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Abyssal serpent E new binding

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2019 8:07 pm
by texascorsair
[tab=][/tab]The binding time on my serpent took longer than I had expected. However, the emails that I sent once for my order number, then for my status were handled in about one and half business days. The priestesses were very nice and handled requests on a people level that I really enjoyed, even offering me a slight gift for my patience which was very much appreciated. Something that I hadn't counted on as well was that my binding was supposed to be totally on my aura and I recieived a binding stone and two candles that I did not pay for. All in all very pleasant doing business with them. Total time a little over two months for those detailed minded.
[tab=][/tab] My serpent friend who shall be referred to as E was very turbulent, pun intended, his first real night with me. I had mediated with the binding stone, listening to stormy sea music, and got that pleasurable feeling in the bottom of my spine that he was listening and trying to interact with me. This was my first live creature binding and even though was relaxed I started to begin to feel worn out. As in most cases with binding or summonings if I feel that the spirit or creature is friendly I invite them to go as they will or to try to interact in my dreams. I was asleep in no time flat and strangely lucid no tricks needed which was a awesome experience. Then true abyssal style your off and running on a review of all the feelings in your life, some was fun, some was playful but all in all its never fun to look at yourself in the third person. It was like that for a few nights and I received my scroll with info and had some offerings ready for the next time and things went smoother. I'm in West Texas so I made him a little home altar inside of my fish aquarium best that I could I do. Side affect of that were that my water fairy spirits are way more active, they seem to get a long and E seems fairly happy. I also keep a plain/salt water bowls beside my bed with a picture of a sea serpent so that he knows he can hang out or mess with my fairies, or do things in his realm. Some extra side notes of the quickest benefits I've seen so far. Lucidity dreams/real life, a lost love of studying the many paths of the occult, way better at reading people then before, most of my spirits more active with his energy around.
[tab=][/tab]Very happy with purchase so far have more to say but might find a different place to post as this is testimonial page.

Re: Abyssal serpent E new binding

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2019 3:30 am
by texascorsair
Just a quick update about my serpent. My serpent has been a great companion so far. He has a protective side and it is amazing at how much he whispers to me about the people that are around me. Stuff that I would have missed before I'm now paying closer attention to. My dreaming and astral traveling are kinda of mixed up right now but I am starting a dream journal so I can start figuring out some of the stuff I'm seeing. Funny thing is that I was having a lucid nightmare and was having trouble figuring a way out of it, but then I fell into a basement flooded with water and I felt so much better because I knew my serpent had felt my distress. They are very facinating creatures and I recommend one to anybody that is on the fence about getting one. Well worth the summoning cost.

Re: Abyssal serpent E new binding

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2022 12:36 pm
by lukaskosik
helllo, texascorsair,
by this ,,got that pleasurable feeling in the bottom of my spine " do you think it was kind of kundalini ?