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Deep Cleanse + Strong Warding of Home

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 2:36 pm
by User546
Hi Everyone!

I'm looking for some recommendations on how to do a very deep cleanse/exorcism and then warding of my home.

I live with my aunt on her ranch. I personally keep myself and my space within the house well cleansed and warded. I put a protective enchantment on the house a few years ago, and regularly do a two part energy shield over it as well.

I have a few safety mechanisms in the house that let me know when our defenses have been breached.

Just this week, those safeties have been tripped twice.

I have Friday off work so I figure I will spend the day doing a really thorough banishing and cleansing of the house, and then redo our wards with some extra techniques I've learned recently.

I'm looking for any advice or techniques that anyone on the board has for anything I can add to my ritual to help it to be extra thorough and help protect my home.

Thanks so much in advance!


Re: Deep Cleanse + Strong Warding of Home

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 3:03 pm
by user4558013
Hi Flux! I am going to go ahead and put a link to our youtube channel to a playlist that actually covers warding and cleansing along with everything that pertains to having a strong Spiritual Foundation that I think you would absolutely love ;d ... t-rD7WKqS1

If you have any other further questions let me know! :devillove:

Re: Deep Cleanse + Strong Warding of Home

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 5:15 pm
by Heretique
i tend to use crystal grids for warding also connecting the wards to natural elements like the sun or the earth so it doesn't feed off you is important. As for banishing, i do the lbpr go through all the elements throughout the house as well, so cleanse with fire, water, salt/earth and air, and sweep out the unwanted energy. The LBPR however, renders the energies neutral, which you then should fill with the kinds of energies you want in the house. I cleanse by using my own energy connections so for me my demonic energy and black flame . Asking your companions/gods/DL's for this can also help. Lord Lucifer helped me learn how to ward my spaces better. You can ally with the land wights and house spirits too which can create very effective and powerful wards. I also use bindrunes and sigils in certain rooms as well and they work very effectively. It depends i suppose on what needs to be banished as well. you can also do witches bottles for protection and bury them in you yard or even a pot plant, certain plants can be allies for protection too.

Re: Deep Cleanse + Strong Warding of Home

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 9:40 pm
by User546
Velca wrote:
Tue Dec 17, 2019 3:03 pm
Hi Flux! I am going to go ahead and put a link to our youtube channel to a playlist that actually covers warding and cleansing along with everything that pertains to having a strong Spiritual Foundation that I think you would absolutely love ;d ... t-rD7WKqS1

If you have any other further questions let me know! :devillove:
Thanks Velca! Yes, I've watched all the videos on the S&S Youtube channel. They are a great introduction to all those topics. I love your tarot videos! I hope you do more.

In my case, I believe I have built up a reasonably strong spiritual foundation over the last year. I cleanse, ground, center, and shield myself on a daily basis. I ward my home and vehicle regularly, probably every other week at this point.

In this thread I'm looking to pick people's brains on more advanced techniques and get some specific examples of the types of deep cleansing rituals and warding that individuals do.

If you have any suggestions on more advanced techniques, I would love to hear them!

Thanks again.


Re: Deep Cleanse + Strong Warding of Home

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 9:51 pm
by User546
Heretique wrote:
Tue Dec 17, 2019 5:15 pm
i tend to use crystal grids for warding also connecting the wards to natural elements like the sun or the earth so it doesn't feed off you is important. As for banishing, i do the lbpr go through all the elements throughout the house as well, so cleanse with fire, water, salt/earth and air, and sweep out the unwanted energy. The LBPR however, renders the energies neutral, which you then should fill with the kinds of energies you want in the house. I cleanse by using my own energy connections so for me my demonic energy and black flame . Asking your companions/gods/DL's for this can also help. Lord Lucifer helped me learn how to ward my spaces better. You can ally with the land wights and house spirits too which can create very effective and powerful wards. I also use bindrunes and sigils in certain rooms as well and they work very effectively. It depends i suppose on what needs to be banished as well. you can also do witches bottles for protection and bury them in you yard or even a pot plant, certain plants can be allies for protection too.
Ooh that's a good idea. I have my bedroom pretty well gridded with crystals, but the whole home grid is a basic one my Aunt did that is probably long overdue for a cleanse and recharge. I think it's also time to build a more sophisticated grid in the center of the house as well. The existing grid is just a basic black tourmaline and selenite border at all the windows of the house.

Can I ask what types of crystals you use for your wards?

Thanks! These are all excellent suggestions!

Re: Deep Cleanse + Strong Warding of Home

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 9:58 pm
by Heretique
I use a variety personally but amethyst charged with demonic energy mainly, ( specifically abyssal as my princess helped me weave the wards) as it helps with the energy of the house and I use organite in certain rooms as well. Sometimes the Amethyst is boosted with herkimer diamond. But mostly for me they act as connecting and like grounding points for the main wards which then incorporate runes and sigils and are fed off celestial and earthen energy.

Re: Deep Cleanse + Strong Warding of Home

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2019 7:32 pm
by Conium
How much of a deep cleanse are you looking for?

Generally, my wards consist of a lot of what Heretique has already mentioned. I use bindrunes, sigils, crystal grids, and elemental energies are woven together (think a basket weave of elemental energies as well as a bunch of others that I won't go into too much).

To cleanse the space, it kind of changes everytime. Like when I first moved into my apartment, I ended up burning Vesta Powder (think spiritual nuke that levels the energies of a place), sage, palo santo, and Archangel Incense to first move all the energies out and then bring in higher vibrational and more divine energies. After that I layered on my wards and asked my companions to help check things out.

