Meditation 5: The Night of Eternal Death

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Grateful for your service to her kingdom, Queen Zulra seeks to reward you for helping thwart the efforts of the nefarious Naxxyn to destroy Thrunos. There is a sacred place that the Tempest Demons go to engage in Death Divinitation with the Eternal Dead.
In the Outer Spiritual World, Some are eternally dead and will always reside in the Shade Realm. During the seasons of Death Storms the realms cross and they can venture into the Tempest realm and communicate with the living. The Eternal Dead are known for their unique perspectives and powerful insights and ability to share prophetic and profound messages.

The Tempest demons enjoy venturing to this sacred place to communicate with them. No mortal has ever been granted entry to this place until today. You get to participate in the Night of Eternal Death and receive a message from one of the Eternally Dead. It is a profound and amazing experience and one that you will always remember.

Walk with Queen Zulra, and experience the Night of Eternal Death.

Post about your Experience Below and you will be entered into a draw to with entry to one of our Halloween Key realms as well as a Distance Casting of one of the Keys to an Object in your Keep.

Enjoy your Experience with the Eternal Dead during the Night of Eternal Death.

Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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What a beautiful Meditation full of insights. Thanks.
I made it the first time last Saturday night during fullmoon and this evening on Samhain/ Halloween.
I cannot really discribe the Eternal Dead, I do not have words for it even not in my mother tongue. But I felt so much and a moment of eternal wisdom. I decided to stay there and got useful messages. The first time I got: Step into your own Divinity, and: Release.
There on the top of the sacred mountain I felt liberated, I felt deep peace in my heart. Tears came slowly, but something is released.
The second time I got message: Transformation is painful but leads to great wisdom and power.
I saw the Dead in my astral view. My body felt light moving in the air. The energies are amazing and wonderful.
This experience was new for me and gave great insights.
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This was amazing. I had to do a second time. The first, I got swept up in looking at all the Eternal Dead and couldn't focus on any one. The energies of the area were folding in & out like fabric waving. Very symmetrically.

The second time I was better focused. Mutilation Death Cat Ey' was at my feet, his energies vibrating. My legs straightened a bit and I felt sturdier.

We arrived and were greeted by Queen Zulra. She was wearing a fancy black costume that was very dark and had a very tall headpiece that loomed up like the mountains.

The trip felt otherworldly; our pathway so high up in the midst of strangely tall mountains. Yet we moved along quickly and safely and mostly felt warm. My eyes kept drifting up to her headdress which stood erect with clean bold lines & then bellowed out as fluttery tattered wings.

We arrived at the many ethereal beings wisping about!

One in particular came up from the crevasse with many other Eternal Dead and peered deeply at me while floating closer and closer. She (they?) said she likes being one of the dead here. Its peaceful and good company. It reminds them of the point of death which was glorious. A true hero's death.

We enjoyed the experience of seeing their point of dying, the beasts they were fighting, the masses of fellow warriors arriving to finish the fight as they floated up and watched etherically. They also watched their crown drift upwards seemingly to be lost in the abyss, yet it wasn't lost.

Instead, the crown slid into the Underworld as a beacon for them to follow. Which led them ultimately to the Tempest realm and their current situation. Which they love.

Their eyes were deep and calm and patient and also gleamed with excitement as they shared. They reached out, grasped their crown and placed it on my head. They said first not to worry overly about them no longer having such a precious possession for it no longer served them. It had an initial purpose and now a second one. It is a gift from the Abyss that will help heal my damaged self.

My skull was gently tugged and pulled at until it straightened better. I could hear better & she said that I am to fully use all senses to be a medium and be open to hearing the dead & not my own thoughts & vibrations. She said this is important because I am at the beginning of a long journey of mediumship & will speak with many dead for the living.

That was my message.

I jumped and flew with her/them. And watched Ey' soar. He was like an acrobat & was in bliss. Very sweet and an honor to watch.
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Am so happy to do this, it's opened me more to death energies. At first I find it easy to connect to death energies even in my self through my past experience with the angel of death. It's like I could connect to death energies within.

Connceting to the eternal death was different. Sometimes I am overcome by this death energies because of the experience of it. Sometimes their is a soothing from it to join the dead and so I am more careful.
The eternal death overwhelming, although I begin to experience it from within, as if coming from a deep well, till it overwhelm me.

