~Guided Meditations: Foundation 101~

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Hello all!
So I run the Meditation Grove, more in the septaria grove portion of night market. But I really wanted to offer the forum something special. Not everyone works with voiced guided meditations, so I'm going to post the scripts of guided meditations for you~

This particular post will feature scripts for the Foundations 101, the basics of beginning your work within the spiritual.

This material is for private, forum use only. Please do not redistribute or reproduce as writing or recordings as it is copyright material that I'm offering up for your personal use. thanks~
Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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Finding Your Center
Welcome to Foundations 101. In this meditation, we will be discussing and working on finding your center. Foundations are incredibly important when working with the spiritual world or even the physical realm. These are the skills that help set the foundation base in which you build upon the later aspects of working with a spiritual path or even for better mindfulness. The foundations are the building blocks to a better understanding not only yourself but how you work with the spiritual world and methods that work best for you. Not everyone works with the same things or has the same abilities. With this in mind, let us work on finding our center.

Centering oneself is a good practice, to begin with. This can also be considered meditation or calm mindfulness. Depending upon who is asked, centering can be a few things. It can be calming your mind and focusing your thoughts. It can be bringing your energy into yourself then focused into a single pattern of working. In both of these cases, it is the first thing that you will need to learn, as it can be what helps you throughout your foundational building. Let us work on bringing in your energy and calming the mind to center yourself.

Take a moment and find a place that you will be able to relax and be undisturbed for awhile. Find a spot or position that you will be comfortable in for the next while. You are welcome to pause this audio until you are ready.

Now that you are in position, close your eyes. We are going to work on some breathing exercises to help you relax. Take in a deep breath, feel it deep within your stomach. Now breathe out slowly to the count of three. Three. Two. One. Take another deep breath in and hold it. Breathe out, Three. Two. One. And once more, take in a deep breath and hold it. And out, Three. Two. One.

You should be feeling more relaxed and calm. This is a good thing and where you want to be when working on your foundations or other workings. For centering, I want you to feel or see your energy. Whichever works the best for you. When you are stressed, upset, or off balance, this energy will be around you from where it has interacted with the spiritual and/or physical realm.

You can see it flowing, you can feel it moving around and within you. Take ahold of this energy and slowly bring it closer to yourself. This is much like pulling a blanket in closer around you. Your energy will flow into your body to a specific area, which could be your chest, your stomach, or another area. Just allow it to flow naturally and with ease.

Take in a deep breath. If you can, sense the energy calming and smoothing out as it flows. If there are rough spots, smooth them out. Much like you would when settling a blanket. Feel your energy pool within you and now you are going to help center that. When moving around, you have a central balance. This dictates how you move, walk, run, and balance. Feel where that core center of your physical body is and direct that flow of energy into it. Take in a deep breath in. Hold it. Exhale, Three. Two. One. Continue to bring the energy into you, creating a pool of energy. It can be as a ball or as well. Take a breath in. Hold it. Exhale, Three. Two. One.

You’ve done very well. How does it feel? Do you feel more balanced than before? If so, then use this exercise daily or as often as you need. If you still feel off-balance, you can redo this exercise as many times that you need until you feel that your core is centered and soothed.

You can take your time coming back to a more alert state or you can use the rest of this time to continue centering or meditating.
Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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Welcome to Foundations 101. In this meditation, we will be discussing and working on a basic foundation called grounding. To recap, foundations are important because they serve as a building block and base for further spiritual or mindfulness practices. Remember that everyone has a unique and different perception of their experiences, so keep this in mind when working with your own foundations. Your processes for these foundations are going to differ from mine or anyone else.

Grounding is another basic and very important skill to learn when beginning. Even those who are experienced in their workings ground frequently. This is not only to help bring yourself down into a more stable state while working within the spiritual, but it can also serve as a way of aiding in cleansing your energy or body. Grounding is working with your energy to bring it into a source that helps to center and balance it. This can be with the source here on Earth, the core, or it can be something that you feel grounds you. Ground to the Earth is very common and usually is the main way to connect until you find something that resonates much better with your spiritual path.