But for a regular cleanse I just use Palo Santo and then recharge my wards as upkeep.

Though this post does make me want to go back and look things over and see where I can improve personally.

Re: Deep Cleanse + Strong Warding of Home

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2019 9:35 pm
by User546
Conium wrote:
Wed Dec 18, 2019 7:32 pm
How much of a deep cleanse are you looking for?

Generally, my wards consist of a lot of what Heretique has already mentioned. I use bindrunes, sigils, crystal grids, and elemental energies are woven together (think a basket weave of elemental energies as well as a bunch of others that I won't go into too much).

To cleanse the space, it kind of changes everytime. Like when I first moved into my apartment, I ended up burning Vesta Powder (think spiritual nuke that levels the energies of a place), sage, palo santo, and Archangel Incense to first move all the energies out and then bring in higher vibrational and more divine energies. After that I layered on my wards and asked my companions to help check things out.

But for a regular cleanse I just use Palo Santo and then recharge my wards as upkeep.

Though this post does make me want to go back and look things over and see where I can improve personally.
I'd like to be very thorough this time.

Vesta powder sounds great, I already have the ingredients, so I think I'll make some myself!

The last deep cleanse of this space was years ago, and we've had a string of low vibrational ickiness recently. That makes me want to go big this time, especially since we are rolling into a whole new decade shortly.

How to do you go about recharging your wards?

Thanks for your input!


Re: Deep Cleanse + Strong Warding of Home

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2020 4:38 pm
by user4558013
I have been meaning to get back to this post for quite some time now!

So first and foremost what I would like to preface with is that I am very big on intent. Setting the intention on whatever it is that you are doing.

For me personally if I am trying to cleanse my space, if I have something in specific in mind that I am trying to cleanse then that will be the focus as I am using Palo Santo or whatever other cleansing tool that I am utilizing.

I'll give an example since I love examples.

I did a deep cleansing a few months ago of my space to clear of a very toxic, negative energy. That is when I am cleansing for the pure intent of a specific kind of energy. So before I stared cleansing, I connected with the energy that I was trying to cleanse first and foremost. I get a specific feel for this energy and as I continued the process of cleansing, which firstly started out with burning Palo, as I was walking around my space with the Palo I have a direct impression of the energy that I am trying to rid my space of. I am essentially setting the intent of the burning Palo and giving a direct impression of what it is that I am burning the Palo for and asking it to assist me with cleansing. It's kind of like giving a blood hound the scent of the person that they are trying to track and find. Is it necessary? I am not going to say it is but this is just simply how i've always done it and it's always worked.

It's like when you are manifesting, the best way to get a stronger energy to manifest something you practice visualization techniques. What does it FEEL like to be successful? What does it smell like? What does it look like? While you can be vague about your desires and simply state "I want to be successful" adding more detail..a lot of things are happening. Not only is the buildup of energy increasing but from a psychological PoV, the mind can not tell the difference between daydreaming and reality. So if you immerse yourself in the visualization techniques, if you are able to see, hear, taste, feel this vision, your body will follow suit in that direction. But that is a completely different conversation that no one asked for. LOL.

For protective grids and wards, I follow the same thought process. You never can go wrong with Black Tourmaline, Selenite, Tiger's eye and so on for protection. But depending on how you yourself are able to process and feel energies, you can follow the same process of connecting to a specific kind of energy that you are wishing to protect yourself from, (if you have any sort of reference) and how I personally do it, is I match the energy with the stone or crystal that would be most appropriate. I personally believe that there are crystals and stones that thrive off of certain vibrations, and the closer you match that vibration (for example if you're doing a manifesting ritual, you match the energy of the crystal focal point which for me would more than likely be Citrine.) and the better you are at matching that energy, the better the results.

I developed this way of thinking by observing how energies would interact with each other in different situations. For example when you are astral projecting, you don't just simply see everything that is in the astral. You are in your own frequency, your own radio channel. And those that are near that frequency you are able to hear/see more than those that aren't. I figured this out through my progression of astral projecting and connecting with my various guides and companions.

I'll stop myself here because I can really go on a lot of side tangents LOL but I do hope this helps and I apologize for taking so long to get back to this! :devillove:

Re: Deep Cleanse + Strong Warding of Home

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2020 5:33 pm
by Cult
How well can I get rid of your wards? Think about it from the perspective of an outsider who wants to get in and proof your wards accordingly. I can temper fire with cooler powers. I can cut through a glamour meant to hide you with lemongrass and iron. I can open your doors with the 1st Pentacle of the Moon. Water absorbs, so if you employ aquatic powers, I can poison them or dry them up.

Vents, mirrors, windows, literal doors etc, all count as openings for me to slip in. Even if you ward all those, I can still send a spirit who can fly to plant a spell through your chimney. Play as dirty as me. If my spell or spirit wants to possess you, the same goes for the openings of your body, ie. the mouth.

A crucial thing that is usually overlooked is to cultivate good relationships with the local land spirits, including the spirit of your home. I can't touch you if the land won't let me.

Conversely, if you're in my territory, I have power over you. I have the right to do whatever I want with what's in my territory.

Glamours have endless uses here but they're only good until I identify them, so make sure I don't.

Cobalt blue glass bottles are good for trapping spirits. A stone from a prison can be worked for the same purpose. A spool of thread can be used similarly, to tangle me up or lead me astray endlessly.

Learn what's actually messing with you. If I send you an avian spirit, weigh it down. If I send you the dead, garlic and angelica. If I send you a demon and you're a demonolater who refuses to ever make the black handled knife or call on the Abrahamic god, you're fucked. You get the gist; divination is your friend here.