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The Beginning Steps of this Path

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 10:04 pm
by ubermonkeyking1
When I first started my path, I was alone and very uneducated. I know that this caused me many issues but hopefully, I have learned from them. With that said I was hoping to not make the same mistakes this go around and so I was hoping to ask some questions that will maybe save me from the same repeat issues.
Where does one start when leaving, for my example christianity. What are the steps to turning your back on it and moving into the satanist path, where would I look to find such information; I want to do this right this time.
I know from the things I've read from a few on here that you've been through them and probably know the issues that I mean. One of the main steps that I've already dealt with is the fear that was distilled into me about demons and hell; I've dealt with these two things now to know that they aren't something I should fear any longer.
I would appreciate any help that could be sent my way to help the walk upon the path be a bit easier.

Re: The Beginning Steps of this Path

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 7:24 am
by User1444
Well, I already jumped into deep water and connected to Lord Satan. He ws calling me so I answered. Maybe it's not the ordinary thing to do but I feel I had to do this. Since then He gave me knowledge and brought me to the right people... like here to Akelta...

But this is my way of doing it... I was brought to people, websites, books and other stuff I need. I became very spiritual but also very dark.

I think everyone have to do what they feel is right for starting... Don't think if... just do it what you feel. On this things you have to look into your heart and see if it's drawning you...

In my case well, some things happened in my life, not necessary positive... tests perhaps.. And now I've been brought to Akelta cause I feel Lord Satan wants me to work with her and she can help me out cause she's right for me. So do what you feel is the best for you, don't ask for opinions cause everyone's path is different. You have to just feel it and go with the flow.

Re: The Beginning Steps of this Path

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 1:22 pm
by user4558013
Hi monkeyking!

So my suggestion when coming onto this path is to not stress about your religious background and what effect itll have now. It's in the past for the reason and it shouldn't influence you one way or another on what you do now.

The beauty to this path is that there is no "one" way to going on this path. So there are some questions that you need to ask yourself and depending on your answer, itll guide you to what you should start working on first. What feels right to you? What made you interested in the LHP to begin with? What would you like to do?

When I first started on this path it was purely for the interest of conversing with a different group of beings that resonate more closely with me. I don't really get involved in all the magick and rituals that others do here. Does that make my path wrong because I don't do what the rest do? Not at all, it just means I have different interests when it comes to this path. I personally like building connections and exploring the realms and take and appreciate all that is offered to me. Others like the magick side of things, no one way is the correct way.

Do what makes you feel comfortable and build off of that. You don't need to talk to lord Satan or Lucifer if that seems scary to you, I have yet to make a connection with either of them and have my interests in other dark lords and dark ladies. You don't even have to talk to them and just focus on a companion that you get from S&S. Divinities are a good start, there are devotions as well which may fit your bill too.

Read experiences others have posted here and maybe it'll make you feel more comfortable as well. I found reading other people's experiences helped give me a better understanding on demons in general and where they come from, it's better to hear stories and experiences from people who are actually EXPERIENCING first hand of everything rather than basing it off of stereotypes and off the bible and their sources are questionable at best and their experiences are also questionable and what they actually experienced when it could very well not been a demon in the first place.

So my suggestion to you is ask questions and read a lot. There are never too many questions and there are so many of us who have no problems answering your questions no matter how silly you feel they are. There is also a lot of information on the forum that give you a good idea as well. The best way to get over a fear is to learn everything about it.

Good luck :)

Re: The Beginning Steps of this Path

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 11:23 pm
by ubermonkeyking1
Thank you Velca for your words, they have helped me in figuring out my next step upon this path. I don't have much fear when it comes to who I'll interact with, mainly the fear is my family finding out about the path I now walk; they live with me and are both hardcore christians. I've decided however I can no longer live within this fear, it keeps me from being whole; so I've decided to move forward. I've begun to ask the questions that you mentioned, some of the answers aren't 100% clear yet to me, but I've begun to meditate and focus upon then to make them clearer to me. I've begun by re-reading my books on demons again to find out more about those I would connect to. Any books that anyone would point me to would be gladly appreciated. I guess after reading your words, I'm not much into rituals mainly because I don't have a private place to do so. I do love magic and would love to be taught how to do spells and how to unlock my abilities. Guess I need to figure out who would be a good teacher/mentor to do this with me.

Re: The Beginning Steps of this Path

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 9:28 am
by Mentalmettle
Velca wrote:Hi monkeyking!

So my suggestion when coming onto this path is to not stress about your religious background and what effect itll have now. It's in the past for the reason and it shouldn't influence you one way or another on what you do now.

The beauty to this path is that there is no "one" way to going on this path. So there are some questions that you need to ask yourself and depending on your answer, itll guide you to what you should start working on first. What feels right to you? What made you interested in the LHP to begin with? What would you like to do?