Let’s discuss a bit more on grounding. Working with energies and other workings, it is easy to become stagnate or burned out when overworking ourselves. Grounding is important because it allows for a cycle between your own energy and the energy of your source, be it Earth or another. For this guided meditation, we will focus on using Earth. Once connected, you can cycle your energy down into the Earth, releasing the stagnate or the deteriorated energy. This can be because it’s been used or has come into contact with negative or toxic energies. Bringing it down into the Earth allows for it to be cycled and replenished. Then, you can gather a newer and replenished energy that allows for you to grow and renew what has been grounded. Let’s work on getting you familiar with the exercise of grounding.

Take a moment and find a place that you will be able to relax and be undisturbed for awhile. Find a spot or position that you will be comfortable in for the next while. You are welcome to pause this audio until you are ready.

Now that you are in position, close your eyes. We are going to work on some breathing exercises to help you relax. Take in a deep breath, feel it deep within your stomach. Now breathe out slowly to the count of three. Three. Two. One. Take another deep breath in and hold it. Breathe out, Three. Two. One. And once more, take in a deep breath and hold it. And out, Three. Two. One.

You’ve worked previously with centering your energy. You should be in this centered and balanced state before working on grounding. I will give you a moment to get into a good place to continue.

Now that you are centered, take a moment to feel that peace. There is a ball of energy that is within your core of balance and the center of the self. Within this core, your energy has come back into your body. If it feels off, this can be normal or you need to work on bringing it back into yourself further. Grounding helps to heal and replenish this core of energy.

Many people use the Tree visual to help ground the energy. I want you to picture or feel a root coming from the core of energy. It can go through your root chakra or even your feet if it helps you to feel more connected. If you are laying down, it can be a part of the spine and extending down. Visualize or Feel this root grow from your core of energy and down into the ground. Earth is very physical and spiritual at the same time. Connect deep within it, the root reaching down through the floor. It’s continuing down through the ground, the dirt. There are many layers to this warm and welcoming energy. Follow it down, but focus on it moving to the center of the Earth rather than what it is going through. This core of energy from the Earth is warm and inviting, like a familiar hug. Keep reaching for it.

Take a deep breath in. Hold and Exhale. Let the energy flow further as you exhale.
Breath in and hold. Now exhale and flow a bit further down.
Deep breath in and hold it. Exhale and reach for the warm Earth.

You should have reached the center of the Earth’s energy. Offer your energy that is balled up in your core center to Earth. Gift it so that it can help replenish and grow from your offer. The energy inside you should flow with ease down the root and into the Earth. You connect with it, harmonize with the sensations around you. Now Feel or see the Earth’s energy come back through and up through the roots. The energy is invigorating, it awakens your core center and brings your energy vibrations up. This energy is warming, giving you passion and balance in your work. Take your time to let the cycle of energy between you and Earth. Familiarize yourself with it.

You’ve done very well. How do you feel? Do you feel more balanced and grounded than before? If so, then use this exercise daily or as often as you need. If you still feel off center or sluggish, you can redo this exercise as many times that you need until you feel that you are grounded and centered.

You can take your time coming back to a more alert state or you can use the rest of this time to continue meditating.
Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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Recognizing What Works for You

Welcome to Foundations 101. In this meditation, we will be going through exercises that will help you to understand the methods of visualizing, feeling, sensing, or even taste or smell. The hardest part of any foundation is to understand yourself, or discerning what is your imagination is versus what you are experiencing. This is a process that takes time and effort. You must become intimate with your thought patterns and how your brain works. If you are neurodiverse, this is something that you will have to work in order to ensure that you understand what your perception of discernment is. Take your time in learning about your brain and use these meditations as a way to better understand yourself. This goes for those who are neurotypical just as much as those who are diverse. Each person will be different and unique for their perception and their experiences due to those perceptions.

We are going to go through different methods of visualizing, which can mean many different methods. Some refer to these by fancier names such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, and other “clairs”. To make it easier, I’ll stick with using the word visualize. But this will not be limited to sight, but to the other senses as well. We will start with working on visualization through sight, then sensing or feeling, next with hearing, and then a few other exercises in methods.

Take a moment and find a place that you will be able to relax and be undisturbed for a while. Find a spot or position that you will be comfortable in for the next while. You are welcome to pause this audio until you are ready.

Now that you are in position, close your eyes. We are going to work on some breathing exercises to help you relax. Take in a deep breath, feel it deep within your stomach. Now breathe out slowly to the count of three. Three. Two. One. You are completely safe. There is nothing that can hurt you or harm you. Take another deep breath in and hold it. Breathe out, Three. Two. One. And once more, take in a deep breath and hold it. And out, Three. Two. One.

