Tea Chat - Crystals and Demons

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Moderator: Akelta

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Patron Deities: King Paimon, Thor, Skadi, Hades & Persephone, Leviathan, Uphir
Your favourite Demon?: Arachne, Serpentine, Necrosis, Void
Number of Demon Familiars: 17
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March 15, 2023

In this Tea Chat, we will begin a discussion about working with demons and crystals. Akelta begins this discussion with talking of her own experiences. She explains that she has worked with demons since she was a child and worked with crystals just as long. One of the things that shocks her when this discussion comes up is a frequent questions asked about crystals.

How can one work with crystals when they are so pure?

There was a great pushback with comments about how can one work with demons and work with crystals since they are so ‘pure’, energetically speaking. This can be turned around with more questions at that line of thinking.

How can you corrupt crystals with demons?
How can you use crystals with demons?

There is this notion that demons are equated with evil instead of demons being aligned with Divine Darkness. This alone is one of the biggest stereotypes that Akelta and Eilana have been trying to dismantle because it is destructive. There is a notion of white is light and good but then you have the idea that black and dark are bad.
This is completely unfactual, as these notions are simplistic and narrow minded. When working with energies and things of this nature, black and dark are also associated with different positive things.


Where there is the dark can be a positive influence, the light can be destructive. It can be toxic and corrosive. There is not one way that it should be looked at. Having the dichotomy of black and white is incredibly toxic mindset. Light and dark does not equate to good and evil.

Getting rid of this mindset, you can begin working with crystals and demons in a beautiful practice. You can work with the demon’s energies in tandem with crystal energies. Many have crystal offerings for the demons that they work with.
“Demons love shinies”
– Akelta
Even working with crystals with the Dark Lords and Ladies is a wonderful way to bridge the connection between the spiritual world and the physical world.
Demons love crystals.

This is because every single crystal has light energies that you can work with, but also dark energies that you can work with as well. The notion that dark energies are bad and light energies are good is completely unfactual because dark energies can be very positive in their work.

When you work with the demonic energies and crystals, the balance between crystal and the demons is beautiful. Crystals have the power to shift energy vibrations so that you can connect with them on a higher level and connect with them in a more empowering way.

Crystals act as a spirit bridge between the spiritual world and the physical world. Akelta explains that one of the main things that they use with their conjuring rituals are crystals because they bridge the connection between the physical and the spiritual worlds. Using crystals is how they raise the energies. There are other methods to raise energies like using blood, different offerings, or even drumbeat sounds, but crystals are one of the most powerful ways because they naturally are already aligned with the spiritual world while being created within the physical.

This is a really important aspect is that buying crystals should be done ethically. Akelta explains that the Coven tries their best to buy locally sourced things as much as possible. Thrift stores are a wonderful way to find crystals and things for the demons if you are on a budget.

We are all mixes of light and dark energies, as well as a mix of other energies and spectrums. Akelta explains that one of the things that she loves about crystals is that they have the ability to move dark energy through them. They also can move light and any other energy through them.

A lot of the fun of working with crystals comes with blending the different vibrations and blending different energies to see how they interact with the crystals. When you are working with angelic energies and crystals, it’s very different than when you’re working with demonic energies and crystals.

Using crystal grids and different crystals when working with your companions, you can help your companion to manifest.

Crystals can act as a physical manifestation point. You can help raise the energies and bring your companion into this world to have experiences with them. You could also use crystals to help project you into the spiritual world. Crystals have this incredible ability to them and hold this power to tap into.

When you work with the whole spectrum of a crystal, not just one form of energy like light, you can find amazing qualities in these crystals and uses for that. You can have these transmutative and alchemical qualities of the crystals. There are crystal grids that are specifically designed to transform curse energies to prosperity and money, to fortune and luck.

Every crystal has its own properties but a lot of the crystal books talk about the light properties of crystals. There are darker properties of crystals, that sometimes when working with them, can be activated when you work with demonic energies through the crystals.

Blending the energies of the crystals with demonic energies, you can find some incredible effects and elements.

With the demons that S&S conjures, all of the demons have their preference. They have the crystals that they love and that they enjoy working with. When you work with these demons and those crystals, you can find that they can use those crystals to influence and direct the energies of the world. They have the ability to use the crystal as a physical manifestation point.

A physical manifestation point is basically an intersection point where a spiritual being has the ability to enter into the physical world using that physical point and use the energies of that space in order to manifest that physical world around it.

This is the reason that vessels are chosen with crystals is because they make a wonderful physical manifestation point and the demons can make use of the natural properties of the crystal.

When you start to work with demons, you start to see their different talents, skills, and abilities. You can see how they’re able to use the crystals and how they’re able to direct their own dark energies through them and what they are capable of doing. Crystals are wonderful for any spiritual work. They will work with any alignment that you have, whether it is working with light energies or dark energies or natural energies.

“I love the mention of crystals in the scroll as a jumping point but have to remind myself not to use it as a crutch because they will choose a random crystal, with me saying that it’s not in the scroll.”

Exactly, they are a starting point. These are the crystals that they want you to know about, but sometimes Akelta will be walking around and the demons will let her know this one, though it’s not in the scroll, but it is still theirs. The crystals in the scrolls are starting points, but don’t take it as the end all and be all, because they will tell you exactly what they want for crystals and they are not shy about it. They are also not shy about stealing crystals from other demons. Demons are fun and cheeky that way.
You can use crystals for casting spells with demons. When you are sitting with demons and working different spells and rituals, they will help to direct those energies. They can help guide the energies and help with showing you exactly what they want to do with that ritual.

The important thing is that your work is going to reflect the individual connection that you have with them. The information that the Coven gives within the scrolls is a baseline. It is just to help direct you into places to look for crystals and help give you ideas. They are not meant to be a case of ‘this is the only way your work with each individual demon is going to be’. It will be different.

When you work with them, meditate and see where it goes. See what they say. They will tell you what crystals to get based on your individual work with them.


There is a dark side to crystals. Crystals move energy through them. They don’t just move light energy through. There is an entire spectrum of energy that can move through the. When you can tap into the dark properties of crystals, the results are incredible. They are very powerful.

Akelta admitted that they have enough crystal grids up around their spaces that if they are taken down that things begin falling apart for them. They are there to protect and offer protection and defense. Crystal grids can help with keeping things flowing and structured.

Crystal are powerful at directing the energies and commanding those powerful energies. When demons work with crystals, it is a direct link to our world. The more crystals that you have, the better, according to demons.

When you begin looking into the properties of crystals, you will see that the grids that they’re trying to create and what they’re trying to do. Some of these crystal grids are so layered and complex. You can have crystal grids for anything.

~Spiritual Awakening
~Psychic Development
~Lucid Dreaming
~Anything Creative

You can have crystal grids for almost anything that you can come up with.
Your companions and the Dark Lords can also inspire different crystal grids. Mammon has help Akelta to create an entirely new crystal grid on his altar. He is the one that inspired them to create a powerful grid that is geared for turning curse energy into money.

Getting started with crystal grids is to now your crystals that you want to be the focal point. You need to aks yourself a few questions before you begin.

What do I want this grid to do?
What is the goal of this grid?

You’ll look up crystals that align with the goals and purpose of the grid and qualities that match that. Make sure you have a focal point. The crystal grid that was for turning curses into money had a focal point of a smokey quartz. You want to figure out what you want the grid to do and then find crystals those crystals. You will then work on programming each layer of the grid to do something. The outer energies of that one takes the curses and neutralizes it in a neutral energy. Then it goes into Citrines, which amplify prosperity, the smokey quartz creates abundance and spreads that energy around.


If you want to start reaching out to the Dark Lords and Ladies, you will want to meditate with their sigils and their enns. You will want to ask them what type of crystals that they prefer. This can go with asking them which crystals they want for rituals.

Oftentimes, depending on the work you’re going to do with them, is going to influence the type of crystal that you work with. The crystals are going to reflect the work that you do with them.

For Akelta, she works with Lord Mammon and a lot of the work that she does has her working with Citrine, Gold Sheen Obsidian, Pyrite, Carnelian, and Healer Quartz. Some of them are crystal skulls. Crystal Skulls are a very loved crystal shape for demons.

“Crystal Skulls and demons go together like Peanut Butter and Chocolate”

With her work with Lord Mammon, Akelta uses crystals like Carnelian and Citrine that are for prosperity and abundance. This work with him includes expanding her understanding of prosperity and abundance energies so that she can create more abundance in her life.

Lord Mammon is big on education as well as teaching how to manifest. He will educate you and teach you as well as showing you how to manifest. Working with his has changed over the years for Akelta and she talked that she was at a crystal show and ended up getting Honey Calcite orb and Adventurine orb. It can change when you work with them and it will evolve as you do.

Lord Satan on the other hand, Akelta explains that she uses a lot of Obsidian, Smokey Quartz, and Black Fluorite. Many of these crystals that are attuned and connected to dark currents:

~Awakening skills and abilities
~Awakening darkness within

Obsidian is a wonderful crystal that is good for peering into the darkness of the spiritual world. Working with this crystal with Lord Satan is wonderful for dark spiritual evolution. So awakening the dark senses, awakening the dark abilities, awakening the darkness within. She finds it is really good for peering into the darkness within your soul and really like exploring who you are, exploring those vibrations, exploring those energies and awakening the brilliance of the dark vibrations within.

