Meditation 1 - Crypt Demon Attunement

Moderator: Akelta

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Crypt Demon Attunement

Welcome to the first meditation of the Crypt Demon Cryptmas Carol.

The world of the Outer Crypt is one of Mystery and Darkness.

It is a place that is hard to venture to

We have created a very special portal to allow you safe passage.

You must first be attuned to the Portal and Attuned to the Crypt Demons.

This meditation will also help you to communicate better with your Crypt Companions.

And give you more insight and perspective into their world.

Their world is one of darkness and Mystery. The Crypt of Lord Vulekus is found on the side of a dark mountain on the outskirts of the Outer Crypt Realm. They travelled far to get away from those who hunted them.

The mountain range is full of sharp, jagged rocks, and the crypt on the outside does not appear to be anything marvellous. It looks like a tomb that is embedded into the side of the mountain, high up on the cold peaks.

While appearing quite banal on the outside, within the halls of the great Crypt is a labyrinth of Beaty and architectural wonder, passages and hallways that bury deep into the heart of the mountain. The Crypt was designed to keep those within it safe. It was designed to be inconspicuous and ungracious. It was designed to conceal the wonder that is found within.

This is just how Lord Vulekus wanted it. He did not wish to be found. He wanted himself and his family to stay safe. To stay protected.

It is a place that very few are allowed to enter, that very few are allowed to gain safe passage to. Lord Vulekus has embedded within the walls and the outer defences great shields and energies which will destroy and eliminate those who are unwanted. Those who are not granted passage.

All those who wish to walk amongst these halls require a special attunement

Lady Sacra Approaches you from the shadows. She knows how to bring you to her world.

She knows how to give you what you need to bypass the shields and attune you to her world and the world of the Crypt Demons.

She is very skilled with magick, a gift she inherited from her father.

She has come to attune you to their realm.

She has come to attune you to her world.

She approaches you in the darkness.

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Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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I grabbed the pendant of my Crypt companion and put it on. I invited her to join me and said my other companions were welcome, too.

This, for me, was a truly amazing meditation!

I drifted off into the meditation during the silent period . . .

I was drifting . . . drifting . . . floating along. I came upon some flowered shrubbery that looked beautiful, similar to red roses.

In the distance, I saw some sort of opening in the ground, like maybe a crypt? It was mostly square, maybe a little rectangular, with slabs of stone defining the opening.

As I slowly floated towards the opening, I began to question my orientation. 'Am I truly right-side up?' 'Which way is up?'

I continued to debate this and think about as I was approaching the opening.

As I passed over the opening, golden energy swirled all around me and through me as it was rising up out of the opening.

The moment I completely finished passing over the opening, everything changed. I was no longer in the same place. I instantly shifted and transitioned into darkness. It was not complete darkness, there was a little gray-ness, too. But, it was darkness none the less. I was someplace that was temperate; it was no longer a bit chilly like back at the crypt area.

I fell deeper, deeper, and deeper into my trance state. Descending deeply. Descending into darkness and much more deeply into my trance state.


I had descended extremely deeply into a trance state so much so that my body relaxed A lot. My head rolled and fell forward snapping me out of my trance state as it bounced from its lowest point. Very shortly thereafter, I heard Akelta's voice speak again to transition to the end of the meditation. lol
"Will you spill the wine
to summon the divine?"

Darkness at the Heart of my Love - Ghost
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I was completely infused with a white, grounding yet lightweight energy. As the attunement advanced, I could see and empathize with immortals dying, rotting, becoming bones. Some loving that state others working with the Crypt energies to gather life-force back unto themselves. Eons of time passing, molecule by molecule comes change.
Reds, browns, yellows interfuse and rise up in fleshy strands like tentacles. Bits of dead material binding together and rising up.
A horde of immortal dead ones came towards me, with one running in front. He had a purple crown & tendrils of a wisp of a suggestion of a cape and jewels. As if they had been there for so long, they still existed in ghostly form although long gone. His purple crown was solid, though. I opened my arms & welcomed him & all into my Crypt spaces within myself that had just opened. They came in, I could feel the sweep of air as they spread out behind & all around. Like a huge tent city and everyone settling in to camp, cook and eat. Their energy is so confident it's relaxing.
A water lily. Frogs. Crypt frogs. Various states of decomposition. Demoness V says yes there are frogs and other animals that do well in watery places and can survive winter freezing.
A sunflower. This is for me.
I'm seeing through a purple eye. The more I focus, the clearer it is that I am looking through one purple eye. Then it bends out to two eyes I can see through, just not so clearly and the purple not so bright.
The attunement is really powerful and mysterious. Thank you so much Akelta!
Karen S
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My twin & I as One, our energies sacred, will do the meditation together.
She takes on her warrioress appearance. My twin reminds me: “I assure you that it is not a promise (to Lady Sacra) that we make lightly.”

And U, my guardian & assassin, as One, will come with to assist us and protect Me.

The Attunement begins and I see my twins face in startling clarity.
Her eyebrows and eyes are lined with black and her eyes are piercing blue.
Her hair is white and the black detailing on her face looks stark against the white.
She has on her silver armour with a human skull above her head and she looks very powerful. There are streaks of teal, almost electrifying, to my right and I can feel the energy of the teal colour in & about my twin’s energy and around her eyes.

I feel an energy in my heart chakra and a powerful energy in my solar plexus that continues to grow the whole Attunement. I also feel an unexpected strange familiarity with the Crypt energies/darkness. There is something familiar here and at one point a flash of memory surfaces, like a story, that flashes through my being too quickly for me to unravel but I feel a knowingness within me as if I’ve grasped the meaning.

Then I see another woman’s face. The energies around her are more a very soft faded pink, her eyes are a colour that I describe as soft pink as well but they are also a faded blue. Her features are classically beautiful and there is such a haunting feminine energy to her. She is more delicate than my twin whose energy is powerful and truly a warrioress.

I clearly hear the words: “your cousin has arrived…” and the words shocked me so that I missed the next details…..
I keep looking at the woman’s face, believing that it is Lady Sacra.
But then I realize a small detail about how the woman was dressed. Her throat is wrapped in a sheer silky material that is completely embossed with tiny diamonds; and in that detail I recognize mySelf. And that makes sense— the Attunement is for our being.
There is an inner knowingness of an ancient wound at the location of the throat, but it is healed, and the Throat Wrapping is as significant a detail of royalty as is the Armour that my Twin wears.

Lady Sacra tells me that my Attunement is complete, and yes, my cousin is arrived.
"Good morning. I see the assassins have failed….”

”In the end it doesn't matter who or what you are - only that you've been embraced by all that you've become ... "
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So, this was the first meditation I’ve done since I got the third eye working done and…..I fell asleep(or more like a trance) lol
The countdown to 1 really swept me away and under, and as quickly as I was pulled in, my eyes naturally popped open at the completion of the attunement. I feel attuned and also like I’ve seen something interesting.
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I knew that these meditarions are not so easy for me. It deals with shadow work and as well past lives trauma.
The first time I made this meditation heavy energies flew into my energetic body, during Lady's Sacra chanting. It hurts.
And I got a terrible migraine attack. My Solar Commander was immediatly by me, he simply closed all chakras. There I recognized that I have problems with smaller chakras, these are not any blockades,these are smaller chakras, I read it the following day. One chakra is the Medial Dantian between Solar Plexus and heartchakra the other is the Hara Chakra which is as well connected with the Rootchakra. These are abdominal chakras and energy depot.
So I made this meditation a second time.
The energies were again heavy and I fell in trance. I was in the mountains and stood in front of an entry inside the mountain. I stepped in, into a long hallway. It became there more decorated.
And with portals left and right from this hallway.
There are energies and as an nature empath I felt emotions and pain. And guilt and shame, because " I cannot protected, I am helpless,". Unsecurity, we need to escape.
And a feeling of revenge, they need to be punished....
This all made me fell in sadness, and long forgotten memories from past lives...
But on the other hand I felt as well energies of restauration and stepping back into power...
Then I heard Akelta's voice, attunement is done.
I needed a rest.
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Hi I did the crypt attunement meditation and I did experience my shadow self.
At first I stay still in meditation in the dark, and my eyes was closed.
And begin to feel lost within me and outside in this vast darkness, although I couldn't understand the experience.
I could see not with my eyes open but within, and also I could see the darkness getting little bit clear with the moon radiance and I was going down to this tunnels of rocks and I stop in this dark tunnel; to continue I wasn't in control my movements, like I was being pulled by a force in to this dark tunnels.
Standing on this particular dark tunnel I couldn't see anything but I sense a presence, dark presence coming out of my self into the dark.
I could sense the dark presence as my self but it has a fermnine energy experience to it.
I had her voice in the dark saying to me come come come and as if the radiance of the Moon found itself in dark, and having the feeling it's want to reveal it's self, I found myself back.

I want to say after this experience I have this within me, that was my shadow self and and also how it was also lady sacra.
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The attunement was a little bit hard at first, but I listened and tapped into sorrow in the heart and the change was near-instant. I could see crypt kingdoms rise, fall, usurped, fled. Childbirth and death and diaspora. A woman spoke to me but I woke up soon after.
Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright before you hear them speak.
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Second try doing this as the first time I zoned out completely.
The energy of the attunement rises like a haze of deepest eggplant purple and black and gray. These mysterious swirls around me, sinking into me and enveloping me.i see the lady in the mist before me but there is another. A male creeps forward. There is an intensity about him and the energies move around and with he draws close to observe.
Is it otherwise peaceful with a heaviness to the energy and a silence that prevades which pulls me just moments before it ends. Like a big echoing hall which no one passes. That is the best way I can describe it.
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It feels like I've been having this attunement all month long. I thought it was just the general malaise of the workplace drama that came to a head this month after a two year build up. But, no, the sadness, the sorrow, the death goes beyond the mondane. Usually I take such joy in the Christmas season, the music, the shows, the decorations. This year I didn't drag my ceramic tree out until Christmas eve. What I've been watching has been sadness, sorrow, with death tossed in. And I wondered, why? Then, I remembered this journey with Lady Sacra. Now it makes so much sense. This won't be an easy journey. But we will get through it together. The attunement begins and I immediately feel my resistance against it. I repeat to myself that I receive the attumement. I find the more I try to relax, the more I am resisting. It builds up over the attunement until the final ten minutes are almost up. There is a stillness, my mind's eye is flooded with a white pattern with an icy blue outline. The attunement is done. I am ready.
This is why the Mantis Shrimp is my new favorite animal,
because in the presence of such extraordinary light and beauty it embraces

It extols DEATH with the luminescent brilliance of a

. . . The Mantis Shrimp is the harbinger of blood-soaked rainbows

- The Oatmeal
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