Solar Event Discord Notes

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Hey everyone, below are the notes from the June 26th discord chat led by Akelta for the Solar Event. Hope this can be useful, Enjoy!:

Manifestation and Creation from the Solar Currents


For this session we will be discussing manifestation and how to do so with solar currents. One key thing when it comes to manifestation is repetition, letting it get stronger and stronger as we put more energies towards it. When things manifest celebrate the results. We are often taught that being selfish is bad, so for some it is easier to manifest by helping others in their desires. The good thing is how well we can help others manifest for themselves we can also equally manifest it for ourselves.

Basics of Manifestation

When beginning to practice manifestation it’s best to start with simple goals. Utilize your powerful mental projections, obsess over it and visualize all day, dedicate yourself to it. Train yourself to switch your brain to think of your desires.

Akelta mentioned that she never tells a person you can’t do something. Any person’s limitations are really set by our own minds. You can have anything that you put out there you just have to believe and move towards that reality.

The negative thoughts of this won’t/can’t happen and our positive ones often are in battle within our minds. To be able to manifest successfully it’s crucial to focus on the positive. Start by manifesting little things thus building your positive voice, the voice that’ll believe you can manifest anything. For example, set in your mornings things you want to receive i.e. a free coffee, finding money, etc. and as it comes to you use it as fodder to build towards the bigger desired manifestations. That will let you build up your power and your skills.

Solar Energies

Infusing our manifestations with solar energies (the manifestation of light) is very useful. Solar energies are the ball above us, it’s an energy of creation. Demonic energy is dark, insidious and powerful combining the two makes it very powerful.

Akelta likes to mix demonic energies with manifestations and as the sun is the original creator (reason we are alive) it’s a wonderful energy to utilize. Connecting to the solar demons and their energies of wealth and abundance, the Golden Desert, is incredible to connect with. Deserts are naturally very healing as it’s a birthplace of life.

Solar demons can use these solar currents and the suns for shielding, healing, creation, execration. The black and gold colors are an attunement to the solar realm. By using the suns to empower the demonic energy it makes it very versatile.

Note: Our bodies can experience freezing when working with solar energies and this is generally due to some block that is being brought forward which may let us identify it. If this experience comes forward from the solar energies, it’s good to pay attention to our bodies.

Exercise for manifestation

First pick what you want to manifest!

Visualize what you want and hold it in your mind for as long as you can.

You can even manifest ideas. Let’s say you wanted to astral project, just imagine yourself doing it and as you practice doing the manifestation exercise for it ideas will follow on how to attain your goals.

Experience it all as if you’re already in that reality. Hold it in your mind’s eye. Imagine it and be surrounded by a giant sun. Solar energies will empower you, hold what you want to attune to and see the vision surrounded by the sun.

Keep holding on to the vision for as long as you can.

Now we will imagine golden and black energies around the sun. Let it permeate inside the sun and into your vision. Let the golden energy become your vision with the black in the background. Behind is the blackness flooding with energies and the gold will move to your vision in the sun as you hold in your mind what you wish to attain.

Visualizing is powerful, make sure to shift it to what you want. Once you have focused move your attention to your root chakra. It’s a chakra of life and creation where hips are, around the crotch specifically perineum. Focus your attention within it let the root ignite in a red sun.

Charge your chakra and your vision with the red sun of creation. Feel the swirling of the vision and then take a deep breath into the root. Breath helps with activation and further activates the visions.

As you exhale let it rise to your sacral chakra which is located by your belly button. It will now be fueled by the orange sun surrounding the chakra. Bring emotion to it how will you feel once your goal/desire is achieved? Let it all flood into your sacral and hold it there. Then do another deep breath into your sacral (your stomach area) and as you exhale let it rise to the solar plexus.

The solar plexus is the source of divine creation into the physical plane. Divinity creating within our world. Envision the golden sun and feel the divine authority with the essence of worthiness. You deserve this to manifest, you are worthy of it. It’s our birth right to create within our world. Charge your visualization with this essence. Take a deep breath into the solar plexus located in the diaphragm and exhale moving into your heart chakra.

The heart chakra is the divine love where we love openly. Imagine a green sun around the chakra with the visualization of your desire. Imagine love around this desire, the essence of divine love flowing through it and how it would feel. Focus on your heart as you take a deep breath and exhale to the throat.

The throat is all about communication it’s important to have it with yourself and for the manifestation process. If we are negative, we block it inside so it’s here we must say this desire, this goal it’s mine. I claim it. I own it. Imagine a light blue sun burning and hold the vision of your desire. Exhale now rising your desire to your third eye.

The third eye is where this desire started in your mind and now, we have come full cycle from the primal root chakra to here. Now that we have begun to implant in the physical hold it in your mind once more and see it held by a purple sun. Hold the vision for as long as you desire. The more you hold it in your mind, the more obsessed you become the stronger it also becomes and starts to be more aligned to your reality. When you believe you can have it take the actions to claim it.

Finally, we take a deep breath and exhale to push the vision to our crown chakra the very source of who we are, our divine consciousness. As the crown merges with our vision hold it there surrounded by a white sun. Here we can add colors to the sun we can choose gold, silver, pink, etc. Magenta is a color connected to magic and adding it can amplify something, making it a great color to choose.

With the next step take a deep breath and release it all to the world, it’s completed.

Keeping manifestations growing

Anytime the voice in your head or person says “you can’t” shift back to your manifestation exercise and where you want to go. It’s ok to get excited, it’s ok to hold it in your thoughts and to get obsessed. If negativity comes up just keep going back to what you want one of the best ways is to also write it out.

