Tea Chat: All about Imps

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July 2, 2021- Imps, imps, imps


Today we are talking about imps and will be doing a casual chat. In the pockets where demonic vibrations are there are species that arise that consist of species more than just demons; this is why we have hellcats, hellhounds, and imps. Imps are another species that rises from this energy. To understand this within the Outer Spiritual World (OSW) there are places of various specific vibrations. We only have one word here to really describe it which is ‘energy’ but what we are referring to in the OSW is different from what is called energy here.

Every demonic realm has their own version of imps. There are imps from the Mutilation realm, Noble realm, Abyssal realm, Lowborn realm, Hellborn realm, Void realm imps and so on. There are only about 4-5 types of imps listed in the store at the moment, however there are more. Akelta will be working on putting up the listings for the other types, they are a part of her massive to do list.

Imps can have a lot of depth and wisdom to them. They can weave magick and different spells and are talented in many different areas. Imps can be very cuddly, and they can be a lot of fun. They have a playful side to them, almost like an innocent childlike spirit. They are very jovial and can be very excitable especially if you get them into a group and tell them there is a celebration- they will bounce of the walls and go all over the place. They will often get excited about the things going on around you.

Some things imps can help us with is:

• Reconnecting to our inner child
• Chakra arousal
• Be inspired by the world around us

It’s fun to have imps around and to watch them interact, chase hellcats, play and read things. They can be very creative and talented. Many of them have artistic talents and many do metalwork, jewelry making, hunting gems. In fact, imps LOVE gems.

Are imps supposed to be like the image we have of the little devil and little angel on our shoulders?
No, those are personal guardians that people are talking about or another example some use is the voice of reason or the voice of temptation. These are different types of spiritual beings that exist in the OSW. The imps reside in the OSW and are their own species; they are an entity. They can have families and loves.

Imp Descriptions:

Would imp energy be similar to Demonic Dark Energy (DDE) or different?

DDE is specific only to demons however imps from the demonic realm have their own imp demonic energy. It’s not the same energy as DDE but it is distinct. You can tell they are from a demonic region, since there are imps whose energy isn’t from the demonic regions and the energy will be different among them too.

A demon will only come from a demonic place however imps can be found throughout energy spectrums. There are imps that rise from other vibrations and energies. However, the imps that are we discussing who are conjured by S&S are those that rise from the demonic realms, so they have a specific energy frequency that is detectable within them.

Imp Excitement

Imps are incredible and they bring a sense of wonder and enamor with the world around them. Bringing an imp even to this world is an incredible experience; they will run around and get excited and will say things like oh wow this is amazing, and this is amazing, and this is amazing. Akelta has watched as they will sit on a pillow and get so excited. Imps will be enamored by everything around them and delighted with it all. When you connect with them you can feel that wonder, excitement and enthusiasm and it can help you reconnect to your inner child and your own sense of wonder within you.

Imp sizes?

Some of them can be very tiny and miniature for example Akelta has seen some that can fit into the palm of your hand and there are others that can be bigger. Usually, they aren’t bigger than three or four feet and that’s about the max size. In general, they tend to be around two-three feet. Akelta has only seen a handful of the extreme sizes of being small enough to fit in your hand or those that were about four feet. Of course, now that she said that it’s likely she’ll uncover a new size since often when she says that’s how something is the universe challenges that, which is also wonderful. It shows the incredible diversity out there.

Do imps have wings like demons or like insects?

It depends on the imp since some don’t even have wings. Generally, imps have more demonic shaped wings, however the ones that have more insect shaped wings are connected to the natural realms. This is one way to tell the difference between imps is to examine their wing shapes since it’ll show you which realms they are aligned to.

Are imp horns like deer antlers?

No, their horns are more like demonic horns unless they are from the natural realms. The demonic horns are more of the singular point ones, the natural realm ones have ones more like deer antlers. Imps can also have variations among the number of their horns. There can be 2 horns, but it can also go up in number and, some may have 4, 8 or even 16 it varies based on the imp.

