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Re: Layers of the Human Aura

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 5:30 am
by Nefer
Akelta wrote:The Human Aura is a combination of many things, There is a general understanding of the 7 layers of the aura, but there are more and actually the layers kinda mingle and works together and it is not as clear cut as books say, like the modle of the electron they put it in layers to simplify it and make it easy to grasp. Though they do have outlined it in a simplistic fashion, it is actually many more layers as energies that are connected to the different chakras and work with and govern certain areas of our bodies. This is a simplified model but it helps to create a picture for visualizing the energies of the aura.

Below you will find an overview of the 7 layers of the aura that are connected to the 7 chakras

1st Layer: Etheric (The Physical Layer)
~ This Layer is associated with our physical selves and our physical bodies here
~ It is linked to the Root Chakra (1st Chakra)
~ It bridges the connection of the physical body to the higher energies and also connects us to the root of the Earth
~ It is related to health, survival, security, comfort and pleasure
~ This is the easiest layer to see and most people have no trouble seeing it when they are learning to see auras.
~ It appears as a hazy light around a person and if you are good you can see vibrant colours.

Unbalances in this energy effect the kidneys, suprarenal glands, spinal column

2nd Layer: Emotional (The Emotional Layer)
~ This layer is associated our feelings and our emotions, the feelings of the inner self
~ It is linked to the Sacral Chakra (2nd Chakra),
~ it connect the emotional layers of our selves and our lives
~ It is our intuition that gut feeling and usually lets us know when something is wrong
~ The colours of this layer describe your passing moods, emotions with respect to self and others, boundaries, self-acceptance and self-love

Unbalances in this energy effect the digestive system, reproductive organs, sexual activity, gonads

3rd Layer: Mental (The Layer of the Mind)
~ This layer is associated with out mental thoughts and mind processes and the ego
~It is linked to the Solar Plexus Chakra (3rd Chakra)
~ It is connected to your personal power, rational mind,
~ It allows you to understand a situation in a clear rational way
~ It is connection to the mental power of the mind
~It related to your basic instinct, your intellect and personal power

Unbalances in this energy effect the stomach, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, adrenal glands, sympathetic nervous system

The lower 3 astral layers are concerned with the manifestation of the physical and are said to make up your personality. It is also believed by some that they start to develop at conception and dissolve at death.

4th Layer: Astral (The layer of the heart)
~This layer is the expression of the physical, emotional and mental level
~It is linked to the Heart Chakra (4th Chakra)
~It is aligned with projection of our longings, moods, feelings,and fears,
~It marks the division between the physical and higher layers,your interaction between people, love and relationships with others and our spiritual companions
~ It connects the lower chakra’s and the physical bodies, to the higher chakras and the etheric bodies and is out line and our bridge to the spiritual world.

Unbalances in this energy effect the thymus, heart, circulatory system, blood & cellular structure

5th Layer: Etheric Template (The communication layer)
~ It is associated with aspects of the physical body
~It is linked to the Throat Chakra (5th Chakra),
~ It is a copy of your physical body on the spiritual plane
~ It is a template of your uniqueness and inner identity,
~ It is the divine will within
~ It is your commitment to speak and follow your truth

Unbalances in this energy effect the thyroid gland, throat, jaw, lungs, vocal cords, thymus, breath

6th Layer: Celestial (The Psychic Layer)
~ It is associated with processes of enlightenment
~ It is linked to the Third Eye Chakra (6th Chakra),
~ It is your intuitive level, and gives you access to higher qualities of feelings
~ It governs thoughts and manifestations, group consciousness, divine love and spiritual exploration and discovery
~ It is your connection to the spiritual plans and your psychic senses

Unbalances in this energy effect result in poor memory, difficulty concentrating, and can effect the cerebellum, nose, central nervous system, pituitary gland, left eye

7th Layer: Ketheric (The Divine Layer)
~ It is associated with the Divine or Universal Consciousness
~ It is linked to the Crown Chakra (7th Chakra)
~ It contains our information of the life plan and the reason why we came here
~ It reflects all experiences and events that the soul has ever experienced,
~ It is linked to out higher self mind and our essence of our true self.
~ It gives us access to the akashic records, and allows us to look into our past lives
~ it gives us memories from our lives back home.

