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Primal Meditation

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 9:24 pm
by Catamite
Primal meditation is unlike any other meditation you can think of. Unlike sitting still you're going to be moving. Primal meditation is the concentration of primal found in many things then connecting to it through movement. The beats of drums, the wind in storms, the energies of Earth and Moon. Try connecting with all of these and feeling them. We live in physical realm on a physical plane. We are physical entries and unlike metaphysical entities we can't express ourselves as freely. What I'm about to teach you is simply connection and expression.

Primal meditation to me is the connection of primal energies through movement and dance. When done correctly you let go of your physical mindset. You let go of restrictions like age, sex, body, & location. Nothing else matters but the erotic facts of nature and life. The connection point, the crossroads of life and death, dance as if you are here and within this twilight. Dance on the prime and the energies will take hold of your body. It will come to you in many different forms, whether it worms its way into your mind through melodies or into your heart through savage drumming it will find a way to you if you call for it. You will be possessed by these energies, allowing them to course through your blood and be exerted through your dance. The purest form of expression for a physical body is dance. I'll tell you about my styles and how you can utilize each of them to connect with your inner human.

Earth - Dancing with earth energies are very nice and stern. Be barefoot and have your feet connected to the ground at all times. Earth is a major symbol of fertility so you'll be focusing on that. Be erotic, yet without passion. Be sensual and yet not perverse. Feel your own body and pull the energy up through your legs as your feet lay planted on the belly of the mother. Starting from your knees and rub up on your thighs, pull this energy within your body and try to hold it in your abdomen. Women, pull this energy up and once in your body feel your abdomen and shift it around, try moving your body as a snake would do. Hold a wide stance and don't lift your feet. Put this energy into your womb and uterus then make a fist as if you were to focus it there. Pull your hands apart and let it seep into your ovaries. Hold your fists to your sides and then roll your body as if you were rocking something to sleep within your body. Over time you will feel this energy take over you and you should get the urge to move some more. This mediation is focused on fertility and the self. The Earth is a body and a mother, even when there is no more life to give the earth is still hard and strong. Still can protect even after giving all life. Feel yourself with a sense of erotic acknowledgement. Appreciate the body and use this energy to strengthen it. Pull it through the muscles and push it into the bones. When you feel
As though you have the understanding of the energy you have just absorbed them stop. Give thanks to the earth by getting on your knees and placing your right hand on the ground. Kiss your hand three times then get up and leave.

Wind - Dancing with the energies of wind can be strange. It would be like dancing with a God of snakes. First off it must be windy day. Let the wind hit your body and kind of go with the flow but not too much. Move in your own way and dance with the wind. Let the roaring sound of it block out all things. Feel as though snakes are cooling around your arms and legs as you extend them and also around your body. Try to hear them hiss in the roaring of the wind like trying to find needles in a haystack. By doing this you invite the spirit of wind to live inside of you. Spinning and getting dizzy is a perfect way to connect with wind. By getting dizzy you lose your sense of direction and your own orientation leaving your body to the wind and the last thing wind is, is body. Let this dizzying feeling of snakes coiling in your mind take over and spin to make it feel as tho the world is a serpent constantly moving and shifting, feel this form of chaos in the wind to help you understand the true freedom in which the wind holds. Chaos.

Sun - Dancing with the energies of the sun is much different than that of Earth. Earth is of your own body as Wind is for the chaos that is your mind. The Sun is your soul and your fate. Make sure the day is hot. You wish to be sweaty for this or at least humid. Pull energies from the sky and kind of pull it up and and down fluctuating over around and throughout your body. By doing this you call to your soul and primal nature. The primal in you will want to intuitively dance through eroticism. It's in human nature to do this but with Sun Dance meditation you don't want to do this. The Sun Dance forgets the human nature and body and focuses on divinity and soul. Instead pull this energy which feels to be seeking from your root chakra and push it into your chest. Bend your chest as if you were to hunch over. Feel it in there, feel free to use your shoulders and push your chest forwards and backwards as if you are flapping your wings. Then then try to stand tall with grace and let out a breath as if you are slowly letting heated energy and fire out of your lungs. Feel purity in your heart then bath yourself in the heat of the sun. As you sweat feel the heat pump through your veins from your heart. Focus on your veins and your heart as if your soul was pouring into your heart and was being let out of your body through your veins, connecting with the heat that the sun provides. Being in pure unity.

Moon - We have covered Earth, Wind, Sun, and now my favorite, Moon. The Moon Dance is something of mystery. Each dance has showed you something primal, Body, Mind, Soul, and now, the Void. The Moon Dance focuses on the most primal energies, the abyss. The Moon is a mysterious, intuitive, powerful mistress. She governs emotion and the things hidden in our subconscious as Leviathan does. She is the mystic that makes waves and brings life to the tides. The thing with the Moon Dance is that I can't tell you how it works. Everyone feels energy from a full moon but this energy is different for each person. For when the Moon drops her robes that act as the shadowy veil that hides her secrets and shows her full body to us we too do the same. The energies we feel are not exactly hers but rather our own. We already are connected with her for she ride us of that shadow that not even the sun can pierce with harsh judgement for she does not judge. She sees what is hidden during the night and it is this acceptance she holds that makes us lift our veils with her. Your Moon Dance is unique, go out on full moons and raise hands in praise to her. Pull energy from her and spread it as if you are connecting hers with the space around you and acknowledging the void. Know your place in the darkness and then let the abyss within your mind connect with the abyss that surrounds you. Then your secrets will bubble to the surface. Let t move through your body feel the energy of your true nature and of the secrets you hold. Present them before her and let her merge and fuse with them therefore becoming a part of you. Be like her and embrace the void from which she hangs. Using only the light of the Sun (your soul) to make your own beautiful and accepting light in the darkness that is night.

Re: Primal Meditation

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 9:55 pm
by Pwnie
I'll have to give these a go; thanks very much

Re: Primal Meditation

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 6:28 am
by Catamite
Pwnie wrote:I'll have to give these a go; thanks very much
You are so very welcome Pwnie. Sorry about any misspells ^^*