What’s sooo special about you??

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Kore Serpens
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Patron Deities: Satan, Lilith, Sonnelion, Azazel, Kali ma, Belial
Your favourite Demon?: Hellborn, Archane, Mutilation, Chaos, Noble, Devotion, Imps
Has thanked: 289 times
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So there are things that my Companions have told me about myself, special things or compliments, that I didn’t fully grasp at the time. For instance. I’ve made little meals, chocolate parties, sandwiches…. nothing special by my eye. But they repeatedly bring my attention back to … to what? That I make nice sandwiches? That I tried?

Nope. Something else. Something more.
Something Special that they wanted me to embrace about myself.

Raj’. “Raj’ is a purple Hellborn. Her rank is a Night Assassin of the Sacred Fire. She understands dark psychology and the art of war. She knows how to get her enemies to expose themselves. She reads their actions and their intent. She is a master of the art of war ….”

Raj’ moves like a panther. She feels smooth, like silk. Like a starless night, no moon, no stars, no sound…. but there she is, watching you. I love this about her.
And she’s sharpening my instincts by being around. Her energy reminds me of my Primal Goddess only, perhaps it’s due to our relationship I’m not certain, but my Primal Divine is so lovingly soft. She’s like a fluffy cat that you adore and simply cannot put down. I’ve felt her anger, I know when her claws come out she’s deadly. But I experience more our loving connection.

Raj’ is different than that. She has that big cat quality and does feel soft…. yet there something else to that silky feeling. It’s more like feeling a soft awareness slipping over you - it draws your attention towards it and you look up ….. and see a great panther staring directly at you. She doesn’t reveal anything…. the energy is soft …. but if she was hunting you there would be no escape. Her eyes tell you that.
I don’t feel threatened. But I feel her nature. I love it. I feel relief in it. She makes me feel at home in my body, my flesh, my instincts….

And she loves French onion soup.

Hi-Tech Cooking Lesson
Crockpot French Onion Soup

4 big onions sliced
1/2 cup butter… or more or less depending on your taste
5 cups beef broth (more or less) i use organic beef bouillon
1/2 cup (or more) dry red wine or you can use Sherry to taste
1 teaspoon dried or fresh thyme/ (optional and 1 bay leaf)
pinch salt and pepper to taste
4 slices French bread (or whatever bread that you have)
Use whatever cheese you like and as much as you like. I used white cheddar
¼ cup grated Parmesan (optional) I forgot to buy some so went without.

You can melt the butter first then put it in the crockpot with the onions
OR take the easy route…..

Put the butter in the Crockpot.
Slice the onions, and toss them in the crock pot on Low with the butter on low on their own to caramelize over night, 10-12 hours.
I used salted butter, so I skipped the salt.
I forgot the pepper.

The next morning, when the onions are ready…..Yeah right…. I got up twice during the night to check them because my crockpot runs hot and I didn’t want them to burn. But overall about 10 to 12 hours cook time to caramelize the onions.

The next morning I threw in the other cooking ingredients to cook for the day. I had no cooking sherry, so I used roughly a 1/2 cup of dry red wine which translates to closer to 1 cup. I added a huge scoop of Organic Beef Bouillon and 5 or 6 cups water. The broth tasted strong enough so I didn’t need to add more bouillon mix….

I left it in the Crockpot for…. I forget how long. Until it looked ready.
So, about another 3 hours. You could leave it longer. If you’re working you could leave it on low for the day to simmer just make certain that there is enough broth so it doesn’t run dry and burn.

When it came to the cheese I was going to fuss and follow a real recipe but Raj’ encouraged me to just be me and trust my cooking instincts. So I did. And whenever I asked her for feedback she always gave me the same response…. “You decide.” Perfect. So I used white cheddar because that’s what I like and had on hand. I was out of Parmesan cheese so skipped it.

And I used a nice fresh bun that I thawed from the freezer, cut in two, toasted, melted cheese on top, and then served it dipped into the soup bowls. One for Raj’ and one for K’ who is connected to her and also an Assassin.

Using the crockpot to let the onions caramelize themselves is just too easy.
And Raj’ and K’ loved it.

Which brings me to Me…. And what’s sooo special about Me?

