Across the Realms: Meditation Two

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When the Realms awake...
The Divine Sagittarius prepare for their annual Ritual...

Ritual of Divine Manifestation

You spot a path that is a light yellow and spaced with low golden grass. Your feet move forward on this path without you thinking about it. You feel something pulling you. The garden shifts around you as you walk further down the path. It’s become more barren, tall yellow grasses and lanky trees replacing the flora. In front of you is the archway. It’s made of a light yellowing wood. At the top, there is a beautiful green gem, with carvings of suns on each side. There are also carvings of grass and trees, much like the ones around you now. You step forward and touch the shimmering magic of the portal before walking through.

It’s bright and your eyes take a moment to readjust. The heat that overcomes you is hotter than the Garden. Once your eyes readjust, you see that there are two Sagittarius in front of you. One male and one female. The female had beautiful olive colored skin, the coloring of her lower half being a dark tan with light auburn spots. She wore golden jewelry and carried a satchel with her. The male was much shorts, but no less intimidating. He had dark skin and bright gold eyes. His hair is tied back in braids and woven with beads of all kinds. The male carried a large sword at his side, with a smaller one strapped to his back.

“Welcome to our home of the Sagittarius, Solar Traveler. We are pleased to have you join us today. I am Leader Darilla (dah-riya) and this is my Commander Wahrite (Wha-reet). Today you will be joining us with our Divine Manifestation Ritual. If you follow us, we need to have you prepared.”

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Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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This was a warm and pleasant visit - I enjoyed it very much. I may try to recreate the sigils drawn on my face - I think I can remember the cheek ones, at least. The one on my forehead was more complex and less symmetrical. And being drive-by fingerpainted on my way out was just... I love colors :3 and it made me very happy.

Thank you for doing these, Ysabeau! I look forward to the next one.

(The practical side of me wonders just how much work you had to do with these lovely individuals to set it up so they would receive us so graciously and be so generous with their blessings and gifts...)
-- Loam
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Excuse my Sagi butt while I just yeet myself into this meditation wholeheartedly. I appear in the garden easily, my lower half a draft horse esk centaur, my body is a dappled grey with white spots. My feathered hooves dance happily on the stones and I take a few minutes in the garden to adjust to walking like this as I go.

I meet and bow to the other Sagi’s, who seem happy to see me take a form that is similar. I wear my sun sign with pride,and we trot happily down the golden path. I’m torn between bathing in public or not, as I’m not used to this form . But I am with a person I feel a kindredness with (if only for our Sun Signs). And so public I go. I’m not wearing my Pavo garb, but simply a sports bra like tank top that doesn’t cover my stomach.

I am delighted by the hair cleanser, and can almost feel my scalp tingling in the physical. I make sure to really work it in, loving how soft and tangle free my hair is.

Body Cleanser why don’t mind if I do….oh oh centaur body might not be a good choice here. I roll my eyes at myself and laugh, scrubbing as much of my front as I can, when I feel my back and flank being scrubbed. Two Sagi’s from the pool have come to help, and I thank them for their help, their dark fingers working the bar onto the towel and then into the dappled grey of my coat. I sigh in pleasure, as a female with a zebra esk pelt comes to rest in front of me, and I take my bar, and with her permission begin to work down her back legs and flank and back. I can see a younger Sagi, a smaller child play and splash and rub the bar into my front legs and I giggle, swishing my tail to cover their golden palomino okapi hind with water. They squee and gallop off to their parents.

Sponge- I feel my body shift back into its human form, and I thank the other Sagi for their help as I shiver , rubbing the oil in with the sponge, feeling things just float off me like bubbles on the wind. The water sways me back and forth, almost rocking me. I close my eyes and enjoy the sensations as I begin to wash away the hair honey. My hair is soft and fluffy.

I dap myself with the towel and call ritual garb to me. The ruffles of the dress sway in the breeze and I snuggle into my cloak, the heat of the day being reflected away from my body with gentle magics. I am at Peace and it feels fantastic. I can feel the oils from the bath still sit every so lightly on my skin, and the ritual garb seems to happily take in the scent and energy as I put them on.

