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Uncontrolled Psychic Vampires

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2017 9:57 am
by User1265455 ... ns-1724677
What is a Psychic Vampire?

A psychic vampire (psy vamp) is a term used to describe a living person who "drains" others emotionally. They do this either empathically (draining the auric life force) or metaphorically (someone who takes emotionally without giving anything back; a "user"). These so-called "vampires" are not to be confused with the blood-sucking vampires of folklore and movieland.

Every person has unknowingly drained someone else's energy at one time or another.

Chronic psychic vampires generally are not aware that they are stealing energy from others. Fair and balanced energy exchanges take place between people who are in healthier relationships.

Individuals who are psychic vampires are also referred to as psi vamps, energy drains, or energy suckers.

How a Psychic Attack Happens

When a psychic attack takes place, the psychic vampire receives an energy surge while the victim experiences fatigue.

People who suck the energy of others normally do so unwittingly. This sucking takes place when one's energy is depleted and needs to be replenished, and as a result, sucks the energy of another person. It is not unusual for a person who is ill or feeling inadequate emotionally to draw upon or deplete energized individuals of their life force. These so-called suckers are not bad people, most of them are not aware on a conscious level that they are doing what they are doing.

Still, their unknowing actions can play havoc with anyone who leaves an energetic opening for this type of thievery. It is important for us to be aware that we may be susceptible to having our energies stolen from us and learn ways to protect ourselves.

Where is the Harm?

The harm in a psychic attack is that there is no fair exchange of energy and therefore one feels depleted while the other becomes energized.

Traits of a Psychic Vampire

experiences feelings of abandonment or rejection
needs constant reassurance
never feels satisfied
seeks nurturing
low energy - fatigue

Each of us has psychic-vampire tendencies that sometimes needs to be put into check.

Symptoms of Psychic Attack

leaky or diminishing aura
loss of energy
muscle tension
mental confusion
chronic fatigue
sleep disturbances
depressed mood
physical illness

Protection Against Psychic Attack

Awareness: Become aware of which individuals deplete your energy and limit your contact with them.

Invoke the White Light: Visualize a bubble of white light surrounding your auric field.

Energy Shields: Carry protective amulets.

Note: Highly Sensitive Persons are especially at risk to being harmed by energy drains.
Raven's Notes:

There are plenty of psychic vampires out there who know that they are psychic vampires, and do not just go around attacking people. They control their abilities, and they don't exhibit symptoms of emotional vampirism, unlike the uncontrolled psychic vampires described above. PLEASE UNDERSTAND THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN AN ACCIDENTAL EMOTIONAL FEEDER AND A CONTROLLED PSYCHIC VAMPIRE.

Also understand that EVERY human can, and will, accidentally vamp someone else at some time in their lives. When you go visit a friend or relative who is ill, and afterwards you feel extremely drained, it's because they have taken some of your energy to help them get better faster. When people are feeling emotionally injured, or are dealing with mental illness, when people are attempting to dominate others, or when people are enraged, they will vamp. It's what humans DO.

If you suspect that you are a true psychic vampire (someone who needs to feed all the time or your health begins to fail), rather than a short term stress feeder like most humans, please seek out resources to learn to control your abilities, and learn the rules of your people.

The best website that I know of as a resource for psychic vampires is

Now - if you suspect you are the victim of an uncontrolled (or unethical) psychic vampire, here is a list of protective and healing amulets that you can carry or keep in your environment to protect yourself. ... es-1728673
01 Healing Objects - Amulets, Talismans, and Fetishes

You may not realize it but it is likely you have objects in your home that have a history as healing amulets, protective guards or good luck charms.

Lucky pennies, four-leaf clovers, and a rabbit's foot are all examples of good luck charms. Aside from these commonly-known good luck amulets, there are many other objects that can be used as intentional tools to attract good luck, happiness, or prosperity. These include the Beckoning Cat, horseshoes, wishbones, Buddha statues, Saint Christopher pendants, bamboo plants, wishing wells, witch balls, worry dolls, hand symbols, and heart charms.

Sacred items such as crystals and gemstones, dried herbs, feathers, ancient symbols, etc. are often used during healing rituals and ceremonies and by holistic healing practitioners.

These healing items can be found tucked inside medicine pouches, crafted in jewelry to be worn as body guards, their use incorporated into healing sessions, or displayed in sacred spaces and home altars

02 Turkish Evil Eye Charms

Evil eyes are protective charms designed to protect the wearer from distrustful or menacing persons with "evil eyes." The charms also guard individuals against any unseen negative forces that may come looking for them. The idea of some people possessing "evil eyes" originated from instinctual feelings or "hunches" assumed whenever a person's eyes did not appear trustworthy (shifty or mean). Unfortunately, this means that people with squinted or crossed eyes have been unfairly scapegoated throughout history. 

An evil eye charm works by deflecting harmful intent whenever evil looks in your face. Possessing or wearing the evil eye charm as a protective amulet is based on the belief that evil can only harm you if it peers at you directly into your eyes. The evil forces are tricked by the evil eye charm. Rather than evil looking at you eye-to-eye it directs its focus on the evil eye charm where it can do no harm.

Protective evil eye charms are typically worn, carried, or placed in homes. They are also used to guard individuals and corporations against financial losses or poor business dealings.

03 Eye of Horus

The Egyptian Eye of Horus, also called the all-seeing eye, is a protective amulet that keeps guard with an open eye to evil, blocking its menacing ways. It is likened to the falcon god (son Geb and Nut). Potential evils include ill health, thievery, ignorance, and poverty.

Some new agers believe the Eye of Horus symbol serves as a gateway between the third and fourth (astral plane) dimensions. Pairs of eye of horas images are representative of the sun and moon.

04 Zuni Fetishes

Zuni fetishes are Native American objects used as a meditation tool to assist inner reflection and enhance personal insight. Zuni refers to a specific tribe originating in the southwestern region of North America (New Mexico, west of Albuquerque). The animal-shaped carvings were initially made to help the hunter communicate with the game being sought after. For example, a hunter would focus on the animal spirit asking for the animals to honor him by sacrificing its own life so that his tribe could survive. 

Other Zuni fetishes were used to learn the lessons various animals could teach mankind. They were also used as gateway tools for communication with the spirit world.

05 Beckoning Cat / Maneki Neko

Japanese in origin, the Beckoning Cat or maneki neko, is a protective and good luck talisman. This cat figurine with its raised paw brings success, prosperity, good health, and happiness.

Beckoning cats come in different colors. Each color offers a different focus in as to what it invites into your life. A gold cat beckons prosperity, black cats beckon good health, white cats beckon happiness.

A Beckoning Cat with its left raised paw is commonly placed in the entry way of a business or near the cash register inviting sales and successes. In the home, a right pawed Beckoning Cat will typically be placed near the entrance of the home or sits on a window sill to attract happiness and good luck.

Smaller likenesses of the Beckoning Cat are worn on the body to ward off illness and protect the wearer from pain and suffering.

06 Egyptian Scarabs

The Egyptian scarab amulet represents immortality and the belief in reincarnation. Egyptians wore scarab amulets to protect them from death. Scarabs were also included in their burials to insure a safe journey into the afterlife.

The Egyptian scarab symbolizes the dung-beetle. The dung-beetle was revered in by the Egyptians for its actions rolling dung balls across the earth. Egyptians believed the beetle's laborious activity emulated the rotation of the sun, thus awarding the scarab "God Status." 

07 Rosary Beads

The Rosary or prayer beads are used by many different religions and cultures. Beads, gemstones, seeds, or knots are strung together in a continuous loop or on a singular strand. They are also used as a counting tool for reciting prayers. 

