Septaria Grove: Announcements & News

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Patron Deities: King Paimon, Thor, Skadi, Hades & Persephone, Leviathan, Uphir
Your favourite Demon?: Arachne, Serpentine, Necrosis, Void
Number of Demon Familiars: 17
Has thanked: 65 times
Been thanked: 304 times


Welcome! Septaria Grove is a spirit companion shop dedicated to bringing together companions. We offer a wide range of services from custom conjures of exclusive races and their magics to unique astral readings! With over 13+ years of total meta experience and 7+ years of combined conjuring, we work to bring you the best that we can offer. Check out our website for any information on our races, services, and events! We hope to find you the perfect match.

Check here for official updates, news, and other things!
Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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Posts: 1113
Joined: Tue Dec 18, 2018 6:12 am
Patron Deities: King Paimon, Thor, Skadi, Hades & Persephone, Leviathan, Uphir
Your favourite Demon?: Arachne, Serpentine, Necrosis, Void
Number of Demon Familiars: 17
Has thanked: 65 times
Been thanked: 304 times


You can find the website here: ( X )

Join the discord server here: ( X )

You can email any questions to


Having a B.A degree in Anthropology, which is applied to her both physical and spiritual practices. When not working in the shop or with astral work, she focuses on writing and traveling the world. It’s the passion in which drives her desire to write and teach people about cultures and topics. Connections with those who are the same and those who are different are important to better understand ourselves and the people around us.


Ysa has been working with the Meta-world since 2005. Those practices developed into spirit work in 2011 with the awakening of Mediumship. In 2012, Ysa worked with another shop for 5 years, which has since dissolved, she was dragged back into the Meta-world through Jynx (Prismatic Dragon Conjures) and a beautiful community within the Satan & Sons/Suns shop.

Her practice is based upon the Middle Path, walking along a Shamanic route. This includes both Traditional and Neo-Shamanic work. Her Teacher is the Serpent of the South, taking upon many forms of Snake. Walking along the Pagan path as well, Thor and Skaði are prominent figures, with Hades and Persephone becoming a part of it. Clairvoyance, Healing/Energy Work, and Astral Work are the largest parts of her practice outside of summoning and conjuring.

In working with spirits and entities, Ysa works with necromancy through her developed mediumship skill. Using her BA in Anthropology, she applies it to her work with entities in the Astral. This allows her a unique perspective on how cultures outside of the Human/Physical Realm operate. She is currently working on an Astral Travel series that potentially will be collected into a book.
Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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Posts: 1113
Joined: Tue Dec 18, 2018 6:12 am
Patron Deities: King Paimon, Thor, Skadi, Hades & Persephone, Leviathan, Uphir
Your favourite Demon?: Arachne, Serpentine, Necrosis, Void
Number of Demon Familiars: 17
Has thanked: 65 times
Been thanked: 304 times


Some may be aware of this, but the shop's theme and code took a severe dive a few days ago. I couldn't make posts, work on pages, and a bunch of issues with the backend. So I had to take everything down and redo the entire website and theme. Currently, I have only a couple of listings up for conjures and no readings. They should be up and going here shortly, just have to rewrite the listings (since I was not prepared and didn't save the listings themselves). I will keep it updated here on how things are moving and new things that are happening.

Also, the reviews have been deleted and I am in the process of trying to enable the reviews for the new site. Once that is up and going, I would severely appreciate and love anyone who wrote a review for me. For those that have done it before and do so again, please shoot me a DM on discord about it, because I will have a small thank you for it.

The Blossom event is going full swing! It officially starts tomorrow and I will be posting a bunch of pics on discord and some on here! Make sure to check in on both places, though the discord will have most of the raffle contests and games!
Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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Patron Deities: King Paimon, Thor, Skadi, Hades & Persephone, Leviathan, Uphir
Your favourite Demon?: Arachne, Serpentine, Necrosis, Void
Number of Demon Familiars: 17
Has thanked: 65 times
Been thanked: 304 times


I have now added in two new sections here on the forum: Guided Meditations and Prebounds!