You are sitting within a field of grass. The air is warm and you can hear sounds of nature around you. Your first instinct is to gaze around, taking in the sights around you. If you see the field around you as a mental picture, feel free to look around. If it is blackness, take a moment to center yourself. Feel yourself becoming a part of the field.

A light breeze whips around you. You reach down to the cool ground, where dirt brushes the tips of your fingers. You may not be able to see, but take a moment to revel in the touch of the cool dirt. How does it feel under your fingers? Is there grass all around or is it sparse? Does it clump easily or does the ground feel smooth? This is using your sense of touch. Keep going with this. Examine the grass, or feel if there are stones. Can you feel the wind across your skin, is it cool or warm?

As you are centered, take a moment to sense the energy around you. Imagine it as a humming or a vibration. Each thing has a different pattern of vibration. What does the grass feel like, is it a soft hum or is it flighty with different patterns? How does the ground feel to you, a low thrum like a heartbeat or does it ripple when things shift. What else do you sense around you, can you feel that there are other things there? Take a moment to take stock of what you are experiencing.

The next is sound, or clairaudience. This is one of the top senses other than sight that our brains process easier. Can you hear the breeze around you? The sharp whistle between the blades of grass or the twittering of birds? Does the grass crunch around you or is it a soft swish? Take stock of the sounds around you. What do you hear? Can you identify what it is? Where is it coming from? Take a moment to sit and listen to what is around you. Whether it is the field you are sitting in or the environment around your body.

Now let us go a bit more with the senses. Whether you can see or feel, let’s work some more on the different senses. This one is the sense of smell. The ground is beneath you and your hands have been running through it. The wind is blowing gently. Take in a deep breath and try to understand what you are experiencing. Do you smell the rich earth? Is it musty and damp, or is it more dry with a sharper scent? What about the breeze? Do you smell anything on it like flowers or animals?

Another sense, is taste. This one is quite different from normal sense as it can be just like eating normally or it can be phantom tastes. You feel around the ground in front of you, and there is a different plant. There is a thick stock and you tug at it lightly. A bright pop of color shows through the dirt and there is a different smell to the air as the dirt is turned over. You pull at the plant and it pops up from the dirt. The plant is brushed against your shirt before you bring it up to your lips. Can you smell it? What does it smell like? Does the smell evoke any sort of taste to your mouth?

With bold movements, you bite down into the plant. What does it taste like? Is it sweet, sour? How about earthy? Does it crunch or is it a soft plant? Is it dry or is there juice? Take a moment to taste the flavors of the plant. What do you like? What do you not like?

You’ve done very well. How do you feel? You can redo this exercise as many times that you need to in order to practice or to brush up on your sense work.

Take all the time that you need to wander the field, pick flowers, eat more plants. Take stock of your senses. Do each one individually and see how it helps or how you perceive it? When you are ready, you can come back at any time, bringing along the memories of your experience here.
Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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Elemental Visualization

Welcome to Foundations 101. In this meditation we will be going through exercises that will help you to begin working with developing your astral travel skills, particularly building a Sacred Place or a Safe Place. This usually is a mental space that you develop within your mind that can then slowly be built into a space within the astral. The more that you work with it, the more real that it can become. This is also where learning discernment can happen.

I’ve used this technique particularly for people to help them to figure out which elemental affiliation that is the most comfortable and natural to them. For example, a forest or a beach. Some know these just from traveling to these places in person. For others, they may not know, but it is good practice for visualization. If you know the affiliation, it can be easier to establish your Sacred Space.

Take a moment and find a place that you will be able to relax and be undisturbed for awhile. Find a spot or position that you will be comfortable in for the next while. You are welcome to pause this audio until you are ready.

Now that you are in position, close your eyes. We are going to work on some breathing exercises to help you relax. Take in a deep breath, feel it deep within your stomach. Now breathe out slowly to the count of three. Three. Two. One. You are completely safe. There is nothing that can hurt you or harm you. Take another deep breath in and hold it. Breathe out, Three. Two. One. And once more, take in a deep breath and hold it. And out, Three. Two. One.

