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Re: Decalcifying your Pineal Gland and Eating Rainbows

Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 2:31 am
by User5191
Great OP Anatal... Wanda... Whoever you are. And thanks for finding/bumping this, Suncat. I'm going to bump it up again, for two reasons. One, I think this is good to get back out there for anyone who may have missed it, and my real reason 2. It makes it easier to find again after I comment. :-)

So, I'm no doctor Oz, or anything, and there are DEFINITELY some of these natural herbs we should be getting more of. Consequently, I'll be checking this stuff out. Don't ever expect me to go vegetarian though - I might rather stay calcified! Seriously, I think the key to so much of this is, as your DC S said, trying to eat colorful fruits and vegetables. That makes a tremendous amount of sense, as this has been generally pushed as a rule of thumb by health experts for some time. The problem with diet I think most people make comes down to two things. First, it's a lack of preparation. That is, you don't PLAN meals, you just grab whatever is there or convenient. When that happens, people always reach for bad things. I'm DEFINTELY guilty of this. Planning your meals in advance can prevent this spontaneous reaching for bad foods issue. To be fair, I admit that I'm currently a hypocrite and probably will be for another year or two. But, long term, this is something that I will resume in my life. It's just difficult when things get all busy and transitional in our lives. The second thing that prevents success with dietary changes is going to extreme (in my opinion). Balance is key. Should you NEVER have a candy bar again? No. That's silly and modern life is full of WAY to many temptations to really have you be successful with this kind of diet without you acting like a lunatic. But, instead of have one or two a day (I don't know what the going rate is), try only one every week or so. Should you NEVER eat white bread? Or have white sugar? Eh... How about cutting down. Avoid it when possible, but nobody needs to get all militaristic with it. Just conscious of it. Can you actually avoid fluoride in your water (and should you)? I've lived in places with fluoride and without it. I have actually had more supernatural experiences in places where it's in the water. Plus, I like my teeth. Maybe we should be focused on ensuring that we're drinking enough water in the first place. Dehydration, I think is just as detrimental to our development as the additives, and is much easier to fix.

Anywho, in sum, I guess what I'm saying is that planning our meals in advance, being mindful of what is damaging (without acting crazy), and drinking plenty of water will probably do most of us some good. Great post again, and I'm going to have to expand my tea making game!

Re: Decalcifying your Pineal Gland and Eating Rainbows

Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 6:04 am
by DoubleD
well said CK and Anatel/Wanda. I am currently doing the keto diet so I can drop another 12 pounds and get back to my fighting weight. And CK is totally correct on the moderation and being realistic.

I already eat a ton of the plant based stuff by snacking on it and making vitamix drinks every night before dinner. I can't go vegetarian myself, I put weight on when i do that and generally feel like crap but everyone is different. This is why it's always important to listen to your own self, see how you feel, experiment and find balance. If I were to live the keto diet the rest of my life I would never have another desert (which I don't eat much anyways, but still) I would never be able to have my once per month beer with my friends. Just not totally realistic, but can I commit to it and get over this hump, absolutely.

Veggies are good, all the way around. I do have to laugh though, our ancestors sure had no issues eating things and now a-days we have to have stickers on everything so we know what's bad and how much we should be eating. :?

Re: Decalcifying your Pineal Gland and Eating Rainbows

Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 7:32 am
by User5191
DoubleD wrote:well said CK and Anatel/Wanda. I am currently doing the keto diet so I can drop another 12 pounds and get back to my fighting weight. And CK is totally correct on the moderation and being realistic.

I already eat a ton of the plant based stuff by snacking on it and making vitamix drinks every night before dinner. I can't go vegetarian myself, I put weight on when i do that and generally feel like crap but everyone is different. This is why it's always important to listen to your own self, see how you feel, experiment and find balance. If I were to live the keto diet the rest of my life I would never have another desert (which I don't eat much anyways, but still) I would never be able to have my once per month beer with my friends. Just not totally realistic, but can I commit to it and get over this hump, absolutely.

Veggies are good, all the way around. I do have to laugh though, our ancestors sure had no issues eating things and now a-days we have to have stickers on everything so we know what's bad and how much we should be eating. :?