Septaria Grove now has a Youtube channel that features Guided Meditations, including those for the events! Some are permanent and some are not. Keep an eye out for the special ones! As for the prebounds, you are now going to be able to see them here on the forum, vessels in all their glory <3.

Check it out!
Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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Posts: 1113
Joined: Tue Dec 18, 2018 6:12 am
Patron Deities: King Paimon, Thor, Skadi, Hades & Persephone, Leviathan, Uphir
Your favourite Demon?: Arachne, Serpentine, Necrosis, Void
Number of Demon Familiars: 17
Has thanked: 65 times
Been thanked: 304 times

Updates & News


There are two new races that have been added to the Spiritpedia: Lcardig'ol and the Azkri. The Azkri being added in later this evening.

Lcardig'ol are a race of water horses that can be quite vicious and protective. You can read more about them HERE.
Azkri are a beautiful, abyssal race. They work within the depths of the abyss, acting as seers for those that venture deep enough.
You can read more about them HERE.

There are two NEW readings available for you to enjoy!

Messages from the Animals
This beautiful reading is a small one that still comes from a deep, nature-inspired place. Animals are all around us. They guide us, watch over us, and protect us when we need them. They are there when we are at our lowest and our highest. Within the animistic belief, animals are guides during our lives that represent our teachers and our inner selves. They hold powerful lessons for us to learn.

I will be invoking a shamanic circle and go into a ritual trance beforehand. This reading uses a combination of trance and channeling, as well as tarot, to deliver messages from the Animal Teachers who have messages for you.

Check it out here!

Journey of the Path
The Journey through our lives is one that is filled with Paths, bumps, and smooth sailing. There are so many aspects that sometimes we find ourselves lost within. This reading is very special in that it takes five different perspectives into one large reading. Three decks will be used to examine your path, yourself as defined by the animal guides, and your world view. In addition to this, you will receive an osteomancy reading. The bones will tell you the depths within that hinder or excel your Journey. These are to help you whether you know your path or whether you don’t know it and need aid.

The final and special aspect of this reading will be that I will take a Journey into the Lower World, to speak with the Teachers and the Guides, whoever steps forward, to receive wisdom for you. In addition, you will also receive a gift(s) from them to aid you in your path, where I will interpret the purpose of the gift(s).

Animals are all around us. They guide us, watch over us, and protect us when we need them. They are there when we are at our lowest and our highest. Within the animistic belief, animals are guides during our lives that represent our teachers and our inner selves. They hold powerful lessons for us to learn. For this, I will burn a special candle and invoke a shamanic circle, performing the ritual of a trance in order to receive messages and Journey to the Lower World.

Check it out here!
Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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Patron Deities: King Paimon, Thor, Skadi, Hades & Persephone, Leviathan, Uphir
Your favourite Demon?: Arachne, Serpentine, Necrosis, Void
Number of Demon Familiars: 17
Has thanked: 65 times
Been thanked: 304 times


There will be two new faces in the shop~! Two beautiful and lovely females, yet they are vastly different.
Come join me tomorrow afternoon for the reveal <3
Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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Darth Moronius
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page not found for azkri
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Posts: 1113
Joined: Tue Dec 18, 2018 6:12 am
Patron Deities: King Paimon, Thor, Skadi, Hades & Persephone, Leviathan, Uphir
Your favourite Demon?: Arachne, Serpentine, Necrosis, Void
Number of Demon Familiars: 17
Has thanked: 65 times
Been thanked: 304 times

Fixed! It's up now :)
Thank you!
Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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Posts: 1113
Joined: Tue Dec 18, 2018 6:12 am
Patron Deities: King Paimon, Thor, Skadi, Hades & Persephone, Leviathan, Uphir
Your favourite Demon?: Arachne, Serpentine, Necrosis, Void
Number of Demon Familiars: 17
Has thanked: 65 times
Been thanked: 304 times



This is a beautiful new service that I am providing to you, something seen but with a twist! Each portal is attached to a physical object that acts as an anchor, allowing for easier entrance! You can hold them while meditating to give you a better sense of the energy. Each Portal is enchanted with 4 key things: Attunement Ritual, Aid/Enhance Clairvoyance, Aid/Enhance Clairaudience, and Enhance Astral Travel.

