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Re: Dandy Guy Sitri

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 12:12 pm
by Shifa
Actually you guys, if I'm just being a starry-eyed fangirl here, please tell me.
I don't want to disrespect the great Prince.
I guess I read into the image differently and was glad to see something that wasn't *uber evil rawr I'm coming to steal your secrets and mock your nude women.*
There's so little on the lesser-known DLs besides the old-fashioned grimoire blurbs and it's nice to see more modern interpretations.

Sitri represents sexual desire and attraction, and this sort of image fits with our modern culture (with some 80s-style humor). He's also supposed to be very beautiful/dashing/charming. So, yeah.

It isn't that this image is meant to be an end all, be all for worship and understanding, but part of a greater whole.
I'm okay if you don't like my personal interpretations or the images I post. I learn more if you explain what the problem may be.

I posted in the Humor section that the same day I posted this, I got trolled by "Stray Cat Strut" on the radio. At least I think it was Sitri, you know how I doubt my experiences. I have felt pretty confident that he has a good sense of humor and knows I only had positive intentions of bringing attention to him.

Re: Dandy Guy Sitri

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 6:23 pm
by Anatel
Lokakisa wrote:Actually you guys, if I'm just being a starry-eyed fangirl here, please tell me.
I don't want to disrespect the great Prince.
I guess I read into the image differently and was glad to see something that wasn't *uber evil rawr I'm coming to steal your secrets and mock your nude women.*
There's so little on the lesser-known DLs besides the old-fashioned grimoire blurbs and it's nice to see more modern interpretations.

Sitri represents sexual desire and attraction, and this sort of image fits with our modern culture (with some 80s-style humor). He's also supposed to be very beautiful/dashing/charming. So, yeah.

It isn't that this image is meant to be an end all, be all for worship and understanding, but part of a greater whole.
I'm okay if you don't like my personal interpretations or the images I post. I learn more if you explain what the problem may be.

I posted in the Humor section that the same day I posted this, I got trolled by "Stray Cat Strut" on the radio. At least I think it was Sitri, you know how I doubt my experiences. I have felt pretty confident that he has a good sense of humor and knows I only had positive intentions of bringing attention to him.

My issue with it is this, and ive said this ad nauseum, which is why i dont bother anymore- people tend to anthropomorphise them in very bizarre ways, assigning very human characteristics that simply arent generally present. Ive seen people talking about being married to them, having families WITH them, sleeping with them, talking about their dick sizes, assigning ridiculous cartoon caricatures to them, that we are on equal playing fields with them, saying theyre zany and fun and jokey and i just... what . the. fuck. are we even talking about the same beings here? I dont get it. I truly dont. No other pantheon gets mocked as badly as this one. Ok, except maybe the Norse Pantheon- I've seen Loki reduced to little more than a court jester in some circles.

I understand totally enjoying a more "modern, friendly" depiction of a DL instead of the
*uber evil rawr I'm coming to steal your secrets and mock your nude women.*
depiction. But this isnt "assign a personality of your choosing to make things all nice and comfy and acceptable" type of thing either. There just HAS to be a happy medium somewhere between the Monsters of the old grimoires and the bizarre cartoony funsy happy go lucky bullshit that seems to be sprouting up everywhere recently.

I am currently working closely with a "lesser known DL" and i can tell you, I understand WHY he's a lesser known. He's brutal. He's straight up, hard core and he takes NO shit. He gives zero fucks for human feels or suffering. He carves a path and doesnt give a shit what or who He pummels in the process. He is certainly not as "humanized" as some of the more popular DLs. I have seen him depicted in this anime crap as a sweet fluffy bunny and it makes my skin crawl because I know some idiot somewhere is going to approach him using that false information and get totally obliterated by him for even DARING to approach him like an asshole. THIS is why these things annoy me. And no, at this point im not sharing the DL's name (ive never mentioned him on here or to anyone other than my inner circle). I cannot at this point , in good conscience, share it because i dont want the responsibility of someones life potentially being nearly destroyed before they can start to work productively with him. if i live through this next year, I will have one hell of a story to write. IF.

Safety- They give false and inaccurate information thus making people not experienced in demonic magick VERY vulnerable to having very bad things happen.

Yes, Sytri does have the ability to get you laid. but lets think about this for a minute. He never says by some dashing handsome Ryan Reynolds look a like. He never claims a hot.. or even consensual sexual encounter. He doesnt even say that the sexual partner will give two shits about you or your body. Thats why its up to you, the magician, to know what you are getting into and how to manipulate those energies in your favor.. so you arent getting something you REALLY do not want. Because face it, any scenario that involves you getting laid, whether good or bad, well, he fulfilled his part of the promise.

Its absolutely wonderful and very rewarding to have a close relationship with a DL you've worked hard to establish. Im not saying thats a bad thing. its not. Its GREAT. What I am saying is study, practice reverence (not ass kissing, just RESPECT) and please for the love of all things unholy do not depend on anime to be your reference guide to ANYTHING demon related. And mostly STUDY. Study solid, academic (if you even can find that) facts or traits and correspondences that do NOT depend on some cartoonist somewhere whos just trying to make a fast buck and feels like its time to revamp some old gods and make them cute and appealing to gain notoriety or line their pockets. Talk to actual people who have worked with them, gather all the information you can, then fill in the blanks with your own knowledge and intuition. if you cant, then restudy and it will come to you. Let common sense, safety and respect prevail.

Re: Dandy Guy Sitri

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 7:38 am
by Shifa
As a devotee of Loki, I agree wholeheartedly.
I'm actually quite the booknerd, and have a tendency to get in arguments about scholarly things.
I get annoyed at the Tumblr wives who think Marvel-Loki has come to visit them in their shower to make out with them, and I get annoyed at those who think Set is a "dark god" and is equivalent to Satan.

I'm doing my best to research Sitri, hence the informational thread I started.
Also I'm trying to meditate on the meanings of the grimoire blurbs - what did they mean then? what do they mean now? what is he really like?
Of course I intend meditations with the DL himself as well.

When it comes to Loki, I take all depictions, fiction included, as part of the greater whole. I think he's like that, the Norse pantheon is like that ... influencing fiction. You might say various gods like to be muses for fiction writers, even if the fiction is wrong. Maybe it's the more sociable types.
Do the demons do that? I don't know, I haven't paid attention to much until now. "Makai Ouji" is one I mean to watch, it even has Sitri in it, though he doesn't look anything like I expect. I don't follow the "Lucifer" show but it seems off-base... Is there any demon fiction that is positive?

But trust me, I do not worship from fiction. It's scholarly first, fiction for entertainment. It's up to the deities to choose ways to get through to us, using things we recognize and resonate with.

Re: Dandy Guy Sitri

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 8:33 am
by Akelta
A lot of my journey with Demon was through trial and error. I started working with Demons when I was 6, that adds a perspective to things because this demon did in a way take the role of a spiritual father to me, when you are 6 you interpret things quite literally and the things that you get are not run through the filters of this world. Many of the things that happened at that age are cute, being cuddled by your big demon guardian until you fall to sleep is cute, but as I grew, my foundation had to as well.

I know a lot now, but there was a point I was unsure, really unsure, even after I got the books and read them things didn't feel right, they were in contrast to things I had already been taught directly by them. I only had these strange interactions with these strange beings until I met my mentor and could bounce things off of him, then my knowledge base grew as I grew. I had to sort through what I was reading, compared to my own experiences and I found that the truth was somewhere in the middle. You have to balance gnosis and education.

We need a foundation, we need to build that foundation to be able to translate and figure out the experiences that we are having. The imagination is connected to the third eye and is part of that translation which is why sometimes the two get crossed. The imagination though is involved in this process and it can be challenging to learn the different between an energy that is coming from within the mind, and an energy that is external and coming into the mind. When you start though you have to make connections with something and sometimes they do use symbols in your life and things that you know to help bridge gaps.

When you are starting where do you go? What do you learn? Where do you get your information from?

