Chat Seminar 2/16: Connecting & Working With the Dark Lords

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Working & Connecting with the dark lords

Satyra: Ok so first off I'd like to point out what a demon actually IS… in particular a Demon Lord. Hollywood would have them depicted as snarling beasts who want your soul however; demon literally means “divine intelligence replete with wisdom.” It comes from the Greek word “daimon” It wasn’t until Christianity that the word “demon” became synonymous with “evil”. So we are literally going to concentrate on connecting with Divine Intelligence replete with wisdom.


Q: I don't really have a permanent altar for the demon lords when i connect with one, I usually make a makeshift one, is that alright?
A: Akelta- That is fine. If you have the space for a permanent one that is fine if not making one works to. A working altar.
Satyra-You do not need a permanent altar no. Makeshift is fine, that does not affect whether or not a demon Lord will work with you 

Selqet- The oldest altars are the altars of the body, the heart, the mind and the spirit. The offering is one of energy, of intention. You need no more than yourself and your Will. Close your eyes, and in your mind, picture a black infinite field. In the color that the demon you seek to connect to favors, paint his or her sigil, with your will, and your call, your desire, and your offering of your energy and your emotions. Instant welcome mat. 
The body as an altar is a VERY old mystery, it has to do with sex magic but mostly... it has to do with offering yourself, your energy, to the divine. 
With... letting go of control... with trusting.

Q: Can I make an astral altar?
A: Akelta-Yes, astral altars are powerful and a great place to go.

Q: Are there any other ways of connecting?
A: Satyra- Candles are great, if you know the demons sigil, carving that on the candle then meditating while staring into the flame is a good way for a beginner to connect. A corresponding incense is a wonderful idea too. Many Demons have a corresponding element, rank or office so if you can match as close as possible that is the goal. If you don't have close correspondences, its not an issue, its just a sign of respect to the demon Lord you are trying to connect with.

Working with Dark Lords

Q: Hmm out of curiosity, are royals anything like demon lords?
A: Akelta- Royals can be demon lords themselves, the high ranking ones like Satans children.

Q: What's it like interacting with them on the astral?
A: Akelta-It is a lot of fun and can be a profound expericence.

Q: Not all dark dark lords want to work one on one with a certain person, I would think they are straightforward and tell you right?
A: Akelta-Yes they will tell you.

Q: Are they ok if you work with many others?
A: Akelta-They don't care if you work with others on other paths.

Q: I've heard others discuss this before, but I'd really love to hear your thoughts on it--WHY would they want us pestering them when much of the time people are asking for help with mundane "human problems"? If you have power unimaginable to others, I'd think you wouldn't spend time with someone who's asking you to use that power to satisfy a relatively simple need/desire in their life. Kind of like asking the President of the U.S. to buy you an ice cream cone down the street. Then again, I admit my understanding is still fairly limited in these matters, so.
A: Satyra- We are all part of the Divine.
Selqet- You know how Satyra was saying that they are divine sources of wisdom? They're also sources of LOVING wisdom. So... yeah.. they WANT to be pestered.

Satyra- For those who aren't confident with connecting via visualization, or if they are like me and just like the shinies and smellies, like i said, candles and incense, corresponding crystals work well. For example, when I personally connect with Lord Belial, I will light brown or green candles, as he is the Earth elemental in Demonolatry. I also burn mullein and patchouli incenses. sometimes i will offer an apple as well.

For Lord Leviathan i use blue, purple or white candles, sea salt and water, sea shells, if i go to a beach ill bring back some seaweed. Incense, id use violet, lemon, yarrow… any of the water elemental type herbs and incense.

Q: Is it ok to devote yourself to more than one demon lord?
A: Akelta- I work with many dark lords.
Satyra- Well on my path, demonolatry, we would dedicate to ONE lord, however we can work with ANY demon lord for however long we want. Some will dedicate to more than one, but I've dedicated to one however I have a great relationship with many.