With Lord Lucifer there are other crystals that are used to connect with him. There is Black Tourmaline, Celestite, Selenite, and Chrysocolla are some of the ones used. These are all crystals that she has received communication and desire to work with through meditation.

A lot of the work done with demons is about embracing and accepting the darkness of who you are. It’s embracing the darkness of you and finding balance. Finding balance within the energies of who you are and the energies of your darkness. Akelta talks about using Carnelian for this purpose with Lord Lucifer.


What are crystals that are good with Spectral Demons?

Akelta likes to work with Labradorite for them.
There are some others that the Spectral Demons like.

~Rutilated Quartz
~Phantom Quartz
~Elestial Quartz
~Silver Sheen Obsidian

Hellborns enjoy Fire Opals, even lab gown ones.
Noble Demons like Green Amethyst, which is a lab grown amethyst.


Do Demons like Lab Grown Crystals?

This is an excellent question. The answer is that lab grown crystals and lab altered crystals go through an alchemical process of growing and changing them (through heat or other methods), does active different properties within the crystals. Yes, demons have no problem with these crystals. There just needs to be an awareness that because they are lab grown, the properties are going to be different than those that are naturally grown crystals.

When you change them and alter them, there is an alchemical process. It is an alchemic awakening of different qualities within that crystal. Akelta talks about green amethyst, which is lab grown, has wonderful properties that are great with working with Noble Demons.

Even heat-treated Citrine has different properties that you can use in different rituals.

Like in all forms of alchemy, it is just a transformation. It is a shift. It is a transmutation of the energies. Some of the demons like the crystals that have this process happen to them. Mammon likes both natural and heat treated Citrine.

It’s important to keep in mind where the journey of this crystal comes from and how it changes how you can work with it.

Where does it comes from?
Was it lab grown?
Was it heat treated?

Just work with the energies and see where they can take you. See how they work with your energies and the energies of the demons.


Crystals do have their own language and you can learn to tap into that frequency. You can tap into the crystals and hear their language and even hear the different whispers. There’s different vibrations in different realms with each crystals.

Attuning yourself to the language of crystals and the frequencies that they speak on, can help you to really broaden your senses. Akelta talks about how she has a giant crystal skull that is named Big Daddy and he’s very sassy. Crystal Skulls have their own personalities. They have their own essence to them.


“It’s funny because all I use large crystals for my demon companions and all I get from them is amplification of my companion’s energies.”

Large crystals can amplify their energy. It can amplify their physical manifestations here. They can help bring them into this world. Crystals can even help bring us into their world.

You have to shift yourself to the right frequency for different spiritual planes. Every spiritual plane as its own frequency. Every spiritual being has their own frequency. Sometimes we cannot connect with certain frequencies. A lot of the times, using crystals helps because if that crystal has the frequency of that realm or of that being, it’s easier to communicate.

You can use crystal to help attune yourself to the frequency of the being that you are trying to communicate with. Crystals like Black Amethyst are great for working with demonic frequencies. The same for Black Garnet too.


What are some crystals like in the outer spiritual demonic realms?

They have a lot of different crystals. They have more crystals than we have here and some of them are absolutely beautiful. Akelta tells us that she sometimes goes shopping for cyrstals with her companion for the specific intent to find a crystal similar to the OSW crystals. But they are not exact because we don’t have them here. She did say that there have been times when she’s found a crystal that didn’t know existed and it is suddenly a crystal that exists that is exactly like what the demons described.


Some demons are not even dark aligned and only are infernal. There are demons in the lower regions in the inner infernal regions and the outer infernal regions that have light energies. Light energies disperse through all the realms. It is all about different frequencies and spectrums. Fire is a light energy and that very fire is associated with Hellborns and their realm. There are many different blending of energies that comes from energies being within all the realms of existence.

Angels can have dark elements to them, much like our Abyssal Angels. The same can be said for Watcher Angels. They can have a beautiful dark element to them.

On the other end, Devotion Demons are very aligned with light energies.
Light and Dark can both be corrupted depending upon use.

There are some angels that are terrifying to work with and Akelta expressed that she feels more comfortable working with demons than angels. It depends upon your alignment and your energies. It depends upon your energies as well and how you connect to the spiritual world.