Unbalances in this energy effect the right eye, cerebellum, pineal gland

It is your personal energy signature which connects you to the universe, the divine and your true form self. It also gives you access to speicualized skills such as your astral self and if you have created one your causal self. It connects you to your higher self and also depending on what areas of your aura are developed reveals your spiritual abilities and areas for potential growth. It also is you basically, an exstention of who you are both past, present and future, and it comprises who you are in this life, who you are in other lives and who you are in spirit.

We are really amazing complex beings and it shows in our energies.
Thank you Akelta. This was great information. You brought some things to light for me. Last week I had gotten distracted and stopped my normal routine of balancing my chakras. I started getting moody , ( which I expected) my mind was getting foggy, my intuition was off and my left eye kept twitching, I couldn't figure out why. It was not until I read this post that I made the connection. I had no idea unbalanced chakras affect my eye twitching, make my mind foggy , causes bad memory and messes up my concentration. Now I truly understand why it is so important to balance my chakras daily. Also I knew the 7th chakra connected us to our higher selves but I didn't know it holds the key to our past lives, all lessons learned and to our lives back home. When I read it gives us memories from our lives back home I had instant chills run through my body. Not the bad kind of chills but the kind you get when people are speaking thruth, that's the best I can explain the chills... I guess affirmation chills.
Thank you for the share. It was full of useful information. I will be sticking to my balancing chakras daily schedule from now on. I know how very much so important it is now. :zen:

Re: Layers of the Human Aura

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 6:18 am
by Akelta
Catamite wrote:You know I have never heard of Auric layers before until now and I usually read people's astrological birthright auras for some odd reason.. I can also tell you whether or not they hold Earth Air Fire or Water as their element and such.. But usually when I read someone's aura whether a stranger or a friend I never seem to notice the layers... is this something that can actually be read or picked up or is it just like something you really have to focus on in order to really pick up on? Or does it just hit you all at once and therefore the layers all kind of merge to make an individuals specific and unique aura... sorry about all these questions lol I'm a very curious person so when I discover new things a bunch of new questions and such just start swirling in my mind ^^*
It is something that I have always seen, aura reading is a generational family trait for me and even as a small child I use to draw people with energies around them with various layers. Though over time I have taught myself to see more layers, even layers beyond the seven mentioned here. I could tell that different sections of the aura were existing in different energy states and their own vibrational realms so to speak. They operate through different regions of energy and in some cases are in different dimensions all together, but it is clear to me the layers and how they are connected to the different vibrations of the chakras. I have also seen it mentioned in various literatures in my reading which helped to add to my understanding of the different layers and how they connect to and work with the chakras.

Not everyone can see the layers, and some layers are harder to see then others as they can be at different vibrational frequencies. Each layer is different to view, the first, second and third layer can be viewed quite easily with the visible eyes, the other can be as well with practise. The other layers can be quite easily viewed by the third eye but it is like vision, our eyes can only pick up certain vibrational frequencies. The third eye chakra can be trained to pick up beyond just the normal visual spectrum and can be taught to read many different frequencies of vibrations that surround us.

I had to push my third eye deeper into the energy vibrations to see specific ones. My map of the human aura is different then many as I have found other layers and chakras. We are quite complex beings and even depending on the different energies that we are comprised of our aura can take on different shapes and forms. These layers are the layers of the human aura, the aura that is linked to our bodies. We have other layers as well that are linked to ancestors, and past lives, our higher self/selves, our true form self.

