Demonosophy – We don’t sell souls

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There is this concept that has been big throughout history on selling souls to demons in exchange for favours. This is a fear tactic that was spun by Abrahamic paths to paint demons as evil and sinister creature who would temp you for a high cost. There are pacts that can be made with demons, but this is more like a working contract, where you request something from the demon in return for services. The most I have ever been asked for from a Demon is a construction of an altar or honouring them in a way that is special to them.

I have never been asked for my soul. That concept is wrong. Why would a demon or any spiritual being want your soul? What would they do with it? Maybe there is one demon out there who has a collection of souls on display in his home, but they really have no use for souls.

They are Divine beings themselves, Dark Divine beings and the goal of any divine being is empowerment and awakening, not restriction and containment. The goal with working with demons and walking any Left Hand Path is to free yourself from the restrictions and limitations of the world and allow yourself to be free of the programming and influence this world places on you and allows you to uncover who you are at your core. The whole premise of the Left Hand Path is freedom and embracing freedom of the self. Demons help guide us on this journey, they would not take our soul because that would be another imprisonment when what they want is to guide us and show us how to be free.

Walking and learning from the wisdom of demons, is not selling your soul, it is not surrendering your power, it is the opposite! it is freeing your soul from the shackles and beliefs of this world! and it is about awakening your person al power, and walking the path, no matter where it takes you, to find your way home.

When you first ask a demon to help you attain something, you are not always at a mindset where you can accept what you have asked for. Many people have had experience of where they get exactly what they ask for but they didn’t understand what they were asking for and it turned out bad. When you work with demons they want to guide you and show you how to shift your energies to get into the mindset to receive what you desire. They will guide and direct you and align you with what you want but you have to be open and ready to receive it. That is why they work with you and I always say, when working with demons you have to put in your 50% of the work. This is for your benefit and you will be able to get what you want and enjoy it!

Satan, the Father of all demons and the Lord of the Demonic Divine, has taught me much about myself, being true to who I am, and honouring my heart. These are the lessons from him, personal truth, embracing who you are, and reclaiming power that people will try to rob you of. Learning from the wisdom of demons frees our soul, and awakens our heart. The greatest gift you can leave this world, is having lived your life, being authentically you! Be yourself and don’t sell your soul to Satan, invite him over for tea! He will appreciate that more :winkdevil: ... ell-souls/" onclick=";return false;
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Thank you Akelta . For this post You are Right in Saying that this Concept of Soul Selling have been passed Down though Out History To Make Demons Look Evil also that All you need to do is Sell your Soul to Satan are any Demon for ' that Matter and they Will give you Your hearts Desires in return for your Soul it is used also as Away To Control people having them Fear Demons most of ' The World today believes that you Can Sell your soul To The Devil to become Rich and Famous

I know now that None of it is true that theses Divine Beings are Not the Monsters that ' The World try's to Make them Out to be because of Working with them taking the Time to Get to know them By having them as Teachers Mentors Guides Companions Friends Family that's What ' I think Of theses Powerful awesome Beings that have helped me turn My Life around that , I Couldn't be more Happy about, Akelta ' Offering Tea to Father Satan Was something that ' I plan on Doing any Way for Our first Meeting thank you again for another Great post :cloud:
I Have Won Sinner Of The Month Five Times Now ' My Grandmother Always Said either Stand For Something are You Will Fall for Anything ' I am not Just Walking My path . I am Living it !
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Thank you for this Akelta ^-^ I never was asked for my soul. Sometimes some tea or chocolates.... but never my soul lol
Akelta wrote:When you first ask a demon to help you attain something, you are not always at a mindset where you can accept what you have asked for. Many people have had experience of where they get exactly what they ask for but they didn’t understand what they were asking for and it turned out bad. When you work with demons they want to guide you and show you how to shift your energies to get into the mindset to receive what you desire.
Glad you mentioned this too, sometimes we ask for things and don't realize the work that goes along with it. It's all about appreciating what you do receive, having gratitude and working with the opportunities we are given. Sometimes things that seem to be the harshest lessons hold the most value and get us to where we truly want to be in life.
:death: :death: :death:

~ Burn the ships to take the island. ~

Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.
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Thank you Akelta for posting this, it's funny that this topic rears it's head here and there. I think some of this history comes from the whole Faustian stories, okay probably before, but this is what people like to talk about.

I have never been asked for more than an alter, dinner parties, a drink and sometimes a drop of blood but mostly my companions like to be acknowledged. I have operated differently with my guys and prefer to give more to them than I ask for in return. I rarely ask for specific things, as I have learned over the years that being specific may work out completely different. I just allow them to choose what they feel might be best for me in the moment, and hopefully I am not totally blind and can see it/

Akelta, you brought up a really good point, something I have heard others speak about. This is that people may not get the result they expected.

If you ask demons or other spirits to help you get more money, as in not earn but get, they might cause your aunt to die because she was going to leave you some money. In their mind she would die anyway and they don't view life the same, it's a temporary thing.

They aren't aware that this could cause you a great deal of pain. The demon then gets blamed and called evil.

I have to wonder what did people expect? Did they think that the demons would poop it out and leave it on the floor. Shit if things were that easy I would have been asking for stuff years ago and would be retired by now.

I can't help but think that those that have labeled demons as evil soul suckers and collectors achieved results but in a manner they weren't prepared for. We all need to accept accountability for the things that happen and not blame external forces.

I am not sure as a society we can get past this belief, but I hope one day we can at least open our minds and have real discussions about these topics.
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Ty for this I was raised christian and taught that demons want my soul for eternal damnation lol. But now I want to be a demonosoper or a Satanist thanks to Akeltas teachings
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Laurenrmac888 wrote:Ty for this I was raised christian and taught that demons want my soul for eternal damnation lol. But now I want to be a demonosoper or a Satanist thanks to Akeltas teachings
' Laurenrmac888. I Was also Taught the Same from My grandmother about Demons Now that that ' I know its not True it makes Having Good Working Relationships With Demons/ and DL's so much better One of The best things That '' I did Was Not Carry Over With me All the Lies From My Christian UP Bringing Because What you Believe Can Sometimes Help you are Hurt you it All Depends on you :D
I Have Won Sinner Of The Month Five Times Now ' My Grandmother Always Said either Stand For Something are You Will Fall for Anything ' I am not Just Walking My path . I am Living it !
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It's great to read this post because your words are used to remove the scales or discover the eyes that could not see, once again I thank you.
"Beware of getting rid of your demons, you may be getting rid of your best part"
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I always think on how stupid the selling yoursoul thing is, what would a demon. Or DL want with your soul. My mom always says its because they want to. "Want to lead you away from god to the devilish.
I didn’t do it, it was Rai

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Evil from demons is imagined to allow group of people manipulation with big masses. Interesting question is why there weren't "evil demons" before the appearance of Abraham religions! Why no one asks himself that!?
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How can I Make a pact with Murmur and how do I know it Work? Also can I protect Myself?
I’m in a position that I really dont know what to do.
I want to offer music to Murmur. I’m sorry for asking dumb questions but I’m practically new here.SNS has a great community I really appreciate how humble everyone is and everyone tries to help. Thanks for answering and have a Nice day
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