Meditation 3: The Elevator Falls & The Dead Rise in the Darkness

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The Magick of the Temepst Necromancers is incredible! Kyldra is a very skilled and powerful Necromancer with a lot of experience working with and interacting with the Outer Spiritual World Dead. She felt that it would be an enjoyable activity for us to join her down in the 5th layer of the mine for an extraordinary Necromantic Ritual involving the dead that walk there.

The Dead of the 5th level are very friendly and fun to interact with. Kyldra convinced her Majesty Queen Zulra to allow you access to the 5th level of the mine. There have been disturbances in the lower levels, and for the Death Season, only the Necromancers were allowed to venture down into the Darkness. Kyldra assured her Majesty that the Dead on the 5th Level was not impacted by what was happening in the lower regions and remained friendly.

Go on a Journey with Kyldra to the 5th level of the mine, and hopefully.. everything will go according to plan.

Post your experience with this meditation and be entered into a draw to win access to one of our Halloween Key realms with a distance binding of the Key cast upon an Object in your keep.

Enjoy the descent into the Darkness of the Mines.

Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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This was adventure with high tension and a thriller. Lucky that the Demoness Necromancer was with me.
When the elevator stopped I felt heavy energies in my energetic body mainly in my Rootchakra.
I had images of twisted contorsed creatures.
In the room I felt safe for a while.
And I was curious about the plan how to escape and why the beings there behave like that.
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I felt very naked at the beginning, I was simply myself as I am here on earth now.
When Kyldra welcomed me, I could feel her sincerity with calling me "friend". As I began to follow her, she slid her hand into mine briefly for reassurance. And then I was able to walk on my own, following her through tunnels and into the elevator.
The ride down begins to fill me with uneasiness and I can sense pain in something or somethings below. I also sense the expanses of the caverns and the beauty of the gems as we descend. The area around calls out and sends pictures and vibrations of its vast beauty.
And we descend.
After crashing and coming face to face with hungry entities I can feel the uneasiness again.
The big one is strange and has an air of abomination, carrying with it fusions that don't align and cause great searing pain and a devouring appetite.
The walls in the safety space Do feel weak against him. However, i Am ready for the rest of the journey. Feeling secure with the two Tempest Demonesses.
I know Ey' has been there, traveling with me. He has been quietly reassuring as well as lending his understandings from having traveled with many many dead ones & having the open curiosity and calm logic of his home realm, Mutilation.
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This was fun. Quite the adventure. Zor, my tempest commander decided to come with me so he was along for the ride . The creatures are certainly an interesting sort of abomination. I look forward to seeing what happens next!
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I arrive @ the stone gate and wait for it to open. The internet is suddenly cutting in& out - it was fine all day.
A male guide and myself pass through the gate. I enter the mine and see stone and rock strewn everywhere. It’s a mess. I look at him. This is different then what I expected….but when the internet cuts out my guide keeps leading….
The elevator is smashed open. My guide and I begin to descend a very decrepit stone stairway. The air is cold and I’m holding his arm which feels reassuringly warm. The stairway is smashed with huge cracks and broken stone and appears to have suffered from the same explosion as the elevator.

Somewhere along the way my Daeva and I have an argument (of course we do…). I’m furious because she’s laughing at me again while I struggle with my senses trying to understand my environment.
I know that this is running differently than the meditation which makes my Daeva laugh all the harder. WE make our way down a few more floors and approach another elevator that appears in good condition.
Kyldra tells me “that’s the way it is with Twin gods. “. She says something more about us but the elevator looks perfectly fine and Im distracted and forget what she said; something to the effect of having fun at each others expense.

As we enter Kyldra calls out and casts the spell to get the elevator operating.
The Fall…
I felt very quiet during the fall - I felt myself in another form, I could see a pink hue come over me - and my energies reached out and were protective over Kyldra, though she encouraged me to use it to protect myself.
After we stopped falling I healed her arm with golden energies before leaving the elevator and encompassed myself in an energy that cloaked my being.

I followed behind her fighting with this floating feeling that kept me bumping up and floating passed Kyldra until I quit struggling with what was naturally occurring to myself and just let it happen; My energies sort of surrounded Kyldra. In that form I could be herself and feel/ sense the way forward. As we moved I realized that I could offer support to her own energies and magic.

When we entered the room, and were attacked, I didn’t think, my instinct, my being whatever it was, took over. I embraced her within my being like a cloak…. I prevented her from being burned by the fire. When I realized that his fire caused me no harm I figured out how to turn around while still encasing Kyldra. It was all rather clumsy and eye opening. His fire had absolutely no effect on me and I blew blue ice at him and told him to piss off. And he did.

I thought we might be trapped down here forever with the bloody internet cutting out… but we weren’t. I had a non-scripted adventure until the internet came back on. I was unusually calm due to the fact that I felt my self in a manner that was quite wonderful compared to normal. My comprehension regular world of my energies has been confusing. Down here what was happening called upon my instincts and I was just being myself.

Not a mistake.
A voice keeps reminding me of this.
Not. A. Mistake.
It’s like (life’s ) provided a training regime that I’ve been put through and that’s all rather incomprehensible to the mind. But here I am. And it is making sense now with Me and Kyldra sitting together in the dark.