As for how I see it, I turn my third eye vision to focus on the specific area that I am working on. I can shift my focus and allow my vision to go where it needs to go. I find that having things broken down assists with my healing and narrowing in of what needs to be healed within the aura. I can see it all together, though even then I still see all the different layers, or I can focus on a specific are of the aura. Our auras are absolutely massive and the details that are on them are absolutely incredible. We are such rich and incredible beings energetically learning about and studying our energies are just incredible.
Nefer wrote:Thank you Akelta. This was great information. You brought some things to light for me. Last week I had gotten distracted and stopped my normal routine of balancing my chakras. I started getting moody , ( which I expected) my mind was getting foggy, my intuition was off and my left eye kept twitching, I couldn't figure out why. It was not until I read this post that I made the connection. I had no idea unbalanced chakras affect my eye twitching, make my mind foggy , causes bad memory and messes up my concentration. Now I truly understand why it is so important to balance my chakras daily. Also I knew the 7th chakra connected us to our higher selves but I didn't know it holds the key to our past lives, all lessons learned and to our lives back home. When I read it gives us memories from our lives back home I had instant chills run through my body. Not the bad kind of chills but the kind you get when people are speaking thruth, that's the best I can explain the chills... I guess affirmation chills.
Thank you for the share. It was full of useful information. I will be sticking to my balancing chakras daily schedule from now on. I know how very much so important it is now.
You are very welcome Nefer ^.^ It is amazing how much of an impact our routines have on us. I know the same thing happens to me if I stop my normal routine. I start to notice things, my focus slips and I have to pull myself back on track. It is amazing how little things that we do daily add up and can have so much impact on our spiritual abilities. My mentor use to say that 10 minutes of daily meditation is more powerful them meditating for 4 hours once in a blue moon. He was right. That daily consistency keeps us sharp and focused.

The seventh chakra is amazing in itself, it is like another world in many instances. It holds the key to our past lives, our higher selves, our faith, even our connections with spirits and demons can come from our crown chakra. It is the gateway to everything that we are. We as humans here are a fraction of everything that we are and everything that we have been. It holds as well the key to our personal Akashic Archives, and yes. memories from back home. That always sent chills up my spine as well, the good chills, like a forgotten essence, a forgotten time and place that is waiting to once more be discovered. There is something so mysterious and beautiful about finding our essence and remembering who we are from that pure empowered level.

Re: Layers of the Human Aura

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 7:23 am
by DoubleD
exceptional post, worthy of bookmarking and printing when I get to work. Thank you Akelta for doing the initial writing and nefer for finding it and posting it again.

Re: Layers of the Human Aura

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 9:49 am
by Catamite

Sounds amazing.. I don't usually "read" Auras per say but I can easily pick up on someone's energy... it's like I have a spiritual bloodhound that can smell energies and track down their astrolgical birthrights and relay back to me it's findings...

Re: Layers of the Human Aura

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 5:44 am
by Nefer
Akelta wrote:
Nefer wrote:Thank you Akelta. This was great information. You brought some things to light for me. Last week I had gotten distracted and stopped my normal routine of balancing my chakras. I started getting moody , ( which I expected) my mind was getting foggy, my intuition was off and my left eye kept twitching, I couldn't figure out why. It was not until I read this post that I made the connection. I had no idea unbalanced chakras affect my eye twitching, make my mind foggy , causes bad memory and messes up my concentration. Now I truly understand why it is so important to balance my chakras daily. Also I knew the 7th chakra connected us to our higher selves but I didn't know it holds the key to our past lives, all lessons learned and to our lives back home. When I read it gives us memories from our lives back home I had instant chills run through my body. Not the bad kind of chills but the kind you get when people are speaking thruth, that's the best I can explain the chills... I guess affirmation chills.
Thank you for the share. It was full of useful information. I will be sticking to my balancing chakras daily schedule from now on. I know how very much so important it is now.
You are very welcome Nefer ^.^ It is amazing how much of an impact our routines have on us. I know the same thing happens to me if I stop my normal routine. I start to notice things, my focus slips and I have to pull myself back on track. It is amazing how little things that we do daily add up and can have so much impact on our spiritual abilities. My mentor use to say that 10 minutes of daily meditation is more powerful them meditating for 4 hours once in a blue moon. He was right. That daily consistency keeps us sharp and focused.

