Too Many Minds

Mind power and mental mastery, a place to develop and expand ones cognitive abilities.
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A very successful man once told me that an open mind is a dangerous thing. My whole life I have been told to keep and open mind so at first I was confused by this statement... until he explained.

He said to attain mastery in anything, you have to be willing to sacrifice, sacrifice other paths and opportunities, and focus only on that which you want to master, that which you are passionate about... He then told me a story...

Two Martial Artists had a dream to be Masters in Martial arts, one Martial Artist felt that all martial arts were good and had something to offer.. He divided his time learning 7 different schools of martial arts. The Second Martial artist was passionate and devoted to Nin'jitsu, This Martial Artist lived, breathed and ate, Nin Jutsu, it became his passion, his calling and he devoted all his time and energy into learning this sacred craft.

When the two entered a competition, the Ninjitsu, now Master, easily defeated all his opponents, while the one who divided his time between 7 Martial arts struggled.

He approached the Master and asked, "I do not understand, I have studied all these martial arts, I do not understand why I have lost"

The Nin'jitsu master looked at him and said. "You have skills in all, but mastery in none. Your mind is unfocused and confused, you have knowledge of a thousand punches but you are not one with a single punch. You have to much clutter, to much knowledge, you will never attain mastery because you are focused on to much."

There is a saying... "Do not fear the man who knows ten thousand different punches, fear the man who has practised one punch ten thousand times"

The Successful man then showed me how he applied this knowledge to the stock market. He said he focuses and learns everything about three stocks and learns their secrets and their patterns. He says a wise man knows when mastery is attained in one area and it is time to diversity his portfolio. A fool diversifies to soon and looses everything.

Watching successful people they all do it. They all get this determined, obsessive, passionate, devoted nature towards what they do. They love what they do, they breath and live what they do, it becomes a part of them. It is not just a hobby it is a lifestyle. It becomes them as they become it. They focus only on it and ignore all other opportunities and everything else going on around them, They obsess about it till they have all the answers, learn all the angles and come out on top.
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thank you Akelta, i definitely get this!! and have a similar issue...

my biggest issue is a fear of dedicating myself to one "set" or even my own set of beliefs of some sort and then to be judged and ridiculed for it, like i was by a man that at the time i looked to as a christian mentor..

i also think it's easy for some of us to get frustrated when we can't find someone with an answer to something and then just to move on to the next thing.i do that a lot. i also start things and never finish them. in this respect one can also parallel "finishing" with "mastering."...

“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.” ― Rainer Maria Rilke

"If scientists as a whole denounce an idea, this should not necessarily be taken as proof that the said idea is absurd; rather, one should examine carefully the alleged grounds for such opinions and judge how well these stand up to detailed scrutiny." --Brian David Josephson
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I concur & 2nd Lady Wanda's comments... :devilread: :devilpaint:
"The emotions of those who are thought to be beautiful are always full of sorrow." --Treize Khushrenada
"A sheep that tastes blood becomes a wolf...and cannot return to the flock." --Kudou Yohji (WK OVA)
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Well written and insightful as always. I believe that one quote was from Bruce Lee (a wise man). I can identify with this because my mind is all over the place. I am starting to learn how to focus now.

"Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew
When I bit off more than I could chew
But through it all when there was doubt
I ate it up and spit it out
I faced it all and I stood tall
And did it my way

I've loved, I've laughed and cried
I've had my fails, my share of losing
And now as tears subside
I find it all so amusing
To think I did all that
And may I say, not in a shy way
No, oh no not me,
I did it my way" - Elvis
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Great post Akelta!

Reminds me of what my dad has said fondly to me on a few occasions... "You are the jack of all trades and master of none". Very true. I go through a lot of "phases" as I like to call it and one day I want to learn to do one trade, and a few months later I want to try something else. Doesn't mean I'm not doing what I originally set out to do, but I always seem to be adding things to my list of things to do. And it's true, it's hard to master one craft when your time is devoted to numerous crafts.

It's something I definately need to work on, and something that I've been revising in my life. I need to cut down, concentrate on doing one thing well first and mastering it before moving on to the next.
Don’t only practice your art,
But force your way into its secrets,
For it and knowledge can raise men to the divine.

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this post getting bumped from a comment was like reading it anew again!

it's a stark reminder of a problem area in my life of starting things and never finishing.

it's true that a ton of knowledge is useless when it can't work together. to fit the pieces of a puzzle together you must have the pieces that belong to that puzzle, not from 5 different ones.

