Spotting Narcissists and Toxic People

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Lady of Monsters
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Working with Demons I get a lot of inside information. People with nefarious intentions think they can hide things but they can’t, not for long.
Eventually people show their true colors, I’ve seen it many times.
I do usually get tipped off beforehand and can avoid the fallout and stay out of the line of fire myself, but some things weigh on my conscience.

Particularly that I can protect myself, but how can I help everyone protect themselves?

I can’t stand to see other people get hurt and think there was something I could do to stop it. But it’s not always as easy as just pointing these people out or bluntly saying the truth, especially when it comes to predators, passive aggressive people and narcissists. Types of people I have more personal experience with than I ever wanted…

There are so many empathic and sensitive people in this community and being empathic myself I know how it feels to want to help people, oftentimes (unintentionally) at your own expense or while putting yourself last. There are also people who are hurt and trying to heal and unfortunately, there are horrible people out there who will take this and use it against you.

At times, some of these people end up in the position of conjurers, sellers, energy healers or other spiritual positions where people are looking to them for help, for healing, for guidance and these people revel in their positions, cutting down and further injuring already wounded people and it makes me absolutely sick. The problem with narcissists and passive aggressive people are that they are so good at what they do, they are predators and they know just how to word things to create doubt or turn someone’s words against them. It can be very hard to call them out.

Direct doesn’t work against them unless everyone can spot them and the group is united. This is how they divide and tear apart communities and I have watched several come through here over the years and wreak havoc, destroy friendships and hurt people I love and care about.
I have lost friends and people I cared about, or at other times I’ve almost lost them to these types of people.

Other posts have been written about narcissists and I am sure more are coming but for now, here are things to look for when trying to spot these kinds of people.

They thrive in low vibrational, negative energies and drama. Their posts are derogatory or so filled with a sense of self-inflated importance there’s almost no room for anything but their ego or things that cut others down.

They are perpetual victims. Reaching out and trying to help them does nothing. They don’t want help, they just want to drag you down into their hell with them. Misery loves company, cliche but so true. No matter how many times you may try to reach out, pick them up or help them they go right back down into their pit of despair and cry about how miserable their lives are, how misunderstood they are or whatever other thing it is that garners them sympathy and narcissistic supply.

*Note* this can be difficult at times to spot because some people really are just hurt but ways to differentiate are they will not emotionally engage you. They can’t. They NEVER apologize or take responsibility for what they have said or done. They instead shift the blame back to whoever was hurt and make excuses, saying things like ‘Oh I didn’t mean it like that.’ Or ‘Oh you misunderstood me.’ <- This sets off my bullshit meter like you wouldn’t believe. Anyone who isn’t willing to even entertain for a second they may have done something offensive or hurtful to other people does not care about your feelings, thinks the world revolves around them and is more than likely some variant of narcissist.

Their posts make you consistently uncomfortable but you can’t quite put your finger on ‘what’ it is that makes it so unpleasant to read them.

They incite drama, making comments they know will upset people then claiming they are the victim and they come with excuse after excuse for their behavior. ‘I have a learning disability’, ‘I am a survivor of trauma/something horrible’ ‘I am socially awkward’. If you call someone on their behavior and they refuse to see it from any other perspective and give you endless excuses and cry they are the victim, save your energy and stop engaging them.

Behind the scenes … they talk shit about other people. Pay VERY close attention to what someone says to you privately. One thing I don’t tolerate from people is talking shit about other people. If they will do it with you, they will do it to you. If they are trying to turn you against someone, get away from them. If they make comments about someone that make you uncomfortable trust your gut and don’t try to normalize it.

I was in a conversation with a narcissist once but I didn’t know it at the time. He was saying horrible things about someone I didn’t know, then pasted something they had put on another forum. I read the person’s experience and I felt their pain. He said the person was crazy but I thought, I don’t agree with his assessment of the other person. The person they were targeting, I knew they were hurt but I didn’t speak up as much as I wish I had. I also didn’t immediately remove this person from my life and I regretted it. I still regret it. If I could go back in time now, I would handle things differently.

This is a really good article that sums up the abusive language narcissists use, the wordplay and how they slowly lure you in and try to normalize the things they say and do. How they turn words against you and blame you for your feelings: ... e-victims/" onclick=";return false;

Your feelings are NOT wrong. Ever. They are there for a reason, even if it’s just something that needs to be healed, look at your feelings around a situation and don’t repress them. Don’t automatically blame the other person but don’t discount things you feel or blame yourself either. Seek to understand the source of them.

