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Let’s talk about Eros

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 8:05 am
by Shifa
Eros is quite interesting ...
He is at once a primal god, a young god, and a natural force between humans and gods.

I sought out his help because I need a better handle on love in all forms, as well as better acceptance of others and myself, and to release shame and repression.
I am not quite sure why I chose him rather than Aphrodite.

So I got an Immortal Attunement from Hysteria, and found out something unexpected.
She said I have a strong connection to Eros, one that stems from a past life and has a very priestess-like feel.
Also she said I connect with him on a chaotic level, the chaotic part of love and eroticism. The kind that you never know when or how it will pop up, the cheeky kind.
She said he would be good to turn to as he has a lot to teach me.

I have very few experiences that I can really label as “experiences.” I’ve been trying to do my due diligence and read up on Eros, get to know him better (in a historical sense anyway). I was thinking on him the other day and had a brief “vision,” of a beautiful young man laughing. Not laughing at me, mind you, but just jovial, happy. Like his way of a welcoming hello, glad-to-see-you.

Finding info on offerings has been tough, though.
The best I could come up with is flowers (particular the rose), burning aromatic herbs, and that his animal associations are the dolphin and rabbit.
There were also mentions of jewelry, contests, and athleticism.
Color associations, which seem to be modern but I don’t know, are red, white and silver.
I can’t find if he has a favored gemstone.

There are surprisingly few incense, candles, or any sort of products to buy. A few statues, mostly cherubs or the one of him and Psyche together. I am quite jealous of Psyche but she is a lovely and devoted lady.

I went to a gem, mineral and jewelry show and tried to find something for him with no luck.

Okay after all that rambling, how do you like to connect with Eros?

Re: Let’s talk about Eros

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 10:05 am
by Conium
I used to work with Eros once upon a time, and for similar life things.

As far as associations and offerings, I usually also associate Eros with deep burgundy and different shades of gold.
For incense, I used to offer a blend of saffron, rose, copal, and dragon's blood.
As far as crystals and gems go, I would recommend sticking to those that are usually associated with love in all its forms such as rose quartz, malachite, shiva lingam stone, etc.

Re: Let’s talk about Eros

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 5:19 am
by Shifa
Today I remembered that torches are another symbol, as I passed by a yard with torch lilies. I need to remember to look for some of those for the garden.
I bet garden torches would be good too.

Re: Let’s talk about Eros

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2019 11:58 am
by Shifa
I’m wondering when someone is going to get the song pun in the thread title. :devilbanana: