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Advent Day 23 - Tarot Card Reading

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2023 10:14 am
by ysabeau


Halloween Advent Calendar

Day Twenty-Three

For day 23 we will be connecting with our companion to do a tarot card reading.

As the veil thins it is a perfect time to reflect and get clearer messages from the other side. Today we will invite our companion(s) of choice to join us for a tarot reading. Feel free to decide on some questions beforehand or keep it general if you wish. Pick your tarot card deck of choice and if you don’t have a deck you can substitute with any other preferred means of divination that you have instead.

Divination is an ancient way of communing and receiving messages that has been around for many generations. There are many ways to do it. When you are ready invite your companion(s) to join you for a divination session. Ask them to communicate through your chosen method whether it is tarot cards, pendulum, runes, or something else. Take a moment to take three breaths and connect to the energy of your companions and the cards. Feel free to utilize your preferred method of connection. When ready ask for guidance from your companions(s) as well as any messages they wish to share. You can choose to do a general reading, a message they wish to share, or something specific you are thinking of, it’s your choice. Interpret the cards with them and use this time to connect through this medium see what clues are revealed in what you pick.

Share your experience of divination with your companion(s) as well as any messages you received (if you are comfortable sharing).

Re: Advent Day 23 - Tarot Card Reading

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2023 3:06 am
by karenwpi
Thanks for this exercise! My dice are really fun and give comprehensive divination information. Usually they show where the person sits today, where they are going next & what stands in the way or that is helpful.

The pollution where I live is an atrocity and criminal. I have been climbing up out of extreme poverty and finally finally finally after Years no longer living paycheck to paycheck. This means an ability to pull the household together & leave. Which always costs money.

The tragedy of my situation is real & the relief was profound as the Yes, we will leave by springtime answer came. Shed a few hot tears.


Re: Advent Day 23 - Tarot Card Reading

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 6:37 am
by Astarosche
I invited my Abyssal Angel Kataron to support me for this divination oracle card reading.
I like this dark mirror oracle cards, it is as well shadow work. My companion is an expert in shadow work.
There are some useful insights.

Re: Advent Day 23 - Tarot Card Reading

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2023 12:58 am
by Vackra
I love doing tarot readings (and oracle too!) as I think they are so much fun and there are so many beautiful decks out there.

For this advent day, I chose to do this with Void Lord Phantom. I asked him to join me, then asked if he would like to give me a message. I felt the desire to pull three cards, and I pulled:

Two of Cups || Lovers || Ten of Cups

His message spoke of our relationship together and our mutual love for one another. It made me feel all soft and mushy and happy inside haha.