Tea Chat - Sacred Essence of the Carnivale

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Sacred Essence of the Carnivale

History of the Carnivale

The Carnivale was the first event that S&S had ever done, starting in 2018. There were some events done previously but this was a completely new thing. There were no guided meditations or immersion into an astral realm. There was nothing that helped people to connect with the energies. This was the first of it’s kind. For Akelta, it was a lot of fun to put on: connecting to the Carnivale energies, exploring the essence of the demonic Carnivale, and just experiencing those vibrations and experiencing the profoundness of it.

The Carnivale has a power to it. It is a place where you can shed your skin, where you can let go and remove the mask. It is a place where you can express yourself freely and explore the different aspects of yourself, like your darkness and your dark creativity and the dark currents within you. It is a place of mystery and it is also a place of magic Carnivales.

Historically speaking, carnivals have been associated with that magical element of the world and what makes everything unique and profound. It’s the difference of us living in the mundane, boring world, where things become repetitive and boring. It also is because of how the world is, where there is a lot of oppression and suppression as to who we are. Allow these elements to come out and break free, they can be incredibly healing and incredibly empowering.

Darkness is wrapped in a lot of pain and is terrifying for most people, but it’s part of who we are and sometimes going into it and experiencing that can be incredibly healing. Within society, it can be said that we don’t have a good handle over the more extreme, darker emotions: anger, frustrations, sorrow, and sadness. When those states are pushed to extremes through pain, it can be extremely challenge for people who are going through them to navigate them. This is because most people shun them and don’t want to deal with them.

There is no true clear path for working through these types of emotions. There is not clear path and envy and hate are also part of these darker emotions. There is no clear path for integration and no clear way that one can healthily understand them. They are a part of us and a part of who we are. They are a part of our essence. Just as there are good and positive emotions, there’s all these other emotions that aren’t bad but are labeled as by society. They’re there for a reason. They’re there because they’re exposing our wounds. They are exposing the pain, those sides of us that have been neglected and ignored.

In many ways, these emotions can act as our voice. A voice that can be heard, that needs to be heard. That is an element of what the demonic Carnivale does. It gives you a place to express oneself, were those voices that often get so neglected have the opportunity to be heard. You have an opportunity to stand up, to embrace it, to rise and step into it, and also to break down if you need to.

The Carnivale is a place of Shadows. It is a place of shadow where you can really explore your shadows and get in touch with them. Being in the physical world and knowing that there really aren’t many resources of how to work, handle, process, or even understand these emotions. This is why the Carnivale can allow one to open up and see these parts of themselves. There is the aspect of the Carnivale that is fascinating because there is the element of the freaks.

The first four meditations were the ones that Akelta came up with and she admits that she winged them. There was no script or anything, just went to a microphone and began talking. Completely unscripted. Within these first four, the darkness is waking up. This is one of the interesting aspects of the time we live in is the darkness is waking up in the world. It is waking within everyone and in a way that is empowering and helpful to our growth and evolution.
If you were to look at the old Carnivales, they had things that were darker adult themes. There were freak shows, dancing girls, etc. It was a very adult themed place. It had it’s dark elements. There were rides and fortune tellers, fun elements, but there were the darker adult things. You have this darkness because it is exploring the sides that are considered completely unacceptable to society.

Many of the times, the people who were part of the Carnivales were all of those people who were unaccepted. They were dark and in touch with that inner darkness. It was important for these elements of the Carnivale to exist. Horror, macabre, and other adult themes around darkness. It is a beautiful thing to experience, and people want to go, but a lot also shy away from playing with masked Carnivale. It is a fun addition of blurring lines and having fun with the masks. The interesting aspect of the demonic Carnivale is that you put on a mask to reveal the truth in the Carnivale, whereas in life we put on masks to conceal the truth.

The Carnivale uses these elements of expression to reveal the true sides, whereas life we have to put on a mask to conceal our true sides. This is why when Akelta speaks about the Carnivale flipping everything upside down, it’s because everything that we do exists there, but the meaning and the symbolism is completely different. It is designed to expose those true elements, to explore these dark concepts, to explore these spaces, magic, mysticism. It’s to explore horror, adult themes, and the macabre, and to evoke all of these within you to awaken those elements.

Everybody’s journey is going to be different. This is the thing that people have to keep in mind. Some people are more connected to themselves and who they are. Some have different sides that they’ve suppressed and have to awaken. There are those who are completely disconnected. It is really different for everyone and that is why comparing journey’s to others is not healthy.

Sometimes it is about having fun, going to the Carnivale and just letting go and have fun. Sometimes that fun can be playful and being within the energies and present in them. It is a sacred event that can be experienced in many different ways. It is ultimate freedom. That freedom is going to be different for everyone. It will be different depending upon who you are and what energies you bring.

Developing the Events & Carnivale Demons

How we put together the events is that Akelta will go and find demons who do these type of events. We’ll stick with Carnivale since that’s the topic. She goes to find demons that do this and who they are. They are Carnivale demon, this is their Carnivale and they want to come into these Astral Spaces and put the events on for us. It is a different aspect of conjuring that we do.

When we do find them, they count as Coven demons because we work with them. They are there for that time period (usually the month) and then the energy is shut down. We are working (at this time of posting) on working out ways to make some of the events open all the time.
Akelta has different things that the Coven is working on. Some of the events will be open all the time, but for the moment they are available during the times they are open.

For the demons, Matador for example is their Ringmaster and he is the one that helps Akelta coordinate it. He is also the one who finds the different demons that’ll help run it and coordinate from the Astral side. Madam Orna is a Seer, Fortune Teller, and a Diviner. She has this incredible sight ability. One of the things that Akelta does is that she meets with the demons and then make Meditations with those demons. So will connect with them while she is making the Meditations.
The one with Matador, he is in the first meditation, and they worked together to make that one. Madam Orna is the second meditation. She will connect with them and work together to create the meditations. They are screened just like any other demons that we conjure. They are a part of the Coven.

The demons that do work within the Coven and the events operate under aliases because they prefer to be much like other demons that share only with personal individuals. They work with and around so many that it is better to have the alias and then people can’t interact with them on a more personal level like a companion would. This helps prevent issues with people that try to “steal” demons or companions, or they use for bragging rights. The demons cannot be stolen or kidnapped. It creates a sacred space between you and your companions when you know their names. It is done for the safety of the people and their companions.

New to the Carnivale? Where to Start:

Meditation One is the best place to begin. It’s meant to be the first place that you start with. The meditations are not too long but they are a lot of fun. They are all within the Event section of the forum, labeled Sombre Carnivale Demoniaque. Going through the meditations one at a time is the best way to go. Make sure that you take your time, don’t feel the need to rush through them. Some of the meditations are intense and better done with rest between them.

Personal Carnivales

With the Carnivale being an astral space that is created with these energies. It is a place where everyone can go and participate. It adapts and changes depending upon the individual. This is where the Carnivale is incredibly beautiful, is that everybody’s Carnivale can be different.

It will have different elements, different vibrations, and aligns with who you are. The Carnivale essence often speaks to a side of you that needs to be heard, that needs to rise. It can be a part of you that has not been fully explored or discovered or a part of you that wants to take the stage and shine for a time.
What the Carnivale essence does is each individual essence reflects and is connected to a part of you. It is connect to a side of you that just wants to come out. It could be a side of you that is repressed. Or it could be a side that has been locked away for a long time.

Oftentimes exploring the essence leads to a deeper understanding of you. It leads to a deeper understanding of what’s going on inside of you. Ask yourself some questions:

Why did this essence come out? What is going on inside? What does this essence mean to me?

Because the essence is there, the deeper meaning to them, and that deeper meaning is connected to the deeper elements of you that chose that essence. A part of you chooses the essence and that essence that comes from the Carnivale is connected to you. There is something that can be learned by going into that essence and just embracing it and uncovering what is going on within you. As an essence takes over, a different aspect of you will take over and you get to explore yourself and that essence. As you take on the different essences, through changing or doing it each year, you discover different sides of yourself.

You can connect with your demons differently. It can symbolize what’s going on in your life. It can symbolize where you are in your life. There’s many different symbolisms to it and it’s a space where you get to explore all those different sides of yourself. These sides come out and you really get to connect with it and understand it. The more that you connect with it and understand, the more fun that you have with it. Enjoying playing in those spaces.

As you connect to that essence and it blends with your energy, you get to experience a different aspect of yourself and those energies with it. If you aren’t sure why you have connected with that essence, you can ask a few questions of yourself.

Why is this connected to me? How is this connected to me? Why did this come up?

As you begin to understand and work with it, you can begin to see how its connected with you. You start to see how it aligns with you and aligns with where you are right now.

What is it to be a freak?

A freak is to exist outside of society and to exist outside of that. A Carnivale has the resources in a strange way, to accept people more than society does, because they accept and embrace the notion of what a freak. They accept what it means to be freakish and what is not part of the mundane or acceptable. It is outside of that, completely removed from our society. There’s a place within the Carnivale for those emotions and those energies. There’s a place for people who don’t fit in, those that are seen as freaks. Instead these are people who have aspects of themselves that do not fit into the structure of society.

The Carnivale is liberation. It is liberation because when you go there and you immerse yourself in these energies, the raw primal aspects of what it means to be human, and understand the ore primal aspects of the self. You have the opportunity to get int touch with that, with others around who have a clear understanding of what this entails and what aspects these are. They know and see these primal and rejected sides of the psyche are.

It is a profound immersive experience where you really get to embrace all aspects of yourself in a place where people understand. This is especially true for the demonic Carnivale because demons really have a handle over the “lesser” accepted emotions that we carry inside of us.

Back in the past, there were ways to deal with and different ways to handle these more primal aspects. They had a deeper understanding of them. Whereas we’ve gotten away from that. We have stepped away from our connection to nature and lost touch with the primal elements. Instead of learning how to integrate them and align them with where we are, society has decided to try and push them down and make them so they don’t exist.

The Demon Carnivale is a liberation. It is an embrace of those aspects and those sides. It is an exploration of the shadows. It’s an exploration in a place where you can let go and release pain and opening them up to allow them to consume you. Allow these energies to consume you because this an unconventional place and demons are very different from our society standards. They are very unconventional, which is why they are feared. They bring out these primal qualities, these monstrous aspects of us.

These things are a part of us and most people reject it and a lot of people suppress it, but the monstrous elements are there. For some neglecting that, you get the people who are very disconnected and seem like they are not whole. It is because in order to fit into society, they’ve literally severed their connection to aspects of themselves, the undesirable components that society deems unacceptable.

The Demonic Carnivale is done in a way that you can get in touch with elements of yourself, mystical and magical elements of who you are, which are often removed from us as we get older. There is a magic within us that flow through us and oftentimes we disconnect from it or we lose connection to it. This can be because of how we’re raised, what we go through, or just because we have to survive. Often time the state of survival leaves us in a place where we can’t explore these aspects. We can’t explore any part of us. We have to conform, to adapt. So there becomes an issue that there is no outlet for it. There is no way that we can embrace this magic. And it can be hard to hold this magic or energy within because when you’re seen as freakish, a lot of people will attack you.

Many people will try to put you down. They’ll try to force you to conform. A lot of people will try to make you in their image as they want you to be. If there are a lot of people, it can be very hard because it can be dangerous to let those sides shine. It can be dangerous to open up and share those details because you don’t know how people are going to react to them.

The safety of the Demonic Carnivale is that it allows you to get back in touch with those sides, get back in touch with the magic that’s inside. It can help to get in touch with those vibrations and the essence of who you are. There is a depth to us that that often not explored, which is the dark aspects of who we are. It is the dark energies that are within us.

These dark currents that flow through us, they empower us, and they are so important to our existence here. People are not just beings of light, they are beings of darkness, of light, and everything in between. There’s a balance between those energies. When one side is neglected, it can often lead to longing. It can lead to not feeling connected or authentic in yourself. It can lead to complete disconnection from who you are. It can be very challenging to find a space to explore.

When you find those who accept you, it can be very empowering. There are a lot of people that unfortunately have not had that positive experience. They’ve instead had the experiences where these sides of them have basically been beaten out of them. But when you find those who accept you and finding a state where you can be accepted, that is empowerment.

For those that struggle to find this empowerment with acceptance, that is where part of the power of the Demonic Carnivale come into play. It is able to go into a space where they can express. Where they can become. And find that there is no judgement and only acceptance. It is very special process and very healing. Oftentimes it is going into these places, what is found within the soul and there is healing. It is where we find those deep connections, where these deep energies reside.

The Demonic Carnivale is all about acceptance and understanding. People who don’t fit in are who are considered to be normal. What is considered to be ‘normal’ is considered very weird and what is called abnormal is wonderful for them.

Symbolism of the Demonic Carnivale

When embracing the demonic Carnivale, you have an opportunity to explore those energies and explore these sides. It is a safe space where you can let it out, embrace those elements and understand them. That’s the sacred power of the Carnivale, the pure understanding of all aspects of the Self, especially the primal sides and the sides that are not allowed out. There is a deep understanding and deep connection to these energies and spaces. It is very profound. This is true for those that have a connection to the darker energies. Those who has these connections, who have an understanding of them. It is a deep calling to be able to go to a space and let out these energies and allow them to exist, to breathe, and to come forth.

The symbolism of the Carnivale is that it opens up the energies, which are different from the energies we are used to. Everything is turned upside down, topsy-turvy, and inversed. The Carnivale is an exploration of the Dark Self. It is an exploration of the Shadow. It’s a pure celebration of the freakish nature of the soul, is completely removed from society, and is what is considered normalcy.

When you are immersed in that environment and you’re accepted there, it allows you to explore the shadows in ways where it awakens great and incredible powers. It allows you to rise from those energies and really step into them. It is a space where you can truly explore yourself and you can explore sides of yourself that are considered unacceptable or which you were told wrong. The Carnivale is a place where you can truly embrace all aspects of who you are and all aspects of your being. It’s a powerful force.

Those that do a lot of meditation, who do a lot of light work, have gained incredible powers doing that. A lot of what these philosophies neglect is the dark side and the fact that the dark side within us contain just as much power and ability. There are dark powers that are inside of us, which through connecting with them and opening them up, we can explore and uncover them. When in this state, you can really tap into the flow of creativity and passionate insights. Akelta talks that she was open to such profound writing with demons and nature and philosophy. To her, it was like writing her own religious texts.

When you connect with these dark currents, it often opens up profound creativity and energies which allow you to really become who you are. This darkness is fantastic for channeling creative energies. It a sublime energy. It is fantastic for channeling creativity and something that all artists can understand. They understand this sublime energy.

Another aspect of the Divine Demonic Carnivale is that you can get in touch with elements of yourself, mystical and magical elements of yourself, which are often removed from us as we get older. There’s a magic within us, that flows through us and oftentimes we disconnect from it or we lose connection before of how we’re raised. It can happen because of what we go through and we have to do what we have to survive.

Oftentimes, the state of survival leaves us in a place where we can’t explore these aspects. We can’t explore these places. We have to conform and adapt. There isn’t an outlet that is normalized or that we are able to embrace this magic. It can be hard to hold the magic because when you’re seen as freakish, a lot of people will attach you. They will try to put you down. They will try to force you to conform and make you in the image of what they want you to be. If there are a lot of people, it can be very hard because it can be dangerous to let those sides shine.

