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A Message From Leviathan

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2020 5:28 pm
by DrFaustus
Or so I presume it to be.

I've been digging through my dream journal. It's been a little over a year since I've paid much attention to dreams, or actively made an effort to recall them. Late 2018, shortly after I discovered and started working with enns, I chanted Leviathan's enn before bed and requested that he send me a message in my dreams.

I'd forgotten about this until recently. I don't know where it came from - I'm guessing nudging from my invisible family - but I spontaneously remembered the dream, and I thought I suddenly gained understanding of it that I lacked at the time.

That's true, but re-reading my journal entry, I see there's a lot of details that got muddled in my memory, and I think there's more to find in it. Possibly someone who has worked with Leviathan and other spirits could offer insight.

I believe the crux of it is casting off judgements, delving into emotions within my psyche that are difficult to face and in so doing tapping into real power and opening pathways, but I think I'm just beginning to hit the real meaning behind it. It's incredibly dense with symbolism.


Woke up middle of the night. Didn't need the bathroom. Figured it might signal another dream. Went back to sleep.

I dreamed. It started with me putting up an ad for the family house on what looked like my modern laptop. The picture I put up of the house didn't look anything like it - it actually looked like where I found myself in the next scene.

Somehow, I'd projected my consciousness into the past. That's something I thought in the dream itself. I saw myself as an adult. The people around me saw me at whatever age I was supposed to be, nebulous as that was.

Anyway, my mother and I went to this place in buttfuck nowhere where we parked between two trucks on a brown lawn covered with leaves and there were two worn down houses on either side of us - one white, one red. Two men in flannel shirts pass us and nodded. I notice the car we came in was the piece-of-shit Blazer we had until 96 that was rusted the hell out and broke down constantly.

Zuckerberg of all people was staring creepily from behind a screen door in the breezeway of the white house. Didn't say a word. Just watched. Remarked on it to myself in the dream.

My mother and I went into one of these buildings - I think it was the white one, but that's fuzzy. Think we passed Zuckerberg. We were there to talk to someone about the house we'd put up for sale. We were directed to wait, and told that we wouldn't have had to wait if we'd made an appointment.

"But... We called ahead."

My mother and I looked at each other and we shrugged.

The... waiting area was like a nursing home, and there were two dozen or more old women in wheelchairs arranged almost like theater seating. There was an old CRT TV mounted on the wall opposite to them running Judge Judy or something like that. My mother and I sat across from them, and they watched us and I watched them. I think they were the ones who told us we should have made an appointment. It's difficult for me to place when that statement was made and who made it.

Fast forward - we're on the road. My father, who wasn't with us, was driving. He was getting mad at my mother for rearranging the maps on the dash board. They're arguing. When he moves the maps, he swerves and I shout something like, "The fuck! Are you trying to kill us!?"

He laughed, then started swerving back and forth across both lanes just to be an asshole.

I flipped him off and repeatedly called him a fuckhead. Which - gonna interject briefly, one of my regrets in life is I never got to call my father a fuckhead to his face, so even knowing that was symbolism of some kind, that made me happy. (Note: Funny I wrote it like that when I didn't intend to show this to anyone. A little detail - my father died when I was a teenager, and he was horribly abusive.)

"Don't you ever call me a fuckhead again." He returned to driving normally.

We get to this point in the road. There's one narrow row of logs down its center; they're flattened at the top. There's a river beneath them. I feel dread looking at it.

My father positions the vehicle so the driver's side is on the shoulder and the wheels on the passenger side line up with the logs. The logs look like they're held in place entirely by the pressure created by wedging them against one another; no nails, nothing else. They shift slightly as we go across them.

The water, at times, seems calm and shallow, and at others resembles a raging abyss.

There's a point where the logs shifted so much I flew into a panic and thought for sure we were going to fall in... But we didn't, and I knew, based on how they moved, we should have. I'm spooked but relieved.

We get to the other side... The logs weren't wedged together at all. The end of the path leads us to shallow water where the last log is lying limply a good two car lengths before the road returns to normal. I feel the bumps getting back on concrete - another log served as a kind of step for our Blazer to get over - and then we're immediately back in the house we lived in during the mid-nineties, which was the house before the one that we put up for sale at the start of the dream.

We were in front of an old computer. My father wanted to switch out computer speakers. I told him the pair he had in his hands were broken. He walked away in somewhat of a huff.

There was an amp on the floor with outlets along the front of it. A coworker I've never spoken to and can't even name came up to it and plugged its AC cord into one of the outlets on the front, thinking she'd solved a problem.

I told her, "That's stupid; that's like thinking you can create perpetual energy by plugging a surge bar into itself."

That's when I remember waking up.