I think you hit a very valid point here, DD. The problem is just as much lifestyle as it is diet. My grandfathers ate a ton of what we would deem unhealthy things. Big breakfasts/lunches. Lots of red meat and pork. Why they didn't get super big, etc., was maintaining a healthy environment of work. Now, did they live forever? Absolutely not. Medicine has come a long way too, and there were a lot of unhealthy environmental factors going on back then. But, they didn't suffer from the obesity epedemic. Our ancestors, as you have pointed out, were accustomed to all sorts of things. Beer, for example, is one of the oldest drinks known to man. And, it has been well established that in moderation, it has many health benefits. I know there are those that take exception to this, and that's fine. My point is, that in balance, with moving more and eating less, we can all work for healthier outcomes. And, with an appropriate amount of research like what Anatel is doing, we can add certain herbs/etc., that aid us in our connections. :-)

Re: Decalcifying your Pineal Gland and Eating Rainbows

Posted: Tue May 31, 2016 5:26 pm
by badblood
SikruaSuncat wrote:I would like to note that vegetarians have the brightest. most beautiful and colorful auras (when I can see them), but getting off sugar 'the White Death' (white sugar, white potatoes, white rice, white bread) is the most important to me. I have been anti-fluoride for a while, and have anti-fluoride filters in my apartment. The chemicals and poor nutrition of most Americans is terrible! I honestly believe we should love ourselves enough to take care of our bodies better, but it is SO TOUGH in America to cut out all the chemical poisons they put in foods here! And exercise! We need that DAILY! :devilbanana:
I'm going to sound like an asshole. But I don't care, either.

Your post is full of disinformation and confirmation bias. Suggesting that vegetarians have the "brightest, most beautiful and colourful auras" that you have ever seen suggests a way of eating that is NOT in line for everyone.

Sugar isn't white fucking anything, certainly not death, and only in colour. Or lack of it, rather. White potatoes are in fact, full of B vitamins and vitamin C. White bread is easier to digest than whole wheat, and white rice is prevalent in many cultures and their eating habits.

Fluoride doesn't calcify anything. If it did, you'd be consuming a stupid amount of it. And BTW, you'd be dead. How do I know this? One of my best friends, who is one of the smartest people I know, is a Registered Dietician.

Look up orthorexia. Your post is screaming of it. And I suggest others to do the same. Eating meat is fine. Eating sugar is fine. Nothing about food is immoral or poison...unless you are ACTUALLY INGESTING POISON. Like...henbane.

Everything in moderation. It works. Extremism isn't necessary and does NOT make you more spiritual, your aura more pretty, or your pineal gland sparkling clean. To suggest so is dangerous. There is a long, long history of diet extremism and the concept of purity/spirituality. It is bullshit.

Re: Decalcifying your Pineal Gland and Eating Rainbows

Posted: Tue May 31, 2016 11:55 pm
by Aprophis
Anatel wrote:Even flouridated drinking water or toothpaste can wreck your pineal gland and leave it in a scaley calcified mess.
I've long kept out of this discussion, but I still find this one funny. Many people who keep away from fluoridated water and toothpaste because they're so bad and calcify your pineal gland (supposedly), drink tea. What they don't consider is that tea has a higher concentration of fluoride than any tap water or toothpaste. And people drink tea more often than they brush their teeth.
Fluoride is attracted to calcium, so it could be that fluoride is found in the pineal gland because the pineal gland is already calcified. This is a case where the saying "correlation does not imply causation" should be applied.
All the information about calcified pineal glands is from autopsies performed on dead people. One would actually have to observe the process to determine the cause, everything else is based on assumption.
badblood wrote: Sugar isn't white fucking anything, certainly not death, and only in colour. Or lack of it, rather. White potatoes are in fact, full of B vitamins and vitamin C. White bread is easier to digest than whole wheat, and white rice is prevalent in many cultures and their eating habits.
While I agree that processed white sugar, made from beets, might not be the best one, it is only bad because there's so much of it in basically everything, same goes for white bread. It's pure carbohydrates and should be eaten in moderation but who does that nowadays, mostly the bread everyone gets is white bread.

Re: Decalcifying your Pineal Gland and Eating Rainbows

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 2:35 am
by User5191
I think everyone agrees that most things in moderation are ok for most people. But some people have reasons for avoiding things more than others. We should be mindful of how we approach these things, specifically when there are other health factors at risk. For example, many people have very good reasons for eliminating sugar and carbs from their diet. There will not ever be a universal approach. The thread has a lot of good information about an herb that Anatel had tried and had success with. And, moving from that point, a diet that many have had psychic increase from. It's just a suggestion that was put out there for people to consider.

As far as fluoride goes, as far as I can tell there is no concrete proof either way. There isn't any proof that settles the issue. Some say it causes issues with the pineal gland. Maybe. Some say it causes other health issues. Maybe. Some say it's beneficial. Also maybe. Bottom line is that it MIGHT and it's something to consider. Will it stop me from drinking tap water? No. But, again, it's something for me to consider. Additionally, it might encourage me to TRY altering my diet, to include water, to see if I get a benefit from it.

