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Visited by Christ

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 1:14 pm
by Kharybdis
I know He is not seen especially favorably around here, but I've got a strange relationship with Christ Jesus that began in my early childhood, back when I used to be a Baptist.

Last year, I had a dream that He completely interrupted, yanking the dream apart to fill the middle, and was incredibly amused when I immediately turned to bowing and identified Him as who He was. We talked, then, but I don't remember what about. I do remember his looks, though, very vividly. He was very lighthearted, funny, and friendly.

Last night, I had another dream, between waking up the first time and finally waking up for good. He showed up as my dream self, thinking I was awake, went about my morning routine. I looked out the bathroom window, and there He was, feeding three larks with bright yellow bellies as they perched and fluttered all around Him. He was a bit different in appearance this time, looking a little older, more haggard, and more subdued than I had seen Him last time, but instantly recognizable in his crown of thorns, white robes, and golden sash. He offered me a yellowing leaf with green spots--one of the first leaves of autumn--and a strange little seed pod, which I happily accepted.

We then moved to the porch, and He and I talked at length about the past, about my childhood, about my job and my writing. It was very much like catching up with a friend you don't see often--very relaxed and comfortable. I was smiling almost the entire time. At one point, He mentioned that I didn't do something anymore that I used to, and I responded that I always felt like I didn't have time, even though I knew I did. He nodded, then agreed: "You have plenty of time."

It did not come off as harsh or chastising in the least; instead, I very much felt as if He were reassuring me, telling me that my life would be long and I would have plenty of time to do what needed to be done. This was a great comfort, as I've been worried about this a lot lately due to persistent health issues I belive now may be related to an Awakening that is apparently coming in late October. When I woke from the dream, all I could think was that, while I may have issues with the Church, I will never turn my back on Christ.

Anyway. I don't know how this will be received, but I wanted to talk about it, as I have very few people I can confide in in meatspace. Feel free to ask questions or seek clarification, but please be courteous. I also wouldn't mind interpretation, if anyone has any ideas about the significance of the three larks, the leaf and seed pod, or any other part of the dream.

Thank you for reading this far if you have. I hope you are having a fine day.

Re: Visited by Christ

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 1:55 pm
by ChatHound
Hi Kharybdis!

You pose a very interesting question. There are many opinions about the person of the Christ. Was he real? Is he really the guy given reverence by modern Christianity? (Some say the modern Jesus is actually Saturn.) There are so many questions that I personally have about this person...I honestly do not know. I grew up as a Christian and explored many aspect of Christianity before realizing that the Church didn't support the things I found to be true in my heart. I do have a lot of respect for the words attributed to Christ, but I do not have respect for the rest of the New Testament. Not a fan of the Old Testament, either. Some say he was an incarnation of the Buddha. Some say he was connected (or an emanation of Thoth/Hermes). I could easily dismiss the entire person, but the shroud of Turin has something about it that I cannot let go. The Orthodox Church, which I used to be part of, held reverence for the "Holy Napkin" as it was called. Scientific studies were done on the shroud and some very interesting things were found as a result. The Catholic church tends to hush that--and that's one reason I find it suspect on their part. Was Jesus the son of the Divine? Maybe no more than we are--in fact, there are plenty that think that Jesus may be from extraterrestrial origins. The stories of him are quite interesting in their ascription to him of supernatural or metaphysical powers that we can't exactly do right on the spot in front of the public eye.

My feeling is that, considering the nature of this world and the greed of power, it's ok to not know. I don't believe in salvation such as "just ask him into your heart." I believe salvation comes when we have integrity and help those who need help. I believe in a greater power that indwells love. And love is found in every energy form, whether white light or black/demonic energies--it's about individuality. What is important is that you live your life in a way that you can be proud of. Follow your heart, but know modern religion is a trap of a shell and the Divine (whether taught by the well-known assumed-to-be Messiah or, for me, learning from a very devout Devotion Demon) is the Highest connection you can work towards--the Source from which everything came and still connects us now.

These are my views--I in no way make any statements on behalf of Akelta or any of the other Ladies that guide and craft this wonderful forum and group. But I doubt anyone here would really be upset for bringing the topic of Jesus up. If someone were to be vicious about it, it could only be from their own insecurities. Personally, I am working on creating a personalized ritual for myself that is similar to the Orthodox Divine Liturgy. Nothing already created will do--I am so different from anything mainstream that I have to manifest my own style to honor the Divine. It is said that much of the hymns and form of the Divine Liturgy was given by Angels. Fallen Angels and Respectful Demons can do likewise. ;)

Keep up the journey...and the beautiful poetry. :hug:

Re: Visited by Christ

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 2:03 pm
by 1(13)666(13)1
Kharybdis wrote:I know He is not seen especially favorably around here, but I've got a strange relationship with Christ Jesus that began in my early childhood, back when I used to be a Baptist.

Last year, I had a dream that He completely interrupted, yanking the dream apart to fill the middle, and was incredibly amused when I immediately turned to bowing and identified Him as who He was. We talked, then, but I don't remember what about. I do remember his looks, though, very vividly. He was very lighthearted, funny, and friendly.

Last night, I had another dream, between waking up the first time and finally waking up for good. He showed up as my dream self, thinking I was awake, went about my morning routine. I looked out the bathroom window, and there He was, feeding three larks with bright yellow bellies as they perched and fluttered all around Him. He was a bit different in appearance this time, looking a little older, more haggard, and more subdued than I had seen Him last time, but instantly recognizable in his crown of thorns, white robes, and golden sash. He offered me a yellowing leaf with green spots--one of the first leaves of autumn--and a strange little seed pod, which I happily accepted.

We then moved to the porch, and He and I talked at length about the past, about my childhood, about my job and my writing. It was very much like catching up with a friend you don't see often--very relaxed and comfortable. I was smiling almost the entire time. At one point, He mentioned that I didn't do something anymore that I used to, and I responded that I always felt like I didn't have time, even though I knew I did. He nodded, then agreed: "You have plenty of time."

It did not come off as harsh or chastising in the least; instead, I very much felt as if He were reassuring me, telling me that my life would be long and I would have plenty of time to do what needed to be done. This was a great comfort, as I've been worried about this a lot lately due to persistent health issues I belive now may be related to an Awakening that is apparently coming in late October. When I woke from the dream, all I could think was that, while I may have issues with the Church, I will never turn my back on Christ.

Anyway. I don't know how this will be received, but I wanted to talk about it, as I have very few people I can confide in in meatspace. Feel free to ask questions or seek clarification, but please be courteous. I also wouldn't mind interpretation, if anyone has any ideas about the significance of the three larks, the leaf and seed pod, or any other part of the dream.

Thank you for reading this far if you have. I hope you are having a fine day.

Im not a particular fan of Christ Jesus; however, that being said, I do like your post deeply. You as I interpreted it are a man of christ? Yet, you find yourself on a left hand path website where demonosophers and people of darker beliefs come to be safe and share their experiences and in a way there lives with other like minded people. Am I now going to ostracize you for loving your christ? No, you here despit what the church teaches its followers and you show no ill will towards any of your fellow members. I imagine no one would fill ill will towards you for this post. If anything, this is a wonderful breath of fresh air and is a great promise to what the future may hold for us on a left hand path and those on a right hand path. So, lovely post :devilclap:

Re: Visited by Christ

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 3:03 pm
by User3246
To me, Christ is just another Deity (or maybe just another Deity's son), no more nor less than any other. I have no personal experience with him, except to say that I detest some of the doctrines associated with him by churches who seem to have forgotten the essence of his teachings: Love, faith, and compassion for others. For instance, son of a virgin mother? That has been done by MANY gods. My son was born that way. Its an OLD shtick. In particular I dislike the doctrine, that he 'died for our sins and we have forgiveness through him'. NO. I repeat NO. My 'sins' are mistakes I made, and I own every one of them, AND the power I have earned from overcoming them! Christ cannot HAVE my sins! I screwed up and I will learn better and make it right if it needs to be made right. Also, what is WITH that necrophilious magick that changes bread and wine into his flesh and blood? LITERALLY changes them in the case of Catholics. I have no problem with anyone wanting to learn from Christ. He was a great Master before Christianity twisted his teachings, imo. However, I do not consider him a greater Master than Thoth, the Buddha, Rama, or any other of the higher beings that have incarnated on our planet. If I met him today I would probably say "Where the heck have YOU been? We are having serious problems on this planet! Stand over there by Shiva and try not to get killed again!"

(Oh, and Kharybdis...your pic freaks me the hell out. A Grey Cleric? I get the heebie jeebies every time I see it! :p)

Re: Visited by Christ

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 5:49 pm
by Kharybdis
ChatHound wrote:Hi Kharybdis!

You pose a very interesting question. There are many opinions about the person of the Christ. Was he real? Is he really the guy given reverence by modern Christianity? (Some say the modern Jesus is actually Saturn.) There are so many questions that I personally have about this person...I honestly do not know. I grew up as a Christian and explored many aspect of Christianity before realizing that the Church didn't support the things I found to be true in my heart. I do have a lot of respect for the words attributed to Christ, but I do not have respect for the rest of the New Testament. Not a fan of the Old Testament, either. Some say he was an incarnation of the Buddha. Some say he was connected (or an emanation of Thoth/Hermes). I could easily dismiss the entire person, but the shroud of Turin has something about it that I cannot let go. The Orthodox Church, which I used to be part of, held reverence for the "Holy Napkin" as it was called. Scientific studies were done on the shroud and some very interesting things were found as a result. The Catholic church tends to hush that--and that's one reason I find it suspect on their part. Was Jesus the son of the Divine? Maybe no more than we are--in fact, there are plenty that think that Jesus may be from extraterrestrial origins. The stories of him are quite interesting in their ascription to him of supernatural or metaphysical powers that we can't exactly do right on the spot in front of the public eye.

My feeling is that, considering the nature of this world and the greed of power, it's ok to not know. I don't believe in salvation such as "just ask him into your heart." I believe salvation comes when we have integrity and help those who need help. I believe in a greater power that indwells love. And love is found in every energy form, whether white light or black/demonic energies--it's about individuality. What is important is that you live your life in a way that you can be proud of. Follow your heart, but know modern religion is a trap of a shell and the Divine (whether taught by the well-known assumed-to-be Messiah or, for me, learning from a very devout Devotion Demon) is the Highest connection you can work towards--the Source from which everything came and still connects us now.

These are my views--I in no way make any statements on behalf of Akelta or any of the other Ladies that guide and craft this wonderful forum and group. But I doubt anyone here would really be upset for bringing the topic of Jesus up. If someone were to be vicious about it, it could only be from their own insecurities. Personally, I am working on creating a personalized ritual for myself that is similar to the Orthodox Divine Liturgy. Nothing already created will do--I am so different from anything mainstream that I have to manifest my own style to honor the Divine. It is said that much of the hymns and form of the Divine Liturgy was given by Angels. Fallen Angels and Respectful Demons can do likewise. ;)

Keep up the journey...and the beautiful poetry. :hug:
I do enjoy the controversy over the Christ figure; the man I have seen and talked to certainly has an otherworldly air, and I wouldn't be terribly surprised to find out that He was actually an extraterrestrial of some sort! He doesn't look it in my visitations, but then we all know that looks can be deceiving.

I certainly believe He existed and walked the earth in some capacity. Exactly what it was, it's hard to say; the Shroud of Turin is certainly fascinating, and provides an interesting bit of evidence to the debate. The Christ I have talked to certainly doesn't hold Himself as superior, though, which I enjoy. He's a very approachable, friendly person. In fact, in the first dream visit I had with him, I began to bow and scrape and fumbled over the Lord's Prayer (which I don't know), and he actually stopped me because he was laughing so much--a very gentle, earnestly amused laugh that I would try so hard to "appease" him when he just wanted to come talk.

I like your ideas very much--taking the doctrines and rituals of the Church and converting them for your own purposes is very fascinating, and it sounds like your Devotion Demon is leading you down some extraordinary paths. I'd love to hear more of your experiences if and when you get it up and running!

And thank you for the kind words; I do certainly intend to keep writing, and I will certainly keep up the journey, wheresoever it may lead. :)
Christian wrote: Im not a particular fan of Christ Jesus; however, that being said, I do like your post deeply. You as I interpreted it are a man of christ? Yet, you find yourself on a left hand path website where demonosophers and people of darker beliefs come to be safe and share their experiences and in a way there lives with other like minded people. Am I now going to ostracize you for loving your christ? No, you here despit what the church teaches its followers and you show no ill will towards any of your fellow members. I imagine no one would fill ill will towards you for this post. If anything, this is a wonderful breath of fresh air and is a great promise to what the future may hold for us on a left hand path and those on a right hand path. So, lovely post :devilclap:
I'm not necessary a follower of Christ, and I really wouldn't call myself a Christian anymore--at least, not the way the world is defining "Christian" these days. I enjoy the Christ figure as a mentor and a friend, and when I was a child I was raised Southern Baptist before my entire family decided to leave the Church altogether. I do find it very interesting, though, that I apparently have demonic energy inside me and enjoy working with and learning about demons and yet still maintain such a good relationship with Christ Jesus. It's very intriguing; perhaps, if I meet Him again, I'll bring up the subject and see what He thinks!