If anyone makes you feel like something about you, how you act, some aspect of your personality is wrong or bad or makes you feel bad for being yourself, ditch them.

You deserve better.

If the people in your life don’t lift you up, make you feel loved and celebrate your wins no matter how big or small, they aren’t people you need in your life.
Love and respect yourself and pay attention to how people around you make you feel. If you feel depressed or horrible around a single person, don’t blame yourself for it.

Nobody should make you feel like less than the amazing person you are in any way.
:death: :death: :death:

~ Burn the ships to take the island. ~

Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.
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Eilana wrote:Working with Demons I get a lot of inside information. People with nefarious intentions think they can hide things but they can’t, not for long.
Eventually people show their true colors, I’ve seen it many times.
I do usually get tipped off beforehand and can avoid the fallout and stay out of the line of fire myself, but some things weigh on my conscience.

Particularly that I can protect myself, but how can I help everyone protect themselves?

I can’t stand to see other people get hurt and think there was something I could do to stop it. But it’s not always as easy as just pointing these people out or bluntly saying the truth, especially when it comes to predators, passive aggressive people and narcissists. Types of people I have more personal experience with than I ever wanted…

There are so many empathic and sensitive people in this community and being empathic myself I know how it feels to want to help people, oftentimes (unintentionally) at your own expense or while putting yourself last. There are also people who are hurt and trying to heal and unfortunately, there are horrible people out there who will take this and use it against you.

At times, some of these people end up in the position of conjurers, sellers, energy healers or other spiritual positions where people are looking to them for help, for healing, for guidance and these people revel in their positions, cutting down and further injuring already wounded people and it makes me absolutely sick. The problem with narcissists and passive aggressive people are that they are so good at what they do, they are predators and they know just how to word things to create doubt or turn someone’s words against them. It can be very hard to call them out.

Direct doesn’t work against them unless everyone can spot them and the group is united. This is how they divide and tear apart communities and I have watched several come through here over the years and wreak havoc, destroy friendships and hurt people I love and care about.
I have lost friends and people I cared about, or at other times I’ve almost lost them to these types of people.

Other posts have been written about narcissists and I am sure more are coming but for now, here are things to look for when trying to spot these kinds of people.

They thrive in low vibrational, negative energies and drama. Their posts are derogatory or so filled with a sense of self-inflated importance there’s almost no room for anything but their ego or things that cut others down.

They are perpetual victims. Reaching out and trying to help them does nothing. They don’t want help, they just want to drag you down into their hell with them. Misery loves company, cliche but so true. No matter how many times you may try to reach out, pick them up or help them they go right back down into their pit of despair and cry about how miserable their lives are, how misunderstood they are or whatever other thing it is that garners them sympathy and narcissistic supply.

*Note* this can be difficult at times to spot because some people really are just hurt but ways to differentiate are they will not emotionally engage you. They can’t. They NEVER apologize or take responsibility for what they have said or done. They instead shift the blame back to whoever was hurt and make excuses, saying things like ‘Oh I didn’t mean it like that.’ Or ‘Oh you misunderstood me.’ <- This sets off my bullshit meter like you wouldn’t believe. Anyone who isn’t willing to even entertain for a second they may have done something offensive or hurtful to other people does not care about your feelings, thinks the world revolves around them and is more than likely some variant of narcissist.

Their posts make you consistently uncomfortable but you can’t quite put your finger on ‘what’ it is that makes it so unpleasant to read them.

They incite drama, making comments they know will upset people then claiming they are the victim and they come with excuse after excuse for their behavior. ‘I have a learning disability’, ‘I am a survivor of trauma/something horrible’ ‘I am socially awkward’. If you call someone on their behavior and they refuse to see it from any other perspective and give you endless excuses and cry they are the victim, save your energy and stop engaging them.

Behind the scenes … they talk shit about other people. Pay VERY close attention to what someone says to you privately. One thing I don’t tolerate from people is talking shit about other people. If they will do it with you, they will do it to you. If they are trying to turn you against someone, get away from them. If they make comments about someone that make you uncomfortable trust your gut and don’t try to normalize it.

