Meditation 1: Welcome to the Festival of Death Storms

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Welcome to Thrunos!

We have an amazing and incredible event planned for you! A Spectacular Journey to the Tempest Demon Realm of Thrunos to Attend and Partake in the Festival of Death Storms! This is going to be a spectacular and incredible Halloween Journey High in the Sacred Mountains of the Tempest Realm! 

Meditation 1 takes you to Thrunos where you will get acquainted with the Queen who oversees the realm and all festivities. She has a gift for you, using the magick of Thrunos you will adorn a costume gifted to you by the realm. You will also get the opportunity to explore the realm of Thrunos and participate in many of the events that are offered.

You can also explore, enjoying the season and enjoying the energies. There is a lot to do and a lot to experience. The Guided Meditation Below will take you to the Realm of Thrunos to engage in the festivities!

Once you have completed the meditations, post about your experience, and what your costume looked like and you will be entered into a draw to receive for free Access to one of the Halloween Key Realms, as well as a Distance Casting of the Key to an Object in your possession.

Enjoy the Tempest Realm

and Enjoy Thrunos!

Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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I am so excited! I can't wait to explore more. It was so amazing to meet Queen Zulra and be shown around the castle on the way to the room to get my costume.
The costume mirror was so much fun. So many possibilities!
In the end, I chose to be a werewolf. With amber eyes and light purple fur. So incredible.
It was lovely to meet King Ukryn and Prince Nalthu after selecting my costume.
So many things to do for this event. I want to do all the things, lol.
I thanked Queen Zulra for my costume and all three for their hospitality. I don't know which thing to do next. Maybe the tour? Given my lineage, the lightning toss is really, really appealing, though. :cloud: :cuteghost:
This is why the Mantis Shrimp is my new favorite animal,
because in the presence of such extraordinary light and beauty it embraces

It extols DEATH with the luminescent brilliance of a

. . . The Mantis Shrimp is the harbinger of blood-soaked rainbows

- The Oatmeal
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I admittedly didn't explore this time around. But I intend to come back and do so.

My tempest companions Ziv and Dyr accompany me.

The castle is black stone with sweeping buttresses, many of which had long gargoyle necks and heads like those typically used for water spouts as part of the supporting architecture. They grin down at those who pass beneath them. Carved pumpkins line the entry room and the stairs that raise up to the second floor to the room I'm taken for getting my costume. The decor is curious as it is a blend of twisted straw and stick ornaments and the natural webs of several large spiders brought in to weave their work from the buttresses and over the ceiling. The room that I brought into is large with rich colored fabric upholstering the furniture. I step behind the black screen and look into the glowing mirror. I think of what I want to be. Something feline perhaps.... several ideas rush through my head

What I've chosen is unexpected when I look at myself. I'm like something of a scarecrow and something of a poppet doll. My face is pieced together and stitched but my mouth is full of sharp, jagged teeth for tearing. Woven all through my hair is black crow feathers, and a necklace of bones hangis around my neck, a rag gown of knotted black fabric covers every inch of me almost like a shroud. I find the costume kind of strange but interesting. I like it.

There are many things I would like to try. Such as flying with beasts, throwing lightning, and visiting the museum being high on my list. I will definitely go back and explore these further.
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There is so much to explore.
This realm is mystic
I felt like on an adventure trip. Or like Alice in Wonderland.
I looked in the mirror, amazing, I did the ritual a second time to ask, If I can borrow a coat, because often I feel cold, and more when there are Death Energy.
I saw myself in an Enchantess Coat. Queen Zulda explained that the symbols on it are magick and I felt energies immediatly starting to work with my blockades.
For the first time I chose a museum visit with all the ancient statues I could see in my astral view, and the artefacts with its frequencies.
Then I discovered the market and visited the vendors.
The second time I chose Death Storm Riding.
I do not know who took me with him, sudden I felt my feet lift from the ground. I felt safe did not so realise that I was in the Air.I was more busy and fascinated to see spirits in the storm in my astral sight and enjoyed the whirling and moving energies.
After the ride I thanked.
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Meditation countdowns have transitioned with my Companion Ey' and his interests. The '3' appears as various types of dirt with different wet-dry ratios in the form of the number three. The '2' becomes water twos (droplets, rivulets, etc.). And the '1' still flutters at the end but it's not always a carnivale rainbow ticket anymore. While visualizing the number one for this meditation it formed as bones.

