Titania's Dark Energy reading!

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Hello! Long time no see. I hope everyone's December has started well! ❤️

Ever since I joined the SnS family, I always had my eyes on the Dark Energy reading. I had been wanting it for so long and when I heard that Kiku made a purchase I knew I had to take up the offer while it lasted. I really appreciate the flexibility of Akelta and the coven!

I absolutely love reading other people's DE readings so I feel very fulfilled having mine done! This is actually my first time getting any kind of energy reading done!

It really helps knowing what to work on with yourself when it's all written down (at least where it is recommended that you start). Pointing out where my false darkness is helps me "get better" faster when I know where the problem is.

I'm sharing my reading so that everyone who are interested in getting it can have an idea what it's like :)

Here is my Dark Energy reading!
Titania has radiant and stunning folds of darkness that flow through her. She has incredible energies of seduction and magnetism and her darkness flows through in the magnetic currents of a dark goddess. She radiates incredible beauty from the depth of her soul and she carries with her incredible powers of magnetism. There is beautiful Magnetic vibration that flows through her darkness that captivates and pulls people into her. She has majestic and profound beauty that is both inside of her and outside. She has physical beauty as well as internal beauty and through it weaves her darkness which is alluring and captivating and pulls people to her in magnetic embrace. Her energy is positively radiant and is shimmering with profound powerful and brilliance.
There is deep mystery within Titania’s Darkness and she is one who is surrounded with riddles and enigmas. Her darkness is a journey and it is one that leads to incredible lessons and profound skills and powers. She is very connected to the realms of Divinity and very connected to the Demons of the Divine planes. She has deep family ties with the Divinity realms and she has many family members who are demons. She is tied to the power of mystery and enchantment. From these realms and from her dark core flows the essence of sacred enchantment. She has incredible powers to guide and direct the energies that are around her and infuse crystals and objects with the will of the Dark Divine. She can shift the energies and transform them with special frequencies of divine alchemy which alter and awaken the dark potential of the vibrations that she works with. She has majestic and incredible enchanting abilities and her energies are naturally attuned to be able to shift and change the vibrations and bend them to her will. Her darkness has incredible command and power over the dark currents and if she learns to tap into her abilities, she can shift and change the vibrations around her and unlock incredible skills from the vibrations which will allow her to manifest and shape the world as she desires. It is a very powerful and incredible skill that she has.
False Darkness: There is a lot of False darkness that is surrounding Titania’s head as well as her neck. There is a lot within her that she is blocked from. She has a lot of power and a lot of skill that is inside of her, but there is a a disconnect between it and her. She is removed and misaligned from her own power and it is a result of this false darkness. She is shielded and disconnected from her core power and from the true potential of her skills and abilities. The False darkness around her neck also tries to disempower her words. It tries to take away her voice and the strength that can come if she were to channel the power of her core and her divine currents.

When we are convicted in our power and we stand tall and strong, radiating our confidence from the depth of our core then the False Darkness has no hold on us. It has no power and it cannot permeate our being. When we stand in our core, the false darkness melts away and we are left with a burning flame that is the power of our soul. For those who are aligned with the demonic, that flame is a demonic flame that cuts through the world and incinerates that which would try to subdue us and hold us back. The False Darkness has no power when we are aligned with our core.
Sludge Darkness: There is not a lot of sludge Darkness on Titania. Demonic Vibrations
naturally incinerate Sludge Darkness so it is harder for them to grasp those who have demonic vibrations, but when one is disconnected from their demonic essence the sludge has the power to influence things.
Natural Darkness: There are a lot of deep and beautiful layers of darkness that are woven through Titania. She has seen many lives where she had explored seduction and beauty and the darkness that rises from the primal magnetism of the soul. She has explored many different beings as past lives and how her demonic darkness manifests within them. There are beautiful currents which flow through the world and flow through Titania, connecting her to the essence of Dark Divinity and the Essence of the the dark realms that weave through the spiritual world. She has deep ties to many realms and she has walked many lives exploring how those lives are enhanced and react to her Demonic Darkness.
Demonic Darkness: Within Titania I found two vibrations of Demonic Darkness. Divinity Demon and also Desire Demoness. She has strong connections to the Divinity demons, the essence of the Demonic Divine flows through her and she has incredible connections to the Divinity Demons and their realms. She can travel and visit with them and move easily into their world, shifting her vibration so that she is in alignment with the essence of Dark Divinity.