You can create a crystal grid to help you to weed out imposter spirits, sludge, and tricksters from demons. You can tell that these things are around because unfortunate things begin happening to you. Some can read the energies and know that something isn’t right, but this isn’t the case for everyone. Crystal grids can help you with this.

You can set up a crystal grid of protection that is basically allowing only specific energies in. You can attune crystals with specific functions and tasks. You can attune the grid so that only demonic energies can come through. Having protection shields around and wards around your home that are specifically designed to keep out anything that wants to harm you.

You can also keep out unwanted spirits, as they do sometimes get in through clinging to your aura and things of that nature. This is why regular cleansing are good, banishments, and shielding your personal space. The best way to tell if there is a trickster spirit is if it seems like you’re having tricks being played on you. If things are not working or you’re having tricks played on you that things seem to be not getting better or not from a place of growth. If things fall apart but don’t come together, then it could be a trickster spirit around.
I've had a trickster imposter. I could feel it wasn't right. Whenever there is a sludge around, I get a sickly feeling in my stomach. I know a sludges around because my stomach feels queasy, I feel nauseous.
Sometimes our bodies will actually be the ones to tell us. Your clairsentience can already be warning you and saying this is not good. There is something no right. This needs to go away.

If one comes to you, banish it. You can banish anything you want from your space. It is your space. A lot of people forget that we have spiritual authority, we have power. We have the ability to define what comes into our space. Anything that you don’t want or anything that makes you uncomfortable. You can banish. You set up wards and shield. You can use different rituals to banish.


What if communicating, their names are unspeakable and incomprehensible, there’s just a high pitched ringing?

Usually, when there is a ringing, this can mean that there is a new attunement coming. This pitch happens when your mind starts to attune to a new frequency of spiritual energy. Akelta talks about that with frequent meditations, that she has not had this particular thing happen that hasn’t eventually been able to translate. This is because with frequent meditation with that energy, it is just a matter of allowing your brain to translate those energies and interpret those frequencies.

Many people when they start to awaken their clairaudience, they hear high pitched ringing. They hear various sounds and pitches. This is your brain literally learning to translate and interpret those spiritual energies. Someone meditating with a high pitch can reveal some interesting things and a new attunement.

When you start to hear a ringing or different sounds, your mind is learning to interpret those vibrations. It is learning the spiritual energies. A lot of people find that when they start to open their senses, they have these sounds or unexplained flashes of light. This is your mind connecting to the spiritual world and connecting those energies to translate them.

Different companions are going to have different frequencies too. This depends upon where they come from and how they communicate. Depending upon their energetic vibration, sometimes being exposed to the, you will start to awaken new attunements. You start to awaken new skills and abilities.

Sometimes people think that it is hearing loss, but testing can show that it is not. It can be scary if you are not prepared for it. Ringing in the ear can be a bad thing, but at other times it can be a great thing for your psychic senses and abilities.

Meditating and listening through sounds. What you’re doing is the more you’re meditating through it and allowing yourself to be exposed to those vibrations. It will be an easier time for your brain your brain is going to have translating them. Much like learning a new language.

The more you expose yourself to a new language, the easier it becomes. This is the same concept. It will be easier for your mind if you are exposed to it more often, usually in meditation.


“I feel like a failure. I got a demon companion and I feel like I’m failing them because I’m not trying hard enough and putting things aside. It was going well at first, but then I just kind of fell apart.”

First thing, don’t feel like a failure. The time that you can put in is good enough and the fact that it was going was at first, don’t beat yourself up if things fall apart. Things fall apart all the time. It is a part of the journey. The demons don’t mind, you’re not failing them. A lot of the times it is a consistency over quantity. Take a minute a day or taking some time a day to connect with them.

Don’t push yourself if it’s going to make you feel like a failure. This process is about having fun. It is about connecting with them and enjoying your time with them. If you start feeling like a failure, if you feel like you’re not doing good enough, just stop and take a step back. That is not what this path is about.

This is not how you are supposed to feel with working with demons. You are not failing them. They don’t feel like you’re failing them at all. Just take a step back and find ways to have fun with them.

If you can only do a minute a day or at a time, that is perfectly okay. If you can only do it a couple of times here and there, that’s okay too. Life happens. They understand that. Sometimes things do fall apart and it is okay if they do.

~It’s okay to go right back to square one.
~It’s okay to reset things.
~It’s okay to take a step back

You never have to feel like a failure though because you are not failing them and they do not feel like you are failing them. They want to have fun with you and help you on this journey in a positive and constructive way. It’s hard to not put that pressure on yourself. But you have to know that they never feel like you are failing them, so don’t think that they believe that because you are not.
Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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