I was in a conversation with a narcissist once but I didn’t know it at the time. He was saying horrible things about someone I didn’t know, then pasted something they had put on another forum. I read the person’s experience and I felt their pain. He said the person was crazy but I thought, I don’t agree with his assessment of the other person. The person they were targeting, I knew they were hurt but I didn’t speak up as much as I wish I had. I also didn’t immediately remove this person from my life and I regretted it. I still regret it. If I could go back in time now, I would handle things differently.

This is a really good article that sums up the abusive language narcissists use, the wordplay and how they slowly lure you in and try to normalize the things they say and do. How they turn words against you and blame you for your feelings: ... e-victims/" onclick=";return false;

Your feelings are NOT wrong. Ever. They are there for a reason, even if it’s just something that needs to be healed, look at your feelings around a situation and don’t repress them. Don’t automatically blame the other person but don’t discount things you feel or blame yourself either. Seek to understand the source of them.

If anyone makes you feel like something about you, how you act, some aspect of your personality is wrong or bad or makes you feel bad for being yourself, ditch them.

You deserve better.

If the people in your life don’t lift you up, make you feel loved and celebrate your wins no matter how big or small, they aren’t people you need in your life.
Love and respect yourself and pay attention to how people around you make you feel. If you feel depressed or horrible around a single person, don’t blame yourself for it.

Nobody should make you feel like less than the amazing person you are in any way.
Awww Eliana I love this post and I completely agree with everything said here. I myself am an empathetic too and I've been more sensitive lately towards negativity (perhaps I'm going through some awakening or my moods are just shifting...whatever the case may be) I even absorb it at times and that messes me up entirely.....I need to learn how to shield myself really. I have came across a lot of these people within the spirit keeping community and in my daily life as most have but wow did I learn the hard way in the spirit community......I should've known that "some" of the so called friends would just so easily cut you down..... the worst thing is some of them didn't even tell me that they had a problem with me and even pretended to be my friends but would then gossip behind my back as if I was in high school all over again, these are grown people who have never learned or matured and that's just sad if anything. I don't tolerate drama myself. I will admit that when I'm upset and hurting that I tend to talk to people I trust to help me through these times so I would pour my heart out.... somethings I regret saying.

I came across passive aggressive people a lot more so online then in person. There were a lot of people who I would see aggressively attack someone and then they say something along the lines like "oh I'm sorry can we just make up and be friends now"........ if anything I would keep my eyes on that person that seems very shady in my opinion I don't trust their half ass apology. The best to deal with that is just ignore them I suppose.. that's something I've done well.... at times... I better control online then I do in my everyday life because I can step away from online for a second to calm myself down....I don't know what would've happened if I met most of these people in person.... thank goodness I didn't...I met enough psychos in person and now how violent things can get unfortunately....

One person I was friends with on another forum we were friends until she one day attacked me on an open forum out of nowhere and I say attack because there was no argument she just went off things got worse from there .....I was hurt... but I got over it... haha by writing a few poems about her, everything was starting to get better after that.

You're right nobody should ever feel like they don't matter or that they're weak because of them being empathetic and having hearts.... if anything the abusers are not powerful they have lost their power the moment they became this narcissist no power comes from being a negative hurtful Nancy. My heart goes out to everyone who has been hurt by these people I know how awfully damaging it can all be. Like you said Eliana don't ever let anyone make you feel any less amazing then you actually are. We all have so much power and beauty within us and we should never let anyone take that away from us. :devillove:

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I just recently had a conversation about this type of people. In the end I said something along the lines of all comes to light in due time. It is aggravating to deal with these ones, and boy do they have a way of twisting stories and one's words. It is best to just stay away if you can. That's the best action to take with them. As far as saving others from them that's a touchy subject because for those who do not know the truth about that person, you will look like the aggressor.
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Eilana . I agree No one Should have dealing Toxic people they are Never Happy about anything most of . The Time all they want to Do is think Negative and Talk about Only Negative things and all, that Bad Energy they Carry with them if you don't Ground yourself and keep up Shields that kind of Energy can pull you down

Just make you Feel awful its like that With some of my Family members Right now Once they come around .. I Have to Work really hard to Regroup myself because all the Negative energy that Some of them are carrying around with them ' and their So used to this Energy until it don't bother them they enjoy being negative all