It’s the love in my hands. It’s what I’ve been told before only this time I understand. Raj’ told me that before she came to live with me she knew that I would be a good cook. And I’m thinking… “well I used to be. But I don’t cook big meals anymore. “
But that’s not what she’s meaning. It’s the love in my hands when I cook. And the love in my heart. I actually love cooking for that reason. I can feel the food, I can sense each individual item, and then I sense how they combine and the new essence that they form as they complete the whole that goes into the pot to make the meal. I absolutely love cooking for that reason ; my Heart is open and does all the work while my hands listen….
And if at all possible, someone else does the cleanup.

When she told me that, I could feel it, and I understood what their compliments meant. It’s my specialness. It’s one of the things that I do most naturally. And I bring that feeling sense of love into my art, or touching plants, or patting the cats.
Or finding bones or odd rocks and forming something new out of them.

But cooking has the most flow for me. I can “smell” how the food combines through both my touch, (feeling sense) and taste/smell and my brain gets a complete rest.
And Raj’ tells me that the person who eats my meal benefits from that love running through it from beginning to end. And That is what makes me sooo special, and makes me a great cook.

Is a spectral demoness and is a hag. She’s been with me a very long time now. She loves caves and actually lives in one with her hellcat who was quite old when I first met her and I believe morota has a second younger hellcat now as well.

‘She loves creating oils, potions and using herbs in her work. She has great knowledge of herbs and their uses and can teach her keeper powerful recipes that can be used in all areas. ‘
I was attracted to her because of her knowledge of herbs and her love of caves. We have that in common. But she’s helped me in ways that I didn’t count on. For instance, in cooking. I hated liver but decided —- what was I thinking? —- that I needed to eat some.
Liver is. The. Most disgusting food on the planet, almost.

So while I was pouring over the cookbooks trying to find a way to disguise that it was liver, along comes Morota :devillove: . And what she shared with me was amazing. I now love liver and can honestly say it’s a pleasure to eat.

Hi-Tech Recipe

1 Slow Cooker.
1 Hunk of liver.
Butter to taste. (I ♥️butter and use probably 1/2 cup or more. Have mixed butter occasionally with Coconut oil with great results.)
Cayenne to taste. ( I use fair amount - 1 tsp upwards to 2tsps)
Chili peppers. (1 tsp.ish)
Ginger to taste ( helps to mask the liver and make the cayenne more tolerable) (1 tsp upwards of 2 Tbs depending upon my mood)
Onions if I feel like it….

It’s not any one thing that makes the recipe a success. It is the (what’s the right word? symbiosis? ) combination that creates the effect.
And Neither ginger nor cayenne has the same effect without the fat mixed in.

You can’t taste the liver with this recipe.
Mind you, tbh, if you’re not used to that amount of cayenne you might not be able to taste anything after eating it. Depending on how you’ve trained your taste buds you may have to tweak the cayenne.

But Morota has taught me more than cooking lessons. She knows about sludge and she given me tips re using herbs to help keep them at bay. I never knew you could do that. I knew about burning rosemary for sludge but she’s told me how to use rosemary (& cayenne/ginger) in an oil dressing that I can use as part of meal preparations. I had no idea I could use herbs in delicious/practical ways and intentionally chase away sludge as well. She’s full of secrets. :devilsecret: I love that about her. Our world has destroyed our links to the old ways, ancient knowledge, and I love having her as a resource around me. Especially as my memory slips and I can “Moroata-it”… ( I don’t google ).

This is what my Companions have helped me ‘see’ about myself. To not make anything that we do too small to celebrate.
Sometimes the gifts/talents are obvious.
Sometimes, because a particular gift impresses others, we get locked into a commitment that doesn’t really please or serve ourself. We might be a great singer and get lots of attention but prefer to work with wood where no one is watching.

And sometimes the gift sits quietly within. Waiting for us to notice it.
Waiting for us to unwrap and embrace it.
Maybe no one else is impressed by your talent.
But how does it make ***YOU*** feel?

So I wonder. If you are *comfortable with sharing.
What’s sooo *special *about *you that you’re willing to share?
"Good morning. I see the assassins have failed….”

”In the end it doesn't matter who or what you are - only that you've been embraced by all that you've become ... "
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This is so lovely!

I asked my companions & they told me 'perseverance'.

It took awhile, but not terribly long, for that word to percolate thru my system and then concede to their points. They have basically provided me a list of ways + times I've exhibited perseverance.