Your body is nice and relaxed. I will begin with a countdown of ten. As I do, your body will flow deeper into a state of calmness. You feel grounded and safe. Your body will flow into a state of calm but your mind will be sharp. Remember that you want to do this and welcome it with open arms. You are completely safe.

10…. 9….. You feel the sun wash over your face and arms. It’s a little warm. 8….. 7…… Nice and easy breathing. You begin to feel calm 6…. 5…. 4…. It’s nice and warm, the sun shining down onto your skin. You can hear whooshing around you. 3… 2… and 1.

You feel your bare feet sink down in the damp sand below. Water whooshes gently, lapping against your ankles. Behind you, the ocean expands out into a beautiful blue and green color. The water is crystal clear, showing off the wonder below the surface. You wade out into the water, watching as small fish swim around your legs. The water sways back and forth with a lulling motion. Above there are seagulls and other birds looking for their next meal. The sun shines down warmly onto your skin. You stand there within the quiet ocean, soaking in the energies of the water and the life within.

After awhile, you find yourself striding back onto the beach. The sand squishing under your feet as you walk along the edge. The water licks at your ankles every now and then, but your eyes watch the beach in front of you. Crabs scuttle away as you walk by and you can even see a sea turtle in the distance. Up ahead, there is a bend in the island, you follow it around to see that there is an inlet. A large campfire is set up next to a hammock. After standing for so long, you find yourself going over to the fire and soaking in the warmth that it gives off. There is a stack of wood to add to it when needed. The warmth of the flames flicker against your body. The flames dance to and fro. You gaze within them, seeing their colors change and make shapes. You sit there for awhile or you move to the hammock to watch.

The sun has not hit its peak in the sky and you find yourself wanting to wander. There is a lovely forest behind you and it’s ample for exploring. The leaves drip water as you pass through them, it’s slightly humid. The ground beneath your bare feet is a bit damp. You find yourself wandering through without any sense of direction, but enjoying the sights and the sounds. There are birds calling and noises from within the rainforest. The sun shines through the canopy and spreads warmth all around. As you walk you hear a whooshing sound, as if there was running water nearby. Turning towards it, you continue to enjoy the forest around you. The nature and the calmness soothes away your worries and your stress. A thatch of trees are clustered together and you carefully climb over them to find yourself standing in a beautiful area with a waterfall. The water is crystal clear and fish swim around freely. There is a deer at the other end of the small body of water. You can’t help but to smile at the beauty of nature before you.

Rocks, both big and small, surround the waterfall and you find one close enough to the water to dip your legs in while sunbathing. Your feet guide you over to this massive rock before you realize it and you lay back on it. The sun streaming down and the water misting across your skin, you feel connected with the earth and the soil around you, the water and the sun.

A breeze ripples over your skin and you find yourself being drawn to the cliff of the waterfall. Looking up the side, you can see that there is a pathway carved out, making it easy to walk up the side. You take slow and steady steps, the force of the water creating powerful air gusts. You keep a firm hand on the rock wall next to you and follow it with sure, steady steps. The energy of the earth around you becomes solid, rather than the soothing and nurturing of nature. Instead, you can feel it give you the strength to move without fear. The air around you picks up the further you go up. It’s gentle, urging you along. At last, the cliff edge disappears as you climb over it. The top is covered in low, sweeping grass that rustles with the winds. There were a few trees, but you could see that there was a cliff on the other side. Walking to the edge, you can see that it looks directly down into a large bay. Water is washing over the sand and birds are flying in the air. The sun is warm as it sets, bathing the world in beautiful oranges and yellows. You close your eyes and spread out your arms, feeling the air rush over and around you. You can feel the elation of flight, of the freedom that it brings. It is cool, but thrilling. The energy builds up and you can feel yourself lift off the ground with the air bringing you up. Your eyes are closed still but you know you are free.

You set back down and look to the rest of the island that you are on. You feel calm, at peace. You feel relieved of all the worldly stresses and burdens. Release has been achieved today.
Take a moment to wander back to the area that you feel most comfortable in. The rest of this meditation will focus on familiarizing yourself with the area that you choose.

This area represents the element or elements that you are comfortable with. If you chose the beach with the water, this is your main element. If you choose the campfire, you are drawn to fire. If you choose the forest, you are aligned with earth. Finally, if you choose the cliff, you are aligned with air. Each of these bleeds from one to the other and you can have more than one place you enjoy. If you loved the waterfall, you may work best with earth and water elements. What is important with this is that you are able to understand which one you are most comfortable within. Knowing this, you are beginning your step towards building your sacred space.

It is time to come back, you will remember all that occurred within. You feel relieved and calm, at peace. I’m going to count down from three where you will return. Three. You are feeling centered. Two. You feel grounded. One. You are here. Welcome back. You’ve done very well. How do you feel? Take the time to reflect and if you need, repeat this meditation.

Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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Welcome to Foundations 101. In this meditation, we will be going through different processes of shielding. This is another foundational skill that is incredibly important to your spiritual workings and your personal safety. Shielding is key because there are many energies, entities, spirits, and all manners of other spiritual aspects that can affect or harm us. This includes psychic attacks from other physical beings. Things can attach to you or feed off of your energy just through walking around. Shielding should be a part of the daily routine to help maintain your own version of hygiene for your spiritual self.

When beginning working with shields, it’s key to understand that they must be maintained frequently. In the beginning, you’ll need to work with bringing them up at least once a day, more if you are in a highly saturated spiritual environment or doing ritual work. For those who work with them more or are experienced, it is easier to maintain them less often at about once to twice a week. Working with your shielding and sensing energy will help you be able to protect yourself as well as throwing up shields quickly when in need.

Take a moment and find a place that you will be able to relax and be undisturbed for a while. Find a spot or position that you will be comfortable in for the next while. You are welcome to pause this audio until you are ready.

Now that you are in position, close your eyes. We are going to work on some breathing exercises to help you relax. Take in a deep breath, feel it deep within your stomach. Now breathe out slowly to the count of three. Three. Two. One. You are completely safe. There is nothing that can hurt you or harm you. Take another deep breath in and hold it. Breathe out, Three. Two. One. And once more, take in a deep breath and hold it. And out, Three. Two. One.

You are nice and relaxed, but fully awake. There are a few ways of developing a shield, of which this meditation will focus on a few of them. You can try them all to see what works for you.

For the first shield, focus on the Earth and your core. You want to reach down and draw the energy of the Earth up into your core. Everyone will see this energy different, so do not be alarmed if it looks like fire or water or some other variation. When it reaches your core, you want to push it to flow through your body and up to your Crown. The crown is another entrance point for energy to flow. Take that energy within your body and let it flow out of the Crown point. Direct it down around your head, your arms, your torso, your hips, your legs, and your feet. Let it flow all around you in a bright and protective shield. It will look like an egg around you. Make sure that it flows down beneath your feet and flows back up to over your head. Imagine that it wraps around and covers your back completely.

Allow this shield to flow, but it is solidifying around you. Every moment it grows harder and harder. You can reach through it safely, but you can feel that it’s strengthening to the point where you know that things cannot penetrate. Take a moment to visualize this shield hardening to the point where even you cannot go through it.

(pause for a moment)

Now, you are protected and you are safe, but you are still able to draw attention. Shields brought up from the earth and surrounding us are very bright. Take a moment to look at the color of the shield? Is it blue or white? Is it a bright color? If so, I want you to focus on turning this into a much darker color. You can choose grey if that’s more comfortable or you can make it dark purple.


Now you are fully shielded using the earth energies and hardening them into a protective barrier. You are ready to do any spiritual work or even venture out into the physical. If you are looking to interact with any ancestors, spirits, or other beings, it would be wise to welcome them personally by name or by energy feeling if you are familiar.

You can repeat this at any time or you can work on these other exercises. Remember that when beginning, you will need to build or maintain this shield once a day. Make it part of your morning routine, which will help you in the long run for developing this good habit.

For this next part, I will go through some other exercises that also build shields. One method is the same as above, except that instead of earth energies, you can bring in the golden divine energy. This fiery, gold energy will come down from your Crown through your core and to your Root, before circling around you. Reverse the process of the Earth shield I just explained.

If you feel that you have this, you can alter the energy in whichever form that you need. In fact, I’ll direct you through a personal favorite of mine. I use divine energy, but feel free to use your own method.