The Time that's why . I am working on putting up shield blocks around me So when my Family comes to visit . I Will be Ready for them and they energies thank >:) Thank you Eilana for this awesome post :D
I Have Won Sinner Of The Month Five Times Now ' My Grandmother Always Said either Stand For Something are You Will Fall for Anything ' I am not Just Walking My path . I am Living it !
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Lady of Monsters
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alikat13 wrote:Awww Eliana I love this post and I completely agree with everything said here. I myself am an empathetic too and I've been more sensitive lately towards negativity (perhaps I'm going through some awakening or my moods are just shifting...whatever the case may be) I even absorb it at times and that messes me up entirely.....I need to learn how to shield myself really. I have came across a lot of these people within the spirit keeping community and in my daily life as most have but wow did I learn the hard way in the spirit community......I should've known that "some" of the so called friends would just so easily cut you down..... the worst thing is some of them didn't even tell me that they had a problem with me and even pretended to be my friends but would then gossip behind my back as if I was in high school all over again, these are grown people who have never learned or matured and that's just sad if anything. I don't tolerate drama myself. I will admit that when I'm upset and hurting that I tend to talk to people I trust to help me through these times so I would pour my heart out.... somethings I regret saying.

I came across passive aggressive people a lot more so online then in person. There were a lot of people who I would see aggressively attack someone and then they say something along the lines like "oh I'm sorry can we just make up and be friends now"........ if anything I would keep my eyes on that person that seems very shady in my opinion I don't trust their half ass apology. The best to deal with that is just ignore them I suppose.. that's something I've done well.... at times... I better control online then I do in my everyday life because I can step away from online for a second to calm myself down....I don't know what would've happened if I met most of these people in person.... thank goodness I didn't...I met enough psychos in person and now how violent things can get unfortunately....

One person I was friends with on another forum we were friends until she one day attacked me on an open forum out of nowhere and I say attack because there was no argument she just went off things got worse from there .....I was hurt... but I got over it... haha by writing a few poems about her, everything was starting to get better after that.

You're right nobody should ever feel like they don't matter or that they're weak because of them being empathetic and having hearts.... if anything the abusers are not powerful they have lost their power the moment they became this narcissist no power comes from being a negative hurtful Nancy. My heart goes out to everyone who has been hurt by these people I know how awfully damaging it can all be. Like you said Eliana don't ever let anyone make you feel any less amazing then you actually are. We all have so much power and beauty within us and we should never let anyone take that away from us. :devillove:

Alikat, you inspire me. I actually think I heard/saw some of what went on with that and I was disgusted by it. I have had people do it to me, not only online either but in person. I can honestly say I don't understand why people do things like that and it does seem to be more prevalent in online communities, a lot of people seem to feel braver behind their computer screens, or maybe forget there are people on the other end of them. Thank you for sharing this, I really do admire your strength and I'm so glad you decided to keep posting and being part of the online spiritual community. Being attacked like that it can be difficult to open up and talk to or trust people again and you really do bring so much to the community here, we are happy to have you with us :hug:

Nefer wrote:I just recently had a conversation about this type of people. In the end I said something along the lines of all comes to light in due time. It is aggravating to deal with these ones, and boy do they have a way of twisting stories and one's words. It is best to just stay away if you can. That's the best action to take with them. As far as saving others from them that's a touchy subject because for those who do not know the truth about that person, you will look like the aggressor.
That's exactly it Nefer. They twist things, build things up, play on people's vulnerabilities and paint themselves as 'perfect', all the while eroding people's sense of reality and gas lighting them, then if you try to call them out they do turn it on you so quickly and make you look like the aggressor, the bad one, the crazy one ... I'm usually pretty good at spotting them, the Demons help me and I have some ways of sort of testing the water. The problems arise when I see people I like and care about end up engaged with them and it's like, wait, was I wrong? Maybe I miscalculated if this person likes them.
In those cases unfortunately, the people ended up getting hurt or cutting off friendship with me over nothing, except that the narcissist isolated them.

The other concern is saying something and losing your friend. I was there myself at one point, I know if someone had tried to point out to me my ex was abusive it would have destroyed my entire reality and I would have cut off my friendships with people who really loved me rather than facing the truth because I was so entrenched in the lies and false reality he used to brainwash and enslave me.