Are there dangerous elements that have to be considered when screening imps?

There are certain things Akelta looks for; for instance, if an imp doesn’t understand they can hurt humans would be an issue. Also, some imps might want to hurt others, it’s like here we have a diversity of different types of people. Akelta makes sure she screens for all of this. It’s similar to the demonic screening but demons have different elements she has to look for and, imp’s energy have other elements.

When it comes to imp screening, Akelta makes sure to check if the imps want to hurt others, do they have psychopathic tendencies? do they understand what working with a human is like. Akelta has gotten screening to a point where the ones she’s interviewing are pretty good. She has shields and filters as well as other things set up to screen them before they even come to her. So generally by the time she meets with them her focus is figuring out what their interests are and what they like.

How are imps with kids?

They are fantastic with children, and Akelta makes sure they screen them for that too. Akelta has two kids so everyone that comes into their house has to be kid friendly- they make sure that they won’t hurt kids or pets. Anything that will hurt a kid is out, it is a deal breaker for Akelta. The imps that come through love kids and will play with them, run after them, chase them. If your children are psychic, they can play together. There are many spiritual beings out there that will hurt children so it’s a huge thing to screen for, for Akelta.

Kids playing with Imps?

If your kids can see them, they could play with them although you have to be careful because sometimes they might think they’re a ghost. One-time Akelta’s son saw either one of her demons or imps and said it was a ghost. He was scared of what he saw and Akelta had to reassure him that it was a friendly ghost and wasn’t scary. Akelta’s son during the daytime though loves playing with the imps.

Types of Imps:

Are there ranks among the imps?

Yes, depending on the society there are imps that can have ranks. It can fluctuate where imp societies have a higher or lower number of ranks. Other imp societies can have specialized societies that are dedicated to things like scholarly aspects and will have their own libraries and research areas. A lot of demonic scholars will have imps that can help them gather information. Imps love organizing libraries and they love organizing things in general. Imps are not all about destruction nor about only desiring to bring things down they also love to organize things and constructing things too.

Some imps really love their books and will be absorbed in them. Watching imps with books are adorable because some imps can be so small. It’s cute when you see a tiny imp immersed in a giant demon book and turning pages. Therefore, you can find many imps working in these environments.

If there is an imp of a Dark Lord (DL) for example Paimon, how does that work?

It means that they work with that Dark Lord. Imps can work, assist, and help demons with tasks. There is a connection between demons and the imps. Even some demons that the coven works with that are part of the Coven demons have imps they work with. An imp of Paimon would be an imp that is connected to Paimon.

Can imps of other DL’s be requested like an imp of Satan or imp of Bune?

Yes, you can ask for an imp under Satan or Bune. Akelta knows that Satan and Bune both have a lot of imps.

Are there Mutilation imps?

Yes, they are very cute and incredibly neat. Some of them have incredible mutilated aspects of them. Mutilation imps have a unique ability to see different aspects of darkness and can see what other people cannot. They have an ability to see perspectives that no one else has seen before. They are very creative in thought and in their understanding of how the mind works. If there is a problem and seems like there are only two solutions, they can find something outside of it and can offer more solutions where everyone can win.

Mutilation imps also love to play in the darkness, and they are the type to be like oh pools of blood lets skip and laugh through them. They love to find the macabre and morbid aspects and enjoy different stories and tales of horror and darkness. They love to dissect and identify different layers and study energies of horror. They are really fun to be around. Akelta loves the Mutilation realm and it is one of her favorite places because it is so unique and is such an amazing place that has found a way to merge nursery rhymes with horror movies.

Crypt Imps

***possible trigger warning for abuse****

There are Crypt imps too but those require a bit more screening. They can be a bit more sinister, but they can also have a deep understanding within them. Unfortunately, in the inner regions of the Crypt realm many imps are abused and used as sacrifices, which is very sad. So many imps from the Crypt realm can be very protective and very vicious while there are others who have suffered lots of trauma through experiencing damage and hurt.