Close your eyes and take in a deep breath. Feel the warm, golden energy flow into your Crown. It flows down through your body and your limbs, settling into your Core. It swirls and fuels the energy within you. Now, you can take it and push it further down your body to your Root or your feet. Whichever feels better. Or you can push the energy out through your hands. Imagine this golden energy flowing through your body and exiting out around you. It circles your head and moves down your arms, to your hands. It moves from your shoulders and down through your chest to your stomach and back. It covers your spine and your lower back. This energy flows through your abdomen and your thighs, your knees. It flows until it reaches your feet. It becomes a large dome around you. Imagine it as liquid gold lava, flowing strongly and with purpose.

Take a moment to watch it flow and feed it the purpose of protection. See it changing and moving to suit what your needs are. Once it has settled, watch as it hardens. It looks like honey now, much slower but full of color. It grows harder and changes, becoming a lighter color of honey, moving slower and slower. It begins to settle down into a strong dome around you, unmoving. You reach out a hand and find that it is solid under your fingertips. The dome grows lighter and lighter, but the color is changing into a crystal clear. It begins to hum and ring lightly. The dome takes shape with flat planes around you, becoming more geometric. The color grows sharper in color, refracting the light that flows around and outside of it. You watch as the dome strengths and hardens, growing and shaping itself into the hardest of diamonds. This shield is impenetrable. It cannot be broken and cannot be broken into by anything of shadow. It can only refract the light, but not bring it in. You cannot and will not be harmed within your shield. It is stronger than the hardest diamond.

If you need, you can change the color to dull it down to not draw attention to it. Just imagine that the shine of it dulls down a bit, but remains strong and steadfast. Shields can be made of metals, crystals, or anything that you feel will be your greatest protection. Intention is very big in the role it plays with how well a shield will work. Imagine and know that your shield will be able to meet your needs.

It is time to come back, you will remember all that occurred within. You feel relieved and calm, at peace. I’m going to count down from three where you will return. Three. You are feeling centered. Two. You feel grounded. One. You are here. Welcome back. You did excellent today. How do you feel? Take the time to reflect. You can repeat this meditation at any time if you find it easier to do this until you have it on your own. Or if you would like to practice your foundations again.

Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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Leo Sierra
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Thank you for sharing these!

I have to ask, what would you consider the difference between an Astral experience and visualization?
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TaipanTwist wrote:
Sun Apr 05, 2020 3:56 am
Thank you for sharing these!

I have to ask, what would you consider the difference between an Astral experience and visualization?
You’re very welcome!
I actually believe that when visualization becomes interactive in a way, such as say for example you’re sitting in a field and you can see the grass away yet you haven’t actually thought about it.. it’s astral experiences basically its knowing your discernment on hallucinations versus visualizations. If you know that, then anything can be astral travel. It’s knowing your own mind that determines whether you believe it is an experience.
If that makes sense
Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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Leo Sierra
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ysabeau wrote:
Sun Apr 05, 2020 9:24 am
TaipanTwist wrote:
Sun Apr 05, 2020 3:56 am
Thank you for sharing these!

I have to ask, what would you consider the difference between an Astral experience and visualization?
You’re very welcome!
I actually believe that when visualization becomes interactive in a way, such as say for example you’re sitting in a field and you can see the grass away yet you haven’t actually thought about it.. it’s astral experiences basically its knowing your discernment on hallucinations versus visualizations. If you know that, then anything can be astral travel. It’s knowing your own mind that determines whether you believe it is an experience.
If that makes sense
So if stuff just happens naturally of it's own accord without me willing it, then I've made it to the Astral.
That actually does make things clearer, thank you!
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TaipanTwist wrote:
Sun Apr 05, 2020 9:42 am
ysabeau wrote:
Sun Apr 05, 2020 9:24 am
TaipanTwist wrote:
Sun Apr 05, 2020 3:56 am
Thank you for sharing these!

I have to ask, what would you consider the difference between an Astral experience and visualization?
You’re very welcome!
I actually believe that when visualization becomes interactive in a way, such as say for example you’re sitting in a field and you can see the grass away yet you haven’t actually thought about it.. it’s astral experiences basically its knowing your discernment on hallucinations versus visualizations. If you know that, then anything can be astral travel. It’s knowing your own mind that determines whether you believe it is an experience.
If that makes sense
So if stuff just happens naturally of it's own accord without me willing it, then I've made it to the Astral.
That actually does make things clearer, thank you!
This is my personal belief, but yes. Some many not agree with me. But that’s why I stated it’s about your own discernment. I just know what is and isn’t Astral because I’ve worked hard to know my discernment and know how my thought patterns work.
Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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