When I first started on this path it was purely for the interest of conversing with a different group of beings that resonate more closely with me. I don't really get involved in all the magick and rituals that others do here. Does that make my path wrong because I don't do what the rest do? Not at all, it just means I have different interests when it comes to this path. I personally like building connections and exploring the realms and take and appreciate all that is offered to me. Others like the magick side of things, no one way is the correct way.

Do what makes you feel comfortable and build off of that. You don't need to talk to lord Satan or Lucifer if that seems scary to you, I have yet to make a connection with either of them and have my interests in other dark lords and dark ladies. You don't even have to talk to them and just focus on a companion that you get from S&S. Divinities are a good start, there are devotions as well which may fit your bill too.

Read experiences others have posted here and maybe it'll make you feel more comfortable as well. I found reading other people's experiences helped give me a better understanding on demons in general and where they come from, it's better to hear stories and experiences from people who are actually EXPERIENCING first hand of everything rather than basing it off of stereotypes and off the bible and their sources are questionable at best and their experiences are also questionable and what they actually experienced when it could very well not been a demon in the first place.

So my suggestion to you is ask questions and read a lot. There are never too many questions and there are so many of us who have no problems answering your questions no matter how silly you feel they are. There is also a lot of information on the forum that give you a good idea as well. The best way to get over a fear is to learn everything about it.

Good luck :)
Hi Velca,
Thank you for your guidance. Your advice about doing what is comfortable and learning from other's experiences really hit home with me due to my inexperience. I am just starting with my new companion and have little desire at this time to get into the magick side (but that may change in time) so it nice to know there is other members out there that feel the same way and can offer their experiences and advice.

Re: The Beginning Steps of this Path

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 10:18 am
by User1444
ubermonkeyking1 wrote:Thank you Velca for your words, they have helped me in figuring out my next step upon this path. I don't have much fear when it comes to who I'll interact with, mainly the fear is my family finding out about the path I now walk; they live with me and are both hardcore christians. I've decided however I can no longer live within this fear, it keeps me from being whole; so I've decided to move forward. I've begun to ask the questions that you mentioned, some of the answers aren't 100% clear yet to me, but I've begun to meditate and focus upon then to make them clearer to me. I've begun by re-reading my books on demons again to find out more about those I would connect to. Any books that anyone would point me to would be gladly appreciated. I guess after reading your words, I'm not much into rituals mainly because I don't have a private place to do so. I do love magic and would love to be taught how to do spells and how to unlock my abilities. Guess I need to figure out who would be a good teacher/mentor to do this with me.
Well, I can recommend few things on my own as I understand your situation.

You see, I live with 1 hardcore christian person. That person caused a lot of trouble for me - both physical and spiritual.
Well, many people have many opinions but I can tell you what should be done from my perspective.

I strongly believe, you also should cut all spiritual and energetic bonds with former religions and deities you worshipped in the past. Cause believe me or not...they really can f**k you up... especially if someone is praying for you. I'm sorry but I'm telling like it is. If you're living with christian people and friending... my advice is never, ever tell anything about occult and you're in it. Unfortunatelly for me, prayers affect my dreams, my life... and I ended with nothing. Only now, after many years, I finally cutting ties from this bullshit... Believe me or not, prayers for your conversion back to christianity can really make you feel bad and you'll end with no or little results. I had a dreams about me, beeing in catholic church and my mom, contantly taking me there...

In night when I get some pact, my mom had a dream about Jesus... he was very angry and he was yelling "I'm son of a devil"... Christian deities are very vengeful, and they will try to get you back, one way or another.

You see, I was brought here, to Akelta for few reasons. She helped me to understand it's a process of leaving behind old mindset.

So my advise is... don't tell christian people you're into occult cause their prayers can seriously delay your effords and even destroy it.

Ask your Deities and Entities about getting spiritually and energetically free from judeo-christian energies, prayers and also from judeo-christian deities and also from christian people.

Well, about choosing your Demon. You just have to feel it. You just have to feel this connection.

About lists of demons... start traditionally. Buy Lemegeton (Lesser Key of Salomon)... and Grand Grimoire, and Grimorium Verum.

I started by jumping into deep waters on same beginning but at the end of the day... lesson I've been taught was very valuable and I'm very grateful for them.