Lowborn/Underworld Imps

Yes, there are imps of the Lowborn/Underworld imps. They have an understanding of the dead and the passage of the dead; they can walk the underworld. Imps are very intellectual, and many manage the archives of the soul, manage the memories, and manage the different areas where the dead reside. Lowborn imps have their own skills and abilities working with the OSW underworld magick as well as the transition of the soul or ghostly aspect back into the true form self.

Chaos Imps?

There are Chaos imps, they are interesting. They have their own perspective and bring a lot to the table.

How are Divinity Imps as companions?

Divinity imps are great; they are very skilled at creation and celebration. They are very artistic and work from the artistic level of creation. They can assist with manifestation and can help show us how to use artistic energies to craft the world around you. They are fun and playful.

Since Divinity imps are connected to the essence of divinity, they have the spark of creation and that makes them skilled at manifestation and wish granting. This is not like a genie wish granting, it’s more like the imps can figure out what you want and can help make it manifest by helping unlock the energies and use spectrums of divinity within the universe to unlock desire and the wish.

Divinity imps have the essence of divinity moving through them so they can manipulate movements of divinity within the universe. They have their own unique abilities in that regard however each species of imp and demon works with the universe in a different way. Each imp species has their own way of working with and shifting things.

Can Arachne imps turn into spiders?

They can shift into something like a spider form just like abyssal imps can shift into a form that allows them to swim. Arachne imps have a form that isn’t a spider exactly but their own version of it. When they are in that form, they have the ability to see into different dimensions to see the cracks in the world around them which can lead to alternate dimensions. It’s fascinating to watch how their vision changes.

What’s the strongest hybrid imp?

It’s personal and depends on the imp. Some imps may be stronger than others, some may be bigger than others. It depends on what you mean by strongest because there is being physically strong or energetically strong which will also depend on the individual imp.

In truth regarding “strengths” in different skills comes down more to age rather than a specific type of imp. The energy will come from the wisdom and experience they have, thus older imps will have more knowledge and energy which they accumulated. The elders of each species is going to be strong in their own way.

Different Types of Imps

There are imps from every single region, and every demonic realm. All imps can teach you things they have their wisdom, knowledge and abilities.

The ones listed in the store right now are:

• different types of hellfire imps from the hellborn realms
• void imps from the void
• abyssal imps from the abyss

Imp Society and Lifestyle:

Do imps live in their own societies or integrated into demon society or both?

It’s a mix of both. Some do have their own societies and live among other imps. While others are integrated among demon society and live amongst the demons. Imps get along really well with the demons and it’s very sweet to see. There are some imps that have worked with demons and have done tasks within the military, and you can tell. It’s cute because if you have a commander the imps will follow and hop behind them.

What are imp societies like, are they more chaotic?

It depends on the imps as you can get some that are more chaotic. There are some imp societies that has magick, orbs, beautiful structures everywhere. It’s adorable because there are miniature structures, so they are like smaller versions of demonic cities. There are other societies in caves, which have carved out dens within them. It depends on the site. Many imps can be very friendly, fun, or relaxed. There are some imp societies that are very relaxed and in general they are very communal beings. They like to gather and prepare food together, as well as party together.

There is one imp place that Akelta visited that is by a lake, there is also a river the imps like to swim in it and nearby bask in the sun. They will pick berries, gather different foods, and prepare them. They have a lot of fun. Akelta has seen imps that have loved soups, cakes, cookies, different meals because it reminds them of their own society, as they have their own special dishes. Imps can inspire us to find and make different meals here that are similar to ones they have back home. Akelta’s grandmother made something she called humpty dumpty soup which was made with the same types of dumplings you make spaetzle with that you put in chicken broth with other things- one of her imps LOVES that soup. They enjoy many different types of food and also really like cookies.

Are there miner imps that dig for gold?