Although the utilitarian purpose of the rosary is to track prayerful recitations it is also used as a protective amulet against evil forces and all as well as to help its owner to stay on a moral path.

Over the years, beads have been considered to be protective amulets when worn around the neck or hung up somewhere long before they were ever crafted in rosaries. The hole in the center has also been interpreted as a watchful eye to ward off evil and illness. For this reason, beads were a perfect choice for counting prayers.

Catholic Rosary Beads have 150 beads strung in a circular fashion. The beads are divided up in five sets of ten beads each. A larger bead is placed between the sets. A crucifix is typically used as the beginning/ending of the prayer session. 

Greek Orthodox Rosary, called kombologion, consists of 103 knots. These are separated in fourths, twenty-five smaller knots each. Three large beads and a pendant are used as markers between the sets.

Russian Orthodox Rosary, called vervista, has 103 knots or beads as well. The beads are placed in groupings of 17, 40, 12, and 33.
Buddhist and Hindu Rosaries (Mala Beads) consist of 108 beads. The mala bracelet typically has 21 beads.

Moslem Rosary, called tasbih, consist of 99 beads. There is also a lesser rosary of only 33 beads. Both of these rosaries have a tassel on the end of the string. 

08 The Hagoday Door-Knocker

The Hagoday is a door-knocker fashioned after a fierce looking beast holding a ring inside its mouth. The Hagoday is commonly found on the entryway of safe haven locations such as churches, monasteries, cathedrals, etc. Legend has it that a fugitive could seek refuge and protection inside buildings with the Hagoday adorning its front door.

09 Shiva Lingam Stones

The Shiva Lingam is also known as a "love" stone and is often paired with the Yoni. The Shiva Lingam symbolizes the male genitals and the yoni symbolizes the female genitals. However, the Shiva Lingam is also representative of both the male and female energies because of its egg shape. Egg-shaped gemstones and amulets are used in rebirthing and creation rituals.

Remedy Benefits of Shiva Lingam Stones:

Activates Kundalini
Energy Booster/Balancer
Enhances Fertility
Treats Impotence
Manifestation Power
Resonates with the Heart Chakra
Balances Yin and Yang Energies

10 Feathers

Feathers are our connection to the "air" forces. A healer can incorporate the use of feathers in different ways.  The healer may breathe through a feather during a toning session. Chanting sounds through a feather on client's body can elicit a powerful healing.

The feather can also be useful in cleaning auras. An individual feather can be used or several can be tied together to be used as a fan or whisk for sweeping away stagnant or negative energies. This sweeping technique is called feathering.

11 Mandalas

Mandala is a sanskrit word meaning "circle" or "encircle." The mandala, and circles in general, symbolize the cycle of life. Although not all mandalas are circular, they are traditionally symmetrical, tapping into the wisdom behind sacred geometry. Mandalas themselves, as well as depictions of mandalas, can be used for transformational or meditative purposes.

Mandalas can be displayed as beautiful pieces of art in your home for delight you visually. But, they serve a larger purpose. Location of a mandala is important. Place them in sacred spaces as a shield to keep negative energies from infiltrating the area, or anywhere where you sense an air of vulnerability. This could be in an entryway, a hallway, bedroom, even inside a closet or bathroom.

Mandalas can be made using a variety of different art mediums including paint, glass, fabric, macrame, sand paintings, computer graphics, and more. I imagine macaroni glued to a paper plate could be considered a mandala if that was your intent. Consider how a chef artfully prepares a nutritious and colorful menu. He serves the meal it to his patron on a dinner plate. That plate represents a "whole universe" filled with his culinary creation... a mandala to be blessed and consumed.

Creating your own mandala can be healing in of itself, it is truly an introspection process. Simply allow yourself to discover those creative juices within that have been waiting for an opportunity to ooze or splat out.  If you are having difficulty getting started, begin my doodling a few circles or spirals onto a notepad. Later on, you can move to a larger canvas.

