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A Question On Darklords

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 6:01 am
by alikat13
Okay so I'm a newbie on this and I have a question concerning the dark lords. I heard that dark lords can sometimes step forward if they're trying to contact you or want you to contact them but what if a dark lord were to come through when you're not ready? Is that possible? I feel in my heart that I'm not ready for something like that yet as I'm barely starting out my journey here so I intend to learn a lot more things here and I'm studying demonology as well but what if a dark lord were to make their presence known to me before I was 100% comfortable and ready? I feel it would be disrespectful to turn them down when they've made their presence known but what if you have to?

Re: A Question On Darklords

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 6:44 am
by User3246
I think, personally, if a DL were to contact me I would have to be open to that experience. After all, they have such a lot of life experience and have Mastered so much, that you would be more likely to be mistaken than they are. However, I do acknowledge that they may be testing you, too. I'd go with your gut feeling on the matter and remember that even if you are NOT ready...just do your best and do whatever you feel is respectful to you AND them. Be honest! I would talk to them about it. Then listen for what they have to say.

Re: A Question On Darklords

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 6:52 am
by alikat13
Satan's Hellcat wrote:I think, personally, if a DL were to contact me I would have to be open to that experience. After all, they have such a lot of life experience and have Mastered so much, that you would be more likely to be mistaken than they are. However, I do acknowledge that they may be testing you, too. I'd go with your gut feeling on the matter and remember that even if you are NOT ready...just do your best and do whatever you feel is respectful to you AND them. Be honest! I would talk to them about it. Then listen for what they have to say.
Thank you Hellcat :) I just feel a intimidated by dark lords and demons I mean I think I can trust them and everything but I know that I'm not ready or comfortable and if one were to come though then I'll trust my gut feeling right at that moment and determine from there what is the right thing to do out of respect for the both of us.

Re: A Question On Darklords

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 7:34 am
by User5191
They're more intelligent and wise than you give them credit for. They're not going to show up until you're ready. Most of the time this will be in the form of a calling. You'll be pulled to them - to seek them out. Not that they just jump through the door and yell "surprise!".... Most of the time you'll get that calling, the feeling... Then you research. Then when you're ready, you start trying to make contact with them through their enn and sigil.

Re: A Question On Darklords

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 7:48 am
by Heidi
It doesn't matter if it's a Dark Lord or any other kind of spirit: if for whatever reason you don't want to work with them or you don't feel ready, respectfully decline. It is your choice who you're going to work with.

That said, there's no 100% comfortable and ready when it comes to spirits. I've been scared shitless on occasion by gods and spirits I've worked with for years. They are not human, they are something much bigger and more majestic and older than our minds can possibly conceive. It's not supposed to be 100% safe and comfortable. If it was, it wouldn't be transformative.

Re: A Question On Darklords

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 8:54 pm
by alikat13
Thank you everyone for your input :)
And I'm not expecting huge fireworks and a big whole surprise party either (even though that would be awesome and scary at the same time :devilparty: )
I'm glad that others who've been working with deities and dark lords also get scared at times it doesn't make me feel so alone :hug:

Re: A Question On Darklords

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 10:08 am
by 4dropsofwater
How would one figure out which dark lord works well with them? Trial and error or is it by intuition?

Re: A Question On Darklords

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 11:29 am
by 4bluefaeries
I would say be comfortable when calling them forth,I mean it's completely natural to be nervous or intimidated, ****especially DL's*** their energy alone sometimes packs a punch, but over all be honesty and kind, and you should be just fine.

I mean please understand they pretty much hear our thoughts( in the mind) (telepathic) so be aware of that. It's best however not to call them forth for nothing,have a valid reason to,so your not wasting their time,because they see many in oneday, (answering prayers,those that honor them,worship them, and request aid from them, in knowledge or a personal reason etc....

Honestly,do this at your own paste,their is no rush and further more, learn all you can,helps, and a heart felt offering is often highly recommended. :devilthumbs:

Re: A Question On Darklords

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 12:16 pm
by Akelta
4dropsofwater wrote:How would one figure out which dark lord works well with them? Trial and error or is it by intuition?
Many people at times feel callings, or they feel drawn to a certain Dark Lord or Lady, you might start thinking about them, or feel inspired to work with them and seek council from them. Are there any names of Dark Lords that you have been drawn to? One thing some people so is will look through lists of demons and see if they are drawn to any. Usually it is through these callings and desires to connect that we learn about each Dark Lord.

I recommend though that if you are called, take the time in the beginning to learn about that Dark Lord, Read up on them, Read up on connecting methods and things that they like. Learn about them, to honour them and respect them when working with them. Demons are very high ranking and they believe in respect, and learning, and giving it your best, they like it when we read about them and learn about connecting to them. Respect to them comes from learning about them, working with them and working to build connection with them by understanding them and respecting who and what they are. You can never go wrong reading about them and learning the best way to connect. If you feel called, you can also post here and other members who have connected with that demon can assist you!

Re: A Question On Darklords

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 12:28 pm
by Anatel
Akelta wrote:
4dropsofwater wrote:How would one figure out which dark lord works well with them? Trial and error or is it by intuition?
Many people at times feel callings, or they feel drawn to a certain Dark Lord or Lady, you might start thinking about them, or feel inspired to work with them and seek council from them. Are there any names of Dark Lords that you have been drawn to? One thing some people so is will look through lists of demons and see if they are drawn to any. Usually it is through these callings and desires to connect that we learn about each Dark Lord.

I recommend though that if you are called, take the time in the beginning to learn about that Dark Lord, Read up on them, Read up on connecting methods and things that they like. Learn about them, to honour them and respect them when working with them. Demons are very high ranking and they believe in respect, and learning, and giving it your best, they like it when we read about them and learn about connecting to them. Respect to them comes from learning about them, working with them and working to build connection with them by understanding them and respecting who and what they are. You can never go wrong reading about them and learning the best way to connect. If you feel called, you can also post here and other members who have connected with that demon can assist you!
I couldnt agree more with this Akelta. Read as much as you can to learn to honour and respect them. Many dont take the time to learn about what respect actually IS to a deity/demon and often times will think that because its something THEY deem respectful or friendly that its ok across the board. This is not always the case. Its very similar to going to another country. If you dont research that country and its people BEFORE you go, you may find yourself in the uncomfortable position of accidentally offending them. For example in some places giving a thumbs up is considered offensive whereas you may see this as a gesture of friendship. In other countries, like the one i currently live in, giving a peace sign (two fingers in a v ) is actually the same thing as sticking your middle finger up to someone!
So, take the time to learn respect and manners. Proper manners covers a multitude of beginner mistakes.