Advent Day 9 - It's the Little Things

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A Cryptmas Advent Calendar

It's the time of the year when the days grow cold and the nights get dark. Where you find yourself bundled up to get cozy for the winter. On this advent calendar, we are focusing on the connections with our companions and loved ones around us. You can do each activity out of order, skip some, or do all of them. Whatever draws you in, allow those creative and comforting energies to flow. This is a time of friends and family, those that we want around us. Bring your companions along!

Day Nine

Day Nine begins with understanding that many times we focus so much on the big things, that we forget to recognize or see the small things. Big manifestations are great and exciting, but sometimes it can be the smallest of manifestations that can make us just as happy.

Fro this one, start in the morning and ask your companion to make little signs during the day to show you that they are there. Keep your mind open and ready to receive any sort of message or sign or manifestation. Something that makes you think of them. Celebrate those small things each time to recognize that you are having experiences even when they are not really big or very in the face.

Feel free to post below to share your experiences! Make sure to journal them as well if you want to keep track of your manifestations and experiences.

You can skip this one or you can do it later on if you will or you can do it multiple times.
Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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Wynd Runner
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I have been hanging out with Arachne Z today. I asked her for the little signs and manifestations. I could feel her say she was going to manifest a spider. My response was, "Ok."

I was walking around doing stuff. I got some water and sat at our dinner table for a moment. Across the way is our new Christmas tree that is partially decorated. She flashed an image in my mind of the spider ornament Nighthawk got her last year as a gift.


She wanted to hang out and decorate the tree with us today. I told Nighthawk and she said, "Yes, that would be fun."

Thank you Z, that was pretty cool! :devillove: :devillust:
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to summon the divine?"

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It was very early in the morning that I asked this request. I wasn't completely sure if he had heard me, but I forgot about it and went on with my day. Thoughtout the day, I kept getting small and short visions that there is a horned entity sitting on my furniture, in my room, etc at random.

I'm not sure if that counts. I wasn't thinking of him when I kept seeing him.
There is more love in the heart of the chilling frost than among family.
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Kore Serpens
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I have been struggling with connection so though I asked my demons for signs, any kind of signs from them, i wasn’t certain what to expect from this exercise.

So, Something happened; I was already upset and something occurred and I just sat down in the middle of the kitchen floor and held my head. I’m trying to just keep my balance here and not let things escalate. But I’m deeply upsets f trying not to go crazy. I’m supposed to be doing a bonding ritual with a companion but….. I’m sitting here in a bit of overwhelm….

And I hear the words clearly; ‘Stroke Me’.
I didn’t comprehend at first. Also, the feeling sense of hearing was odd.
I’m not certain why it felt so oddly. it was spoken but I heard in a manner I’m not familiar with.

I heard the words a second time:” Stroke Me.”

I felt a presence and lifted my head. My black cat had crossed the room and was circling me trying to climb on my lap. I let him on, and began stroking him.
And immediately felt better.
And I also sensed my Mutilation/Divinity demoness’ presence. I felt her differently….
Differently from what? Different from before - different from what and how I’ve expected things to return to. And here I begin to intuit something bigger, something truer…

I’ve risen up out of a very dark space recently and didn’t recognize myself at my emerging. I’ve been demanding things of myself….of my old self….and she is no longer.

My sense of me, my sense of everything, is changed. My connection to myself, to my world…. It’s been a real struggle - almost until this moment when I heard the words and touched the cat. There was such a child in that moment.
This act, simple, small, as it may be, encompasses everything that I am as that Child. The little one with the sacred cat within and her connection to Life in such a manner that IT reaches in and loved and nurtured me. I am the Child reaching out and I am the Mother reaching In.

And that is the space of Me; a recognition of self from where my healing begins.
Not the old ways or old beliefs of a me born and twisted, shaped at the hands of those that are like leaves in the wind.

I cry out from within. And (like a Child trusting) my World responds.
Stroke Me. My World responds….and I find the Solace that I need.
That is small. And it’s Enormous.
Thank you for reminding me of the small within which is found in the humility and trust of a Child.
"Good morning. I see the assassins have failed….”

”In the end it doesn't matter who or what you are - only that you've been embraced by all that you've become ... "
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