At any rate, I definitely agree with you; I think this is a very promising start to ending some of the enmity between the RHP and the LHP, though I consider myself a follower of neither. I walk my own path, wherever it winds and twists. I certainly have never considered demons evil; knowing that Jesus still walks with me despite this says a lot for how terribly humans have distorted their image over the course of our history. I look forward to learning more from the demons and other Immortals I work with--including, I suppose, Christ Himself! ;)
Satan's Hellcat wrote:To me, Christ is just another Deity (or maybe just another Deity's son), no more nor less than any other. I have no personal experience with him, except to say that I detest some of the doctrines associated with him by churches who seem to have forgotten the essence of his teachings: Love, faith, and compassion for others. For instance, son of a virgin mother? That has been done by MANY gods. My son was born that way. Its an OLD shtick. In particular I dislike the doctrine, that he 'died for our sins and we have forgiveness through him'. NO. I repeat NO. My 'sins' are mistakes I made, and I own every one of them, AND the power I have earned from overcoming them! Christ cannot HAVE my sins! I screwed up and I will learn better and make it right if it needs to be made right. Also, what is WITH that necrophilious magick that changes bread and wine into his flesh and blood? LITERALLY changes them in the case of Catholics. I have no problem with anyone wanting to learn from Christ. He was a great Master before Christianity twisted his teachings, imo. However, I do not consider him a greater Master than Thoth, the Buddha, Rama, or any other of the higher beings that have incarnated on our planet. If I met him today I would probably say "Where the heck have YOU been? We are having serious problems on this planet! Stand over there by Shiva and try not to get killed again!"

(Oh, and Kharybdis...your pic freaks me the hell out. A Grey Cleric? I get the heebie jeebies every time I see it! :p)
The Christ I know certainly doesn't consider himself Higher than any others. In fact, he really dislikes any sort of bowing and scraping--when he comes to talk, it's like hanging out on the porch with an old family friend. Very relaxed, comfortable, and soothing. He is definitely an Ascended Master, and I am glad for His personal interest in my life.

Those contradictions are exactly some of the reasons I decided to leave the Church behind me. How one can preach love and brotherhood and peace while being so vile and brutal and cruel to their fellow man is absolutely beyond me. I, also, find some of their rituals a little... bizarre. To be fair, I was never much of a Christian, as I left the Church around age 7 or so and only returned for Vacation Bible School in the summer (where I got to make fun arts and crafts and listen to sweet little old ladies).

To be fair, Christ, as far as I am aware, has been trying to make things right on this earth as best he can, but people are... well... closed. And stubborn. And have preconceived notions that are very difficult to change once the words have been inscribed into the brain. I think He and most other Immortals are doing what they can, but humans are... difficult. They always have been. After all, they wound up crucifying Him when he became a threat to the status quo! :roll:

Re: Visited by Christ

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 9:43 pm
by Anatel
I always say its the people not the specific religion itself that messes religion up. Personally i wouldnt have him in my house or on my porch for tea or otherwise, however that is not with malicious intent or bitterness i say that. I just dont resonate. I grew up being forced into a belief pattern that made me miserable and continually scared something bad was out to get me if i didnt do this or that so when i got old enough to study theology i came to teh conclusion everything id been taught was a load of old hooey. So it doesnt surprise me youve had a nice experience with him :)

I see Divinity as a triangle. at the apex you have the Source . on the right side you have rhp on the left side you have lhp and connecting them is a line. one is not higher than the other they are just at different ends of the line, both under the apex of Divinity Source. I prefer the left, some prefer the right and some prefer to sit in the middle of that line. Whatever feels right to the individual is what is right for them. No judgements here on that, yes it is a Satanic site. To me that means the ultimate freedom to express your beliefs (as long as whatever deity youre talking about, in my own opinon, youre respecting). Odd as it may seem, i hated yawheh and *that side* of the fence bitterly before becoming a Satanist, if that can even possibly make sense LOL. Now, im more of a "meh. whatever. to each his/her own." philosophy.

Thank you for sharing your experience :)

Re: Visited by Christ

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 9:53 pm
by TheDragonKing
I think the reason you had the dream is because Christ is the Pagan symbolism hidden within the church. The 3 Birds represent the 3 aspects of ones Soul.. whereas the birds themselves represent "The Language of the Birds" which means the Source Language Spoken from The Source. The Seedpods are just that...they represent a Source Seed, that carries the potential of all seeds.

