Are we going to have testimonial section?

Testimonials from our work here at Satan and Sons

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Hello everyone,

Just a quick survey - do you think we should have a thread for testimonial here? I know in the other site there is a thread for Akelta. I just feel that it will be awesome to have also here.

Thoughts please...thanks all.
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That would be awesomesauce with a side order of sweeeeeeeet pickles
My, my, you are a darkling thing aren't you.

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Thanks...thanks...because I know there are people who may still be hesitant to fully embrace this path and just needed a nudge from other people's experience.
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BravoOmega8 wrote:Thanks...thanks...because I know there are people who may still be hesitant to fully embrace this path and just needed a nudge from other people's experience.
By this path, do you mean walking the LHP? Or are you referring to demon familiars?
I've not got a problem sharing my experiences based on either ...BUT it should be known that either demon familiars or walking the LHP is NOT something one can decide based upon experiences of others. It's VASTLY different for each person. If I had some of the experiences of some members here when I first started I'd have run screaming with my tail between my legs probably leaving a trail of piddle in my wake!
It's something that comes from the soul. You can't be talked into it. Or out of it.
To those who hesitate- study study study before you commit, as it may NOT be right for you after all.
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Either or both. Sorry. Actually English is not my native language so at times my post may get confusing.sORRY
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i agree that although one must find their own truths and way, the opinions and reviews of others DO matter. and this testimonial section was a great idea. very happy it was implemented! they deserve a place for people to talk about their experiences. reviews are important for any business. plus we can rave about them there! wahoo!!

to be quite honest without having knowing anyone online prior to this site opening or some of the members here, i NEVER would have joined it bc there was not a place to read reviews. lucky for friendships though!! i can't' imagine life without this sanctuary now.

“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.” ― Rainer Maria Rilke

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