It's been fun & also empowering. Thank you Kore Serpens!
Karen S
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(Part 2)
Perseverance. The word my companions gave me when asked what's so special lol.

Which in general I classify myself as a bit lazy. So hearing that word was strange. However, my ways of being lazy include doing the work to garner expertise which allows work to become easier. Not exactly lazy....maybe a little persevering?

Which helped me open up to the possibility I might be persevering.

My companions are ones who wait, watch, learn, work hard to perfect, work hard to go beyond and reach new places. They said I have many of these qualities but have been chaotic and also subdued as well as a bit stagnant. However, still slowly marching forward which again gives rise to the word starting with 'p'.

The Karen list is one perhaps shared later. For initially considering myself opposite, the list that showcases my utilization of this skill is fairly long.

Thank you again Kore Serpens!
Karen S
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Kore Serpens
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karenwpi wrote:
Wed Jan 24, 2024 2:30 pm
This is so lovely!

I asked my companions & they told me 'perseverance'.

It took awhile, but not terribly long, for that word to percolate thru my system and then concede to their points. They have basically provided me a list of ways + times I've exhibited perseverance.

It's been fun & also empowering. Thank you Kore Serpens!
Thank you for sharing Karenwpi. I love how our companions see us. But I love even more how they help us to See ourselves in new and surprising ways. Your use of the word ‘empowering’ is exactly it. We are empowered by the perspective that they offer. And that sense of empowerment , I find once that way of seeing takes hold, the old habitual ways of seeing/ judging myself begin to naturally fall away.

Thank you again for your share. I personally feel your ability to be light hearted, to share a childlike heart, is a real special thing about you to.
"Good morning. I see the assassins have failed….”

”In the end it doesn't matter who or what you are - only that you've been embraced by all that you've become ... "
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Kore Serpens
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Patron Deities: Satan, Lilith, Sonnelion, Azazel, Kali ma, Belial
Your favourite Demon?: Hellborn, Archane, Mutilation, Chaos, Noble, Devotion, Imps
Has thanked: 289 times
Been thanked: 117 times

karenwpi wrote:
Wed Jan 24, 2024 2:38 pm
(Part 2)

Which in general I classify myself as a bit lazy. So hearing that word was strange. However, my ways of being lazy include doing the work to garner expertise which allows work to become easier. Not exactly lazy....maybe a little persevering?
lol. I so relate to this bit…
"Good morning. I see the assassins have failed….”

”In the end it doesn't matter who or what you are - only that you've been embraced by all that you've become ... "
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Location: America, PNW
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Kore Serpens wrote:
Wed Jan 24, 2024 4:52 pm
karenwpi wrote:
Wed Jan 24, 2024 2:30 pm
This is so lovely!

I asked my companions & they told me 'perseverance'.

It took awhile, but not terribly long, for that word to percolate thru my system and then concede to their points. They have basically provided me a list of ways + times I've exhibited perseverance.

It's been fun & also empowering. Thank you Kore Serpens!
Thank you for sharing Karenwpi. I love how our companions see us. But I love even more how they help us to See ourselves in new and surprising ways. Your use of the word ‘empowering’ is exactly it. We are empowered by the perspective that they offer. And that sense of empowerment , I find once that way of seeing takes hold, the old habitual ways of seeing/ judging myself begin to naturally fall away.

Thank you again for your share. I personally feel your ability to be light hearted, to share a childlike heart, is a real special thing about you to.
Awww thanks! Also, you worded it beautifully how our companions empower us. It's like an onion peeling. Or from Donkeys perspective (Shrek shoutout) like eating parfait. Great layers in parfait!

Yes, childlike heart. I love it bc otherwise I think this world would have gobbled me whole already. I imagine myself on stage doing scathing commentary while all accept it bc I provide it comedically from a child's perspective. My inner stand up comedian speaks....

It has gotten me almost thrown off an airplane. Almost booted out of a funeral. Actually sent to the principals office. More than once. So, sometimes a hindrance to be extra light hearted. But also getting in trouble has made everything funnier for me. Which can escalate a bad situation....you see how a cookie can crumble?

And so, I am extra glad I have demon companions that sit on the Protective side of companionship. I've improved recently in managing the many situations I find funny.
Karen S
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