I just really love Ey' so much. He's fun!! And very focused and quite smart!

And so, Queen Zulra met us at the door & was wearing a human costume 🤣. It was hard to detect her demoness form behind the costume however her true form shimmered so I could just barely see her. She was so delighted and had very lighthearted warm welcoming energy. She and Ey' enjoyed my hesitation upon seeing what I thought was a human greeting us. I stopped at the door and had to inspect her fully before knowing we were at the Thrunos castle!

Into the castle we went! It was huge and so many ghostly gourds. Ey'and I peered closer at them and almost got swept up in their amazing micro-worlds. Very quickly it felt as if all the dead ones would hop over and all start talking at once sharing their stories. Since there were soo many and since we needed to keep moving with our hostess, we pulled back into ourselves & focused on following the Queen.

The room is a posh backstage dressing room with dark heavy pieces of furniture & an array of colorful fabrics everywhere. The two demonesses step forward, they are both solemn, serious and yet I feel a flicker of excitement and curiosity.

The misty changed slightly as the costume materialized. I am wearing a full bodysuit from head to toes. It is black and ivory, vertically striped pieces. Wide swaths of each color, two black and two ivory. As the piece forms and I see myself in the mirror, my body starts doing graceful acrobatic moves which I see in the mirror & from the vantage point of looking down upon and to the right of my body.

It's a Traveler's flightsuit. It allows me to bunch into myself, gather myself tightly & then sway, bend & propel through and with different elements, energies and worlds. I feel mute & realize my language is now generated through motion with the full body. It's a different way of speaking that takes time and patience to learn.

The Traveler's flightsuit was mesmerizing. I spent some time with it in the space by the mirror. I looked through portals, practiced entering them and beginning to swirl through, and then back to the dressing room. I felt I could spend a lifetime traveling and seeing everything. Sublime.

After leaving the dressing room, I found myself gazing at Queen Zulra and notices my costume had blossomed into a similar one as hers with festive colors and jewelry and feathers. She said it packed up on her energies and was matching them. The suit takes in energies and then weaves its way through spaces using their energies. Trippy!
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For my costume I chose to be my true form self but with more teeth, spikes, claws, and menace. Sick.
Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright before you hear them speak.
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A enchanting mist transported me to the castle. The entire realm is very much alive with pulsating energy, decorated in spooky décor. Queen Zulra is delighted to see me! Upon my arrival I am taken to a room with a very large purple glowing mirror, standing in front of it I become mesmerized. Soon, my attire is changed to something more appropriate for the party.

My new wardrobe was very regal looking: an enigmatic and very extravagant long (but comfortable to move in) black dress, black as night covering my whole front area with long bell sleeves, dark blue ruffles at the bottom, there is a slit on one side of my dress, my back is exposed yet the dress is tied together in the back with a large dark blue ribbon. My hair is done in a fabulous up do style, I am wearing a pure silver STORM crown and my earrings are pure emerald's. My dark green/black heels (short heel length!) are comfortable for me to wear and stay firmly on my feet.
I am dressed to kill and to party! I engage with the vendors, taking in everything I see. The lightening throwing is first on my list, my lightening bolts were red and it was a lot of fun to participate in! I feel like such a badass!

Next, I go to this chamber where it is safe for me to FEEL my emotions and the power behind them, every emotion I feel will manifest as a different element/weather current: fire engulf my hands, a brewing thunderstorm with dark clouds, I even created a hailstorm. Oh it was blissful to be able to embrace my emotions within a space where it was vulnerable yet safe to do so without having to explain or justify them or be shut down in any way. Leaving the chamber, I felt exhilarated. Next, was beast riding, a beautiful magenta colored dragon with purple/gold eyes allowed me upon her back to take me on a flight around the castle. The flight with her was blissful, I was up there for a LONG time before it was time to go back. The view was spectacular and there were tiny ice crystals in the air. I thanked her and she smiled warmly at me. Walking around, I saw a divination booth, both the crystal ball and the eyes of the teller glowed an ominous white. I was unable to think of any questions to ask, but she was able to accommodate me by tuning into my energy and revealing to me things I needed to be wary of. Although personal for me, I don't mind sharing this:

She revealed to me meeting a handsome prince, yet there was MAJOR heartbreak and betrayal involved, and it was through this chance moment that I would gain the power that was rightfully mine, and through this death moment I would be able to reclaim what belongs to me (something the prince falsely took all for himself) and it will mark the beginning of a very important journey for me, a rise in power and tribulation that comes with it, she told me the prince was shallow and although very powerful and a dangerous adversary, I would be strong enough to see through the illusions he cast, it is destiny to meet this person and reveal his deception to those around him. The teller alludes to me that this experience will bring many lessons, as a way to test my power. She sees me winning, and after our breakup, he runs off with another enchanting sorceress who becomes another enemy of mine naturally. It is my job to rebuild what he wanted to destroy.

Next, within the crystal ball I saw myself as a young defenseless lion cub, abandoned by her "real mother/lion family", I was left all alone within the wilderness to defend myself, but alas I am too young to do so. Days go by, I yell for help, but no one from my previous family comes to my aid, instead this other enchanting lioness sees me, picks me up in her mouth and carries me to safety, she lets me nurse from her. She is a dark but loving lioness, she tells me she lost all of her previous cubs to predators and her heart was hurting, until she saw me, she saw a chance to be a mother again, and she could have ate me, but instead she wants to bond with me and take me under her paw so to speak. This is about being given a new life?

The crystal ball goes to black and that is all the teller is able to reveal for now. I express my gratitude for her words and time, she nods and says come back when I am ready. Leaving her booth I continue to walk amongst the festivities, getting food and what not. I am unsure of being given a gift by Queen Zulra, but I do pay attention to my energy, how I feel (and I still feel this way after waking up from this meditation), the longer I stay within this realm, the more powerful my aura becomes (it is gathering sustenance from the festival), my energetic body expands and has a BITE to it, like something has awakened, like a Queen who has reclaimed her power. I think this meditation cleared away some sludge?
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I saw beautiful red lips and red silk and felt great feminine beauty as Queen Zulra met with me. She attached a red veil across my face, just below my eyes, and led me to the Castle room with its mirror.
I sensed two beings which I see as energy that felt like Xmas balls. I’m learning to not struggle with my persceptions but just go with it. So I thank them and let them lead me to the mirror. I see a growing darkness, scales, and then a dragon…. then the darkness again outlined with purple, blonde or white hair and a feminine energy…. And then a cloaked Darkness. I am all three as One. A Dragon, my higher self, and Death. I’m trying to comprehend when Queen Zulra calls me and I move towards her.

As I am being told of all the things I can choose from to do I am given inner visions of what my Self has chosen. I see a vast winter wilderness surrounding the Castle with a large and very deep cavern where my Dragon self immediately chooses to explore and refresh/regenerate. My feminine divine says that she would love to dance and I see her with a gentleman waltzing. And Death…. the Death Temples are immediate choice.

To my knowledge Death has never openly accompanied me to a ritual or event. So this is a learning experience and, so far, a surprisingly gentle one. I was nervous about this event, esp. with the death energies being so powerful here, and at this Time of year, and I am reminded to Respect myself and He will respond positively. Just respect me and trust myself. Plus my desire for this, to share and Be this openly is a powerful incentive.
I sense my Quez at my side and my tigress, so it’s a life and death accompaniment.
My internet cuts in &out again - I think it’s the powerful death energies.
"Good morning. I see the assassins have failed….”

