I met a Woman

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Hello,I wanted to share my first astral projection with everyone here.It was also the reason i eventually ended up here on the A Ladies wonderful forum.Also im not the greatest writer so i ask that you please bare with me,Thank you.

One night I sort of "woke up" to a woman calling my name.The only strange part is I could not really remember pulling off my covers nor getting out of my bed.However I pushed this aside and walked to the door of my bedroom where I heard her calling my name(stepping over my roommate as he slept). I looked back to see if I had woken him at all.Only to realize I was still sound asleep in my bed.(This kind of freaked me out a bit,I was mostly atheist and had only a slight clue of what astral projection was.)Soon after noticing my sleeping self,before I could get too "worked up about it",the woman's voice came from behind me reassuring me everything would be fine.Than she started calling to me again through the door.(I had never felt this before it felt so...real!)So I decided to open the door and go through.Even more nerve racking than seeing my body sleeping in bed, I was now surrounding by darkness and floating.Than came the noticing of the feelings,my hair stood up,my body vibrated and my spine tingled.It was so very strange,very strange but amazing feeling.I also noticed that i was floating in a direction but nothing moved,as if I was moving.After a little bit of "floating" towards this woman's voice(her voice did not cease since I had awoken) I finally reached her.She had these strange "vines" all over her body that seemed to stretch out into the vast darkness and just keep going and going.(now that I found the A Ladies store im realizing that they looked extremely similar to their aura paintings). She smiled at me and watched for a little bit,before saying something.I do not remember everything she said but I do remember her repeat the she was "watching me",that I "did not need to be afraid or worried". I remember hugging her at the end of our conversation,I also remember there was more to our conversation but I cant seem to focus well enough?I remember feeling sad,I felt like she was saying goodbye. I remember,I remember her saying she was my mom?(which still baffles me,i mean is that even possible,i feel like its not but i also inwardly feel the opposite)But I cant focus enough to remember everything,its to clouded.After she hugged me she, smiled,closed her eyes,as I did only to find when I opened them I was in my bed.I havent seen her since,but I remember.That was my first astral traveling experience. :( oh how I miss her so.
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wow what an experience!! and thanks for sharing it here :headbang:

so your experience led you to this forum? how so?

hmmm, about the mom thing.. maybe she is a patron to you.. ? like "your mother" meaning she will always protect you? i had a slightly similar experience through a reading where i was told that Sekhmet came (was not expecting this) and in it she was yelling at me a little bit about my own lack of self-love, and called me one of her daughters. i already felt an affection towards her from reading of her so it made sense. without trying to offend or get too personal, did you feel attraction towards her, or from her to you?

the vines thing is interesting too.. hmm. hopefully others have some ideas. she does sound beautiful from this description though..

i think this is wonderful about the projection.. have you attempted to leave your body since then?

“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.” ― Rainer Maria Rilke

"If scientists as a whole denounce an idea, this should not necessarily be taken as proof that the said idea is absurd; rather, one should examine carefully the alleged grounds for such opinions and judge how well these stand up to detailed scrutiny." --Brian David Josephson
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Thank you im glad you liked it,I would not have shared it anywhere else thank you for the feeling of being at home here.

Before the experience, I had little to no interest in the spiritual side of life,nor in beliefs.After my experience I got very interested in everything paranormal,spiritual,metaphysical,etc...After a while of looking a few days ago I found my self in a blog a had very little interest in it,but I was... instinctively drawn to it.In the blog two people both mentioned "S&S" and "Satan and Suns/Sons". :D so I hurriedly opened a google page and found this website,but I would have never gotten here if I did not have the interest I have now and I might not have my interest/motivation if I did not have that experience. Also I have been very drawn to demons for a long time.

Hmm I like that,actually I would love that :). Thank you for sharing and peaking my interest,if you do not mind my asking,who is Sekhmet?She sounds familiar.No need to worry you neither offend nor are too personal with the question.Could you explain that more, attraction as in,i felt pulled towards her or felt she was pulled towards me...if this is it than i most definately felt a pull towards/from her.Or did you mean in a more bodily or affectionate way?

I do hope so,and most definitely,she was enchantingly beautiful.

Indeed, :( I have but whenever I try I get as far as loosing all feeling in my body than I begin to daydream,and start to create my own little world and after a little while realize im just daydreaming and i open my eyes...i also daydream to much of war. But i have tryed many times to project again but i always end up in my daydream world instead. :( (sigh)
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