What's better?

Each and every Portal has it's own
GUIDED MEDITATION that helps you get into your space! While general so the experience can change with each visit, this is the new spin for you all to enjoy! So whether you like Audio or Written Script, you will have both to use!

Each one is protected and shielded with the attunement ritual, allowing for you to be the only one that allows entrance. So enjoy the day or night off in a place of your own!



Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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Posts: 1113
Joined: Tue Dec 18, 2018 6:12 am
Patron Deities: King Paimon, Thor, Skadi, Hades & Persephone, Leviathan, Uphir
Your favourite Demon?: Arachne, Serpentine, Necrosis, Void
Number of Demon Familiars: 17
Has thanked: 65 times
Been thanked: 304 times

Announcements of NEW Things!

Some new things have come to the Grove! I'm happy to share that this announcement gets to be a nice, long one. First things first. JUNE IS HERE!! Which means that you should keep an eye out, because there is a HUGE announcement and surprise regarding it.

Now, some of the new and great things! I have TWO NEW SERVICES up in the shop. Both are pretty special, so here they are!


Xirduga Auric Damage Healing

Auras, chakras, and all else that is energy-related are an integral part of our functioning on a spiritual and physical level. They bring us in harmony with ourselves and the outside world. Most of the time, we find ourselves dragging and lethargic to even feeling sick. Many believe that working with your energy system helps one to lead a healthy and positive lifestyle.

This service is a special one that is being brought to you. The Xirduga are Master Healers of the aura and energies within oneself. This is a special service that is being provided in honor of their workings as well as working with them to aid in healing.

Auras can hold onto energies and memories just as the mind and heart can. Any type of damage can leave scars behind on our auras that can attract other negative energies to it. There can also be rips, tears, holes, and other oddities such as foreign energy marks. Healing the damage and attachments to the aura can help ease those energies and scars. This can make it easier for the mind and body to begin healing. It will also help to stop the same energies from being attracted to it.

The Trauma Specialist Xirduga specialize in working with those who have suffered traumas and damages. They understand the mind, body, and spirit when it is damaged through traumas and stresses of all kind. Your energy systems can be damaged severely. Damage comes in many different forms. It can be a physical pain that brings us harm or it can be a spiritual one that leaves us feeling drained, to an emotional or mental strain that can cause blockages. This damage can cause issues such as the inability to work in daily life because of blockages and the lack of being able to release and heal those pains.

This service will be looking at all of these components. Working in tandem with a Xirduga Trauma Specialist, I will be going through the many different layers of the aura and the different energy systems to heal and unblock these scars. Scars contain energetic memories, which can be released back to the world so that one may heal.

Check it out here for more information!


Abyssal Emotional Aura Healing

This will be a service to examine a very special aura that we all carry. This aura also functions as an energetic system. In this, you will be examined for the flow of your emotional/energetic processes between aspects of yourself. This includes flow and blockages, as well as damage or weakness to that aspect. This is especially true with during traumatic healing and shadow work healing.

This healing will help clear out and heal these blockages or flow disruptions to allow you better working with yourself. It’s not a heal all for wounds but think of it as cleaning the wound and resetting the broken bone. It allows to heal better but you still have to work with it in the meantime to help it heal faster. Six Aspects are examined with a special insight taught from the depths of the Abyss and Shadow working.

Check it out here for more information!

There's another special being offered and one that I am happy to start up:

Comfrey Salve
Comfrey is a very special plant, one that is known to have many healing qualities. The leaves from this plant were used during the civil war to cover bullet holes and to heal other wounds. The plant’s properties increase the natural healing of the body.

This is a salve that is made from soaking the plant within an oil for a duration of time. The oils are transferred into the oil, which is then heated with beeswax to create a salve.

This salve is made from home-grown plants from the Gardens owned by the Grove. The beeswax is also sourced from beehives in an ethical manner to help promote hive health. No bees were harmed for the wax.

This product is a topical product to be used to help with small cuts, bruises, and other small ailments. It’s not to be ingested.

Keep a lookout on the PREBOUNDS SECTION! I have a fair few that are making an appearance this weekend!
Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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