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Some Advice

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 5:24 am
by Dorian
Hi folks, I know this may sound a crazy question, but I when is the best time to bring a Demon companion into your life? When your life is a mess or when your life is going okay.
I just want to be honest, at the moment my life is a mess. I feel I've got no one to turn to for help and advice, I feel very lonely and lost and I don't really know which way to turn.

I can't seem to talk to family members, as they have their own problems. I just don't seem to be getting any where. I was made redundant, but have found a part time job which I really dislike. I don't really have many friends I can talk too and I really miss female company. Yeah I'm almost 50 and still single.

The thing is would it be wise to even think about bringing a Demon companion into my life, until I sort things out. I was contemplating a female Succubus, but my life just feels pretty negative. The reason for wanting a Succubus is I just feel a female presence may help and also I miss female companionship.

Any advice would be helpful, does my life and energy have to be positive, before inviting such a companion, I mean I could do with help now, but if i need to get my life sorted first, into a positive flow, so to speak then that's fair enough.

Also to be honest the reason for contemplating a Succubus companionship is i'm single and I miss the touch of a female. Any way you may think this is a crazy thing to ask and in a way I guess I'm looking for a higher power to look up to and help or guide, but a feminine higher power.

Re: Some Advice

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 5:27 am
by Dorian
Sorry if this Thread maybe in the wrong part of the forum, but I still feel very much a beginner.

Re: Some Advice

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 7:27 am
by Oflight Lokebrenna
Being in a bad state does not make you undeserving of companionship.

We're never at our 100% best all the time.

Do what feels best for you.

Re: Some Advice

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 7:28 am
by Belladonna
Before welcoming in any companion, i always suggest establishing a solid foundation for your practice and your mastery of the self. What i mean by this is establishing a solid method of Grounding, Cleansing and Protection, and Mastery of the Mind. This will help provide a solid base for you to begin your work with Demons and allows you to have a solid foundation to begin your work. Grounding, clearing and protection is highly important...So i suggest before starting your work-if you feel this is an area you lack, begin establishing and strengthening it until you feel solid in your approach. I can’t stress enough how important this is, because when you are a master of your mind and body, the reality before you is yours to truly master.

In regards to any chaos that may be present within your life, once you are able to fully support yourself as a whole and you are able to find your center within the chaos around you, that is when i personally would say it is the best time to work with Demons. When you are able to truly master yourself and the reality beyond. You absolutely 100% can work with Demons during tough times of your life- i personally find that they are absolutely supportive to no end throughout our struggles, hardships and transition. The most important factor here is just being able to handle yourself and take care of yourself. Once you can fully grasp onto this, you’ll see how smooth your work and connection with the divine goes from there.

In regards to your main question...The only person who will truly know if you’re ready to work with Demons, is you. Typically, you will just intuitively know when the best time is. I know that when i began working with Demons years ago, i knew it was my time. It was a connection I’ve held since i was very young, but it was until only a few years ago i felt the calling to the Dark Divine. It’s a knowing and an intuitive understanding of your work. You will know. Trust in that.

Re: Some Advice

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 8:25 am
by Dorian
Thanks for the advice. I just feel I'm in a deep pit and trying to get out, yet every step or decision seems to be wrong. I guess I may be depressed.

I cannot seem to get myself sorted. I felt that maybe a Demon companion would help, maybe advice me on the right way to go, see things that I cannot or have missed in my present state and I know this may sound crazy too, but in my thinking I am attracted to a strong female, who will guide me, love me and protect me. Sorry if that sounded a strange thing to say.

Re: Some Advice

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 9:10 am
by Shifa
Not strange at all.
And I understand the feeling of depression.
It sounds so cliched, but try to get outside in nature more, find some hobbies you enjoy, explore creative avenues.
Maybe get involved in some charitable work, volunteering.
Spend time with animals.
Watch funny cat videos. I’m serious!
Maybe you can find some local classes to take and meet some friends.
Go to museums.
See what’s happening in your local area; events, shows, festivals, whatever.

Consider also seeking the counsel of divinity. Lilith, perhaps? Or any deities you feel drawn to.

Don’t discount actual therapy and getting yourself medically checked out.
Trust me when I say it is not good to spend a lot of time alone. Please get out and enjoy yourself if you are physically able.

Re: Some Advice

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 9:55 am
by Conium
This isn't a crazy question at all.

First off, I'm going to agree with Belladonna, make sure that you have a strong spiritual foundation in place before you decide for or against welcoming a companion into your life, that's just standard advice for anyone asking about companionship.

There's also no real right or wrong time to have a companion either. When your life is in a state of unrest or chaos, your companions will be able to guide you towards clearer skies and can help you to truly transform your life.

I know you mentioned that you want to welcome a succubus into your life, but I'm being urged to ask you to really look at all of the listings and different types of Demon Companions that S&S offers. There may be a better suited either race or rank that will help you. And don't worry about missing out on a sensuous relationship with a different companion. Your companion may be open to a romantic relationship anyway, you can even send the Priestesses an email with a list of qualities that you're looking for in your companion and they will find the perfect demon for you.

You also mentioned that you're exhibiting some signs of depression. I'm asking you, from one internet stranger to another, to seek professional advice in tandem with working with a companion. Loka also offers really good advice. Get out there and spend time doing things that you enjoy. I have a feeling that working to better your life through companionship, therapy, and rediscovering the "joie de vivre" you can make amazing strides in your life.

Re: Some Advice

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 4:37 pm
by Dorian
Thankyou all for your replies. It has helped to read your replies and I had never thought that another rank or race of Demon would want a sensuous relationship, I just thought Succubus, as they are more inclined that way and I do miss that part of a relationship. Yes I will take a look at the listings of companions. I did see a listing for custom Imp I think, they did look kind of fun, but I don't know if a female Imp would be a good companion for me

One of my issues is that I want to do something with my life that I enjoy, and that brings satisfaction, I'm not married, don't have any children, so perhaps a different job, but I've no idea what. I guess another reason I'd like a companion is to show me things I hadn't thought of, new perspectives, ideas, etc .

Anyway off to bed now, but thanks folks!

Re: Some Advice

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 5:54 pm
by Gauche
I think belladonna is right. A companion of any sort can certainly be worked with even in rough patches of your life--but here is the catch. There is a difference between chaos in your life and chaos in your mind. I think it was wise as they had suggested to calm your mind and be able to ground and center yourself and collect your thoughts. If not you may run the risk of having self created blockages and difficulty communicating. Also,it isnt required to have a demon bound for you to enjoy their company. Once youre able to clear your mind and ground yourself,you could even reach out to Lillith on your own behalf with her sigil and enn. If it is a purely sexual encounter you seek i would advise against that because i feel any demon youre reaching out to deserves respect--but you could invite her and seek her guidance in meditation until you feel ready to move on and explore your options. As far as just a companion goes,you may be able to ask one of the priestesses about a possible visitation. Im personally in the middle of a custom conjure myself,im not sure if its the norm during customs,but i have a visit from them nearly every day,as many as 7 or 8 times a day,most of the time without me asking for their company. It really comes down to what youre willing to put in as to what you will get. Best of luck to you!

Re: Some Advice

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 3:14 am
by Dorian
Yes there is chaos in my mind. That is one of the reasons I asked, I think I remember reading somewhere it can cause blockages to hearing and communication with companions, but if I was happy in my circumstances then the chaos in my mind probably wouldn't be there.

That's one of the reasons I would like a companion to advise and perhaps guide me to a way that I can become happy and more fulfilled. A guide that could open up new possibilities that I hadn't even considered. I'm limited in my understanding, but a Demon wouldn't be. What I am suggesting is there may be something out there that I would enjoy or even a relationship that would be great for me, but with my limited ability I can't see it or am missing it.

As regards to a sexual experience, I'll be honest I miss sex, I haven't had the touch of female in years, and it would be great to have that as part of a relationship with a companion, if they wanted to work with me. I don't mean sex, for the sake of sex, but in a relationship, I'm sure such a companion would be incredible and be able to show and teach me things I could never have imagined, I'll be honest, dating sites haven't really worked, although I have met a few women, but not the one for me. Maybe a companion could help in my search?

The way I see it, is working together and learning about each other in a relationship, like a relationship between a man and woman, obviously the Demon would know a lot more than i do. Enjoying each others company, maybe I'm wrong, but that's the kind of thing I'm looking for.