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Strength training basics

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2020 11:13 pm
by Obsidian Goddess
This is a bit overdue, because I have been so incredibly busy with school and also have gotten several offers to train clients from the local gyms here in my town, as well as a position teaching both aerobics and strength training classes with the school district here. I am not going to be on here much after this until I finish my classes because things are moving so fast in the right direction that I just don’t have much time to be online these days. As promised however, here are a few strength training guidelines. If you have any questions or need help with any fitness goals, just send me a message and I will answer. I am also working on a YouTube channel for LHP followers with fitness goals, and a fitness tracker app for tablets and smartphones, so I will update everyone about those things in the future.
First, a few definitions... repetitions are how many times you do a specific movement, such as one biceps curl, and sets are when you repeat that movement a specific:amount of times, arranging the movement into groups. The amount of sets and repetitions you should do for each set depends on what you’re trying to accomplish. For muscle strength and power you want to do 3 to 7 repetitions per set, at a weight that is quite high but that you can manage to move through your entire range of motion for at least 3 or 4 sets to start and it should be heavy enough so you feel a good burn near the end of your sets. By the end of your last set you should be at or near failure. The weight should be very near the maximum amount that you can move with good form. To gain muscle size, or hypertrophy, you want to pick a weight a little lower, that you can manage to move for 10-12 repetitions per set until near failure at the end of your last set. For anaerobic strength, the weight gets lower yet so you can do 12-16 repetitions per set, and for aerobic strength, lower the weight even more and do 16-30 repetitions per set. Regardless of what you are trying to achieve, start with 3-4 sets and 2 exercises per muscle group. Work your way up to 6-8 sets. When this starts to get easy, increase the weight. For strength training, It is sufficient to work each area of the body 2x/week, with 2 days rest in between, so you may work with upper body on Sunday and Wednesday, core on Monday and Thursday, lower body on Tuesday and Friday, then take Saturday off... or you can work on your entire body all at once, every 2 days. Whatever works with your schedule is fine.
I hope this is of help, and again, if you have any questions or want help with any specific fitness goal, just send me a message and I will be glad to assist. :devilbanana: :devilbanana:

Re: Strength training basics

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 7:33 pm
by Celtic Star
This reminds me that I need to get back to stretching and working out myself. I just need to find the motivation to do it, somehow. lol.