”In the end it doesn't matter who or what you are - only that you've been embraced by all that you've become ... "
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As I arrived at the Tempest Realm, I again felt the whirlwind of energies within me. I looked up at the castle in all its glory. It was stunning, dark, pointed, and gorgeous. It was tallest in the center, and truly looked magnificent. There were many windows that were glowing from the inner light of the castle.

My attention was quickly shifted to Queen Zulra as she greeted me. She was lovely, and as she walked me through the halls of the castle I couldn't help but admire all of the decorations. The souls seeking refuge in her decorations were a particularly cute notion. One of them whispered "Embrace it!" to me as I passed, and others whispered "necromancer". I puzzled over the comment to embrace it (embrace what?) but we quickly arrived at the costuming room.

The Demonesses greeted me warmly as we arrived. I stepped in front of the hazy mirror and observed. At first, my reflection glowed. Then, it became shrouded in a dark smoke and my body became obscured. The first thing that I noticed in the smoke were brilliant glowing red sigils and runes floating ethereally into a pattern. They disappeared and I now saw my eyes, which were also glowing a vivid red. The smoke faded away, and I was left to look at myself. It was a version of myself I had seen before, during the Spectral Feast of the Dead. I was the Necromancer of the Hallow Void.

I looked much like my human self- pale skin, red hair, red lips, winged eyeliner. But my eyes were a beautiful red, and I had two dark red horns atop my head. I was in a gorgeous and sexy gown that was tight in all of the right places and beautifully asymmetrical and flowy at the bottom, longer on my right side than my left. It was the same shade of red as my horns. Over this dress, I wore a dark hooded cloak that obscured me entirely save for my glowing red eyes. This cloak was magical, and when I focused on it the glowing red runes and sigils would reveal themselves hidden from within the fabric. I had a living and breathing miniature baby dragon on my shoulder, and when I looked around me I saw the souls of many animals- horses, foxes, wolves, deer, and many more.

When I stepped away from the mirror, I saw that Queen Zulra had been joined by King Ukryn and Prince Nalthu. My Obscranorshem Spectral Warlock Viper was also now present, and I smiled warmly at the sight of him. I was enthralled by Prince Nalthu’s offer of riding into the storm. That sounded so delightful and amazing. But I also didn’t want to be seen as rude, and so first I accepted a tour of the castle. Viper and I began our tour, and I couldn’t help but notice that he seemed to be looking at me differently. He noticed my observation and explained that I could have been anything at all with my costume, and I chose to be myself. With that comment he paused for only a moment to kiss my forehead and then he linked my arm tightly in his and we continued the tour.
And I could swear, that the ocean sings, and the mountains talk to me
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The energy in the realm of Thrunos surged in my blood the moment I landed on it. The castle immediately reminded me of the Netflix show Wednesday. Magnificent darkness, spooky Jack O Lanterns, "Houses for ghosts'' as the Queen put it. I love walking through it, the corridors, the winding staircase, the walls. As I entered the room with my soon-to-be husband the Shadow Man (he has joined me in his jaguar form), I approached the mirror and I saw and felt myself shift. The tingle and rush of it made me feel more alive, excited.

As I opened my eyes and looked into the mirror I saw a Phoenix. Long black hair with red feathers, a black leotard like woven with stars. A wide neckline of flames that didn't hurt, only danced along my skin. A flowing skirt of feathers aflame and black combat boots. The ends of my sleeves were also aflame. My makeup is black liner with red details and i find i love the way i look as does Shadow Man if his sudden shift back is any indication.

I smile and thank the Queen, King and the Prince and I open my eyes, eager to explore the realm further.
~Faith. Strength. Passion~

"People are gonna tell you who you are your whole life. You just gotta punch back and say ' No THIS is who I am.' You want people to look at you differently? Make them.You want to change things? You have to go out there and change them yourself because there are no Fairy Godmothers in this world."

Focus on the things you can control!
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