Q: Can a human ever be an off spring of any of the dark lords?
A: Akelta-Some people's souls have demonic connections.

Q: How can you tell you have the demonic connections? I know that you offer a reading which tells you but are there other ways of knowing?
A: Akelta-Some people just have a sense. Readings. Discovering your spiritual roots.

Q: Does lord Lucifer have many children?
A: Akelta-Not as many as Satan. But he has children.

Q: Why are dark lords and demons still to this day view by some as evil? being 2014, do the dark lords ever get frustrated by that?
A: Akelta-It takes a whole lot for change to happen and some people still view them as such. That is why we work with them and share the messages we do.

Q: Do the demons have structure and hierarchy?
A: Akelta-Yes they do. They have rank and titles and structures.

Q: Stupid question time: has any demon lord ever had to "protect" someone from an attack by Yahweh's agents? It sounds like no one from the infernal realms really cares about Yahweh or his world domination goals, but I get the impression Yahweh feels threatened by them--especially in how his religion has, uh, "demonized" demons. XD
A: Akelta-When Michael attacked me one time. My son of Satan V came to my aid.

Q: Are there books you recommend Akelta and Satyra on the Dark Lords if you're new to this?
A:Akelta- The demonolarty books by S Connolly
Satyra- I'd personally recommend the complete book of demonolatry by S Connolly. Some of her others are a bit more advanced. That one will give you a good foundation.


Satyra: Next way of connecting...enns. Enns are the “calling card” of each Dark Lord. It is a way to contact them directly by calling on them in a demonic language. Enns were discovered in grimoires of old Demonolatry families. Interesting to note the families did not always know one another. How did they get the enns? It is said the Demons gave the Enns through Demonic Ascension. Same with how we got their sigils. The enns are readily available online. Vibrating them will give you great results in connecting.

Q: Are all the enns safe even for beginners?
A: Selqet-Depends on whether you're a safe beginner.

Q:When you say vibrating them, what does this mean?
A: Satyra- Hum right now, can you feel the tickling in your nose or your throat? That's vibrating.

So for example I’ll use Lord Rosier, since Valentines day just passed and he genuinely is a really good guy.
Serena Alora Rosier Aken

Feel that hum and vibrate that Enn. don't worry, He knows we are practicing. No one will show up unexpectedly LOL

Q: How is his name pronounced? Is it Ros - e - eh? or is that incorrect?
A: Satyra- I pronounce it.. yes pretty much like that... long O sound

Akelta- Practice makes perfect and sometimes when you make contact with them they assist you in chanting.

Q: Can one hum in there head?
A: Satyra-You can say the Enn in your head, yes.

Q: Is there a number of times or a time period you should hum/chant the enns?
A: Satyra- You don't need a set number of times or a time period. The enn is their calling card so to speak. you may not hear or see them but once you do that Enn youve made a connection.

Q: Is it best to work with sigil & enns one at a time or simultaneously?
A: Satyra-You can, I will be covering sigils as well.


Satyra-I love to use sigils to connect. A sigil is a symbol that represents the Demon the Demon has given through demonic ascension, again like the Enns. Many Demons have them, in fact i’d say most do.

Sigil use: you can connect with a Demon through its sigil various ways.
-One way is by writing the sigil on a piece of paper then concentrating on the sigil as you meditate.
-Another way is take a piece of paper with the sigil on it , fold it, and place it in your pillow case.
-You can place a sigil under your mattress
-you can wear the sigil on a piece of jewelry
-Sigil art: the act of making a sigil into an artwork, ie painting, jewelry, etc can connect you with the demon.
-You can put the sigil on a piece of paper, the request on the back, then burn it. This changes the energy to an offering

Q: Is there an importance to what you make the sigil with, like if you use an athame or you use a pen with something like blood as ink?
A: Satyra- Personally I find sigil work with my own blood to be quite powerful.