12 Cowrie Shells

Cowrie shells were worn as amulets in several ancient cultures so they have varied meanings and purposes.

Eye Amulets placed in the eye-sockets of corpses to give sight and new perspective in the afterlife.
Protective Evil Eye Guards for beasts of burden.
Necklaces were made from cowrie shells were placed on elephants, horses, and camels to protect them from attacks.
Ceremonial Headdresses adorned with cowrie shells were common in Nigeria.
Fertility Symbol due to the cowrie's appearance similar to the female genitalia.
Used as a protector against infertility and to ensure an easy childbirth delivery. Also worn in the girdles of young women who desire pregnancy.

13 Ganesha

Ganesha (also called Ganesh or Elephant God ) is a prominent god in the Hindu religion. In appearance it has an elephant head, its human-like body has multiple arms/hands. Ganesha is depicted in various poses, both sitting, standing, or dancing. Original figurines were carved out of jade, ivory, onyx, and ebony. Today you can find inexpensive Ganesha statues made of molded resin materials. There are also figurines made from metal such as copper. Silver and gold charms are also crafted.

Ganesha's power is that of good luck in general. But it's primary talent is to crush ills with its formidable trunk. Thus it dubbed "Remover of Obstacles." It keeps trouble and difficulties at bay. It makes an excellent guardian of the home, protecting the dwelling itself as a bonus bringing fortune to the inhabitants.

14 Shamocks

The shamrock, a three-leaf clover, is well known globally as a lucky charm. The shamrock originates from Ireland where it was first used as a protective amulet. A shamrock was carried whenever a person may be in situation that could possibly bring harm such as battle or traveling far from home.

The shamrock emblem was adorned on garments as protective symbols that were worn both in India and Arabia.

The Celts were attracted to the shamrock because of its heart-shaped leaves, and viewed it as a magical totem.

The Christians adopted the pagan shamrock, attributing its three leaves as representative of the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Ghost). St. Patrick is recognized in the Christian faith to have given the shamrock symbol its sacred status.

15 Armadillo Amulet

The armadillo is used as a shielding amulet. This is due to the armor it wears. Unlike us humans with our soft flesh, the armadillo has a hardshell defensive body that protects it from its natural predators. A small carved amulet can be carried in your pocket, a one depicted in jewelry could be worm on the body. A larger one can be placed in a retail business to guard against break-ins. Or place an armadillo in your car to keep you safe from car accidents and fender benders. A  more modern day shielding amulet could be a knight in armor figurine. 

16 Witch Balls

Glass orbs called "witch balls" are hung in the window to protect homes from evil spirits. The witch ball attracts any evil spirits that may be lurking about. Once lured to its beauty, negative energies are trapped inside the witch ball where they can do no harm.

Other names for the witch ball include fairy orbs, spirit balls, and gazing balls. An outdoor version is the reflective garden globe found in gardens that sit upon pedestals amidst the flowers.

17 Wishbones

The wishbone of a chicken or turkey is broken as a ritual for wish fulfillment. Breaking the wishbone is a traditional good-luck ritual often used after a family holiday dinner, usually Christmas or Thanksgiving.

To follow the full ritual the wishbone is set aside for 3 days, allowing it to dry and become brittle. The wishbone is named "merrythought" and is handed over to two individuals to pull apart.

Each person wraps their little finger around one side of the wishbone and tugs at it when a signal is given. Prior to tugging a secret wish is formed in the mind. When the wishbone snaps the person holding the piece with the center section still attached will supposedly get his wish fulfilled.

As an amulet the wishbone represents wish fulfillment and is sometimes artistically represented in gold or silver pendants or brooches.

The term "getting a lucky break" originated from the wishbone ritual, referring to having received abundance or winning a prize.

The wishbone has also been used as a fertility charm. Maidens would hang wishbones over the doorway in their homes to attract a suitor to their hearth.