Re: The Beginning Steps of this Path

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 10:39 am
by user4558013
ubermonkeyking1 wrote:Thank you Velca for your words, they have helped me in figuring out my next step upon this path. I don't have much fear when it comes to who I'll interact with, mainly the fear is my family finding out about the path I now walk; they live with me and are both hardcore christians. I've decided however I can no longer live within this fear, it keeps me from being whole; so I've decided to move forward. I've begun to ask the questions that you mentioned, some of the answers aren't 100% clear yet to me, but I've begun to meditate and focus upon then to make them clearer to me. I've begun by re-reading my books on demons again to find out more about those I would connect to. Any books that anyone would point me to would be gladly appreciated. I guess after reading your words, I'm not much into rituals mainly because I don't have a private place to do so. I do love magic and would love to be taught how to do spells and how to unlock my abilities. Guess I need to figure out who would be a good teacher/mentor to do this with me.
It is fairly easy to hide if you don't have people going on your computer or looking over your shoulder all the time. You can discreetly do offerings, you can say that you are buying crystals just because you like the look of them and then place them in a certain kind of way where it just looks as decoration to everyone else but you know it's your dedicated area for whoever it is for. Same with incense and candles, you don't have to go into great detail with why you decided to get into meditating and such.
I personally have my sigils straight up on my arms tattoo'd so there is no hiding it for me but other than that, that is the only evidence to anyone that I do anything out of the "norm" in the public eye. You can make your journey as publicly obvious or discreet as you want in your journey. Your companions will understand entirely.

Books I know a lot of people on this forum have their favorites and people post what their currently reading all the time so i'm sure youll find a giant collection to read. Even ask in the shoutbox sometime and I am almost positive youll get three different people telling you what theyre reading right now and what their favorite books are.

I also know there are companions that would be able to teach and guide you very well in regards to magick. It's just a matter of figuring out what you want to start with and going off of that. Don't feel rushed into doing anything and take time in educating yourself about everything before making a decision; you're already on such a wonderful website so you're already ahead of a lot of people who may not even be aware of SnS

Re: The Beginning Steps of this Path

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 3:25 pm
by user4558013
Mentalmettle wrote:
Velca wrote:Hi monkeyking!

So my suggestion when coming onto this path is to not stress about your religious background and what effect itll have now. It's in the past for the reason and it shouldn't influence you one way or another on what you do now.

The beauty to this path is that there is no "one" way to going on this path. So there are some questions that you need to ask yourself and depending on your answer, itll guide you to what you should start working on first. What feels right to you? What made you interested in the LHP to begin with? What would you like to do?

When I first started on this path it was purely for the interest of conversing with a different group of beings that resonate more closely with me. I don't really get involved in all the magick and rituals that others do here. Does that make my path wrong because I don't do what the rest do? Not at all, it just means I have different interests when it comes to this path. I personally like building connections and exploring the realms and take and appreciate all that is offered to me. Others like the magick side of things, no one way is the correct way.

Do what makes you feel comfortable and build off of that. You don't need to talk to lord Satan or Lucifer if that seems scary to you, I have yet to make a connection with either of them and have my interests in other dark lords and dark ladies. You don't even have to talk to them and just focus on a companion that you get from S&S. Divinities are a good start, there are devotions as well which may fit your bill too.

Read experiences others have posted here and maybe it'll make you feel more comfortable as well. I found reading other people's experiences helped give me a better understanding on demons in general and where they come from, it's better to hear stories and experiences from people who are actually EXPERIENCING first hand of everything rather than basing it off of stereotypes and off the bible and their sources are questionable at best and their experiences are also questionable and what they actually experienced when it could very well not been a demon in the first place.

So my suggestion to you is ask questions and read a lot. There are never too many questions and there are so many of us who have no problems answering your questions no matter how silly you feel they are. There is also a lot of information on the forum that give you a good idea as well. The best way to get over a fear is to learn everything about it.

Good luck :)
Hi Velca,
Thank you for your guidance. Your advice about doing what is comfortable and learning from other's experiences really hit home with me due to my inexperience. I am just starting with my new companion and have little desire at this time to get into the magick side (but that may change in time) so it nice to know there is other members out there that feel the same way and can offer their experiences and advice.

It won't let me edit my post and I missed your post so i'll just respond to this in a seperate one :lol:

Sometimes magick and such just aren't for everyone. I completely respect the craft that others do but I just don't have the passion for it. And magick doesn't go over well if you're not passionate about what you're doing. Passionate about the rituals and the effort involved. I would much rather converse with different beings who do have that passion and offer their services to me. As well as people here, we all have our own passions and the LHP is such a vast path that it would be impossible to have a passion to want to do everything. If you ever have any questions please feel free to ask them or message me as well, you're not able to see my blogs yet but I consistently blog my experiences with my companions so whenever you do meet the requirement to view blogs I am almost positive you'll enjoy some of my stuff.
Just enjoy the experience and worry about nothing else

Re: The Beginning Steps of this Path

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2017 5:25 am
by Shifa
If you have a tablet or Kindle and your own Amazon account, you could get some books as downloads.
Maybe once in a while you can get away to a library to peruse some actual hard copies.
There's probably plenty of stuff online to look at as well.
I second the idea of "innocently" enjoying some candles, incense, crystal collecting, meditation, etc.

Re: The Beginning Steps of this Path

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2017 7:24 am
by Inanna
Welcome to this path. For your question on how to turn your back on Christianity, I would recommend this excellent post by Heidi: viewtopic.php?f=36&t=3732" onclick=";return false;