If the people that cut off friendships with me ever woke up and realized what happened, who they were really with and what happened, I'd welcome them back in a second. Coming out of that state is like waking up from a nightmare that was real and thinking, what have I done? The isolation pattern is one of the worst.
velle wrote:Eilana . I agree No one Should have dealing Toxic people they are Never Happy about anything most of . The Time all they want to Do is think Negative and Talk about Only Negative things and all, that Bad Energy they Carry with them if you don't Ground yourself and keep up Shields that kind of Energy can pull you down

Just make you Feel awful its like that With some of my Family members Right now Once they come around .. I Have to Work really hard to Regroup myself because all the Negative energy that Some of them are carrying around with them ' and their So used to this Energy until it don't bother them they enjoy being negative all

The Time that's why . I am working on putting up shield blocks around me So when my Family comes to visit . I Will be Ready for them and they energies thank >:) Thank you Eilana for this awesome post :D
I know what you mean velle, it's so true with those type of people. One of my cousins when she came to our family gatherings would just bring everyone down and get everyone fighting, I always hated when she showed up and tried to avoid her and yes! That's right! shielding! Alikat mentioned it too, thank you for reminding me (LOL I know it was the same post I am writing but sometimes my mind wanders and I forget things, I also am usually doing too many things at once lol) ... I do a variation of the S&S shielding method for empathic shielding. ... ing101.pdf" onclick=";return false;

I basically take the shield and weave in different types of energies to protect myself against people's energies, negativity and also to block myself from absorbing other people's emotions both good and bad, because it can make me absolutely crazy. If anyone's interested in the specifics of this, let me know and I can write up a post on what I do and why.
:death: :death: :death:

~ Burn the ships to take the island. ~

Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.
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This is a very profound post and one that holds more weight in our contemporary society than most people like to admit. The reality is that we are surrounded by these predators, hiding in the most victimized of guises, the most unexpected of places, wearing the sweetest of smiles, whispering the most inviting of words.

Quite frankly, the more I learn the more I want to skin them all and stitch them into a giant roadmap that showcases the countenance of our nationwide, endemic of FUCKING NARCISSIsm. You get a bunch of people, throw em' through the womb hole into this confounding world we live in, of dire contrast, of wounds so deep that they run millennia back, all of us are bound to get hurt, all of us are bound to be crippled in some way or is the nature of this wild game we play, a precursor to our becoming. You, narcissist friend, are not are not unique in your hurting. Humility is to acknowledge the whole world is in pain and you are not entitled to any special treatment or recognition just by way of your hurting, hurting that you refuse to acknowledge, hurting that you refuse to handle on your own.

Now what differentiates those of us who are striving into ourselves from those of us who like to take on the role of cowardly predator? The want, no the need, to change and become a better person. We attempt to cultivate empathy, understanding, conscientiousness, compassion, all of those qualities that lead to a greater sense of self, all of those qualities that the false predator most easily weasels its way into us through. Now what exactly are they after? Everything that EVERY FUCKING ONE OF US HAS HAD TO DEAL WITH IN SOME FORM OR ANOTHER, the need to feel worthy, loved, and secure in and of ourselves. So we have found common ground with the maggots we hate...but no, no, no. We are not them, we may be damaged in some way or another but we are taking a stand to heal ourselves no matter what effort it might take, we are taking matters into our own hands despite the bouts of fear, doubt, loneliness, sadness-- while the shit face predator, too lazy to turn inwards, relies solely on seeping others of all their hard-earned efforts.

AND YOU DONT SEE IT AT FIRST! Everything lies cloaked in the undergarments of our psyches until it is pulled out and strung on a clothesline with the help of other more sobering perspectives from friends and family alike. You don't seem well.. you don't look too good... is everything alright? Oh, but it all seems fine! It all seems dandy! This pain you are feeling, these intense bouts of madness you are going through most certainly have to do with something you are facing, something you are healing. Look closer, turn those inward-bound eyes outwards and look at that new connection you made, look deeper, look at how it reaches into all those parts of you that you hold sacred and defiles them as if they were nothing...not considering the force of your magick, not considering the essence of your goals, not considering your nature, your aspirations, your web of hopes that might someday lead you into a stronger sense of who you are. They are sneaky, bound by their own unconsious motives. Hiding, hiding, hiding...always hiding. But oh.. Cookie's peeking around the corner waiting for you, red eyes and thick claws ready to play games with your flimsy psyche that thought itself omnipotent.