18 Mistletoe

Historically, sprigs of mistletoe were hung above the entryways of homes as a protective amulet to keep demonic forces such as witches and devils from entering. Mistletoe was also hung inside barns as a defensive measure.

The Christmas tradition of kissing under the mistletoe is thought to have happened as result of the season when mistletoe is abundant and because of the entrance of the home being where greetings and welcome kisses were commonly exchanged.

19 Pi Disc

Simplistic good luck charm originating in China is the pi disc (aka pi stone). It is to be worn or carried in the pocket to be used as a type of worry stone. Whenever you are facing difficulty the person is to hold it between finger and thumb and rub it until danger or struggle has ebbed. 

The hole in the middle represents passageway to the afterlife and was used as protective amulets for the dead in their burial rituals.

20 Worry Dolls

Worry dolls, sometimes called trouble dolls, are miniature dolls made from scraps of colorful woven cloth, yarn, and wee sticks. The dolls generally measure one to two inches from head-to-toe and are used as protective amulets or healing talismans. They originate from Guatemala and are widely available in world markets and on the internet. You will often find them packaged with four to six worry dolls tucked inside a cloth drawstring bag or small box along with a slip of paper detailing the folklore story about how the dolls got their name.

The dolls are not meant to be played with as toys, but worry dolls can be given to children to teach them how to express worries and handle anxieties. They can also be used as a fashion statement—I've seen a row of these tiny colorful dolls attached to girls' barrettes and headbands. You can purchase worry dolls in bulk for your art projects or craft your own worry dolls using a variety of different materials such as glue, dental floss, yarn, embroidery floss, toothpicks, beads, pipe cleaners, and fabric swatches.

How to Free Yourself from Worries

At bedtime you tell your dolls what your worries are, assigning one worry per doll. Your dolls are then placed underneath your pillow. The dolls are now in possession of your worries, leaving you free to sleep peacefully. In the morning, all your worries are gone, having been processed and scooted away by the dolls.

Re: Uncontrolled Psychic Vampires

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2017 11:01 am
by User3246
Well, I am a Psychic Vampire. I was born this way, as a predator, and yes, I would die without the energy from humans. It is thought that Psi Vampires evolved from Sanguine (Blood sucking) Vampires because of the difficulties in getting actual blood. Now, before you go attacking vampires as evil unfeeling monsters out to steal your blood or energy from you, I want you to know that being a true vampire of ANY type is not an easy thing to be, and it is not a choice. Ever tried to get blood, even animal blood? If you are not a farmer, it is petty much impossible. Laws have been passed and it has been deliberately done out of fear. Most people who romanticize vampires are not aware of how much trouble it can be! The clawing HUNGER, that never stops, and the prejudice and laws against you that most people have no idea exist. But we do! It is like being a lion, living secretly among the sheep. The sheep will HATE you, because even if they do not know why, you scare them. There are moral vampires. I am one. Energy is energy, and it is just as easy to drink excess energy from humans, so that they will never care or notice, and we can even drink the 'negative' energy of pain or fear or despair, or a blockage, and filter it of the undesirable elements, which will help the person you are taking it from. Surface energy is streaming off you as an excess right now! What should I not have that, if I can use it? It may be that in the future we will evolve to eat solar energy, or elemental energy, or a hundred other types. Just as humans can evolve the same. For right now, though, we are hunters, and I enjoy the hunt! My ethereal teeth are sharp, and you would have to have damn good shields to keep me out! Are there immoral vamps? Sure. Just like there are serial killers. Rare, but sure, they are there! Please do not get crazy and go trying to kill us. We are people just like you!