“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.” ― Rainer Maria Rilke

"If scientists as a whole denounce an idea, this should not necessarily be taken as proof that the said idea is absurd; rather, one should examine carefully the alleged grounds for such opinions and judge how well these stand up to detailed scrutiny." --Brian David Josephson
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I can`t help.
I have a picture in my mind about E.A.Koetting versus Akelta Wilde.
Akelta mastered the demonic path, while Koetting is struggeling in many paths.
He has gotten glimpses whats going on in the other directions, but never mastered one.
While some people here in the forum can communicate with their companions without problems, Koetting has to go into a trancestate.
His (1) beta-gama sync, (2) the rapture and (3) the crossroads.
You can also see the differences between the 2 forums.
In Akeltas forum all people have a grounded mindset, while in Koettings forum some act a bit insane.
Some of them still belief in commanding spirits.
Or some had gotten the message via channelings from the Dark Lords them self, that they are special and are living gods.
When someone claims that he or she is a Dark Lord or Lady and tells you that you are a special snowflake for no reason, be careful.
It could be maybe an imposter.

"Loyalty is more important to me than money"Franz Sanchez from the James Bond movie Licence to Kill
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Thank you for bumping this.

I am a person of intense focus or none. For the past few years, I have had no focus. I haven't been following my passions. I haven't had any passions to follow, so I have been drifting. Not aimlessly - my path has solidified, my mind clarified, my heart uplifted and moving forward... but all without passion.

I am starting to feel it bloom within me again. I am looking forward to where it will lead this time... to discovering what I will next master.

This post comes at a time when I needed to be reminded that to find a passion, you have to start somewhere. Sometimes, just ANYWHERE will do... but you have to actually START. You cannot master what you do not begin, any more than you can master what you do not devote your whole self to.

"She’s all the unsung heroes who... never quit." ― R. A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land
“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” ― William Shakespeare, Hamlet
“Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.”
― H.L. Mencken, Prejudices: First Series
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I know this old but I am so glad I came across this. This relates to me so much, I do have an enormous curious open mind and I always said that it seems like a blessing and a curse. A blessing because I can see things in different perspectives therefore it helps me to respect and understand other's opinions. Yet it's also a curse because I always find myself wanting to explore so many things all at once and because I respect others opinions so much I find it hard at times to argue my point of view and persuade people.

I also have many hobbies such as singing, writing stories/poetry's, drawing, playing guitar....etc but I can never call any of them my talents because I don't choose to focus on one at a time and try to master them. The same can be said within my craft. I am an eclectic therefore I try to incorporate many different beliefs into my own, such as necromancy, tarot cards, shamanism, astrology, demonology, angelology, etch... I feel like I'm always busy because I try to focus all my attention to each one so much it drains me...

I'm still going to stick to my multiple hobbies and continue on my eclectic path but from now on, I'm going to take time to try and focus on one at a time.
"Take a lover who looks at you like maybe you are magic" - Frida Kahlo

"You're mad. Bonkers, Off your head... but I'll tell you a secret all the best people are" Alice In Wonderland
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alikat13 wrote:
Sat Nov 03, 2018 9:57 am
I know this old but I am so glad I came across this. This relates to me so much, I do have an enormous curious open mind and I always said that it seems like a blessing and a curse. A blessing because I can see things in different perspectives therefore it helps me to respect and understand other's opinions. Yet it's also a curse because I always find myself wanting to explore so many things all at once and because I respect others opinions so much I find it hard at times to argue my point of view and persuade people.

I also have many hobbies such as singing, writing stories/poetry's, drawing, playing guitar....etc but I can never call any of them my talents because I don't choose to focus on one at a time and try to master them. The same can be said within my craft. I am an eclectic therefore I try to incorporate many different beliefs into my own, such as necromancy, tarot cards, shamanism, astrology, demonology, angelology, etch... I feel like I'm always busy because I try to focus all my attention to each one so much it drains me...

I'm still going to stick to my multiple hobbies and continue on my eclectic path but from now on, I'm going to take time to try and focus on one at a time.
I'm afraid I might have a similar problem to yours, lol ( a lot of folks do).
It's tough, but better to face it and deal with the situation, sooner than later.
I don't think this thread will ever get old. :wink:
"I am a forest, and a night of dark trees: but he who is not afraid of my darkness, will find banks full of roses under my cypresses."

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