The seventh chakra is amazing in itself, it is like another world in many instances. It holds the key to our past lives, our higher selves, our faith, even our connections with spirits and demons can come from our crown chakra. It is the gateway to everything that we are. We as humans here are a fraction of everything that we are and everything that we have been. It holds as well the key to our personal Akashic Archives, and yes. memories from back home. That always sent chills up my spine as well, the good chills, like a forgotten essence, a forgotten time and place that is waiting to once more be discovered. There is something so mysterious and beautiful about finding our essence and remembering who we are from that pure empowered level.
I am going to start strengthening my seventh chakra. I want to access my Akashic records, I feel they hold the key to an answer I am looking for. Also I want to build up my ability to communicate with my companions . But first I need to learn to quiet my mind. And believe more in myself so I can tell the difference when my companion is speaking or if I am thinking. I keep doubting myself and I know it is hindering my growth :/

Re: Layers of the Human Aura

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 2:58 pm
by DoubleD

You said it best
But first I need to learn to quiet my mind
I think most of us in life could step back and re-learn the basics, like quiet the mind, clear the mind etc. When I read that in your post Nefer, I thought to myself, "you need to do that too jackass" So I think I have my homework assignment for the week.

Re: Layers of the Human Aura

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 2:49 pm
by user1876
DoubleD wrote:Nefer

You said it best
But first I need to learn to quiet my mind
I think most of us in life could step back and re-learn the basics, like quiet the mind, clear the mind etc. When I read that in your post Nefer, I thought to myself, "you need to do that too jackass" So I think I have my homework assignment for the week.
' DD Your right learning how to Clear and quiet your mind is Something that , I also had to learn how to do because my mind was always running all Over but its Much better today but it took many Meditations to get to that point To were it Was something that Could be done by me :D

Re: Layers of the Human Aura

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 9:06 pm
by DoubleD
exactly like most of us right? we all have lives, jobs, friends and it is easy to forget ourselves and these simple emotions. I think this is a subtle reminder for all of us and the point that Akelta and others may be making here; That is to know what it is for you. What it is to really know yourself on a spiritual level.

The chakras are a fundamental part of ourselves, if not one of the most important parts of our being. So it makes sense to know those parts as well as we can. And trust me, I am the first to admit i need to continue working on stuff myself and reading posts like this is a fantastic reminder of how little i do indeed know.

a big kudos to everyone here for having this convo, i am hoping it keeps going.

Re: Layers of the Human Aura

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 4:14 pm
by user1876
DoubleD wrote:exactly like most of us right? we all have lives, jobs, friends and it is easy to forget ourselves and these simple emotions. I think this is a subtle reminder for all of us and the point that Akelta and others may be making here; That is to know what it is for you. What it is to really know yourself on a spiritual level.

The chakras are a fundamental part of ourselves, if not one of the most important parts of our being. So it makes sense to know those parts as well as we can. And trust me, I am the first to admit i need to continue working on stuff myself and reading posts like this is a fantastic reminder of how little i do indeed know.

a big kudos to everyone here for having this convo, i am hoping it keeps going.
'' DD Your Right Our Chakras are a Very important part of Our Being So many problems people have ' I feel its Because their Chakras are either not Open are they are Dealing with Blocks either way Its Not Good Working With my Chakras are Something that . I Do every Week Now because it keeps them Open it also keeps energy Running though them keep Your Chakras Open alone with Making Sure your Aura Stays Clean is another thing that's Good to do because it Helps you Out :cloud:

Re: Layers of the Human Aura

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 7:32 am
by DoubleD
agreed Velle, I have a chakra book but honestly I can't get past the cheesiness of it. I have to work on the Chakras in a very physical way otherwise I go nuts.