When you are starting out they do reach out to you in any way that that you can relate to. When you don't have a reference point the demons do use what they can to get the messages through. There is a balance to this, and honestly you shouldn't discredit what you experience, I never discredited any one of my experience no matter how ludicrous they were until I explored it. Some things yes, turned out to be my imagination and projections, and when you have that foundation you can look at things and say, ok I know where that came from, but other things turn out to be true and the only way to figure out which was which was through exploration.

What I did do though was write it down, then explore it and by explore it I mean ask questions about it like;

Could this have happened?
Why did this happen?
Would this dark lord really do this?
What could it mean?
Is there another interpretation?
Is there a deeper meaning to this?
Is there a lesson that I am being taught?
Is someone just trying to get my attention?
Have I experienced things like this before?
Is there a pattern here?
Does this relate to any of my past experiences?
Is there a connection between this and any of the Dark Lords I have worked with?

You have to challenge what you get from a critical mind and while allowing yourself to believe something happened, exploring the depth of what it actually means and the possibility that it might not have happened as you see it. You have to come at it from the middle ground and really explore and challenge things. Sometimes silly things happened and there was no deeper meaning except that they want you to talk to them, especially when you build up a connection with them.

I know they use humour to break the ice when it comes to believing in our experiences. They want you to laugh because laughter helps you to relax and feel comfortable, when you are comfortable your senses are more open and you are more receptive to what they are sending. If you don't get to a place you can trust what you are getting then you cannot learn, and to get to that place they do use elements in our environment to help us bridge that gap.

Music is another way they connect the dots and help you to trust your senses. My mentor use to say that Satan spoke to him through songs. I would hear songs on the Radio that would remind me of them, I had songs dedicated to them.

The Truth, some people do use spirituality as an escape, they won't challenge things they get and explore them fully they use is as a way to make themselves feel special, or as an escape from reality and this is very dangerous. They will stay convicted on that even though their life is falling apart. That mindset is where the danger is and where you see some of the exaggerated claims, you see people basically living in another world and using spirituality to escape their own while their life falls apart. Spirituality is about empowerment and empowering your life here. When people come at things from an intent to grow and an intent to explore, yes there are going to be interesting experiences that need to be explored. Some people though, will use this path for bragging rights, and also to reinforce their world. But if you are able to analyze what you get and go ok why did this happen? and what could this be revealing to me? it is the exploration and the willing to accept other interpretations that will set you apart from those who have exaggerated claims.

Most things they reveal in these beginning stages of interaction are not accurate but that is not why you are getting them. You are not getting them for a literal interpretation you are getting them for a symbolic energy grafting. They are trying to bridge energy gaps in your mind from elements that you know to the truth they wish to reveal to you. It is how you build your energy translation foundation. When someone starts on a path they are given bread crumbs to follow. You don't have foundation in the beginning they have to build. Don't take what you get as the end all and be all, but don't discredit it either. I use to have the strangest things happen and I at times stood there is disbelief. There is an evolution to this. You will start getting experiences and you should not discredit them but believe them. Journal it and really sit down with it and explore it. Approach all your experiences with Critical thinking and your foundation will grow and thrive.

Azazel once told me we don't always know why they are doing the things that we do, but if we follow the bread crumbs they leave and challenge ourselves to ask questions about what we are getting the answers are always revealed in time.

Re: Dandy Guy Sitri

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 1:35 pm
by DoubleD
well said Akelta and Grumpy Cat (couldn't help it)

I don't have the best visualization of demons or gods, sometimes I see things and most of the time I don't. what I see is often what I expect to see, pictures or images that I have in my mind. I feel they do often choose the least jarring way to show themselves to you as not to scare you off. Or vice versa when they do.

If people want to use fantasy drawings of demons as depicted by the artist, so be it. I have some incredible art work of lucifer and Belial on my walls from a well known guy and I am sure people would say "well Belial doesn't look like that, nor does Lucifer" And I would ask.. "According to whom"

that is just my take, I don't put a lot of thought into it one way or the other.. :)