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Respect for the Knowledge of others….

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 5:32 pm
by Akelta
Everyones energies are different and unique. We all come from different places within the spiritual world and that is one thing that we need to honour and respect. We are all going to have different experiences and we have knowledge and information that we know and share. We have personal realms that we are connected to and we have places that we understand.

Remember that sometimes people take a tremendous amount of time to uncover their knowledge, this is something that has grown over time, though their hard work, dedication and commitment. You actually might not have any knowledge of the space they talk about, you also might not be vibrationally attuned to it. I know that for myself some spaces I know that I am not vibrationally attuned to, just as some beings I cannot connect with and have a harder time working with. This says nothing bad about those who cannot connect, but the ones who can should be given that space.

When someone shares knowledge of their journey it is sacred, don’t assume you know better then they do and take the time to listen, instead of connecting to their realm. Ask them questions, you might not actually have the vibrational frequency to connect. It is also dangerous if you are incapable of protecting yourself. There is a risk of being attacked the second you venture into the spiritual world. There is an even greater risk of being attacked if you are trying to gain access to a realm that you are not properly attuned to. Conjurers and others spend a lot of time not only building up our foundations and protections but also learning the safest routes to the realms that we conjure from.

When we are in the traveling phase we are shielded and protected. We know that sludges and other beings can come through and we are prepared for such things. Our vibrations and alignment with the realms we work with also gives us safe passage to those realms as that is what we have build up. It is dangerous to use someone else portal and connection to realm because if there is an energy mismatch it could cause you to get hurt.

Crafting portals to other realms takes time.. It takes a lot of work. I know the realms that I have connected to have taken me years to learn about and embrace and the portals even longer with the shields and layers to ensure that I am safe. I also have protections in place in the event something dangerous does come through. I am prepared at all levels. I know what I am doing and nothing is getting through. It is the sum of my years of working with demons and the years of my involvement with this path. It is something that I have learned and something that has come through my research. Others who conjure have the same. They have the discipline and the training to know how to navigate the realms they have connections to without getting hurt. They also understand the culture and the procedures. They have studied the beings they are looking to conjure and they know them. This is not something that you can just waltz in and do. This is why people get hurt at times and why it is so important to seek out conjurers who understand all of this.

This is why it is very important to have respect for the work that conjurers do with the beings they uncover and the realms that they work with. They are have the knowledge of these beings, they have the deep understanding because that is what they do. No one person is going to have mastery of all places, no one person is going to have mastery of all beings. My speciality is demons, but I am weaker in my knowledge of other races and beings, this is why I will listen to those who have worked with them and have understanding of them. It is very important to listen and hear what they have to say.

We have our realms, realms they have opened up and discovered. The spiritual world is a massive place. It is a place full of wonder and honestly the layers and realms that are out there are infinite. Its a massive place of incredible wonder and it is very layers and complex. We are all from different places and because of that we all conjure from different places and different beings. This is the beauty of this path and why it is so complex and amazing. It is also why it is very important that we builds up our spiritual foundations, because lets face it, some of us have a stronger foundation then others. I am going to tell you this right now though… If you get possessed and hurt, going into a realm, that someone else is working on and that you get hurt, it is your fault. People are attuned to different realms, if you do not have a clear understanding of that realm or that realms vibrations you can meet something else. A sludge can intercept your connections and it can get in. If you are going to be connecting you have to have a way to shield and protect against that.

So when you are looking at the work of others remember to show respect for it. People spend time and energy learning about the realms that they are conjuring from and it is their work. It is their study, their research, their exploration and it is should be up to them to present their discoveries if they choose to.

Re: Respect for the Knowledge of others….

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 6:11 pm
by Zonk01
Learning from others is so important on this path, I’m happy that here people actually want to share the knowledge they find on their paths. I am always so egar to hear what people experience, and try to share what I have as well. It’s what makes this community different, and special!

Re: Respect for the Knowledge of others….

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 12:10 am
by user2774653b
Everything is true. Also i did big mistake that time when i tried astral journey. Wasn't protected at all! But luckily seems it was just my fantasy because i could even move my physical body.
I m also interested in this: do i need to know every single thing about the entity i m going to connect with? For example His history written in books which is everywhere quite different, his relationships and names of all his kins, visions of Him from every single culture and society? Or i can just read informations written at your site and that's enough?

Re: Respect for the Knowledge of others….

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 1:13 am
by Noctua
I love this post. I have an addendum as I've seen a certain dynamic take place not just within this community but many institutions where knowledge is prized.

If you aren't willing to open yourself to what is being shared --no matter who is sharing it or how (whether through actions, hints, or directly), to not simply hear it or gloss over it but to absorb it, then you aren't going to grow.