I think there should be a clarification regarding the predatory nature of the narcissist...when one thinks of a predator they tend to think of something strong, powerful, empowered in certain ways beyond that which we deem 'weak'. But this is not so. True 'weakness' may be carried by the strongest of hearts and false 'power' may be worn like a cloak by the weakest of parasites. These are not strong, powerful energies...they are weak and damaged exploiters, they could not hurt a fly by their own power...they are just expert navigators of pain. Able to subtly detect all of your hidden wounds and preying upon them as if it was their natural inclination. Never believe them to be strong. When you come into your power, when you take responsibility for the pain that you feel, they will fall away--whether by way of recognition or unconscious separation, it is no matter. These are flimsy little fucks, they just feign themselves superior in order to maintain their image. And oh...they love labels. They love to latch onto conceptions of themselves and use this as a method of making themselves out to be more than they are, excusing all their behavior, completely disregarding everything but that which feeds into their sense of demeaning security.

So yes, I have had a recent experience with a narcissist, a fog that I have only just recently awoken from--evident in the way the above seemed to come out so enraged and indignant. But before that, they were in my life in another form, another body, different tactics, same pain. And before that they were in my life at the elementary form, in the guise of emotionally immature parents who weren't ready for the responsibility of children. So it is a wound we cycle through until we learn its lessons, like the seasons, they move through us, being filtered and purged out of our internal lands by way of our external environments. And we sense the gradation--moving from one level to the next, fighting for that depth of empowerment.

I think the most important element is this--take responsibility for your emotional health, realize the elements of that which surrounds you relationally and be very discerning of the feelings that arise out of certain interactions. Don't ever believe yourself immune, the moment you do that is when you most deeply fall into their web. You will attract them in situations that seem benign, whether through work or a friendship...possibly love, possibly an unrequited crush--on either end. ANything that feeds into you and saps you of your vital essence or indirectly/directly demeans all that you love is beyond being fixed. Don't try to fix them, the moment you ascertain their nature slowly distance yourself from their grip. This world is a weird one, but I love the madness of the game.

This was a beautiful post Eilana and it was very healing for me to explore these thoughts through all that you have posed inside of this thread, thank you for bringing it up to our more ways than one.
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thank you for this :)devil:
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Kore Serpens
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Thank you so much for this.
This is a topic that needs to be brought into the public eye again, and again, until people begin to recognize the traits of the narcissists and force their passive accomplices into the light to be exposed as well.

And once you have recognized them and kicked them out of your life never forget that they will never forget you. They will always remember you. Like a tick remembers its last meal.

Your heart, your ability to love, to care, to empathize is so very precious. And our awareness and self-responsibility is so very important.

This quote from Akelta from the topic: Lord Satan and Love I found to be enormously empowering in dealing with narcissists and shedding their effect.

viewtopic.php?f=14&t=5528&p=33428#p33428" onclick=";return false;
Akelta wrote:One thing, when these people are challenged and one embraces the true nature of their divine essence, the narcissist will always leave. Sometimes instantly, sometimes they will take their leave in a dramatic appalled fashion that they have been wronged, but they will always leave and when they do let them. This can be the hardest thing to do, but these people cannot exist in the balanced empowered states of divinity, so when you step into those vibrations, like a snake shedding it’s skin, you will shed these people.
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”In the end it doesn't matter who or what you are - only that you've been embraced by all that you've become ... "
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Kore Serpens
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Patron Deities: Satan, Lilith, Sonnelion, Azazel, Kali ma, Belial
Your favourite Demon?: Hellborn, Archane, Mutilation, Chaos, Noble, Devotion, Imps
Has thanked: 289 times
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Eilana wrote:I basically take the shield and weave in different types of energies to protect myself against people's energies, negativity and also to block myself from absorbing other people's emotions both good and bad, because it can make me absolutely crazy. If anyone's interested in the specifics of this, let me know and I can write up a post on what I do and why.

This would be really helpful Eilana. Thank you.
"Good morning. I see the assassins have failed….”

”In the end it doesn't matter who or what you are - only that you've been embraced by all that you've become ... "
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Posts: 1137
Joined: Sat Jan 07, 2017 2:25 pm
Your favourite Demon?: I have a few
Number of Demon Familiars: 4
Location: Somewhere between the shadows and the light
Been thanked: 8 times

Awww :( your response to me made me feel sad for you. I am sorry you had to go through an abusive relationship. That is the worst. It can leave one feeling broken. That kind of relationship really pulls one down. I'm glad you got out of that. You seem to be in good spirits now. Hopefully you have fully healed. Nobody deserves to be drug down on a daily basis. Unfortunately overcoming these types of relationships are a lesson some of us must learn the hard way. But in the end it makes us stronger and wiser :)
The power of the universe lies within. "Those who don't believe in magic will never find it" ~Roald Dahl
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