There are imps that will dig for gold, gems, jewels, and they love any shiny things. They love silver and coins so much too. Akelta finds coins everywhere and they don’t have pennies in Canada anymore (they got rid of them) so she gets excited when she is guided to them. Imps really love their treasure, and they love dipping in the earth and finding cool rocks. Akelta will be walking, and they will always point out different stones, coins, and pennies to her.

Types of imps

There are so many different types of imps:
• scholar imps
• alchemist imps
• mage imps
• pretty much anything a demon can do an imp can do

Akelta isn’t sure if there are imp commanders because of the size difference. There might be a commander from a more strategic perspective rather than a demon who is physically imposing. An imp could approach it from this is what you would do as some of the imps are brilliant and absolute geniuses.

One day when Akelta was younger she was stuck somewhere and didn’t have money and suddenly she found a $20 bill on the ground and was able to get home. This wasn’t an imp that brought the money but a demon companion, but they can do things like this where they will align something to bring it to you.

What are imp schools like?

It depends on the realm. For instance, in the scholarly realms, they will find different areas that they are interested in and will do lots of research. Alchemist imps will have lessons in blending alchemy and for instance an imp of Paimon would have gone and learned alchemy. Paimon is very gifted and skilled in music and alchemy. Imps could also learn about music or art; they can choose to explore different artistic or music creations.

The learning depends on the imp. Their school systems are very different from our school systems here, so Akelta prefers to call it learning systems. Their learning systems there are more diverse than here since they are attuned more to individuality rather than a system you are conformed to learn a specific way in. It’s more adaptive based on the individual and with imps it’s more about exploring your interests and diving into your passions.

Do imps have their own musical instruments?

There are more types of musical instruments in the OSW than we have here and some of their instruments are attuned to play based on the energy vibrations that flow through the demon or composer. We have different musical families like brass, wind, percussion, and so on; there are even more families than that in the OSW. Imps also have their own instruments and their own types of music. So, for instance a demon composition will be very different from an imp composition. Imps have their own sound, and you can tell if it’s composed by them. They have unique sounds and energies even varying between their societies. Some of the music they come up with is so layered and beautiful. The OSW is vast and so incredible and layered.

Akelta has listened to her demons describe the music that is out there, and she has connected and tried to listen to it. It’s so layered and it hits different regions within the soul. Through the way the music moves it can be felt stimulating various chakras as well as different layers of the body. There are some that can hit the higher chakras and others that can hit the lower chakras, it is surreal and sublime. The music here is also a journey, Akelta loves listening to orchestra performances and being immersed in music she feels like she gets teleported to another world where everything opens up. Akelta has listened to imp orchestras before as well and it was so wonderful. Imps have their own specialties, and they have their own skills.

What type of martial arts do imps do?

They have their own skills and own martial arts. Each imp society has their own type of martial arts. Even amongst the same schools the martial arts can branch out and can change based off of different societies and practices that are unique as these branches can also change over time.

Imps can also study our martial arts here and some imps have learned: ninjitsu, taekwondo, karate, etc. it depends on the imp. Within their societies though they have their own martial arts too. Especially among the imp hellfire societies, they have many different schools for martial arts because they really love movement. The solar imps also have their own beautiful martial arts.

Do imps have their own agriculture and industry?

It depends on their society. They do grow things and love to gather foods. Imps have their own methods of trade and ways of working together. They have their own rules in each society.

Is there magick unique to imps?

Yes, they have their own schools of magick, and they will develop their own magick based off of their own energies. Any energy that is unique to imps can be used to craft magick and utilize different types of spells.

Unique divination to imps?

They have their own divination and Akelta knows of one group of imps in the Noble realm that do divination based on a type of fruit that is out there. The way they break it open and how it opens is how they are able to divine different messages and meanings from it. Sometimes they let the fruit sit for a certain amount of time and then they will break them open and based on the patterns that are formed they will be able to decipher messages.