If you're inexperienced with something or do not totally know what you're in for, you need to own this. Owning when you aren't ready or don't know shit is a wonderful trait to embody. Putting on the stance that you are responsible and know what you are doing, otherwise known as 'faking it until you make it', is not going to help you.
There's no need to assert that you understand more than you actually do --it serves no purpose, it is hollow and it will only lead to the hurt of yourself and others; while it may make you feel in control the resulting sense you get is an illusion. This is VERY dangerous, I've seen many people go into a downward spiral of delusion, it can happen to anyone at all at any point in their journey.

When you come into a community, circle, environment filled with knowledge it is understandable to want to fit in and feel like you need to come in relatively grasping what everyone else does in order to do so. What encourages this is the fact there are unfortunately a lot of pretentious people out there who may make you feel stupid, belittle you if you don't really know what you're talking about or are just starting out -- so the 'faking of it' can be a defensive mechanism against the notion of unworthiness.

However, when there are those who come forward to give you constructive advice so that you can be where you want to be --you need to be able to discern this from those persons. You need to understand there is a difference and you're doing yourself a disservice by shutting down the experience being granted to you.

There are a lot of 'false prophet' types, typically inflating their own reality to be more than it is, generating a vicious cycle where the inexperienced can become more like them and in turn misleading other sincere seekers along the way. Please don't admire those who shun all other resources of knowledge as if they are the god-mind of the universe, they're either very sick or they are assholes.

Those who have put in the work, sacrifice, blood and tears so to speak to gain what they have can see right through facades of knowledge in a second, and we don't want to operate in a community lacking the substance to back up grand ideas and propositions because we ourselves have put in a lot to found something enduring. Endurance is generational, it can't begin and end with us.
So we aren't going to turn you away from important knowledge, and sometimes that can look like criticism or questioning because we don't want to risk false knowledge being spread either.
Some of us are gentle mentors and guardians, and some of us are no-nonsense, but the core intention is to preserve the integrity of what we are sharing. Respect the integrity of the craft, and you will develop the backbone you need to revel in it's wonders.

Re: Respect for the Knowledge of others….

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 6:39 am
by Shifa
It should be equally valid to be the trickster who points out the lies people tell themselves.

Re: Respect for the Knowledge of others….

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 6:52 am
by Noctua
Lokakisa wrote:
Fri Jan 04, 2019 6:39 am
It should be equally valid to be the trickster who points out the lies people tell themselves.
If you are cognizant of the distinction between lies you are telling yourself and lies others are telling themselves, then yes.

It's always valid to point out self-sabotage, with the mindfulness that an intelligent argument means you have objective proof to back it up.
The path of the trickster, sky-walker is one that can first see from all perspectives --the prism, in order to understand where reality bends and turns. There are fragments of truth in everything, just like a fragment of a lie can exist in anything, depending on how the wind blows.

Re: Respect for the Knowledge of others….

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 6:55 am
by Vixen
Lokakisa wrote:
Fri Jan 04, 2019 6:39 am
It should be equally valid to be the trickster who points out the lies people tell themselves.
The trickster must first be pure and free from the lies it tells itself before it may point out the lies of others.

Re: Respect for the Knowledge of others….

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 6:56 am
by Vixen
Noctua wrote:
Fri Jan 04, 2019 6:52 am
Lokakisa wrote:
Fri Jan 04, 2019 6:39 am
It should be equally valid to be the trickster who points out the lies people tell themselves.
If you are cognizant of the distinction between lies you are telling yourself and lies others are telling themselves, then yes.

It's always valid to point out self-sabotage, with the mindfulness that an intelligent argument means you have objective proof to back it up.
The path of the trickster, sky-walker is one that can first see from all perspectives --the prism, in order to understand where reality bends and turns. There are fragments of truth in everything, just like a fragment of a lie can exist in anything, depending on how the wind blows.
Woah, totally Siamesed here... hahah, yes CONCUR

Re: Respect for the Knowledge of others….

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 7:20 am
by Shifa
I have not seen objective proof to back up the things said here.
I have no illusions about my life.

Re: Respect for the Knowledge of others….

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 7:41 am
by Vixen
Lokakisa wrote:
Fri Jan 04, 2019 7:20 am

I have not seen objective proof to back up the things said here.
I have no illusions about my life.
Objective proof is merely one variant of truth and can even be a form of lie all its own when it conceals subtle realities. Truth and illusion can coexist, so too illusion can be present where one would think it is absent. For the trickster things are never so simple. I personally identify with the archetype myself, it is more a multiplicity of states, truths, falsities, fantasies than it is a single, and often personal, agenda of truth/proof versus its supposed contrast.