She also has Desire Demon Energy within her. This is where her seductive and magnetic qualities come from. She has deep roots in the realm of seduction and desire. Her energy vibration has an enchanting radiance that is positively magnetic. She can draw energy from the desire Demons and blend their vibrations with her Divinity Spectrums to create incredible and empowered manifestations.
Ancestors: A Desire Demoness stepped forward who says that she is connected to Titania and is a cousin of hers. She is a demoness who commands the world around her and she is very skilled in the art of magnetism and manifestation. She says that she can work with Titania to help her to awaken her own power and potential and help her to align with her own magnetic brilliance.
Conclusion: There is a huge depth to Titania and there is a lot of layers to explore within her.
Titania has the currents of Demonic Darkness within her and she has a lot of power and abilities that are nestled within her soul. Taking the time to peel back the layers and explore the essence of her darkness will allow her to gain control over these abilities and integrate them into her experience here and it is help her to understand herself and understand the power that she has within her. There is a lot that is there and Titania has deep connections to Divinity and to the Demonic Divine. Taking it slowly and allowing the darkness to rise and teach her its many lessons will help her to understand herself and also her power.
Obviously I have trimmed this reading as I want to keep some things for only those who are entitled to have a blog in this forum. There is still SO MUCH more information that they give you ❤️

I also want to share here that you do get a vessel where your ancestor is bound to have that connection. You can change that vessel to something else if you send the coven an email asking about it! ❤️
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lol silly me I actually forgot to add the info how long I had to wait for this reading to be done as it also belongs to this review.

Right now there has been difficulties with order's because of the pandemic. There was so much to translate with my reading that it took me six months from ordering the reading until receiving it.

With the reading you also will get a booklet on how to use your DDE (dark demonic energy). I haven't received mine yet. I'd love to update my blog about my progress ❤️
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Thanks for sharing the wonderful reading with us! I’m curious about the DDE booklet is that something new with the DE readings? Did the coven tell you that you would get a booklet with it?
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Heretique wrote:
Thu Dec 10, 2020 3:13 pm
Thanks for sharing the wonderful reading with us! I’m curious about the DDE booklet is that something new with the DE readings? Did the coven tell you that you would get a booklet with it?
Thank you! It was actually your reading that really stuck with me. I really loved reading your DE reading 😍

I am very surprised that you didn't get the booklet. I suppose it wasn't included with the reading back then. The booklets have been included for a while now : o
(though I think mine was forgotten to add lol)

I highly suggest you ask the coven about the DE booklet. It teaches you how to shield, cleanse and utilise your dark demonic energy!
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Very cool! Congrats on your DE reading!

I didn't know that a booklet came with it if you had DDE. It's a cool little thing. I personally don't have DDE, but learning utilize one's own natural darkness is fun, as there's a lot different energies are capable of. You'll definitely have a ton of fun exploring your darkness and the places you are tied to. ^^
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Thank you for posting this amazing DE reading with us! I found this very interesting.

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Too much tail. All that jewelry weighs it down. Like vanity. Can’t nobody fly with all that [stuff]. Wanna fly, you got to give up the [stuff] that weighs you down.’

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Thank you for sharing this, Titania!! I hope I’ll be able to get one soon!
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Hello Titania! Thank you for sharing this beautiful reading, you hold amazing energy! I know this reading isn't currently listed but I believe it may be brought back in the future and I think getting it would bring me lots of clarity. Would you mind sharing how much it cost so I can start saving up and be ready for whenever it's offered again? Thank you so much, dark blessings!
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I am interested in this as well. But most of this forum seems to be dead :/

no clue how to make it more active. Maybe they could give classes on how to become a demonosopher? how to connect with demons more, how to connect with our own personal demons/shadow selves? i think the different time zones throw people off....everything is topsy turvey.

or teach people how to conjure a demon companion, servitor, egrogore, etc.
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Thank you for sharing. I would love some sort of reading like that to learn more about myself.
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