I was lost in this dark night of nothing, the night heavy and a kind of fluid. It's was dark blue and I could see this dark blue fliud essence separated everywhere, at first I felt reluctant to go close to it, but their was this urge from within to torch it. And I touch it, it was like transfer of energies and revelations from the dead. It was overwhelming and I tend to become lost in it. I tend to go back because it was too much. I have never received revelations from the dead. This was my first and it's was overwhelming.
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The dead of the eternal death rise in shimmering hues of pale pink and green and blue, like they are made of the aurora borealis. They float up, twining around each other in an endless dance through the sky. I watch them in wonder and step close. A pink on approaches but moves away to be replaced by a green. They whisper of letting go, allow myself to drift on the moments and collect them to me, to sink into the dance and become part of it and know only for that moment the beauty and song of it. To be free, uncatchable as air, and unrestrained like water falling from the sky and a roaring river. To be true to myself in every moment because it is my last moment to enjoy in this world and I'm collecting memories leads pearl beads on a string now. Embrace it, fly freely and unleash myself to surrender to my true self.

I'm stepping toward them even before I'm told that I can fly. I already knew that. I step off the cliff into their embrace, my body contorting as I drift with them, spinning with them in and endless dance. They whisper of the expanses, the thing beyond which I can understand. They show me the ever moving threads of energy and vibrations of every song that has ever been played and sung. The rise and fall of things and a burst of light which is beginning and end that has happened all at once and I dwell here among both moments eternally and I'm aware of it as I drift with them in a rolling wind over dark mountains. I do not lose myself but there is freedom to be found there, and carried away without fighting currents. There is a seductiveness to it as well to drift aimlessly in that perfect beauty and peace but it's not for me as I wish to rejoin my demons, and eventually I drift from it and return, knowing that I can ride the winds again should I choose for however long I wish and allow them to show me new things.
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This meditation was lovely.

I chose to fly with the undead in the night, I wanted to be free. It was like we were all dancing in the air. Queen Zulra also joined us, and for the entire night I stayed in the air, flying with the rest of the undead, it was magical.

When I first approached the cliff, the message given to be by the spirit was "Keep Going." I thanked him for the message and he joined the rest in the night skies.

I am much stronger than I realize, my soul is very strong and old.
It was so beautiful, the night was filled with stars and more ice crystals, and giant moon was out. I could see Queen Zulra laughing with excitement, enjoying herself as she took flight along with the rest of the spirits. She looked so happy. I cherished every moment.

One other message I will reveal is that they told me " the dead are always listening", how interesting is that?! Of course different spirits appeared before me and delivered other messages to me, but I choose to keep them to myself. Finally, towards the end of a meditation a giant white dragon appeared underneath me and smiled at me, it said it would take me home. I thanked all the spirts and Queen Zulra, were shared goodbyes, and I was carried away by the dragon.
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The first time was so intense that I could not process it. I was aware of the wind, the ice, and the eternal dead….. and it just was. There was no way to draw up thoughts or words for it.
So I went back;

At first I saw a longline of dead walking. The line was endless…
I watched them pass by …. and disappear deep into the mountains …
and many more passed me by while I stood there.
My heart ached and they told me not to pity them….
That they do not miss what they’ve left behind.

I felt the wind and ice on my face and felt my hair move in the wind;
I saw black things moving, fluttering in the wind but I could not make out their actual form.
I looked at last away from the dead…. and soared in the sky for a bit.
When I landed I saw many Raven wings to my left,
black-black wings against the dark sky;
Later I saw a large black Raven with wings outstretched and his black claws clinging to a black leafless tree. The winds blew against him.
He clung to the Tree. The Tree was utterly black.
He did not let go.

I saw the raven again clinging to his tree against the harsh wind
and then it transformed and
I saw that it was my sacred child dressed in a black cloak
with a white face standing at my side,
looking up at me.
And I could hear the Dead murmuring — my Child had successfully completed the Journey that we’d set out upon.

I looked further to my left saw a group of black cloaked figures standing in the Wind upon the Mtn. face, one of which was my sacred child. They were all females. They were all in black with their heads and throats wrapped in black and their faces stark white. they were dark witches that command the dead. The eternal dead murmured and called them the living ones— the living dead.