There is alot here, but all I can tell you about this dream is that "Jesus" is merely a hint to look at the true nature behind christian symbolism and to look more at Pagan magick. If you need a pointer then look no further than the Runes as all the symbolism is hidden in their magick and stories.

as for Satans Hellcat she is right. The Birth of Christ is the same thing that certain occultists do when they want to incarnate a certain spirit otherwise known under different names like "Moon Children."

Re: Visited by Christ

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 11:56 pm
by Darth Moronius
Anatel wrote:I always say its the people not the specific religion itself that messes religion up.
So much yes for this :crazy:

And yes, there are pagan deities who have similar stories with Jesus, like Prometheus and Horus.

Re: Visited by Christ

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 4:54 am
by user1876
Kharybdis wrote:
ChatHound wrote:Hi Kharybdis!

You pose a very interesting question. There are many opinions about the person of the Christ. Was he real? Is he really the guy given reverence by modern Christianity? (Some say the modern Jesus is actually Saturn.) There are so many questions that I personally have about this person...I honestly do not know. I grew up as a Christian and explored many aspect of Christianity before realizing that the Church didn't support the things I found to be true in my heart. I do have a lot of respect for the words attributed to Christ, but I do not have respect for the rest of the New Testament. Not a fan of the Old Testament, either. Some say he was an incarnation of the Buddha. Some say he was connected (or an emanation of Thoth/Hermes). I could easily dismiss the entire person, but the shroud of Turin has something about it that I cannot let go. The Orthodox Church, which I used to be part of, held reverence for the "Holy Napkin" as it was called. Scientific studies were done on the shroud and some very interesting things were found as a result. The Catholic church tends to hush that--and that's one reason I find it suspect on their part. Was Jesus the son of the Divine? Maybe no more than we are--in fact, there are plenty that think that Jesus may be from extraterrestrial origins. The stories of him are quite interesting in their ascription to him of supernatural or metaphysical powers that we can't exactly do right on the spot in front of the public eye.

My feeling is that, considering the nature of this world and the greed of power, it's ok to not know. I don't believe in salvation such as "just ask him into your heart." I believe salvation comes when we have integrity and help those who need help. I believe in a greater power that indwells love. And love is found in every energy form, whether white light or black/demonic energies--it's about individuality. What is important is that you live your life in a way that you can be proud of. Follow your heart, but know modern religion is a trap of a shell and the Divine (whether taught by the well-known assumed-to-be Messiah or, for me, learning from a very devout Devotion Demon) is the Highest connection you can work towards--the Source from which everything came and still connects us now.

These are my views--I in no way make any statements on behalf of Akelta or any of the other Ladies that guide and craft this wonderful forum and group. But I doubt anyone here would really be upset for bringing the topic of Jesus up. If someone were to be vicious about it, it could only be from their own insecurities. Personally, I am working on creating a personalized ritual for myself that is similar to the Orthodox Divine Liturgy. Nothing already created will do--I am so different from anything mainstream that I have to manifest my own style to honor the Divine. It is said that much of the hymns and form of the Divine Liturgy was given by Angels. Fallen Angels and Respectful Demons can do likewise. ;)

Keep up the journey...and the beautiful poetry. :hug:
I do enjoy the controversy over the Christ figure; the man I have seen and talked to certainly has an otherworldly air, and I wouldn't be terribly surprised to find out that He was actually an extraterrestrial of some sort! He doesn't look it in my visitations, but then we all know that looks can be deceiving.

I certainly believe He existed and walked the earth in some capacity. Exactly what it was, it's hard to say; the Shroud of Turin is certainly fascinating, and provides an interesting bit of evidence to the debate. The Christ I have talked to certainly doesn't hold Himself as superior, though, which I enjoy. He's a very approachable, friendly person. In fact, in the first dream visit I had with him, I began to bow and scrape and fumbled over the Lord's Prayer (which I don't know), and he actually stopped me because he was laughing so much--a very gentle, earnestly amused laugh that I would try so hard to "appease" him when he just wanted to come talk.

I like your ideas very much--taking the doctrines and rituals of the Church and converting them for your own purposes is very fascinating, and it sounds like your Devotion Demon is leading you down some extraordinary paths. I'd love to hear more of your experiences if and when you get it up and running!