The singing is divine, and although it is hard to exactly picture the cave, as the many energies and aura’s of those inside bounced around , I could see the lake and it’s little boat with ease. The green orb is almost freezing to my hands and I shiver as it is placed in my palms. It brightens and pulses, the light almost swaying and growing like a flame as the herd of Sagi’s sing and chant.

I stop and write out my intentions on a piece of paper, holding it in my hands as I hold the orb in the astral. I can feel the words sink into the orb, almost being pulled off the paper. When both sizes of the paper are blank I kiss the orb with my gratitude and thanks and drop it into the sunny waters.

I almost begin to cry as she speaks, touching me with the paint. The commander touches me and I let the tears fall happily. As the herd touches me I am crying and laughing in happiness , the sun shines brightly on all of us and I twirl in the light.

I sit on the bench, and come back with ease, feeling as though I just stepped out of a long bubble bath. My heart beats happily in my chest and the world feels brighter and lighter.
"Be nice, for the moment you stop people will not believe the nice anymore. So be Nice until you can't be nice anymore, then destroy them."

“You’ve gotta respect everyone’s beliefs."
No, you don’t. That’s what gets us in trouble.
Look, you have to acknowledge everyone’s beliefs, and then you have to reserve the right to go: "That is fucking stupid. Are you kidding me?" - Patton Oswalt
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I am counting down when without any planning on my part A., my Old One of the Saturn Cult companion, reaches down, takes my hand, and pulls me out of my body. No one in the Sagittarius' realm seems upset by him. Hand in hand we reach the bathing pool. I do not hesitate to disrobe and enter on the communal side, but am concerned when he begins bathing me--it is so intimate, not sexual but deeply intimate--and then I bathe him. When we exit the pool someone has brought clothing for him, a tunic and trousers that match my ritual garb... I have never seen or imagined him anyway other than nude, though he is covered with black fur. I pour my heart out into the orb, and my computer's battery dies as I drop the orb into the water, just as I begin weeping with the confused longings of my heart. I return the the boat and A.'s hands are crossed over mine over my womb. We return, and I sit on the bench for quite a while, weeping into his fur.
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The bathing experience feels like one of the most luxurious and enjoyable one. I love the smell of the ritual oil lingering on my skin. The ritual itself was filled with powerful energy. I poured my thoughts and intentions that I wish to manifest into the orb. It shimmered and glowed and I can feel it vibrating. Towards the end, the energy in the air feels so charged and I feel pumped and happy as I let the Sagittarius touch me with their ritual colours. I didn’t even mind the colourings touching my ritual gown. The whole place there feels so serene. The majestic grasslands with the sun shining makes me feel relaxed and happy. I wish I could stay longer and my guide told me i’m welcome to visit again in future if I wish to.

Don’t only practice your art, but force your way into its secrets, for it and knowledge can raise men to the divine.
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Passemoon wrote:
Sun Jun 30, 2019 12:36 am
The bathing experience feels like one of the most luxurious and enjoyable one. I love the smell of the ritual oil lingering on my skin. The ritual itself was filled with powerful energy. I poured my thoughts and intentions that I wish to manifest into the orb. It shimmered and glowed and I can feel it vibrating. Towards the end, the energy in the air feels so charged and I feel pumped and happy as I let the Sagittarius touch me with their ritual colours. I didn’t even mind the colourings touching my ritual gown. The whole place there feels so serene. The majestic grasslands with the sun shining makes me feel relaxed and happy. I wish I could stay longer and my guide told me i’m welcome to visit again in future if I wish to.

From the SNS Forum: @Passemoon

T the Divine Leo, Protector Pack Lion and Thunderer
T is an incredibly special Divine Leo. He is an intense protector and oversees the entire protection pack within his Pride Pack. During a hunt, there was a Solar Lightning Storm, where he was struck with the energies of the storm itself. Much akin to a Lightning strike made of a solar flare. In doing so, he is incredibly adept with Lighting, Solar, Weather, and other magics centered around the chaotic nature of storms.

As deciding the winnings, T stepped forward and specifically asked to be paired with the winner of meditation 2. Please email to confirm your choosing to work with her or should you wish to choose something more suited to you.
More details will be given to the winners about the prebound conjure.
Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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