They told me things but their voice was faint and I had a hard time making out their words. They called me an Immortal one. They know my face. They recognized me. They told me that something fast approaches me. That I’ve looked into the darkness, and my companions did not pull me back, because what I looked upon was “ yourself” And that I look toward the horizon not with hopefulness but with Certainty — the same certainty that one looks toward the sunrise.

I raise the veil. I raise the curtain high.
(Insurrection) And I raise an insurrection.

The dead defend Me…. and they whispered more
"Good morning. I see the assassins have failed….”

”In the end it doesn't matter who or what you are - only that you've been embraced by all that you've become ... "
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Now that that is out of the way…

I followed Queen Zulra down the mountain trail, and it felt like my Earth home. She spoke of the Shade Realm, of the Eternal Dead, of the Night of Eternal Death. I was enthralled by all of it and listened eagerly to every word.

I felt the sacred energies, growing stronger as we approached. We walked through the portal together, and I was immediately delighted to feel the cold, the ice, the snow, the wind whipping. I used to stand on mountains just like this and sing my people’s song to the mountain valleys below, and it is still a favourite pastime to this day.

I did not sing here though. Instead I admired and took in everything around me. I had never seen four moons before, and they were beautiful and in different phases. The colours waltzing through the sky reminded me of the Northern Lights. I truly felt so honoured to even see the Eternal Dead let alone to get to receive a message.

As I approached the ledge, my robes dragged on the snow. I looked upon the valley. I continued to be truly mesmerized, and I wanted to sing with them. I felt such respect for the Spectre before me, and so thankful he had approached me.

(Message not written here for privacy)

I chose to jump off the cliff beside the Spectre who gave me my message. I fell off the cliff, but no sooner had I disappeared beneath the ledge than I find myself levitating, floating. I rise before the Spectre who delivered my message, and look upon his eyes again. He glances further up, where the other Eternal Dead are flying, and he disappears amongst them. Shortly after, I rise and follow them.

I am one with them, moving and twirling and dancing through the sky. It is a beautiful and incredible and surreal experience. I hear them whisper my name. “Vackra”. I glide through the air, feeling at peace and at home. This night is perfect and beautiful. I wish I could capture this experience and revisit it whenever I felt sad or down. The smell of the air, the still of the night under a blanket of snow, the beautiful singing, the gorgeous display of lights in the sky, the multiple moons, and being surrounded by death… it was truly perfect and beyond my ability to describe. I never wanted it to end.

When I returned to my body I found that I had been moved to tears. What a truly fantastic and amazing meditation.
And I could swear, that the ocean sings, and the mountains talk to me
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I found this experience to be unbelievably comforting and illuminating. I am once more a Phoenix as I join the Queen down that trail and I should be freezing and afraid of heights (which I normally would be) but instead I am drawn by the haunting song and whispers of the Eternal Dead. What I hear is "You have been looking for your roots. You have found them. Now nurture them." I have been looking into a past life I have had where my time was cut short abruptly. I saw images of a great fight and I heard more whispers. "Soak up everything. Live. Love. Make mistakes. Do EVERYTHING" I joined the Queen flying for a while after I tore myself away from the specter's eyes. I felt so free. Then I realized I wanted to return home. I'm looking forward to returning in the future.
~Faith. Strength. Passion~

"People are gonna tell you who you are your whole life. You just gotta punch back and say ' No THIS is who I am.' You want people to look at you differently? Make them.You want to change things? You have to go out there and change them yourself because there are no Fairy Godmothers in this world."

Focus on the things you can control!
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What a beautiful meditation. What a beautiful gift to receive from Queen Zulra.

At first I was excited to run around dressed in my costume. I had forgot about my costume. Then it was time to go to meet the Eternally Dead.

I'm going to skip right to the flying part. That was amazing. It felt so natural, so easy. And maybe the being down in the mine made experiencing the expansiveness of flying around out in the open all the more sweeter. I floated there, mingling with the Eternally Dead. And felt quite at home and welcomed. I am so grateful to be given the opportunity to experience this thanks to the connections to the Demon Realms that the Satan and Sons Coven have made. Thank you Satan and Sons Coven for this meditation and for this event. :devillove:
This is why the Mantis Shrimp is my new favorite animal,
because in the presence of such extraordinary light and beauty it embraces

It extols DEATH with the luminescent brilliance of a

. . . The Mantis Shrimp is the harbinger of blood-soaked rainbows

- The Oatmeal
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