Re: Uncontrolled Psychic Vampires

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2017 6:51 pm
by User1265455
Satan's Hellcat wrote:Well, I am a Psychic Vampire. I was born this way, as a predator, and yes, I would die without the energy from humans. It is thought that Psi Vampires evolved from Sanguine (Blood sucking) Vampires because of the difficulties in getting actual blood. Now, before you go attacking vampires as evil unfeeling monsters out to steal your blood or energy from you, I want you to know that being a true vampire of ANY type is not an easy thing to be, and it is not a choice. Ever tried to get blood, even animal blood? If you are not a farmer, it is petty much impossible. Laws have been passed and it has been deliberately done out of fear. Most people who romanticize vampires are not aware of how much trouble it can be! The clawing HUNGER, that never stops, and the prejudice and laws against you that most people have no idea exist. But we do! It is like being a lion, living secretly among the sheep. The sheep will HATE you, because even if they do not know why, you scare them. There are moral vampires. I am one. Energy is energy, and it is just as easy to drink excess energy from humans, so that they will never care or notice, and we can even drink the 'negative' energy of pain or fear or despair, or a blockage, and filter it of the undesirable elements, which will help the person you are taking it from. Surface energy is streaming off you as an excess right now! What should I not have that, if I can use it? It may be that in the future we will evolve to eat solar energy, or elemental energy, or a hundred other types. Just as humans can evolve the same. For right now, though, we are hunters, and I enjoy the hunt! My ethereal teeth are sharp, and you would have to have damn good shields to keep me out! Are there immoral vamps? Sure. Just like there are serial killers. Rare, but sure, they are there! Please do not get crazy and go trying to kill us. We are people just like you!
SH - Please understand that this post was in no way a jab at psychic vampirism at all. Or at you. As a feeder myself, I understand that when you don't feed, physical illness follows... and there is nothing wrong with feeders of any sort.

The point of this post was not to point at controlled, healthy psychic vampires, but to explore the fact that EVERYONE is a feeder every once in awhile, AND that there are uncontrolled, unknowing psychic vampires out there. I have met a few. I knew a girl who could drain an entire room of 20 people in under five minutes.... and had no clue she was doing it.

I don't believe that taking a WILLING person's energies is evil, or wrong. That would be silly - they're willing, and we need to feed. And we don't harm our donors. In fact, the relationship is, as you have said, quite symbiotic. We help, we heal. And there are the rare few out there who are so charged with energy that if we do not find them and help them, they die. They FRY. It's a horrible way to go. We are a necessary part of human ecology.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a predator. Without lions to kill the sick and the wounded, the whole herd dies. Without psychic vampires to feed on the malaise of the world, humans would do far more festering and rotting than they already do.

However, there are feeders out there who do not know they are feeders. While no one here, I feel, would be an enemy to someone like that, knowing the signs of a feeder in distress, knowing how to protect yourself, and knowing where to send them (House Kheperu is where I usually refer them, because I have no patience with teaching), is important.

Someone who is a willing donor doesn't need this information... but people who are unwilling donors to the sick, the ignorant, the out of control, DO need this information.

I'm sorry you thought this post was to start some kind of witch hunt, but I assure you, it was not. I deeply apologize if I have offended you, or anyone else. That was not my intent.


Re: Uncontrolled Psychic Vampires

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2017 8:06 pm
by laalbieglna
Thank you so much for sharing this, Nyctophilia Raven. I am a psivamp as well and "The Ethical Psychic Vampire" by Raven Kaldera may be the most important book I've ever read. I am particularly interested in the healing applications of this gift.

Re: Uncontrolled Psychic Vampires

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 2:57 pm
by Vixen
Bumping this for RELEVANCE.

Thank you for this post Nycto, much appreciated.

Uncontrolled psychic vampires are the worst.

Re: Uncontrolled Psychic Vampires

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2017 6:11 pm
by User3582
hahha defence wise to this topic is simple, let them build the link, then summon all the worst and negative of your energies and reverse the energy flow with a sudden and large strike, forcing all your bad stuff into them. the sudden burst of the energy flow is something that will catch them off guard haha they always break the link themselves and i chuckle making sure they know i know what they are doing.

although i do feel you left out taking energy from plants. its not as much as people but its better although i myself make an effort to return and give more energy back than i took but such is my nature to repay any debts with extra