new drug for migraines

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Any news of breakthroughs in migraine treatment is worthy of passing along ...
A new drug called Amovig has just been approved as a preventative, an actual true preventative, not something that happens to be a secondary effect to the main purpose.
It comes out on the market next week!
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My daughter gets bad migraines. I wonder what the side effects are for this new drug. It’s too bad that there is not something natural to take that definetly works
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It’s an injection, and from what I read the side effects are minimal.
Have your daughter consult a neurologist or headache specialist ... that’s what I’m doing as I try to find a treatment plan that works. I’ve tried almost everything ...
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I spelled it wrong, it’s Aimovig. ... -migraines" onclick=";return false; ... fight-too/" onclick=";return false;

The worst part is going to be the cost.
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As always, beneficial medicine for those who have money, for the rest, pain, suffering and misery
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If this stuff lives up to the hype, my life will become infinitely better.

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Its a monoclonal antibody. Does NOT looks much better than the conventional type which works just as well and less time in your body and cheaper by a tonne. Its reported to be USD 6,900 per year (not counting the "pay" for the person who injects them). 1 Injection per month I think. I haven't really look into the dosing yet but, suffice to say I shrug it off and do not bother about it. One, its too new and it will take at least 5 years before it enter our market here. Two, too many unknowns and I rather wait on it. And three, there is a lot of others that work as well, just less convenience due to the amount of times you need to take them for them to work and you need to take them at the first sign of migraine BUT you are definitely a lot richer by the end of the year (price is definitely off the roof for it to be cost effective) and last but not least I need to see more information and data before I will even consider it. Last but not least, you need to inject yourself which is always not easy to convince ppl on it.

Overall, good to know but its not really practical unless you have no other choice.
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I didn’t have another choice. All other treatments have failed.
Amgen offers a free two-month trial, and financial assistance after.
Sticking myself was no big deal. It feels about the same as getting a flu shot, a tiny prick. But of course you can get your doctor to do it.
I received two injectors because they don’t make one with the 140mg dose yet.
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Four doses of Aimovig didn’t work for me .. moving on to the next, called Emgality.
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This is good to know. I'm dying to try anything to see if it will work because pain killers don't help me at all and i get them 4 times a week which sucks. When i see my neurologist I'm gonna ask about this.
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