon, sometimes you just need a demon to sit with you and help you with some blocks to get the money you need.

Really focus on what you want! the most powerful demon for you, is the one who will understand you and can help you. Mammon is amazing, but he creates empires, not everyone wants to be a Richard Branson or Elon Musk, some people just want to have their little craft store and corner of the world.

There are so many demons out there. So many that are undiscovered and unknown, so many that possess incredible powers and abilities. Known demons are seen in a way because they are written about in text… the unknown ones, some of them prefer to stay hidden, and only work with select people, others don’t even know Earth exists. Just because they are not known here, doesn’t mean they aren’t superstars back home in the demonic realms.

Don’t judge a demon by the books they are in, or not in :winkdevil:
Thank you for the info Akelta I'm open to making contact with any type of dark lord/lady no matter what whether they are known or unknown as long as I feel a desire and connection to work with them... or they may even contact me and I will never reject a Dark lord or lady.