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Advent Day 24 - Ancestral Connections

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2023 8:09 pm
by ysabeau

A Cryptmas Advent Calendar

It's the time of the year when the days grow cold and the nights get dark. Where you find yourself bundled up to get cozy for the winter. On this advent calendar, we are focusing on the connections with our companions and loved ones around us. You can do each activity out of order, skip some, or do all of them. Whatever draws you in, allow those creative and comforting energies to flow. This is a time of friends and family, those that we want around us. Bring your companions along!

Day Twenty-Four

Day Twenty Four is the final day in the Advent Calendar. Today is a day of celebrating with your ancestors. Family is more than blood. It is the spirit of being connected with one another. You can choose your family, and you can choose the ancestors that choose you. Take today to connect with your ancestors, be it human or demon or some other. Welcome in those that want to support you and be a part of your family, guiding and giving love.

Feel free to post below to share your experiences! Make sure to journal them as well if you want to keep track of your manifestations and experiences.

You can skip this one or you can do it later on if you will or you can do it multiple times.

Re: Advent Day 24 - Ancestral Connections

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2023 9:06 pm
by Wynd Runner
From the information starting this ". . . You can choose your family, and you can choose the ancestors that choose you. Take today to connect with your ancestors, be it human or demon or some other. Welcome in those that want to support you and be a part of your family, guiding and giving love . . ."

The holidays are great for some and hard for others. I am one who has challenges with the christmas holiday due to family.

I spent today, christmas, with my wife Nighthawk, our companions, and Gizmo our pet bun. I guess one could say I have cobbled together and created the family I never had.

Nighthawk and I went out to dinner for christmas, and I spent time holding Gizmo when we got back. The entire day, one way or another, was spent with my companions. It was a wonderful day. :devilgrin:


Re: Advent Day 24 - Ancestral Connections

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2024 4:06 pm
by Kore Serpens
**I joined SnS looking for my very first demon that I invited to join as a member of my family over a decade ago. I don’t have a connection with my physical family for many reasons. And I was seeking that kind bond, that kind of commitment. My spiritual family has since ballooned. But they have been very focused with assisting me in my reconnection and healing with my Ancestral Daeva and excavating other ancestors and revitalizing our bonds.

This Christmas was really unusual. I actually never used to celebrate Christmas until my demons opened my mind and heart to it and the idea of simply celebrating because it is the Season to celebrate. Why not enjoy the lights and good food, wine, and long walks in the snow? So it’s become a time of gratitude, enjoying winters snow and cold, the darkness that I love and celebrating myself as well because my birthday falls right after Xmas.
Normally it is spent with my partner and my demons/daeva and companion animals and my demons tend to quite an integral part of any events because I really do consider them my closest family… my only family, other then my partner.

This year was different. The silence of my companions was noticeable. And it became a weight as Xmas passed, Boxing Day, and then my birthday. I ended up really grieving their apparent absence.
The flip side of that is my Daeva was unusually active. My sense of twin-energies, of reconnecting, becoming one and balancing our energies AND my inner child coming forth and our hearts connecting. :grouphug: I watched her connect with my dark inner child. I witnessed their reunion which I’m experiencing as well via our twin energies. This merging is a reawakening and I’m feeling such a healing, my heart opening up, with such joy at my inner self revealing itself.

I have regarded my companions as such intimate aspects of my self, my life. And in the destructive aftermath of my physical family I looked to them as my family. They have taught me so much this year, re trusting them in assisting me with opening up inner spiritual connections, the spiritual family that I didn’t know that I had and really did not know how to reintegrate with in a positive fashion. They gave me the time I needed, sacred time, to just be alone and play, and be quiet, and be whatever was needed.

It was a very sacred and quiet time that I will treasure for a very long time.

And I would like to Thank Ysabeau for the absolutely amazing creative talent to come up with all these Advent ideas …. Which, the more I do the more I enjoy. Thank you Ysabeau. You really are a dark blessing to this whole community. :devillove: