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Day to day and offerings?

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 2:22 pm
by ItonaBelikova
Hello all,

I'm very new to all this and I wondered if someone could answer a couple of questions for me? I wondered if it was possible to communicate with demons and demonesses informally or can one only be with them during rituals? What I mean is can I just invite them to teatime if they want to or does it all have to be serious ritualistic stuff? And the other question I had was concerning offerings. Can I just informally give them offerings for no reason other than to please them or do I have to have a reason? And how are the offerings treated (burned, buried, eaten etc) or is that specific to each entity?

Re: Day to day and offerings?

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 8:25 pm
by Darth Moronius
Its possible when you already have good relation or connection with them.

Offering too. It can be candle, incense, gemstone, and so on.

Re: Day to day and offerings?

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 4:57 am
by Marosey
Offerings are good to give. Find out what they specifically like. I don't think you are supposed to drink and eat an offering after you gave them it. There are some cultures who will eat or drink the offerings they offer. I also have noticed some spirits enjoy blog postings of them. Give them some attention and spread the word about them, either in YouTube and social media sites. There are other creative ways of sharing too.

Re: Day to day and offerings?

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 7:29 am
by learningk120
if demon or demoness is your companion you can call them all the time. my experience they mostly stay together with me. sometimes they gone to do something or have business at their realm.
my experience for offering it can give any time, but is must know what kind offering they like.

Re: Day to day and offerings?

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 9:59 am
by 4dropsofwater
ItonaBelikova wrote:Hello all,

I'm very new to all this and I wondered if someone could answer a couple of questions for me? I wondered if it was possible to communicate with demons and demonesses informally or can one only be with them during rituals? What I mean is can I just invite them to teatime if they want to or does it all have to be serious ritualistic stuff? And the other question I had was concerning offerings. Can I just informally give them offerings for no reason other than to please them or do I have to have a reason? And how are the offerings treated (burned, buried, eaten etc) or is that specific to each entity?
I have did it informally without rituals but it should be nted that some demons dislike unclean rooms. So you might want to tidy up a bit before inviting them over. I would say do what feels comfortable for you. If you like doing rituals then go right ahead but if you don't like doing them you shouldn't feel forced to do something that feels unnatural to you. Intention is key.

I would wait until you have a good camaraderie with them. As in build up your relationship first with the demon or demoness before casually having them over to tea. It really depends on why you decided to have them visit you. Whether the conversation goes serious or light that is.

As for offerings... I would ask the demon/demoness in question because each situation is handled differently. For example they might ask you to destroy an artwork you gave them so only they have the only astral copy, same might go to poetry if you wrote it yourself. If it is food items they might share some with you as well. Or they might ask you to throw it away later.
You can also leave it out and not partake any of it so they have it all for themselves, and it'll feel more like an actual offering plus you don't have to get too close if it makes you uncomfy. For offerings like wine or something like that they might allow you to take a sip from the glass and ask you to dump the rest. Burning is unlikely that they ask you to burn them because not everyone has a place specifically designed for burning offerings.

You don't have to give them offerings though who doesn't like gifts? If you aren't in a good financial position to go over the top or you are unable to for reasons, sentimental gifts from the heart are also very acceptable.

Though I will say that if you decide to give them something daily they will expect you to do so daily. Versus someone you only offer to every once in a while.

Hope this helps!

Re: Day to day and offerings?

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 2:08 pm
by user1876
I offer my Demon companions offerings every Week foods , I have founded out they enjoy Wine its Really up to you how often you ' make offerings to your Spirits once you get to know them learn the things' they like it becomes more easy over time but most of My Companions take the offerings and their happy about it because its not ' The offering its self but rather it comes from ' the Heart that they look at so rather its Day are night