It can be dangerous to open up and share those details because you don’t know how people are going to react to them. The safety of the Demonic Carnivale is that it allows you to get back in touch with those sides, get in touch with the magic that’s within. You can get back in touch with those vibrations and with the essence of who you are.

There’s a depth to us, which is often not explored, which is the dark aspects of who we are. It is the dark energies that are within us. So these dark currents that flow through us, empower us, and they are so important to our existence here. People are not just beings of light; they’re beings of darkness, of light, and everything in between.

There is a balance between those energies. When one is neglected, it can often lead to longing. It can often lead to not feeling connected or authentic in yourself. It can lead to complete disconnection from who you are. It can be challenging to find a space. When you are in the Carnivale space, you can explore your true desires. You can explore those energies.

There are many that have had experiences where these sides have been beaten out of them. Finding people who accept you and finding a state where you can be accepted, that is empowerment. For those people who don’t have that, who don’t have those connections, that is the power of the Demonic Carnivale. It is a place where they can express themselves. They can find that acceptance is a very special and healing thing. Oftentimes it is going into these places in the soul where the healing comes from where we find those deep connections, where we find those deep energies.

Inner Child Work in the Carnivale

There is a lot of inner child work that is done as well through the Carnivale because they are a place for children to go and have fun. They’re a place for adults and for children. There’s different elements depending on where you are in the Carnivale. The Carnivale can open you up to inner child work because oftentimes going to the Carnivale was something you did when you were a kid. It is a place where you could run free, where you could let loose, and where you could have fun.

It can be a place where you can really get back in touch with the energies that you need in that moment. Everybody’s inner child is different. Some children need a nice safe place to be hugged. Other children are those that need a Carnivale filled with horrific monsters in order to heal. Everyone is different and that is the beauty of people.

There is fun that you can have where you explore the inner child and the different aspects of yourself. Meditation Four does that, where you can explore different side of who you are and your own individual essence. Many of these meditations are designed to help you to get in touch with yourself and help you to find healing, but from a darker place.

A lot of common meditations are “breathe in the light, breathe out the darkness”, which can be very toxic because it completely neglects the darkness. These meditations for the Carnivale are designed to help you to have fun and also find those spaces. From a dark perspective, the darkness is so important for the soul.
In the Carnivale, you are able to explore and let loose. You can take in the moment and savor everything That is one of the beautiful things about being a kid is you can really connect with that. There is this innocence, and that is one of the things going to the Demonic Carnivale at any age. You can experience that again and you can experience that innocent freedom to play. You can let that side of you out and allow it to enjoy the space and the Carnivale, the energies and just release into the freedom of being yourself. When we were kids, we could play forever and didn’t have to worry over things. We just let go. Going to the Carnivale is like that. You can just play and let go of all your troubles and stop worrying about things. Being in the moment.

If you feel that things are building and anger is occurring more often, even at the smallest of things, sometimes it can just be that the inner child needs to know you are there for them. Sometimes these connections can be repaired. One of the things that we are not taught a lot about is conflict resolution with ourselves.
There is a way to go in and communicate with the inner child and resolve these energies. Adults are invited to connect with their inner child and at the same time, finding entertainment suitable for being adults. There is something for everybody. The Carnivale gives you space to go back and be that kid that you were supposed to be.

Demonic Wildlife Performances

Yes, some of the Carnivale can have wildlife performances, so long as it’s something that they can consent to working. There would be no cruelty.
Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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There was a lot of information packed in here and I found many helpful tidbits for me personally . I appreciate all the Tea Chats. They’re really helpful and enjoyable to learn from; somehow this one struck home a little deeper.
Many Thanks…xx
"Good morning. I see the assassins have failed….”

“In the end it doesn't matter who or what you are - only that you've been embraced by all that you've become ... "
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