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Goetia vs. other forms of invocation/evocation/working with demons.

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 11:39 am
by notsosweetjesus
Hey people, I just joined this board today, thanks for having me.

I have more than one question.

I do not have the actual physical space to work w/ the Goetia even though I do think it has some benefits. With that said though, what methods do you guys use to work with demonic beings? Any certain books and/or authors? I am super curious about that. Also, can you actually summon and demon from the Goetia without using the Goetia itself? It seems the 72 are rather specific to that form of evocation, and I am curious as to what success some of you have had, if any. Do you exclusively use tools (as in workings, etc.) from just here?

Thanks everyone!