Akelta also knows that within the hellfire realm there are imps that have divination methods using different metal where they will make it molten and will squish it with their hand. Then based off the patterns it forms will reveal different messages, so that’s another type. This method is unique to their society though.

If things aren’t connected in the OSW like they are in the ISW how can they divine the future?

It’s a huge question but as a concise answer in the OSW divination requires someone to really go into the depth of the patterns and it’s not like it is here where we can follow the change in patterns. In the OSW they have to understand how the energy currents work and how the currents blend and work together too. It’s a skill that is very hard to learn in the OSW. It takes many years, decades, and eons to master because you have to be able to shift into different things and observe how the energies are connected and be able to take your mind to places where you can predict and anticipate what will happen based off of how you are perceiving them. It’s a very complicated task.

Divination in one realm won’t apply the same way in another realm, which also makes it tricky. Someone can divine something in their realm but the realm next to them will have no connection to that whatsoever. It’s why each realm develops their own specific divination unique to them, so learning how to blend and connect with different divination can help. It’s about trying to find different ways to see connections that can be incorporated; it’s a very involved process especially in the OSW. Within pockets and areas that are more connected people can learn those signs. It’s very complicated. Divination has techniques learned from within each realm and also involves finding how your realm borders on other energies, even though things are disconnected in the OSW there are still areas where you can perceive things. It’s an art.

Imps and Shadow Work:

Do imps do shadow work?

Yes, they do and they can be very helpful with shadow work. They can help remove fear from different shadows and they can allow you to play in your shadows, so that the shadow work isn’t so damaging or destructive. They can inject play into the shadow work which is great to have that relief.

Doing shadow work with imps is different than when you work with demons because with demons you are facing the shadows. However, with imps you can learn how to blend with your shadows and become at peace with them. You can integrate your shadows in a way that is beneficial and empowering to you. You can also integrate aspects of your dark inner child, which is an interesting concept.

Akelta has a light and dark aspect, and she is comfortable with both. When she was younger, she realized her inner aspect can have both dark and light. Our dark inner child can play with the imps from a dark aspect of the psyche. There are many cool journeys that you can go on when you access the inner child and access the dark energies. Doing this you can go into your shadows and play with the darkness, as well as going into your own darkness and play with your understanding as well as perception of darkness. Some of these journeys are so fun and enjoyable and everything with imps becomes fun. They are cute and incredibly fun.

Akelta has told this story before but when Eilana was at her old job (before they worked together) there was a Christmas party going on, and Akelta unleashed 100 imps at her office. Eilana was like What did you do!? There are imps everywhere. Akelta opened a portal right into her office and it was fun the imps were bouncing off the wall and having so much fun. This happened when Eilana was being trained and she could pick up all of it and knew when Akelta was up to no good. Even with the border closed and being in different places she still knows.

Do Spectral or Hallow imps do shadow work?

Yes, they can. All imps can do shadow work in their own way. It depends on what you want to do and the type of shadow work you are doing, but they all can help in different ways.

What type of imps would be recommended for shadow work?

Akelta really recommends all imp, again it depends on what type of shadow work you wish to work on. They all will take you different places.

• Hallow imps
• Spectral imps
• Abyssal imps
• Lowborn imps
• Mutilation imps- they would be so much fun because they have such a cool perspective
• Crypt imps – could also work
• Even a Noble imps
• Void imps

Imps and Enns:

Why don’t imps have enns and sigils?

They are considered a different type of being than a demon although Akelta could channel things for them they just haven’t set it up that way. Their price right now includes the scroll that they come with but when it comes to channeling enns and sigils it takes a lot more effort and time. Imps wouldn’t have enns for them, although Akelta could channel a sigil or art piece to connect to their energies but that would require an extra step to do so on her part. If that’s something that people would like they would be open to adjust the imp listing to accommodate it.

Sigils can be done with the imp’s energy vibration however the difference between demon and angel and imp energies is that angels have their own chant and demon energy vibrations has their own frequency that would let us tap in through the enn. Imps have their own language and vibrations so it would be a different connecting mechanism than an enn but a sigil could be done.