All of the best mentors that Akelta knows of focuses very strongly and are almost OCD in their desires. They manifest daily and they always start in the morning setting the day up for their desires. If it ever fails (at times it does) they simply go back and write it again, refocusing. They never give up they keep musing on their desired manifestation even in the shower.

Dealing with Energy Blocks

It starts with building. You build up the manifestations and just keep going forward; if there are any energy blocks just remove them. If you focus on what you can’t or won’t get then you’ll just attract more of not getting what you want, and you’ll stay in that mindset. However, if you focus on why you want it, it gets you out of those energy humps.

It’s easy to get stuck cycling in the same negative thoughts and sink into negativity. As kids we are often taught that we have one chance to succeed and that you shouldn’t fail. This is not how life works we learn from our mistakes. Our mistakes or hardships can set us on the right path. Akelta looks at her failures now and says she embraces them saying that she wouldn’t regret them as it took her to where she is now.

Akelta heard from many people that at one point something just snaps and you just know you’ll be ok and that you can manifest what it is you desire. The less time you spend on being negative the faster your manifestations can occur. The mind in a negative state is often working on destroying manifestations. Thinking things like “what if it doesn’t work?” or being worried about it is just more self-sabotage and detracts from creation.

We are often so conditioned to go into a negative state it feels more natural than positivity when really with practice we can switch it and enter greater prolonged positive states. Practice listening to the chatter of your mind. If we changed even up to 50% of our negative thoughts to more positive you could have massive results, thus retraining your thoughts.

Setting a routine

The universe routinely kicks you through the door. You want to practice manifestations every day. It’s suggested to begin every morning with visualizations, be present with your thoughts and your mind. Practice being conscious of what your most dominant thoughts are. Our minds recycle and replay the same thoughts, so the best way to start breaking through these cycles is by becoming aware of them. Writing is also a very powerful method and tool for working with manifestation. By writing positive things down we can really pull more of it to us.

Working on our thoughts

Negative talk is often our default, like a highway in our mind that keeps going if we’ve feed it for long. While positivity may seem like a slow mountain path but as we train it’ll get better.

Many people quit because they hear comments from others commenting on their desires not being possible or if the littlest thing doesn’t work, they say I told you so. Think first why other people’s opinions even matter especially the ones that put you down. There are many others that will cheer you on in your progress to manifestation which would be a more productive focus than the negative. Aketla’s friend who is great at manifesting doesn’t pay any attention to those people and keeps having tremendous results. Having faith doesn’t have to be religious it can be in yourself, in your abilities. Make practicing and noticing manifestations as enjoyable as things you love to do.

Working on our thoughts if we’re prone to the negative requires a bit of retraining our minds when working on manifestation. An example of this is if you want to travel but instead keep thinking I’m so sad, I can’t, don’t have money, etc. that won’t help with any manifestations. If you switched those thoughts to “there are so many opportunities to travel” and “how can I take advantage of it?”. This engages the mind and shifts it from closing off the energies to problem solving. By getting into this mode we are already taking back our power. Akelta mentioned that is also probably why many humans love drama as there’s a strong urge to solve things.

Real life stories of manifestation

Akelta talked about scuba rescue members and how they’re taught to help themselves first before helping anyone else because if you were to drown you wouldn’t be able to save anyone else. This example applies in manifestation and caring for ourselves as we are taught it’s selfish by society when in truth it’s not a bad thing.

Go for it. Make big goals, and big manifestations. You can put in your vision anything you want. The thing to remember is that you will have to take necessary actions to aid that manifestation.

An example of this is Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet’s relationship. Jason Momoa was a teen when he said he wanted to be with Lisa Bonet and was determined to manifest it. Many years later they met at a bar and connected, now the rest is history.

Another experience mentioned was Akelta’s satanic mentor who went to an event with his wife and niece and they talked about a specific actress to which he decided he would manifest her. They went home and he did a technique for a few months to manifest that connection. When it did manifest it was at an event where the actress also happened to be at, and he even had the opportunity to chat with her.

Having no blocks and claiming our manifestations can yield great results. Akelta’s friend for instance gets an upgrade to first class 9 out of 10 times and it’s largely because he boldly asks, “can I get a complimentary upgrade?” without any blocks and truly feeling that possibility, it usually manifests as a reality for him.

Success in our meditations

Similar to the manifestation process and the effect our beliefs have being able to connect to the spiritual world often requires us to look within ourselves and our mindsets. We are often taught that all the psychic gifts are fake and our imagination is often tossed aside. However, our imagination is a process for us to use in translating the spiritual world and we shouldn’t block it. Let it come, imagination is a big part of it. Look at all the colors you receive and the sensations get excited. Going into it with joy and treating yourself as a kid would during these processes is a good exercise. Embrace what you get - that each experience is the most wondrous, amazing thing in the world.

The end. :devilflame:
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Windy you are a life saver thank you so much for your notes 💖
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Sendings hugs your way :grouphug:

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thank you so much!! i was sad to miss it yesterday! :grouphug:
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Aww elena.rose, Sengdroma, Flux it's my pleasure!

Sending hugs back to everyone!! I'm so glad I could share it and help out anyone that missed it. I hope it brings amazing results for everyone :cheekydevil:

I really want to thank Akelta too for this wonderful session and sharing this info with us :devillove:
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This is amazing! Thank you for posting these discussions.
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Thank you for taking and posting these notes!
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Aw you’re welcome both! It’s my absolute pleasure :)
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:grouphug: Thank you for posting your notes WJ! :hug: It’s so helpful!
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Thank You so much for this! I usually miss the chat sessions (time zone clash) so this is beyond helpful!
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