Meditation 4: Demonic Twisted Funhouse of Hell

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Meditation 4
Demonic Twisted Funhouse of Hell
Every Carnival has a Funhouse... well this one has also been called a Madhouse. You have heard stories and whispers of what is inside. It is a place where one is faced with elements of their soul and are forever transformed. It is an experience, an awakening of the inner child, an exploration of the dark child and a transformation of the mask to the true self. Those who enter are faced with elements and sides of themselves. They are faced with the inner truth of their soul.

The fun house is a symbol of the subconscious. A symbol for what is buried. It is a frightening experience. There are many houses all over the world. Some horror-filled, some excitement-filled. They all excite the senses and heighten our awareness. They can also represent our frustration. Situations we feel trapped by, events in our life that we are stuck in. This Funhouse is one of transformation, revealing those elements and sides to you that are trapped and need to be released. Walking through the fun house and coming face to face with elements of yourself can release these frustrations and release these sides and initiate you into an energetic transformation and awakening.

The funhouse puts you in touch with the sides of your self that are often ignored and repressed. That voice in your head you wish you listen to who turns out more often than not to be right. In the darkness of the funhouse you can hear these voices, these whispers and you can face the truth that you have tried to hide.

Trigger Warning...

When I started doing this meditation it took on a life of its own and some areas are rather Dark... If you are disturbed by dark topics or frighten easily, please be warned that there are sections in this meditation that can be rather dark and might be disturbing to some participants.
Do the meditation below then post your experience!

The meditation can be found below.

Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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The Mutilation Dr. sees me watching a black and white creature…she looks like a small child with pig-tails and has very large dark eyes. I watch her but she holds back so I turn toward a red and blue blobby creature that is hiding and following me. It is just a blob with no eyes and has a wounded hurt feel to it. It catches my heart.

The Dr. says that they found it surrounded by some creatures who were pulling it apart and it was badly wounded. It is Wounded, they tell me, and they saved the creature for me.
I turn to my twin…. I feel her embrace of them….

As soon as I accept the red/blue one, the little black and white creature runs towards me. The red /blue being climbs my leg and sinks its teeth into me and attaches. The b/w one shows her teeth and politely draws blood from my finger. She takes the red/blue ones hand and together they hold onto me. they seem a pair. ….they remind me of twins…..

I tell the Dr. that I will look after them and thank him and Nefaria.

Love me, was written across my heart…. And revealed on the flower - Love Me.

The 3 aspects of me appeared as a black skinned me with long curly black hair and black eyes. She was cut in two halves and the third part was my backside.

First message: I love me. I bless myself. I watch over me, always. I watch carefully over every detail. I care… I am always watchful, nothing comes in that I do not notice. I am watching over your being.

Second message:: I am a Serpent. I desire… I desire Me. I am your Beloved - I desire one thing: that you love me. Love yourself/Me beyond anything.

Third part was the back of me. I know that I have eyes in the back of my head so I gently part my hair and look for the eyes; the message: “ I see everywhere. I see everything. I believe in myself….. I believe in Me. I am surfacing - I wish for you to listen and know that I am believing. I am believing in me.

I hear music …. I feel a sun within myself at the same moment that I see it outside. Beautiful orange and pinks and gold….swirling…. We watch Zenethea dancing and are entranced, and suddenly, I don’t know when , it’s a bit of a blur, I feel my flesh creatures emerge.
They are dancing together, revelling in Zenetheas energies. They look so happy and strong. We are being strengthened together and I feel their joy. They’ve completely changed! They’ve perked right up!

I feel my inner strength and they are a part of it. The red/blue one no longer feels wounded. She isn’t a walking flesh wound. She shows her teeth, her mouth is small and she has many razor sharp white teeth. She is smiling and appears whole and confident. She holds hands with the b/w one. They feel so much a part of me now.

I recognize the Twin energies within these two, they’re connected and glowing.

There was a moment where we’re about to go home and they stop, their happy faces watching me. I can feel such intense carnival energies surrounding them and they’re smiling and happy but they’ve stopped. I hesitate trying to read the energies.

Zenethea asks the question of me soundlessly: ‘To leave the Carnavale behind and take them home is to let the wounded heal … and go outside to play. Am I ready to be what I am and let the walking wounded be healed and taken out in the daylight to play? ‘

‘Yes. I reply. Yes.’

The Twins are healed - the Twins are One.
Zenethea lets me take them home. It’s Time to go outside and play.
"Good morning. I see the assassins have failed….”

“In the end it doesn't matter who or what you are - only that you've been embraced by all that you've become ... "
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I just love carnivale! Dr. Sechah is amazing, I felt his strong presence. He's really soothing & healing. It was distracting for a little while & then I zeroed in & really watched the flesh creatures. One definitely stood out. He has about 100 bubbles that are connected via a viscous substance. The bubbles gather information from the environment, each one gathers a world of data which you can see swirling like energy. Underneath he is blobby. Black on top, ivory-grey on the bottom. The black bubbles shine & are alot like soap bubbles, really clear as they distend. no...Baba.

Baba comes home with me at the end.

In the midst, the twists & turns of the funhouse will render my sharing non-chronological most likely. So, in the midst and muddle of this fun journey...I loved the clowns sewn on the wall. To me, they captured the historical torment experienced by so many comedians aka jesters.

My three sides: First was a small Elven child peering out from behind alot of plants. She implants: my true self, trust myself, be myself. Next is a dragonny vast ocean of lava in myriad states. I see the molten, the compressed & cooled. The life blood. Third, is myself as I would imagine Weipwah to be (lol, she is my carnivale self this year!). My wild silver hair was trimmed, clean bangs, smooth lines. I kept walking forward & was tan, with earthy tones to my skin. Gold highlights here and there.

The word: "Maybe". I see it warbled on my heart. Then clear as a bell on the card. I understand what this's my back-door escape route. Ack! Being faced with my weakness here.
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This funhouse is special with all the masks and body parts at the wall in the corridors. The beautiful contorseress released something heavy from my heart, her performance magic. Dr.Secha put me a strange fleshbeing in my arms, it smiled and made himself comfortable - and intense energies in my Rootchakra. Siilow - he is incredible, he is a Clown but I got tears in my eyes, he hold my heart in one hand in the other a card, I read courage and confidence.
The showroom of the Illusionist was full of magic mirrors, is it real? He separated in three parts: The first myself in Celestrial white light with message, you have celestrial angelic power. The second a seductive woman whispered Believe in your sexual energies and magick. The third was a warrioress confirmed You are stronger than you think, you are protective and strong.
Then the sun rose and the beautiful demoness Solar Dancer guided me under the sun. Radiate, she said with her smile. Then I was outside with this fleshbeing in my arms and it enjoyed this. This being was protesting as I gave it to a Demon girl. But it is better for him her it to stay in a Demonic World.
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The only parts I remember and actually did anything for me were with Dr. Sechah and M'phera , Siioow and  Zenithyaah.

It was nice to see Dr. Sechah and M'phera again, I am more drawn and part of their world this time.  the little flesh creature that was SO drawn to me was made up of sooo much love, i could feel the entire room pulse.  It looked up to me with these big spider eyes and i could see love, all it wanted was to be loved and loved in return. it brought me joy.

Next, Siiow.  His energy was more sinister.  It felt as if he had lived to see and experience it all.  He lived through major chaos and hard times.  But there was a reason for it, everything he experienced had an important lesson attached to it.  He is able to look back at his pain and laugh at it.  I get joker vibes from him?  He can see the big picture in life and just laugh away.  The words that appeared to me were blurry, but i think he was trying to write 'love' on there, love yourself more.  That no matter what life throws at us, if we are able to love ourselves that is something life cannot take from us, being able to self love and take care of ourselves IS survival, and needed a lot of the time.  It is important that we have a sense of self in life.  The card that showed up was the Queen. 

Finally, Zenithyaah.  All I remember is her energy exploding like fireworks, her light and energy was very luminous and healing.  I feel she alchemized my pain, and was able to transmute my fear into love energies.
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Was not expecting the feels at the end. It was nice to go through and talk with my guardian again. Although he isn't still sure about demon circuses, he loves me. I got all the way to the Little Pet shop of Horrid, and wasn't even bothered by the organ wall. We look around the room, and my guardian was hoping none would pick him. Too bad, one did. A mini flesh Muk, yes like the pokemon. He like to pick fights with the other one, but was afraid of the clown room. I couched down and opened my arms, and a blue zombie doll runs into them. My guardian tried so hard to ignore Gunk, but the doc put him in his arms anyways. My new zombie doll I called Zombino. He's blue with lighter colored hair. Wonder why I have two zombie bills now??

For a moment, the meditation took a mind of it's own and got really heavy for a while. I almost felt like I wasn't in control, but yet everything still happened.
Love spells are just shadow work people refuse to do, and then make it a problem for everyone else.

Official Dumb Old Ghost Wrangler TM
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