Technically any spiritual companion could have a sigil channeled from them since it is a connection point for their energies, and it is how their energies merged so the art becomes their sigil.

Accidentally blending demon enns together

Akelta’s mentor always said Experiment with things, play around and blend things together and see the results you get. Akelta’s mentor said that’s the only way to expand and learn what’s most beneficial for you. He would blend raja yoga with pure theistic satanism with demonolatry along with many other things. He was Australian so he was friends with Aboriginals and would also work with them. He managed to speak to a voodoo priest to work with different voodoo aspects but unfortunately after Hurricane Katrina didn’t hear from him again. He liked to explore different paths and see how they blended with his work, so he always said to experiment and try out different methods.

Extra Question:

Do hellcats have societies?

They can live in groups or things like prides while others can be more solo. They are more primal so they can have groups they hunt in, and families may choose to stick together.

Evolution is defined simplistically here versus in the OSW. Within the OSW there are several paths where you can evolve in one way and then there are other paths that can be chosen too. The primal aspect can evolve while retaining colonies and clusters. On our planet primal is seen as more beastial, and here it has a certain energy to it that is more instinctual versus a more intellectual basis which is often compared as one less advanced than another. We are taught that through evolution we move from a primal base to a more intellectual one whereas in the OSW that’s not how it functions instead primality is one aspect, and it can also evolve in other ways for instance it can have its own depth into primal as well as other pathways- it has its own intelligence.

Instinctual versus being intellectual is often looked down on here as mentioned it one being seen as less than the other but in the OSW, they are just seen as different paths. So, hellcats are more instinctual, but they have their own evolution and there own evolutionary energy that comes from that. It’s a distinct path from the intellectual path so they’re just different. The primal evolves into different instinctual beings that have their own understanding of the world around them versus an intellectual who has their own perspective of the world around them. Akelta realized as she’s trying to describe this that most of our words are geared towards looking down at things seen as primal. This is something that has to change since Akelta realized that some language is taught and placed at a higher level than others. There are different paths so although hellcats and hellhounds are not intellectual like demons they are evolved in another way.

People often saying Predator Equals something bad

Yes, people will say that but there's no bad or good. The predator path is just another path that has its own perspective and beauty. It’s rooted in a lot of prejudices here. It’s the first time Akelta has had to describe it out loud these distinctions and realized it all sounded really bad, which is surprising to notice what is programmed within us. Akelta is saying she’s going to work on having to deprogram this.

The End! :devilclap: :devilpaint: :crazy: :popcorndevil: :headbang: :devilparty:
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Lovely notes as always
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Aw thank you, I appreciate it! I'm glad :devillove:
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Excellent notes as always, thank you windy!
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AlchemystCollective wrote:
Mon Jul 12, 2021 6:12 am
Excellent notes as always, thank you windy!
Aw it’s my absolute pleasure! I’m glad you like them ^_^
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Excellent write-up as always, windyjune! These are my favorite posts to read through.

Thank you for taking the time to make these available :)devil:
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Kore Serpens
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Awww Windy, you’ve inspired me…. now I’m going to have to find more Imp friends! :devillove:
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Thanks windy june
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Aww thank you all for the thanks and the kind words, that's so sweet of you. It's my pleasure and that makes me so happy that you like the notes :devillove:
Kore Serpens wrote:
Tue Jul 13, 2021 9:53 am
Awww Windy, you’ve inspired me…. now I’m going to have to find more Imp friends! :devillove:
Ohh yess!! All the imp friends you will have to tell us about all your adventures with them when you do hehe :devilthumbs:

Imps are amazing I have a clown imp from one of the last events and he is so fun and cheeky with so many little cute pranks and his excitement is infectious. People have been gifting me desserts with his influence recently and I can't stop laughing he makes up songs with the different foods. I adore him. I am so excited to hear you're inspired :devillove:
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Thank you so much for your notes Windyjune! :)
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