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Mind Mastery: An Exercise for Liber MMM

Posted: Sun May 27, 2018 6:30 pm
by ZLaValle
Magic is the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with
will. The will can only become magically effective when the mind is focused
and not interfering with the will.

- Peter J. Carroll, Liber MMM

Although I am new to this forum, I would like to contribute by sharing a journal exercise that goes alongside the work suggested by Liber MMM.

For those not familiar with Liber MMM--a section of Liber Null and Psychonaut by Peter J. Carroll--a free .PDF version of it can be found here:" onclick=";return false;

Liber Null and Psychonaut can be purchased at this link: " onclick=";return false;

The Exercise

Required Materials:
- A new journal, separate from your magical diary.
- Liber MMM

I. Read through Liber MMM. Even if you've read it before, read it again as a refresher. Each section of the MMM work--Motionlessness, Breathing, Not-Thinking--will be considered its own cycle.

II. At the top page of a new, separate journal, write MMM Cycle 1. This will be the motionless portion (once this portion is completed, you will label the new section as Cycle 2 for Breathing, and so on).

III. Organize your progress by weeks (or however you want. Breaking it down by weeks is what keeps it easiest for me. You can break it down by months and weeks, if you want.)

IV. Begin with five minutes for stillness. You will work with that until you can consistently remain still for five minutes over a period of a week. You'll then move on to ten minutes until it can be consistently done over a week, and then to fifteen minutes to complete the cycle. You'll find that maintaining stillness for any period of time is going to be very difficult at first.

You should then have a rubric that looks like this:
MMM Cycle 1

Week 1: 5/28-6/3

Work Done: 5 minute stillness
Comments: Here, you will record how your session went, any difficulties you may have had, or how well the session went.
- The "Work Done" section will shift as you progress to, of course, 10 minute stillness, 15 minute stillness, and then on to Breathing and then to Not-Thinking. Each exercise will be timed in the same manner as the stillness exercise.

- In order to properly keep time, use a kitchen timer or a timer on a device like a phone or iPod. While using the timer, don't anticipate the sound of it going off. Just do the exercise, and when the timer goes off simply stop and record your progress.

- I would recommend this journal be kept near your bed. Record any dreams you may have in it the moment you awaken, whether its in the morning, or if you wake up in the middle of the night because of them.

I hope that you find this exercise useful! I welcome suggestions for it, as well as discussion on it!

Re: Mind Mastery: An Exercise for Liber MMM

Posted: Sun May 27, 2018 8:04 pm
by Chrysopaelian
I have not read Liber MMM, but I have read some Peter J. Carroll, which has been really helpful for my personal search for ways to "kick the universe in the knee," as the fantastic person who got me started on all of this spellcasting stuff would put it. This seems to be worth my time, so thanks for posting, and I'll check it out. Added to my list.

Re: Mind Mastery: An Exercise for Liber MMM

Posted: Sun May 27, 2018 8:14 pm
by ZLaValle
No problem for the post! I figure this exercise is a super useful way to keep track of progress. It also is an effective method for building up focusing skills without burning yourself out.

Liber MMM is an easy read! It's just a few pages long.