And Bad Blood, seriously, I would encourage you to re-read what you wrote earlier, as it appears to be an attack of not only the issues, but also the individuals behind them. It appears as if you've decide to convolute the two and allow your personal passions control your post. The worst part is, the first sentence of "you don't care" indicates that you KNEW what you were doing when you submitted the post. If that's so, poor form. I would kindly ask you to reevaluate what is going on within yourself that causes you to lash out against others.

In the words of Ice Cube: "you better check yo'self before you rickety-wreck yo'self."

Re: Decalcifying your Pineal Gland and Eating Rainbows

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 10:58 am
by Phlan
Cka75 wrote:In the words of Ice Cube: "you better check yo'self before you rickety-wreck yo'self."
hahahahahahaha love that quote I alway use it

Re: Decalcifying your Pineal Gland and Eating Rainbows

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 1:35 pm
by User3246
Cka75 wrote:I think everyone agrees that most things in moderation are ok for most people. But some people have reasons for avoiding things more than others. We should be mindful of how we approach these things, specifically when there are other health factors at risk. For example, many people have very good reasons for eliminating sugar and carbs from their diet. There will not ever be a universal approach. The thread has a lot of good information about an herb that Anatel had tried and had success with. And, moving from that point, a diet that many have had psychic increase from. It's just a suggestion that was put out there for people to consider.

As far as fluoride goes, as far as I can tell there is no concrete proof either way. There isn't any proof that settles the issue. Some say it causes issues with the pineal gland. Maybe. Some say it causes other health issues. Maybe. Some say it's beneficial. Also maybe. Bottom line is that it MIGHT and it's something to consider. Will it stop me from drinking tap water? No. But, again, it's something for me to consider. Additionally, it might encourage me to TRY altering my diet, to include water, to see if I get a benefit from it.

And Bad Blood, seriously, I would encourage you to re-read what you wrote earlier, as it appears to be an attack of not only the issues, but also the individuals behind them. It appears as if you've decide to convolute the two and allow your personal passions control your post. The worst part is, the first sentence of "you don't care" indicates that you KNEW what you were doing when you submitted the post. If that's so, poor form. I would kindly ask you to reevaluate what is going on within yourself that causes you to lash out against others.

In the words of Ice Cube: "you better check yo'self before you rickety-wreck yo'self."
Aces to you Cka! *laughing at your quote* I am a REGISTERED NURSE, and Double Degreed, so that kinda tops the Registered Dietitian! As for Fluoride, I never heard that about the pineal gland, but it SURE has negative effects on health~! It was used in Nazi Germany to wreck the will and mental status of death camp inmates. What reduces cavities is the mechanical removal of plaque. brushing with NOTHING has more value to your teeth and health! There are LOTS of studies on the negative effects of fluoride, and on the negative effects of sugar! Among the Inuit Eskimos, it was discovered that those who had access to a trading post with non native foods (mostly sugar and white flour) lost ALL of thier teeth, while those eating a purely native diet KEPT theirs for life! White potatoes have no fiber and spike the blood sugar dramatically! Same for white bread and rice. The wheat germ and rice hull had 90% of the nutrients in trace minerals that we need. Dude was not being civilized. I am gonna ignore him! :cheekydevil:

Re: Decalcifying your Pineal Gland and Eating Rainbows

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 4:04 pm
by Anatel
badblood wrote:
SikruaSuncat wrote:I would like to note that vegetarians have the brightest. most beautiful and colorful auras (when I can see them), but getting off sugar 'the White Death' (white sugar, white potatoes, white rice, white bread) is the most important to me. I have been anti-fluoride for a while, and have anti-fluoride filters in my apartment. The chemicals and poor nutrition of most Americans is terrible! I honestly believe we should love ourselves enough to take care of our bodies better, but it is SO TOUGH in America to cut out all the chemical poisons they put in foods here! And exercise! We need that DAILY! :devilbanana:
I'm going to sound like an asshole. But I don't care, either.

Your post is full of disinformation and confirmation bias. Suggesting that vegetarians have the "brightest, most beautiful and colourful auras" that you have ever seen suggests a way of eating that is NOT in line for everyone.

Sugar isn't white fucking anything, certainly not death, and only in colour. Or lack of it, rather. White potatoes are in fact, full of B vitamins and vitamin C. White bread is easier to digest than whole wheat, and white rice is prevalent in many cultures and their eating habits.

Fluoride doesn't calcify anything. If it did, you'd be consuming a stupid amount of it. And BTW, you'd be dead. How do I know this? One of my best friends, who is one of the smartest people I know, is a Registered Dietician.

Look up orthorexia. Your post is screaming of it. And I suggest others to do the same. Eating meat is fine. Eating sugar is fine. Nothing about food is immoral or poison...unless you are ACTUALLY INGESTING POISON. Like...henbane.