Q: Would they mind if we made jewelry with there sigils?
A: Satyra- They would appreciate it.

Q: Why is it that the sigils I've seen for the same Dark Lord varies between practitioners?
A: Satyra-Some will have more than one.

Q: If a Demon has more than 1 sigil, using either one for connecting would work the same?
A: Satyra-Yes that's fine, some people connect better with different sigils.
Akelta-I like to try the different sigils and see which one works best for me.
Selqet-Sometimes, when you work with a deity for a period of time, you may discover by personal gnosis/revelation, a new way to draw their sigil that brings you a better understanding of certain aspects of them, so you use that method of drawing their sigil.

Q: Does the size of the sigil matter at all?
A: Satyra-No it doesn't matter.

Q: Whats the purpose of anointing something? Does it go beyond just respectful offering?
A: TheInsidiousOne-Anointing can amplify and expand the energies you are working with. By putting your energies into the anointing it acts as a focal point, and from there it can amplify and expand.

Q: What are your opinions on tattooed sigils?
A: FancifulFox-Be careful with tattoos because it is a royal pain in the arse if you don't think it through completely, or somebody screws it up. And that goes for even just regular tatts, if you are bringing magick into the mix.... you just have to make sure it is exactly what you want and your artist knows what they are doing
Satyra- I like tattooed sigils but fancifulfox is right.. nothing worse than having a sigil turn out to be gibberish because of a terrible artist. Or if you have buyers remorse later.

Ok... so... about 7 years ago, I met this chick. She had a tat on her wrist. It was a tat of a demon - not a nice one. This one had... thorns all through this chicks' soul. She got... led by him into getting the tattoo, and then she ended up basically being.. well... rent space. Her body was his. Because of the tattoo. However... My sister has tats from her gods. They bring her closer to those gods. I know other people who have tats of their demon's sigils, their dark gods, their light gods... sometimes it works out... sometimes it doesn't. There was this one moron who went all the way, though... and got a brand on his spirit. That poor kid is gonna be someone's rented space no matter what shell he gets... for a very long time. And he has no idea who rented him... unlike the first chick, who at least knew the name of her lover.

So... tats.. sometimes good, sometimes not so much. Be careful.


Satyra- In demonolatry we pray. Prayer is defined as a ‘reverent request’ So lets say you wanted to pray to Rosier to help you grow in self love. You'd say something like

Lord Rosier, (addressing the Demon)
Please help me to identify my blocks so that i may learn to love myself and manifest great things in my life (making the request)
Thank You for Your help,(giving thanks)
Amen. (sending the prayer)

Amen is not a Christian thing. it derives from Amen-Ra . It was started as a way of sending a prayer to the Most High and Hidden God, believed in Ancient Egypt to be Amen-Ra. Amen being the hidden side.

Selqet- You don't have to say amen if you can't break the feeling of it being tied to Christianity... there are other ways to end a prayer.. such as so be it, or namaste, or something like that.

Akelta- You want to avoid negative feelings in prayer.

Satyra- No one has to pray like ever lol its just a simple way to connect

I want to thank the S&S/DT team for hosting these great chat seminars! You're all amazing & I would be much less enlightened on the Dark Lords if it weren't for you all. :devilbow: :devillove:

Give these ladies a round of applause!!! :devilclap: :devilclap: :devilclap:
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Thank you for posting this.
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Thank you so very much for the concise summary!!!
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Thank you so much for doing this Luna! We really appreciate this!
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:devilclap: Thank you for posting this summary.
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Thank you Luna! This is wonderful, and so well organized.

I have created a new section for seminars where they will all go so that they can be.

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Thank you very much for posting this, it's really helpful as I'm just starting out and have a lot to learn :devilread:
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This is very enlightening seminar. thank you very much!
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Thank you I missed both due to stuff coming up
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Hey Luna, it is a very important information for all.

Thank you!

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