And thank you for the kind words; I do certainly intend to keep writing, and I will certainly keep up the journey, wheresoever it may lead. :)
Christian wrote: Im not a particular fan of Christ Jesus; however, that being said, I do like your post deeply. You as I interpreted it are a man of christ? Yet, you find yourself on a left hand path website where demonosophers and people of darker beliefs come to be safe and share their experiences and in a way there lives with other like minded people. Am I now going to ostracize you for loving your christ? No, you here despit what the church teaches its followers and you show no ill will towards any of your fellow members. I imagine no one would fill ill will towards you for this post. If anything, this is a wonderful breath of fresh air and is a great promise to what the future may hold for us on a left hand path and those on a right hand path. So, lovely post :devilclap:
I'm not necessary a follower of Christ, and I really wouldn't call myself a Christian anymore--at least, not the way the world is defining "Christian" these days. I enjoy the Christ figure as a mentor and a friend, and when I was a child I was raised Southern Baptist before my entire family decided to leave the Church altogether. I do find it very interesting, though, that I apparently have demonic energy inside me and enjoy working with and learning about demons and yet still maintain such a good relationship with Christ Jesus. It's very intriguing; perhaps, if I meet Him again, I'll bring up the subject and see what He thinks!

At any rate, I definitely agree with you; I think this is a very promising start to ending some of the enmity between the RHP and the LHP, though I consider myself a follower of neither. I walk my own path, wherever it winds and twists. I certainly have never considered demons evil; knowing that Jesus still walks with me despite this says a lot for how terribly humans have distorted their image over the course of our history. I look forward to learning more from the demons and other Immortals I work with--including, I suppose, Christ Himself! ;)
Satan's Hellcat wrote:To me, Christ is just another Deity (or maybe just another Deity's son), no more nor less than any other. I have no personal experience with him, except to say that I detest some of the doctrines associated with him by churches who seem to have forgotten the essence of his teachings: Love, faith, and compassion for others. For instance, son of a virgin mother? That has been done by MANY gods. My son was born that way. Its an OLD shtick. In particular I dislike the doctrine, that he 'died for our sins and we have forgiveness through him'. NO. I repeat NO. My 'sins' are mistakes I made, and I own every one of them, AND the power I have earned from overcoming them! Christ cannot HAVE my sins! I screwed up and I will learn better and make it right if it needs to be made right. Also, what is WITH that necrophilious magick that changes bread and wine into his flesh and blood? LITERALLY changes them in the case of Catholics. I have no problem with anyone wanting to learn from Christ. He was a great Master before Christianity twisted his teachings, imo. However, I do not consider him a greater Master than Thoth, the Buddha, Rama, or any other of the higher beings that have incarnated on our planet. If I met him today I would probably say "Where the heck have YOU been? We are having serious problems on this planet! Stand over there by Shiva and try not to get killed again!"

(Oh, and Kharybdis...your pic freaks me the hell out. A Grey Cleric? I get the heebie jeebies every time I see it! :p)
The Christ I know certainly doesn't consider himself Higher than any others. In fact, he really dislikes any sort of bowing and scraping--when he comes to talk, it's like hanging out on the porch with an old family friend. Very relaxed, comfortable, and soothing. He is definitely an Ascended Master, and I am glad for His personal interest in my life.

Those contradictions are exactly some of the reasons I decided to leave the Church behind me. How one can preach love and brotherhood and peace while being so vile and brutal and cruel to their fellow man is absolutely beyond me. I, also, find some of their rituals a little... bizarre. To be fair, I was never much of a Christian, as I left the Church around age 7 or so and only returned for Vacation Bible School in the summer (where I got to make fun arts and crafts and listen to sweet little old ladies).

To be fair, Christ, as far as I am aware, has been trying to make things right on this earth as best he can, but people are... well... closed. And stubborn. And have preconceived notions that are very difficult to change once the words have been inscribed into the brain. I think He and most other Immortals are doing what they can, but humans are... difficult. They always have been. After all, they wound up crucifying Him when he became a threat to the status quo! :roll:
I will say this some people would disagree with you about Christ not considering himself higher then other Gods . most people believe that their is no other God higher then Jesus because they feel he is the one ' and only Son to the true and only God in their mind and any other Gods are something that's seen as Bad . because their faith teachers have no other God but Yahweh so I think your post is very touching most wouldn't agree about your view of Christ :)

Re: Visited by Christ

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 5:03 am
by Anatel
youre not wrong velle. they have that whole "bow to no other gods" and "deny me, burn in hell for eternity " thing going on.