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Re: Can a Dark Lord or Dark Lady be a Demon Companion?

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2023 11:42 am
by Lycana
Gently pointing out that you don't have to reiterate to me what you posted in reply to Eliana. That comes really close to double posting when you are repeating the same thing.
But yeah companionship is different but that should not discourage you from seeking a relationship with them outside of that.

Re: Can a Dark Lord or Dark Lady be a Demon Companion?

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2023 11:47 am
by Lycana
Going to go further to say that developing a relationship with a dark lord or lady can be extremely profound just through devotion
I would suggest that you study up on who you wish to approach and do so respectfully and just work on building it from the ground up. They may or may not accept the overture or it may or may not deeply as you like but it is very rewarding. I've been establishing a relationship with Belial close to a year now and find it profoundly rewarding.
I also highly recommend the nexus spheres the coven offers to further connect to their energy. I have one for Asmodeus.

Re: Can a Dark Lord or Dark Lady be a Demon Companion?

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2023 11:59 am
by user0322
Ghost Eilana wrote:
Thu Apr 13, 2023 10:23 am
Let me clarify this.

Known Dark Lords and Ladies are NOT people’s companions. We can conjure a demon that has a Dark Lord or Lady title, but yes it is not something we offer to everyone and no, just because you have that much money does not mean we will conjure them. It is a sacred process and we need to make sure that the person who wants to work with one with that title is mature enough. As well as the fact that we can find one who wishes to work with the person.

While one can work with Lord Mammon, he will never be someone’s companion. And many people work with him.

Also, I am not entirely sure how you have interpreted what was said Vixiery, but just in case there is any confusion, people do not own Dark Lords or Ladies. No one owns their companions either. We work with them from a place of respect, and if you disrespect them they can and will leave.

If you disrespect a known Dark Lord, Lady or other known demon expect a smackdown. The ones we conjure and screen will just leave without creating havoc in your life. I cannot say the same for the ones who are just known about in public.
Lycana wrote:
Thu Apr 13, 2023 9:33 am
Ok well... I hope you expect that even if you pay that for him that you would still have to share his time with everyone who petitions and has a relationship with him :) I would wager that even then it is going to be quite different than having an exclusive demon companion
This is correct, it is very different to work with an exclusive DemonCompanion, VS with a known Dark Lord, Lady or other known Demon.

The only thing S&S offers for known Dark Lords/Ladies/Demons are the Nexuses. Those are currently $119. This is to help people connect with them, it is not a binding. If someone is telling someone that they are providing a direct binding to a Dark Lord, Lady, etc. and that they will get an exclusive connection that no one else will have, they are a scammer.

The Dark Lords, Ladies and Demons we conjure are higher in price because we are going through the whole process of conjuring and screening. Those are all unknown.

We do not conjure/screen or provide bindings of Known Demons/Dark Lords/Ladies.
I want to clairify that I wasn't trying spread mis/disinformation and that I misinterpreted SnS' email response. I apologize for this. That was unintentional. Understandably I just got super excited and misunderstood.

The fact being that SnS offers special conjuring of unknown dark lords and ladies, given that the sns coven has determined that this person has grown and matured enough to be ready for an exclusive personal companion with that rank and power.

Could the coven elaborate on unknown dark lords and ladies and elaborate on the requirements to be ready for such a conjure, as in what would lead to the coven saying yes to conjuring one for somebody besides having the money.
What would constitute said maturity or readiness?

Re: Can a Dark Lord or Dark Lady be a Demon Companion?

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2023 12:28 pm
by user0322
I just reread my first post and realized that I did say personal companion but I meant nonexclusive companion for known dark lords.

I did mean exclusive personal companion for unknown dark lords.