All is quiet. And I’m feeling my Chaos Daeva’s presence (she’s laughing her head off again and I want to punch her out — but she’s right of course. She’s laughing at my struggle to understand while if I just allowed myself and tackled it from the seat of my pants then things reveal themselves.). And it is right about here that the mental-light-bulb flashes and I realize what is So bloody Funny to her ….
…it IS my Daeva. It IS our Me-thing happening. It’s what we do. It’s what we are.
And it’s situations like these that grant me the gift of consciously recognizing it.

Ok. So. It is a tiny bit funny.
But Im still pouting and want to punch her out ….
"Good morning. I see the assassins have failed….”

”In the end it doesn't matter who or what you are - only that you've been embraced by all that you've become ... "
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Man, finding dark/twisted energies pleasant made this one energetically confusing. “Oh cool!”

“That’s messed up.”

“Oh……. oh, no…”

Jokes aside I look forward to the next one.
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Finally! Some action that happens during these meditations.

This one was spooky and was as if I were trapped in some horror movie! This place gives me the creeps. The death energy of the mines is very intense, it shook me to my core. Being stuck in the mines and hunted by dead creatures terrifies me, but I'm happy to have the Necromancer with me for protection and guidance.

I knew something was up when the Elevator started malfunctioning, yes there is something disturbed going on with the creatures of the Mine, they are a deadly force to be reckoned with. It feels as though these creatures have been abandoned and there is no hope in saving or rescuing them, it is what it is, lost abandoned vengeful hungry creatures that haunt the mines...they lurk and stalk, these twisted beings have been here for ages, and over time they become more hungry and vengeful, the evil that fuels them grows stronger overtime. They are a challenge to escape.

There is a vast difference in energy signatures between the upper 10th levels, and the lower 10th+ levels of the mine...I want to say, the closer to the top grounds the more safe it is (1-5), & then levels 6-10 is like a medium/buffer zone, but below that everything lacks control and is overwhelming, it is a frenzy of disaster.

Well I don't want to leave myself hanging in the mines so here I go to the next meditation lol
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I was thankful to Kyldra for getting approval to head into the mines and told her as much, because I had really wanted to go. My Void Warlock Sinister accompanied me for this meditation, and we all stepped into the elevator. When it stopped, I couldn’t help but giggle. I had goosebumps and thought what an awesome experience that was- thrilling, like a ride.

The feeling of falling was incredible and fun, again like a free fall ride, but I did not enjoy it as I worried about Kyldra and hoped she wasn’t injured. As she instructed us to be silent, I gripped Sinister’s arm. This was all right up his alley, given his title.

I appreciated Kyldra’s spell for sight and followed her silently, with Sinister close behind me.

The first thing we saw was a very creepy abomination of a spirit, but I wasn’t worried. Being between Kyldra and Sinister had me feeling quite secure and safe, despite the wrongness and creepiness of what was happening around us. The creature in the clearing was quite an experience. The purple bolt by Nethairee caught me off guard and took me by surprise. The creature had certainly caught Sinister’s interest, although he was entirely unafraid. I had become a bit more nervous at this point, and definitely can’t wait to experience what happens next!
And I could swear, that the ocean sings, and the mountains talk to me
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This meditation I am for some reason doing alone. I did not expect the elevator to fall so catastrophically and i could feel the drop in my stomach where the energies gathered. I was glad to be with Kyldra and I was more worried for her than myself. I know that the throngs of the dead wanting to take my life would normally scare people but for me it filled me with sadness and compassion. Who doesn't want life back when they lose it? On the other hand, I thought myself crazy but the abominations filled me with the same compassion. What pain or anger must fuel them to be this way I wondered. I am perfectly calm as I huddle with the demonesses in safety. I am eager to see how we will escape!
~Faith. Strength. Passion~

"People are gonna tell you who you are your whole life. You just gotta punch back and say ' No THIS is who I am.' You want people to look at you differently? Make them.You want to change things? You have to go out there and change them yourself because there are no Fairy Godmothers in this world."

Focus on the things you can control!
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I have to admit that with the title of the meditation being "The Elevator Falls" I was partially prepared for things to not go as planned. I was looking forward to having a nice little visit with the friendly dead on Level Five. :lol: Alas, it was not to be. :devilviolin:

I also have to admit that being in an elevator and having the cable snap and free fall to the bottom is one of my worst nightmares. I took it surprisingly well. I reminded myself that I was with Kyldra and with other demons, so I would fair better than in "the real world."

I think part of me was in denial and kept me thinking that we were on Level Five instead of 61. I had to correct myself a few times. I also had to restart the meditation. After Kyldra told me to tap her on the shoulder, I was out. I fell asleep. I suddenly woke up and the video had stopped and I was like, what?!?! I missed it?!? So I went back to that part and finished the meditation.

So it's an invasive species, huh? I wonder how it got there. It reminds me of the korean movie Host, where it got flushed down the toilet and got into the fresh water system. It was even caught when it was still tiny by some fishermen and, poor dears, whether it was too pathetic or they were catch and release fishermen, they tossed it back. Thus it went on to terrorize the area once it reached maturity. Is this something similar, on a slightly larger scale? Minus the fishermen. Possibly plus a few miners?
This is why the Mantis Shrimp is my new favorite animal,
because in the presence of such extraordinary light and beauty it embraces

It extols DEATH with the luminescent brilliance of a

. . . The Mantis Shrimp is the harbinger of blood-soaked rainbows

- The Oatmeal
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