Everything in moderation. It works. Extremism isn't necessary and does NOT make you more spiritual, your aura more pretty, or your pineal gland sparkling clean. To suggest so is dangerous. There is a long, long history of diet extremism and the concept of purity/spirituality. It is bullshit.
yeah. you kind of do. But i'm attributing it to the fact that you know nothing of Suncat and for HER, sugar IS deadly. Its not orthorexia commenting on something that does have the potential to kill you. Nor was my saying "hey im going to try this." Its simply trying something different to the norm. Attacking someone for expressing their opinions on someones aura colour really is bad form. We are in the meta community. everyone sees things differently. doesnt make them wrong and you right. To each their own.

This post was originally intended to discuss the health benefits (or conversely, if there were none) of an herb I found interesting that i wanted to share here because, for me, it DID help me out. the diet i was on at that time DID help me meditate MUCH better in a very short period of time. My system wasnt so bogged down with crap food that I was able to reach that state quicker and focus better. I did this for about three months and the results for ME were tremendous. Being a texas girl there was no way in hell i could keep it up (im too much of a rare steak fiend) but for that period of time, it DID work well for me. I actually DID feel better. like a LOT better eating that way. It wasn't extreme to me in the slightest, it was simply something i was trying that was different to what I was normally ingesting. I wasnt trying to be ultra spiritual. I was trying to change my lifestyle to a healthier way (for ME) than what i was.

As for the fluoridated water everyone seems to scoff at, it actually can be bad for you. Its unnecessary. Its purpose is to prevent tooth decay, however studies show that this has had very little effect at prevention. This has caused many of our children (some studies say as high as 48%) to have dental fluorosis, which is a discoloration of the teeth due to levels of fluoride being far too high. Fluoride has also been linked with bone cancer, and those with kidney issues cannot excrete fluoride so it builds up and can cause serious bone issues, it DOES affect the pineal gland... and blah blah blah but whatever. To be honest with you, i really dont care one way or the other if there is fluoride in the water. I still drink it, but it is an interesting tidbit to have discovered. Everyone has to make their own minds up about whats good for them and whats bad for them. It really makes no odds to me. I still say the tulsi was damn ass good, but whether anyone gets it or not, i couldnt care less.

What i do care about is that this is a place of learning and respect for one another. S&S was originally started to give people a safe place to talk about demons and the LHP without people barking at them for expressing their views. I believe this should spread not only to demons but everything else. In short- if you dont have anything nice to say, dont say it at all. From now on, any posts seen swearing at another member in anger will be removed and the person writing will be warned.

Re: Decalcifying your Pineal Gland and Eating Rainbows

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 11:02 pm
by Aprophis
SikruaSuncat wrote: It was used in Nazi Germany to wreck the will and mental status of death camp inmates.
I'm sorry to tell you that this is an urban legend. The nazis had other uses of breaking them, I've been to the death camps, after all I live close to one of the concentration camps and death camps are really close too.

The Nazis had a more hand on approach for breaking people, namely literally breaking bones, beating them, starving them. They wouldn't need fluoride and all experiments they did with them were never about mind control. They were more about better ways to kill, for scientific reasons as test subjects for new medications, new surgical procedures, drugs that might enhance soldiers, etc.
Anatel wrote: As for the fluoridated water everyone seems to scoff at, it actually can be bad for you. Its unnecessary. Its purpose is to prevent tooth decay, however studies show that this has had very little effect at prevention. This has caused many of our children (some studies say as high as 48%) to have dental fluorosis, which is a discoloration of the teeth due to levels of fluoride being far too high. Fluoride has also been linked with bone cancer, and those with kidney issues cannot excrete fluoride so it builds up and can cause serious bone issues, it DOES affect the pineal gland...
Yes, it's unnecessary in the drinking water, since it only hardens the outermost few nanometers of the enamel of the teeth. I know that as kids we got fluoride pills here in austria, and my sister had dental fluorosis with white spots on her teeth.

While I cannot talk about it causing bone cancer, I doubt it has a big influence on the pineal gland (in normal doses that is). Since tea has a higher concentration of fluoride than any tap water, any tea drinkers would have problems with it and looking at chinese, indian, tibetan and japanese people, who one could call the more spiritual societies in the world, who drink lots of tea, I can't really see it influencing the pineal gland negatively.

The problem I have is that it's more of a type of fear-mongering as selling point for products that do not contain fluoride. Of course if you take in larger doses of it, just like with anything really, it will become unhealthy (except those with kidney problems, as you mentioned, for who it will always be unhealthy). It's just easier to hit the dangerous limit with fluoridated tap water.